We all need to hear this message once in a while.
Who am I kidding?
We need to hear this every day.
Turn on your speakers and click on the image below:
Happy July 4th!
Ao Akua,
PS – The video clip is from the secret weekend. Aren’t they a happy bunch?
Nerissa just told me about a health site at www.healingfoodreference.com/
I found the mind-boggling amount of information there on health to be encyclopedic.
I also admired the fact that there were links to books and other sites all around the free information. This is the way to market online: Get people there for the content, and then offer them things to buy relevant to that content.
It worked on me.
I clicked on one of the links, for Truth Publishing, and got so excited by what I found that I dropped everything I was doing and instantly ordered several of their books.
Keep in mind that I didn’t go there to buy any books. I went there for the free content.
You’ll want at least one of the books I bought, too — the one called Spam Filters for Your Brain.
Is that a cool title or what?
Apparently the gent who wrote the book knows a few things about marketing and copywriting. Not only is he exposing big business manipulation methods (especially in the health field) in his book, but he’s using marketing methods to sell his book.
The title alone is a clue that he knows how to get attention.
And his website is a classic direct response model of persuasion.
Take a look at www.truthpublishing.com/SpamFilters.html
That site has all the elements of Hypnotic Writing: Great headline, graphic, bulleted points, fear motivation, bonus report if you buy now, etc.
I admire the author’s ability to sell a book against marketing by covertly using marketing methods to do so.
I’m sure he has no ill intent. In fact, that’s one of his points. He’s not the bad guy. It’s Big Business that uses these methods for evil; not you or me or the author.
Marketing is powerful, and it’s your choice on how you use it.
I vote that you use it for good, much like the author of Spam Filters For Your Brain.
His intent is to awaken, not control.
I say get his book.
Ao Akua,
PS — Top this: Pat O’Bryan and I came up with a product idea and released it in less than 24 hours. How’s that for my motto, “Money likes speed”? He did the website and scanned the product. I wrote the website and urged him to hurry up. The site is now live at www.PsychicDemand.com You should take a look. It reveals a method more powerful than the power of intention. And intention is pretty powerful. Besides, the site was created by two marketers trying to get into your brain and manipulate you, almost like the big business bad boys do, only our cause is good. Did we succeed? Go see www.PsychicDemand.com
PPS – We had five sales within SECONDS of announcing the site went live. I guess “demand” really works. Go see the site for an explanation. You know you want to.
Amy Terrill, the woman who won a day with me a few weeks ago, saw my July newsletter at www.mrfire.com/nycu-archives/nycu-2006/july.html and wrote the following email to me (used here with her permission):
I absolutley loved what you wrote this month. The Lesson that you talked about was wonderful, it really made me look at myself. After attending the Manifestation Weekend www.BeyondManifestation.com and getting to spend the full day with you I still had to come “home”. To me that meant returning to my hum-drum life that I was living. Reading your “Lesson” made me realize, again, that I’m the only person who can change that. I was getting overwhelmed with where I’m at instead of focusing on where I’m going. The extra links that you added were also great, thank you for all of the information. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great day!
From the bottom of my heart Thank you and I love you!
Amy Terrill
Amy is working on her very first website at www.joessecret.com. It’s rough and she’s scrambling, but she’s trying and she’s learning and she will do it.
I know she’ll succeed because of the mindset revealed in her letter.
Your mindset is a choice.
Choose wisely.
Ao Akua,
PS — P.T. Barnum’s birthday is July 5th. To celebrate, he has some gifts for you. See www.BarnumReturns.com If you haven’t seen the short video clip about the Barnum event I orchestrated to promote my book on Barnum, see www.CanineConcert.com It was a howling success. (I’m not sure the protesting cat would agree, though.)
PPS – I’m stunned and amazed at the record-breaking sales for the audios of my Manifestation Weekend. I had no idea this thing would be such a hit. The site is pretty strong, and the videos on it are pretty cool, but does that really explain the popularity of it? You tell me. See www.BeyondManifestation.com
I love gadgets, almost as much as I love books.
I have a camera that looks like a cigarette lighter. I have a wrist watch that takes pictures, too. I guess I wanted to be James Bond/Sean Connery/007 when I was a kid, and never got over it.
But I just learned about a covert ring that takes the cake.
This innocent looking ring has a flip top. Open it and inside is whatever you stashed, such as an aspirin, or allergy pill, or, hey, even Viagra.
Apparently the company making these rings thinks the latter is the, well, more exciting market. They openly promote the rings as places to stash your “when you need it NOW” Viagra pill.
I’m pretty sure 007 would never need a ring like this, but you never know.
He’s older now.
Rings are at www.viagraring.com/SearchResult.aspx?CategoryID=5
Ao Akua,
PS – From a marketing standpoint, I admire anyone who caters to a niche audience and cleverly provides them with what they want. I just can’t help but wonder what is next. What else is 007 missing today, now that he’s a senior citizen?
I almost didn’t write about this third must-have book.
Well, I have to make a confession to make this one relevant.
It’s a little embarrassing.
But I’ll go through with it, anyway.
First, here’s the book:
When Panic Attacks: The New, Drug-Free Anxiety Therapy that Can Change Your Life by David Burns, M.D.
Second, here’s my confession:
I used to suffer from panic attacks and social anxiety attacks.
They’re no fun. They come unannounced, take you by surprise, make you feel like you’re going to have a heart attack or die from lack of oxygen, and warp-drive you mentally into a stressed-out run-for-your-life inner place of terrifying hell.
Like I said, they’re no fun.
When you experience a panic attack or anxiety attack, you also feel like you have no control, like you’re going insane, like no one on earth can help you or save you because no one else can see let alone feel what is happening inside you. They don’t have a clue about what is happening. And neither do you.
I’m over panic attacks today. But I still live in quiet fear that one may sneak up on me at any time, cut off my head, and bring me to my knees.
With all of the above in mind, it should come as no surprise that I picked up When Panic Attacks by Dr. David Burns. I’m glad I did. It’s a masterpiece.
Burns explains that your thoughts are what cause the attacks. We’re not aware of the thoughts because they whiz by at lightning speed. But with the help of cognitive therapy, which Burns describes, you can become aware of the thoughts and then choose new ones.
He offers a variety of other methods to heal the problem at the core. The stories he tells brings the concepts to life. While at first blush you may think “This will never work for me,” once you actually absorb the message and try the method, you find your anxiety dissolving and then disappearing — forever.
Burns also explains that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain. No scientist has found it and no drug can resolve it. A brain chemistry imbalance simply doesn’t exist.
But a thought imbalance does.
I’ve been able to keep panic attacks at bay by using cognitive therapy (I have an e-book on the subject with Dr. Larina Kase at www.endselfsabotage.com) and with intense exercise (see www.mrfiremeltdown.com)
Becoming aware of the hidden thoughts that create the fears and phobias is the first step. And exercise helps release the accumulated tensions in the body so a panic attack doesn’t have any energy to uncork.
I found Dr. Burns’ new book (he also wrote, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy) to be insightful and packed with exercises to help anyone suffering from worry, panic, and anxiety. It’s a colossal work at over 400 pages, but a meaty one. I strongly recommend this one.
It’s a must-have book.
Ao Akua,
PS — Since I read so many books, I’m going to list another must-have book in the next few days. I know I said I was only going to mention three books, but I’m creating the world’s first book buffet. Instead of “all you can eat” in one sitting it will be “all you can read.”
PPS – Nerissa just posted a fascinating blog entry. See www.thevideoqueen.com/blog.html