Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


My New Direction: The Complete Story (and how it affects you)

Here’s something you know…and something you don’t.

As you probably know, I originally had 1,500 sets of my master home study course, Hypnotic Selling Secrets http://www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/g.o/10386 produced.

Then I went and lost 80 pounds. I truly reshaped my body and my health. The new me just couldn’t stand looking at the picture of my old fat self on all of those courses any more.

So I went and did this crazy promotion to move the last of those 1,500 “Fat Joe”courses out the door. I included everything and the kitchen sink, even some brand new bonuses that I had never released before.

And we sold all but a small handful of sets that I had set aside only for past customers of mine.

Or so I thought…

Much to my dismay, I got an email yesterday from my production company. As it turns out, they discovered 7 copies of the Hypnotic Selling Secrets course in a corner from a production overrun.

And then my customer service manager told me there were 3 perfectly unopened returns that came back last week. Seems there are always a few tire kickers that buy courses, and return them without ever even opening them to see how good they are. (!)!

So that’s 10 copies.

Add to that the 3 sets we had on hold for people that were supposed to submit their payment by 5/29 but couldn’t come up with the funds.

That’s 13 copies.

And then we have 4 customer only sets left.

So all told, there are now only 17 special collectors edition Hypnotic Selling Secrets http://www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/g.o/10386 courses available anywhere in the whole world.

And I want every single one of these last 17 sets that resurfaced to fly out the door today (May 31st) to 17 lucky people. I want them out of my sight forever.

Now here’s what you may not know:

If you haven’t noticed, my teaching has evolved towards sharing what I have learned about universal laws and manifestation. The movie The Secret www.whatisthesecret.tv and my Manifestation Weekend www.BeyondManifestation.com and my book The Attractor Factor www.attractorfactor.com prove that I’m going in a new direction.

I may or may not ever put out a Hypnotic Selling Secrets home study course like the one I did a couple years ago. If I ever do, it certainly won’t be the same information.

Heck, as of right now, every Hypnotic Marketing product that I have is off the market indefinitely. The only way to get your hands on any of my Hypnotic Writing and Hypnotic Marketing products is to secure one of the last 17 copies of Hypnotic Selling Secrets.

This will probably sell out very quickly, so go here now before someone else gets your copy:

I’m excited about my new direction in life. I’ll never stop marketing or teaching Hypnotic Writing and Hypnotic Marketing, of course, but I’ll probably never do another event like the one that created Hypnotic Selling Secrets http://www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/g.o/10386

Ao Akua,


PS. Have you heard the rumor that I’m retiring? With all of the buzz about me closing off ordering of all my other Hypnotic Marketing products and with selling off the last copies of my giant course, some people are saying that I’m retiring. No way. But my teaching has evolved. If I do produce more Hypnotic Marketing products sometime, they will be higher priced and will not include the same information you can get today. This is your last chance, don’t forever miss out on being one of the Elite 1,500 that has all of my business and marketing secrets. If you haven’t claimed your copy yet, get it now http://www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/g.o/10386 …before someone beats you to it.


Your Brain's 10 Year Rule

A few weeks ago I was stuck at the San Jose airport, waiting for the airline to find a safe plane to get me back home to Texas.

I sat there for nine hours.

While a lot of other passengers kicked and moaned and otherwise had a fit, I and maybe a dozen others went with the flow.

I used the down time to write, read, and relax. One of the books I had stuffed in my bag was good for my mind, was a delight to read, taught me a few things, and prompted me to write this post.

According to Richard Restak, in his book, The New Brain: How the Modern Age Is Rewiring Your Mind, your brain is plastic.

You can teach your brain new tricks, skills, languages and more with repetition, intention, awareness, and patience.

He says there is a 10-year rule stating that virtually anyone can become a genius — or at least a superior performer — in a niche if they apply themselves in that area for a decade.

As I think about how I became an author, then a copywriter, then a publicist, then a speaker, and then an Internet marketer, I can see I spent decades learning those subjects and honing my skills.

I read books. Studied authors. Bought courses. Invested in weekend seminars and trainings. I put myself through a relentless and disciplined self-study and home-study quest to learn and grow.

I still do this today. I was stuck at the San Jose airport because I had flown there to attend a weekend seminar. And just last weekend I held the world’s first Manifestation Weekend www.BeyondManifestation.com where already successful people came from all over the world to see how much more successful they could be.

The point:

If you want to become a marketer, or copywriter, or author, or anything else, you should expect to invest time, energy and money to learn the craft. You should expect it to take longer than a weekend. You can start the process in a moment, with a decision, and you can see progress very quickly, but mastery will take a little longer.

Maybe even ten years.

But if you don’t start now, where will you be in 10 years?

Ao Akua,


PS – Speaking of starting right now: I can easily train you in my Hypnotic Marketing Formula, and I can teach you how to go Beyond the Attractor Factor — and I can do it while you sit right where you’re sitting now. All you have to do is watch me on your monitor, talking direct to you. The technology that makes this possible is called M2S, which means Multi-Media Seminar. You can see it explained and demonstrated at http://hypnoticmarketingformula.com/ or http://www.beyondattractorfactor.com/ Go see.

PPS – If you haven’t seen my Hypnotic Selling Secrets course – the giant definitive DVD, CD, and e-book collection on Hypnotic Writing, Hypnotic Selling, and Hypnotic Marketing, which now includes virtually all of my previous e-material listed below – then zip over to www.hypnoticsellingsecrets.com/g.o/10386 right now. The last 39 sets go off the market tomorrow night at midnight. In fact, you currently cannot get any of my products listed below —


The only way to get them is revealed at http://www.nitromarketing.com/fool/ If you’re ready to train your brain, then invest in Hypnotic Selling Secrets right now. Go for it.


The Truth about How to Attract a New Car (or anything else)

Some wonderful soul sent me a blunt email saying I didn’t manifest or attract my BMW Z3 or my BMW 645ci luxury sports cars.

He said, “You PAID for them!”

I was a little stunned.

What was he thinking?

Of course I paid for them.

Then it dawned on me that he was confusing the means with the source.

In other words, money, cars and other stuff always come from someplace — they don’t just appear in front of you in a cloud of white smoke (though I won’t rule that out) — but where they come from is the channel, not the source.

This is a biggie.

I first heard this truth from my friend Bob Proctor, who is in the movie I’m in, The Secret. www.whatisthesecret.tv

Bob said, “You think money comes to you from your job, but it comes to you through your job.”

As soon as I realized that wealth could come to me in a wide variety of surprising ways, I was well on my way to learning the art of manifestation.

It’s the same with attracting a car or house or spouse or whatever you want. When you start using the 5 steps in The Attractor Factor www.attractorfactor.com, or you start practicing the message in The Secret, you activate new thoughts within you, which will lead you to surprising new ways to “manifest” or “attract” what you intend. But if you over analyze the new ways, you could dismiss the magic behind them.

For example, in my book The Attractor Factor I explain how I desired a BMW Z3. Out of that desire came something brand new to me and the rest of the world: the idea of a high-ticket eclass, or coaching by email.

The idea came from inspiration. It was triggered by my intention. By my following through, I received the cash I needed to buy that car. I still have the car and I still love it.

But if you look at the car and say “You PAID for it!,” then you miss the magic of how I received the money to pay for it.

The same thing happened when I attracted my BMW 645ci luxury sports car.

I wasn’t looking for a new car. I was teaching others how to attract a new car using some of my ideas at www.attractanewcar.com As I went through the process of playing with possibilities and thinking about a new car I might enjoy, I chose one, just for funsies, with the rest of the class.

But as I completed the teleseminar and later offered people the chance to buy the audios on how to attract a new car, I received enough money from the sales to buy my BMW 645ci. So I did. And I love it, too.

Again, if you look at that new car and say “You PAID for it!”, then you miss the magic of how it all came about.

The important lesson is to look to the source, not the channel.

Source is supplying everything.

If you want something, go to source.

Source has everything.

Ao Akua,


PS — The recent Manifestation Weekend explored all of this in great depth. If you haven’t checked out www.BeyondManifestation.com, you might want to give it a look. But remember, the product there isn’t ready for sell yet. If you want to know when the next Manifestation Weekend will be held, or if you want to be notified when the audios of the last event are ready for purchase, just send a blank email to [email protected] Thank you.

PPS – If you’re trying to attract perfect health — you know, so you can enjoy driving arround in all those new cars you attract — you might enjoy knowing about this: If you or someone you know is worried about high cholesterol, send them to www.CardioSecret.com You’ll find a free e-book there that is very eye-opening. And the natrual product is a breakthrough in this area. It can help lower bad cholesterol, raise good cholesterol, and help prevent heart attack and stroke, too. Go see.


Ut Oh! What is Joe Vitale REALLY like?

Amy Grant attended the now famous Manifestation Weekend www.BeyondManifestation.com last Sat and Sun.

She’s been posting her views of the event on her blog, and revealing what marketers like Pat O’Bryan and Craig Perrine are really like.

She teased her readers a few days ago, saying she would reveal what Joe Vitale is really like one day soon.

I’ve been checking her blog ever since.

Now I know what people feel like when I tease them with my blog posts.

Amy has become quite the little hypnotic marketer.

Anyway, she finally spilled the beans about me today on her blog at http://newsuccess.org/success/success_blog/

I have no idea what to say.

So I’ll shut up and let Amy do the talking.

Go see her blog.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to know when the next Manifestation Weekend will be held and where (I’m thinking San Diego right now), send a blank email to [email protected] or see www.BeyondManifestation.com and fill out the form on the page. You’ll be notified when we have the date and place.

PPS – I love you. (Well, I do. So get over it.) 🙂


A Better Way to Save the Internet

I just got the below emails.

I need your help to resolve this in a win-win way, for the highest good of all concerned.

Since this concerns you and everyone else on the Internet, I think it’s important.

Please see below.

Thank you,



Hi Joe,

Realizing that you’re probably quite busy and may already have a full agenda for today, I want to ask a favor.

Last year when the hurricane after Katrina (Rita?) was threatening Houston and much of Texas, you sent out an email to the effect that we could potentially avert much damage and hardship if we could collectively hold an image and expectation of a positive outcome rather than going into fear. https://www.mrfire.com/article-archives/new-articles/stop-rita.html

My favor is to ask you to send a message today, or very soon, regarding the current COPE Actlegislation, encouraging people to hold an image and expectation of the highest good for all as an outcome. I hear people going into fear and gloom and doom and suspect if we all go there, we’ll get exactly what we don’t want.

I’m approaching you for this favor because I suspect you have access to quite a large audience and we’ve seen positive results before.

Thank you for considering this.



Now here’s the background story. – Joe

> “Congress and Internet service providers like
> the cable and telephone companies are conspiring
> to turn the Internet from a freee, wide-open
> smorgasbord of information into a very limited
> and expensive format that resembles cable TV.”
> — Bill Hibbler, www.ecommerceconfidential.com
> If the COPE act passes, smaller websites like yours
> and mine could be blocked or loaded so slowly that
> nobody would bother to visit.
> If you’re in the USA, you can contact your Congress
> member by simply signing an online petition. Your
>email vote will be sent directly to your local
> Over 730,000 have already signed, but it’s not enough
> to halt the progress of the COPE Act.

> http://www.savetheinternet.com

I urge you to visit the site and let your vote and voice be heard.

I also urge you to look at this in a different way:

There’s no conspiracy.

There are simply people trying to do business online.

You can’t blame them for that.

Hating them for trying to make money online is mirroring your own inner hate for desiring to make money online.

This is a psychological loop you’ll want to heal in order to make a living anywhere, and to be comfortable with more money.

Rather than hating them, or calling them conspirators, how about if we love them, accept them, bless them, and yet choose to not side with them?

In the Manifestation Weekend that I just held this last weekend in Austin, Texas, we all learned that the simple three words “I love you” can transform any trying or even “impossible” situation.

Since you probably weren’t at the Manifestation Weekend, the short version of the story is this:

Mentally saying “I love you”, whether you feel it or not, will transform your inner experience and send out a different signal to the world, which will attract new results.

Nerissa www.thevideoqueen.com saw this because right after the weekend she attracted a 2007 Toyota Camry Hybrid — after wanting one for months.

Craig Perrine www.maverickmarketer.com saw this when on Monday, right after the magical weekend, the doctor gave their three-year old a clean bill of health — after a year of trying operations and deep concerns.

You can hear “I love you” spoken by the Manifestation Weekend attendees on the second video clip at http://drjoevitale.blogspot.com/

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

As I asked you to do when Hurricane Rita aimed itself at Texas, I suggest we all hold higher thoughts about the legislation. You can certainly vote against it and voice your words, but I believe we’ll see a win-win result if we do it from love.

If you remember, Rita dropped from a terrifying category 5 hurricane to a category 2 by the time it hit land. It changed direction, too. It never hit Houston, which had panicked and evacuated. It never hit here, either.

We can do this.

I love you.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – It might be helpful if you also held a vision of how you would like the Internet to work for the highest good of all concerned. You don’t need to be a robber baron to make it online. In fact, I’ve found sharing, win-win arrangements, and benevolence to be the yellow brick road to the gold in cyberspace. “I love you” works.

PPS – Invite others to read and spread the message of this post. The time is now. I love you. Pass it down.