Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Who else wants to know the marketing and fitness secrets of a melting Mr. Fire?

Scott York came to my home gym yesterday www.gladiatorgym.com and lit the torch under my butt.

It was day one of filming for our monthly DVD described at www.mrfiremeltdown.com

I was a nervous wreck before we began. I didn’t know what to expect.

Would Scott be a Navy Seals take-no-prisoners trainer?

Would he ask me countless marketing questions while I panted for air?

I’m relieved to say I survived it.

Scott taught me his unusual 30-minute fitness routine – the one he used to lose 45 pounds.

He also spent time picking my brains about marketing.

I surprised him by some of the things I revealed about marketing and publicity.

He surprised me by teaching me that I don’t have to starve to lose weight quickly and easily. That was good news, as just the day before I was feeling light headed from cutting back on my food and carbs. Scott pointed out that you don’t need to suffer to lose weight and get fit.

And I pointed out that people can succeed with marketing if they do a few things consistently, like model the great showman, P.T. Barnum, who knew the value of publicity. (I wrote about Barnum in my book, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.)

This is gonna be one collectible, unusual, and unforgettable DVD.

The marketing-fitness site went live yesterday morning at www.mrfiremeltdown.com

Anyone interested in fitness marketing should probably take a look at it.

But I believe anyone wanting to know marketing for fitness centers or wanting a marketing plan for fitness centers or even people who want marketing software, especially personal trainers, would want this new DVD of the month.

I think you can call it Marketing with Muscle.

Ao Akua,


PS — Scott just emailed me one of the workouts he wants me to do. You’ll get to see me do them on the monthly DVD. These are so intense that you may lose weight just watching me workout!


Marketing with Muscle

The new members-only monthly DVD I’ve been promising to tell you about went live three minutes ago.

You can learn how to drop weight and get fit AS you learn the inner secrets of marketing by following me once a month on a special members only DVD.

It’s all explained at www.MrFireMeltdown.com

This is the biggest and boldest thing I’ve ever done…and you can be one of only 500 people to watch and learn from every step of this new adventure.

I’m nervous and excited about this, but what can I do now? The site is live.

There’s no turning back now.

Ao Akua,


PS – This is marketing with muscle.


My Ultimate Writing Secret: An Exclusive Confession

I’m going to tell you my ultimate writing secret.

I’ve never revealed it before.

I’m willing to bet no writer alive or dead ever used this method.

Shakespeare didn’t do it.

Hemingway didn’t do it.

Your favorite novelist or copywriter doesn’t do it.

But I do.

And it’s the main reason my books, sales letters, articles, emails, websites and even blog posts seem to keep people riveted to my words.

It’s not the words…but what I am doing as I write the words.

It’s one of the reasons my books become #1 bestsellers and my sales letters melt down the walls of resistance in people and break all known profit records.

So here’s my ultimate writing secret:

As I am writing anything — including this very blog entry — I am silently chanting three magic phrases in my mind.

I am not writing the magic phrases. You won’t find them in this post. But I am saying them, silently, in the back of my mind, as I write these words to you.

If you’d like to know what the three magic phrases are, take a moment and poke your head in the door over at www.milagroresearchinstitute.com/iloveyou.htm

Ao Akua,


PS — I silently chanted the three magic phrases as I wrote this post and I am saying them in my mind right now as I write this PS. Can you guess what the three lines are? If so, or if not, go see www.milagroresearchinstitute.com/iloveyou.htm


How to Write a Sales Letter

People are always asking me “What’s the best way to write a sales letter?” or “How can I draft my website sales copy so it actually makes sales?”

Well, there are at least three things you can do:

1. Hire me or some other copywriter to do it for you. See my rates at www.mrfire.com (I’m not available till 2007, though.)

2. Use my software at www.HypnoticWritingWizard.com (You’ll love it. Works on PC’s only, though.)

3. Study the letter at http://www.clickhereyouidiot.com/

Thus ends the lesson for today.

Ao Akua,


PS — My fitness-marketing monthly DVD is almost ready to be announced. Stay tuned…


Lindsay Lohan Talked About Me on David Letterman Last Night

In case you missed the David Letterman show on television last night, actress Lindsay Lohan was on and she talked about me.

She was there to plug some movie she’s in — A prairie Home Companion directed by Robert Altman, I think (I wasn’t really listening) — and along the way Letterman tried to find out who she has been dating recently.

Fortunately, she wouldn’t say.

Thank you, Lindsay.

Ao Akua,


PS — According to a biorhytm chart on the net http://www.facade.com/biorhythm/, I am very compatible with Lindsay. It says:

Compatibility of Lindsay Lohan with Joe Vitale
Physical 78% Emotional 99% Intellectual 79% Overall 85%

See, Lindsay? What did I tell you?