I was just interviewed on yet another national radio show, partly to celebrate the success of my recent #1 bestseller, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual www.lifesmissingmanual.com and partly to see if I would fold under direct attack.
The host began the show with a doom and gloom speech that I’m sure appealed to the majority of people in America, if not the world.
He simply spoke what they were already thinking:
You get the idea.
The world is a sad, sad place – at least according to him.
I listened to his dark opening remarks and wondered what he was talking about. I vaguely remembered that I once lived in the world he described. But I left it long, long ago, on the spaceship called Choice.
When the host introduced me, I began by saying —
“I just heard your description and I have to say that I don’t live in the world you described.”
“What world do you live in then?”
“I created my own world,” I said. “There are countless others like me who are making a nice living if not a record-breaking luxurious living by using the Internet, being creative, taking risks and having a blast.”
I went on to tell him how I just made my latest book a #1 bestseller by leveraging the Internet. I told him about the online marketing strategy behind www.themotherofallbribes.com and explained that others have used the same “ethical bribe” formula to sell books and other products.
I went on to tell him about my friend Pat O’Bryan, a once struggling blues guitar player who stood on my front steps one day and with an angry red face said, “All I want is to make enough money to pay my frickin rent.”
Pat was more colorful in his expression then, but today he’s got a following, a mailing list, a catalog of products at www.instantchange.com , and he will be hosting his first “Portable Empire” seminar in May – an event that sold-out six hours after he announced it.
I went on to tell the radio host about the clever college kid in England who raised more than a million dollars selling tiny pixel ads on a blank webpage. www.milliondollarhomepage.com
To his credit, the radio show announcer listened with an open mind. He asked me skeptically based questions, but I’m sure he was thinking of his audience, and what they were thinking as they listened to me rant on with a fiery plea for people to be inspired rather than depressed.
I did my best to continue to tell hypnotic stories that would awaken the positive in people. Just the day before I read a wonderful brief article in Ode magazine www.odemagazine.com/article.php?aID=4268 about how the world needs more positive stories.
It pointed out that the media makes us think the world is bad off when in fact we’re doing pretty darn good. Yes, we can improve. But we’re not going to hell in a hand basket, either. It’s up to media to help us focus on the positive. They need to tell us more stories about heroes and heroines, about the problems being solved rather than the problems we still have.
The radio show I was on is simply one of many that focuses on the darker side of the world. The truth is, this focus attracts more of the very thing it’s focusing on. Obviously, this is pure “Attractor Factor” www.attractorfactor.com at work.
I know the media may not change. They know it’s easy to grab listeners if they focus on negativity. It works. It sells.
So what can we do?
Maybe we as guests on radio shows — or as marketers promoting our products — can turn the focus to the positive by what we say, think, and do.
I went on that show and turned on the light.
I could have played into the hands of the host.
I didn’t.
You can do this, too.
It’s simply a choice.
When Hurricane Rita aimed itself at Texas, I took a deep breath and wrote a plea for people to think positive. I didn’t want everyone to fall into victim mentality. Myself included. The media painted a worse-case scenario. I didn’t. https://www.mrfire.com/article-archives/new-articles/stop-rita.html
When I write sales letters, I do my best to focus on the positive. I want to share my love, my excitement, my passion. An example is my article on “Evil Marketing? What a Bufflao Rancer Taught Me About Selling.” https://www.mrfire.com/article-archives/new-articles/no-bs.html
If you don’t believe the world is actually getting better and better, then read Paul Zane Pilzer’s book The Next Millionaires. I interviewed him for my www.HypnoticGold.com program and think he’s an inspiring genius. Read anything by him. www.paulzanepilzer.com
The point is, you have the power to make a difference.
The world doesn’t have to change before you do.
In fact, when you change, the world changes.
The next move is yours.
Ao Akua,
PS – I’m worried. Lindsay Lohan hasn’t called me yet. Didn’t she see my blog entry about her the other day?
Last night I dreamed I went on a quest into a dark jungle to find The Secret www.whatisthesecret.tv to health, wealth and happiness.
When I returned from my travels, glad to get to my tent, tired but excited by what I had dug up, famous singer/actress/model Lindsay Lohan was waiting for me.
I was a little surprised, but I just figured I attracted her. www.attractorfactor.com
After all, 7th Heaven actress Jessica Biel loves my book The Attractor Factor and actor James Caan accepted my book when he and I hung out together on the set of Las Vegas. https://www.mrfire.com/photogallery.html
So having Lindsay Lohan in my tent wasn’t too surprising.
So I said hey.
She wanted to hear about my trip into the wilds. She seemed excited and fascinated, her hypnotic eyes locked on mine as I told her my tale.
I told her that weeks earlier I stumbled across a rare plant that could be turned into a tea that helped people start youthing rather than aging.
Despite her young age, and her wealth, and her fame, she was smart enough to know this could be a huge money-maker.
She wanted to know more.
I reached for my dirty burlap bag, and pulled out the root of the plant I had found.
She sensed this was something historic.
“This will help people lose weight and grow younger?” she asked.
“I’m sure of it,” I said. “Look at me. Don’t I look younger already?”
She stared at me as if I were a talking car, but she nodded.
“You look great!” she said.
Nothing like having a sexy movie star compliment you.
She added, “You won’t even need to bribe people to buy this stuff like you did at www.themotherofallbribes.com.”
“I’m not so sure,” I told her. “People don’t take action unless they are motivated to do so. An ethical bribe gets them to get off their butts. They may not even buy the Fountain of Youth in a bottle without some added incentive. We in marketing call it The Psychology of the Second Interest.”
I explained to her that even though my latest book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, is good for people, they won’t buy it right now unless something extra moves them to do so.
That’s why I’m offering more than $13,000 in bonuses when people get the book at www.lifesmissingmanual.com
And it’s that very bribe that caused my book to rocket to #1 at Amazon and stay there for four days.
It’s still a Top Bestseller right now.
Lindsay seemed impressed.
She moved closer to me.
I held my breath, not sure what she wanted.
“Joe, can I ask you a question?” she seductively whispered, almost like one of her songs on her new music CD www.lindsaylohanmusic.com.
“Ah….er…yes,” I replied, stiffening.
I wasn’t sure what she was going to ask.
Finally, she spoke:
“Can I go with you on your next trip into the jungle?”
Hmmm. Lindsay Lohan wants to put on a backpack and take a trip into the darkness of the forest with me.
What should I say?
I know what my beautiful Nerissa would want me to say.
That’s about when I woke up.
If I were a student of Jung or Freud and better understood dream interpretation http://www.dreammoods.com/, I might know what this dream was really trying to tell me.
Do you have any idea?
Ao Akua,
PS – Despite what you might be thinking about hypnotic stories and hypnotic language and other hypnotic secret things found in www.HypnoticWritingWizard.com, the above was a dream I really had last night. I’m not making it up. Really.
PPS – I wonder if Lindsay Lohan had the same dream? In one of her songs the lyrics could be speaking about me: “I can’t live without you…Can’t breathe without you…I dream about you…” http://www.metrolyrics.com/lyrics/2144148763/Lindsay_Lohan/Over
Back in December I wrote a post about gifts. http://mrfire.blogspot.com/2005/12/why-does-santa-give.html
I openly informed everyone that the best gift for me and probably anyone else with a book addiction is an Amazon gift certificate.
But not everyone reads my blog.
A well-meaning friend who I absolutely love and admire sent me an email a week ago, saying he was sending Nerissa and me a surprise.
He asked if we would be home, because he didn’t want the surprise to perish sitting on the front steps.
I figured he was sending fruit, which I love, or a plant, which Nerissa loves.
I was pretty sure it wasn’t an Amazon gift certificate.
Then the other day Fed-X brought the big white box.
I carried it inside, called Nerissa into the kitchen, peeked at the return address, and shuddered.
“I think it’s live lobsters,” I mumbled to Nerissa.
She whipped around, angry, and said, “You’re messing with me! Nobody would do that to us!”
I opened the top flat, careful not to open the inside of the carefully packaged box, and saw a recipe on how to cook live lobster.
I also heard a scratch from inside the box.
You can’t imagine how nauseated we felt.
Sending two animal loving people live animals to cook is not the right gift for us.
I’m sure some people would relish the idea of receiving live lobsters. Not us. If we had to kill animals to eat, we’d be vegetarians or we’d starve.
The point of this blog isn’t about whether it’s right to eat meat or not, the point is about what do you do when you make a mistake?
I wrote the friend who sent the gift to us, thanked him, and said it wasn’t right for us. I was loving and polite in my note to him, careful not to hurt his feelings, but I wanted him to know this gift missed the mark.
If you were him, what would you have done?
This dear friend wrote back, apologizing, letting me know how terrible he felt, and asked me to Fed-X the lobsters back to him, saying he would take them to the ocean and free them.
That was a brilliant answer.
Not only did he know enough to ask for their return, but he knew that we would love knowing he freed those critters.
I sealed the package, gave it back to Fed-X, and the two lobsters with the most frequent flyer miles in history went back home.
But this beautiful turn-around story doesn’t stop there.
My friend sent us the above picture of him freeing the lobsters, and wrote the following email (which he gave me permission to share with you):
“Attached is a photo of me about to release the lobsters.
“Below zero with the wind chill out there yesterday. Also recorded it on video, but having trouble uploading video to my computer.
“I had a crazy idea to launch a “free the lobsters” website, put out a bunch of press releases, put fliers up around towns on the seacoast, etc.
“Would have tons of videos and photos about how “A Crazed Couple From New Hampshire Are Buying Up All Of The Lobsters In New England And Setting Them Free Back Into The Ocean.”
“The site was going to sell tee-shirts that said, “Free The Lobsters”.
But due to the cold, the amount of pictures and video that we were able to take without getting frostbite wasn’t enough. That is something that would have been in ALL of the newspapers around here. Would have been known as the great lobster hoax.
“Oh well. At least they are free and happy now. Again, I am sorry.”
In my book, The Attractor Factor www.AttractorFactor.com, I talk about TIISG.
That means “Turn it into something good.”
My friend who sent the live lobsters turned the negative moment into something good.
Remember TIISG.
And “Free the Lobsters!”
Ao Akua,
PS – I still prefer an Amazon gift certificate http://www.amazon.com/gp/gift-certificates/ over just about anything else you could name, unless you’re planning to send me a 2006 Bentley Continental GT. www.bentleymotors.com Then, I’ll make an exception.
PPS – My latest book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, is still an Amazon bestseller. Was #1 for four days. Still in Top 10 on bestseller list right now. You can still grab $13,000 worth of bonuses for getting the book. See www.TheMotherofAllBribes.com Tell friends. They’ll love you for this news. It’s the deal of 2006. It’s sure better than live lobsters in a Fed-X box.
To celebrate my latest book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, hitting #1 at Amazon and staying there for four days, I want to give you some more gifts. To wit —
A short but upbeat Business of Success interview with me is at – http://snipurl.com/mismanual
An hour-long “hypnotic” interview by the mesmerizing Wendi Friesen is at – http://snipurl.com/ne23
A longer interview with Simpleology founder Mark Joyner carefully probing into my early years of struggle, and learning my three secrets to success (inspired by blues-rock guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan), is at – https://www.mrfire.com/a/earlyyears.html
All of the recordings are free for you to listen to right at your computer.
If you somehow missed or mis-placed the offer to get my new book and claim $13,500 in bonuses, it’s still up (for now) at – http://www.TheMotherofAllBribes.com
Thank you for your support.
Ao Akua,
PS – A few seats remain: If you haven’t heard about my Manifestation Weekend, read about it on my blog at – http://snipurl.com/ne2m
My latest book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, shot up the Amazon bestseller list within hours yesterday — despite some unexpected bumps in the road. For example —
We offered an “ethical bribe” to get people to buy my new book. We sent them to www.themotherofallbribes.com where the offer is explained.
Basically, get a copy of my new book and you’ll get 59 original bonuses – worth over $13,500.
Good deal, right?
The thing is, my web guy didn’t finish the site. He had the landing page done at www.themotherofallbribes.com but he didn’t finish the download page. He was struggling with personal issues and gave up and quit. He left me an email saying he’d talk to me in a few days.
My promotions were in full swing. I couldn’t turn them off. Yet the download page where people collected their bonuses wasn’t ready. They would buy books, go to collect their bonuses, and see — nothing.
I started to panic.
About then I received an email from Mark Joyner, Internet legend and dear friend. It was 2 AM in New Zealand, where he lives now, but he just “happened” to be online.
He said some wise words about how people will forgive me and how there is always a way to turn any negative into something good.
I felt better.
We then exchanged a fury of emails as we searched for a solution to the download page.
But then my computer died.
My main pc, the life blood to my business, just quit.
And this is all while I’m doing radio shows and answering emails and otherwise working on my book promotion.
What would you have done in this situation?
I took a breath and decided to get centered.
Since I had just spent several days with Dr. Len, learning his updated ho’oponopono Hawaiian method for healing, I decided to practice it.
I kept thinking of my web guy and how I wanted to send the police to his door.
But then I thought of how he and I are connected and how I have to take total responsibility for his and my actions.
This is not easy.
Blame is far easier.
But total responsibility is the door to freedom.
I then asked for forgiveness and sent my request within myself to the Divine (whatever you want to call that force bigger than all of us).
I did this for twenty minutes.
I kept saying “I love you” and “I forgive you” to the world, not to myself or even to my web guy, but as a general tonic to all that is.
I ended up feeling total peace.
When I checked my email (on my Blackberry phone) there was a message from my web guy.
I thought he was out of action for days?
He apologized, said he was back on his feet, owed me his life, and would work to get the site at www.themotherofallbribes.com done.
What a relief.
Oh. My book hit #1 on the Amazon bestseller list last night and is still there today.
This is the fastest I’ve seen any book become a bestseller on Amazon.
We even nudged Wayne Dyer off the throne.
And left Harry Potter in the dust.
And my book hit #1 at Barnes and Noble online, as well.
But this opera ain’t over.
You’ve seen nothing yet.
Stay tuned.
Ao Akua,
PS – I am reading a riveting book about all the modern day hoaxes online and off. This thing is eye-opening. It blows the whistle on “facts” you accepted as true, and makes you wary of everything brought to you by the media or an email. Covers eBay auctions, ads, politics, food, birth, death and more. Get this book. Get it! It’s Hippo Eats Dwarf by Alex Boese, who also wrote The Museum of Hoaxes. See www.museumofhoaxes.com and www.hippoeatsdwarf.com I’m hoping my Great Lotto Hoax, reported on this blog yesterday, will make it into the next edition of one of Boese’s books. Or maybe I shouldn’t wish for that…
PPS — Thanks to my friend Bill Hibbler for sending me the screen capture above. Bill and I are coauthors of a book you’ll want. But beg all you like, I’m not telling you what it is — yet.