Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Law of Attraction Calendar

Around 1990, Jerry Hicks called me.

I had been working for Jerry and Esther Hicks, of Abraham fame, for years, to help get their books and audios out to the world about the Law of Attraction.

I always loved it when Jerry called, as he was upbeat and articulate, and always complimenting me on my ads, letters, advice, and so on, that I was creating for them. He was cool.

So his call wasn’t unusual and it was certainly welcome.

But this time Jerry had something new in mind.

“I have an idea for a law of attraction calendar,” Jerry began. “I’m not sure how to explain it so a printer can get my vision, so I thought you might help me.”

Jerry went on to explain an idea I quickly regarded as genius.

He wanted to create a page-a-day calendar, but in a special format.

“The front side will be quotes and passages from Abraham,” Jerry explained. “But the back side needs to be in two columns.”

Why two columns?

“In the first column, people can write their to-dos for the day,” Jerry told me. “That would be their meetings, calls, appointments, and the stuff anybody would write for their errands for the day.”

And the second column?

“The second column is where people can write what they want from the Universe,” Jerry said. “Their intentions and desires can be written there, as a kind of task list for the Universe to do.”

I loved the idea. Basically, you use one side of the page to write your to-dos and you use the other side to tell the Universe what to do for you. Pretty cool.

But Jerry wasn’t done.

“You then take the sheet, fold it in half, and put it in your wallet or purse. You carry it throughout the day, as a reminder of what you need to do, as well as a reminder to the Universe of what you want.”

Jerry added, “And the calendar will be big, as there will be one sheet for each day. You can start on any day, write the date on that page, and use it daily from then on.”

I helped Jerry communicate his vision to a printer and the first Abraham calendars were printed. I began to use mine and was absolutely thrilled by it.

It was fun to list my errands but far more fun to tell the Universe what I wanted.

And carrying the page in my pocket was a constant reminder of my goals and dreams.

It truly became a daily lesson course in what Jerry called (and I loved) “The Science of Deliberate Creation.”

I don’t recall what happened, but at some point I stopped using it.

Later, of course, Jerry passed away.

I had to look at the Abraham site to see if they even still sell the famous law of attraction calendar. (They do. See http://www.abraham-hickslawofattraction.com/lawofattractionstore/product/ABCN.html )

I’ve since started using the Abraham calendar again, and I love it.

If you are wanting to deepen your understanding and daily use of the Law of Attraction, then I encourage you to go get the Abraham calendar.

Ao Akua


PS – I am not an affiliate for Abraham or Esther Hicks and make nothing if you go buy the calendar or anything else from them. I’m just sharing.


Attracting Melissa Etheridge

Here’s a deeper insight into how the Law of Attraction actually works:

I’ve noticed that as soon as I sign up for a seminar or workshop, changes begin.

It may be just the decision that triggers change, or it may be something more esoteric.

Let me tell you a true a story about how this works…

A few weeks ago I decided to go back into the studio with my band and record my sixth singer-songwriter album.

As soon as I decided to do this, song ideas and new opportunities came to me.

For example, one day I looked in Facebook and there was a notice that rock legend Melissa Etheridge was doing a crowdfunding campaign for her new album.

As you’ll see in a minute, I’m a huge fan of hers.

I scanned her offerings and there was one for a two-hour, in-person, songwriting lesson with Melissa herself.

That excited me.

It also made me nervous.

After all, I’m a newbie as a singer-songwriter and Melissa is a goddess at it.

But as I say, “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.”

I decided to go for it.

Within 24 hours, new energy for music hit me like waves of hot electricity.

I started writing new songs almost instantly.

Yet I haven’t had my session with Melissa yet!

As I mentioned, I’m a huge fan of Melissa Etheridge. Have been almost twenty years.

I fell in a hypnotic trance when I saw her on TV around 1995, scorching the screen with just her voice and acoustic guitar on an episode of Unplugged.

I've had this photo of Melissa Etheridge 20 years

I’ve had this photo of Melissa Etheridge over 20 years

I mentioned her in my book on P.T. Barnum, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.

I’ve seen her perform live numerous times.

I was a card carrying member of her fan club for years.

I bought a guitar signed by her.

I bought and read her autobiography.

I bought her song books to learn how she wrote her hits.

I tried to meet her, too.

She was going to be in the same organization I’m a member of (Transformational Leadership Council) and I thought I’d see her at one of our retreats.

I still haven’t met her.

But I will, when I have my private songwriting lesson with her.

And knowing I will, and knowing I will discuss my singer-songwriter passions with her soon, has turned on some “music production” switch inside me.

Just this morning, as I was working out, I received an entire song.

It just sort of “appeared” in my head.

I knew it was good because I couldn’t stop humming it.

I jumped off the treadmill and wrote the words down.

It was a complete song.

Everything was there.

I was amazed and delighted that it came with no effort and came by inspiration.

But it came AFTER I booked my lesson with Melissa and BEFORE I’ve had it!

Throughout my life I’ve noticed that when anyone makes a decision to attend an event designed to improve them, changes begin.

I saw it when I signed up to do a fire walk decades ago.

I saw it when I registered to experience The Forum seminar long ago.

I saw it when I signed up for Bill Phillip’s Body-For-Life challenge ten years ago, and more recently when I registered for his Transformation Camp and personally trained with him.

I saw it when I booked a saxophone lesson with Grammy nominated sax player Mindi Abair.

Grammy nominated sax sensation Mindi Abair and me

Grammy nominated sax sensation Mindi Abair and me

And I see it almost daily when people join my Miracles Coaching program.

As soon as they sign on the dotted line, and know they are committing to change, the change begins.



I’m convinced it’s the decision to change that does it.

The decision sends a solid message to all parts of you that you are going in a new direction.

Suddenly your mind has a new target; a new goal.

Instantly your brain goes on “alert” for anything to help you with the upcoming changes.

There may be a more esoteric reason for it, too.

When you declare you are going to do something new, the Universe takes note, applauds you, and sends you support.

As Goethe put it –

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back — concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.

Decision is the key.

It’s like turning the ignition switch on to engage the Law of Attraction.

Decide and things happen.

So, if there is something big you are considering doing, I say DO IT.

Just Do It!

Show your support for your desired change by signing up for it.

Make the decision.

It’s a concrete way to tell yourself and the world that you are doing something new, and you and the world respond by beginning the change that very day.

And yes, I am VERY excited to meet and learn from the rock icon herself – Melissa Etheridge!

Ao Akua,


PS – Learn more about Miracles Coaching.


Prayer for a Miracle

When you combine the Law of Attraction with a new way to pray, the results are miracles.

But how do you pray for a miracle?

My latest book, “The Secret Prayer,” is an Amazon #1 bestseller, attracting 5-star reviews, and getting high praise from experts like this —

“‘The Secret Prayer’ holds the key to fulfilling your heartfelt dreams, goals, and desires. I love this book. Read it and use it. It will change your life!” — Dr. Susan Shumsky, author, ‘Instant Healing’ and ‘Miracle Prayer’

“Joe Vitale’s book is stimulating you to pray again with gratitude for who you are and what you have.
In his own unique style, he gives you new tools to revise and deepen your connection with the Universe. This book touched me deeply.” – Marie Diamond, Global Transformational Leader, Speaker and Author, Star in ‘The Secret’

The Secret Prayer

“Joe did it again!! I love his new book. It’s inspiring, filled with practical wisdom and massive insight!”
– Janet Bray Attwood – New York Times Bestselling Author ‘The Passion Test’ and ‘Your Hidden Riches’

“Few people truly ‘get it.’ Joe gets it, he got it right in The Secret, and he totally nails it in the The Secret Prayer. This is the book that will lift people out of misunderstanding prayer, invites them to take responsibility for their divine inheritance, and thereby unleash their unimaginable power over all things. A book that can put any life on a fast track to greater happiness and fulfillment.” – Mike Dooley, NY Times Bestselling author ‘Infinite Possibilities’ and ‘Leveraging the Universe’

Go get “The Secret Prayer” on Amazon today for your Kindle or Kindle reader (it’s a #1 bestseller in 3 categories) –  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00XV1Q9JG

OR go get the audio version of the book, read by me, at — http://www.audible.com/pd/Self-Development/The-Secret-Prayer-Audiobook/B00XWDOBCA/

OR you can get the beautiful printed paperback at – http://www.amazon.com/Secret-Prayer-Three-Step-Attracting-Miracles/dp/1512264156/

Get copies for yourself, family and friends, and clients and others that you care about.

What if we could change ourselves and the world with the right prayer?

What if it really works?

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

PS – Maybe the greatest praise came from my niece, who texted this to me:

“I must say it opened my eyes and my heart. I have to thank you for writing it. I never even thought about the things you said in this book. I plan to use your three step prayer from now on.”

That one touched me.

Please see — http://www.thesecretprayer.com (where you can hear me lead you through The Secret Prayer for free

Thank you
I love you

Dr. Joe Vitale     “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestseller “The Attractor Factor.”
Recent: “AT Zero” and “The Remembering Process”
Brand New: “The Secret Prayer”

A star in the hit movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “The Tapping Solution,” “Leap,” etc.
Coming: “Quantum Prosperity”

Voted #1 singer-songwriter by Reverbnation
New: “Reflection,” “432 to Zero,” “Invoking Divinity”
Bestseller: “One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song”

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
The Secret Mirror, and The Awakening Course
Coming: “Hyper-Wealth: The Fourth Dimension Process”

See it all at http://www.JoeVitale.com

Member BBB 2003 – 2016

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”

Note: This is a commercial message.


Law of Attraction Books

My office tells me that people often ask, “What’s the next book I should get for my next stage of growth?”

Here’s what I think –

If you are new to Law of Attraction, or want to better understand it, then read “The Attractor Factor.” That’s the book that got me invited to be in the movie The Secret. It has changed countless lives.

If you want to go past LOA and further understand bigger concepts, and go deeper than the law of attraction, then read “Zero Limits.” That’s the book that brought ho’oponopono to the world. It’s by me and Dr. Hew Len.

If you want to further understand the concepts in Zero Limits, then get the sequel, “AT Zero.” I wrote that book ten years after the first one. It in many ways is far deeper and better.

If you want to understand spirituality and personal growth from the clearest place I can imagine, then read “The Awakening Course.” It puts LOA and ho’oponopono and everything else into a map of consciousness you can grasp.

If you want to make peace with money and spirituality, then see my latest book, “The Awakened Millionaire.” It’s a manifesto to help you live and profit from your passion, using LOA and The Fourth Dimension Process, and much more.

If you want to understand how prayer can combine with LOA to get better results and lead to miracles, then read “The Secret Prayer.” It’s quietly been a bestseller and opening hearts and minds to a new way to live.

All of the above are available in print, on audio, or for your Kindle reader. Just follow the link beside each book.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,

PS – If you don’t want to buy anything but still want to learn, then go browse my new and improved main website, which has numerous freebies, articles, videos, interviews, etc., about law of attraction and much more. You’ll love it. Just go see http://www.MrFire.com

Thank you
I love you

Dr. Joe Vitale         “Aude aliquid dignum” *

Author of way too many books to mention,
including the bestsellers “The Attractor Factor,”
“Zero Limits” and “The Secret Prayer”
New: “The Awakened Millionaire: The Manifesto”

A star in the hit movies “The Secret,” “The Opus,”
“The Compass,” “The Tapping Solution,” “Leap,” etc.
New: “The Abundance Factor” and “iThink”

Voted #1 singer-songwriter by Reverbnation
New: “Reflection,” “432 to Zero,” “Invoking Divinity”
Bestseller: “One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song”

Creator of Miracles Coaching, Hypnotic Writing,
The Secret Mirror, and The Awakening Course
New: “The Awakened Millionaire Academy”

See it all at https://www.mrfire.com

Member BBB 2003 – 2016

* 16th century Latin: “Dare something worthy”


When LOA Fails

I know you might be one of those people who feel like the Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for you.

I understand and I want to help.

So let’s begin…

Have you ever had one of those days where gravity wasn’t working for you?

Where you can’t seem to keep your feet planted on the ground and you wind up floating around in the atmosphere?

Of course not.

Why not?

Because gravity is a LAW.

It doesn’t work some days and not work other days.

It’s *always* working, and you are experiencing the effects of it all the time, at every moment.

Even right now.

But you probably never spilled a cup of coffee and said, “Darn that Law of Gravity!”

Instead, you realized it was your actions coupled with the existing law that caused the accident.

Well, the Law of Attraction is exactly the same.

It’s a LAW – not a feel-good principle or some kind of new-age voodoo flake-out.

You can’t “do” the Law of Attraction wrong.

It doesn’t turn off and on, like a light switch.

It’s not subject to fate or fancy.

It is a powerful but neutral force that is constantly operating.

Just like gravity.

And that means something extremely important –

It means that what you have right now (or don’t have right now) is – on some level – exactly what you want.

The good stuff and the bad stuff.

The abundance and the lack.

You’ve attracted all of it.



Because your conscious thoughts aren’t all there is.

Below the surface, a complex and deep-seated collection of beliefs are exerting an extremely powerful force in your life.

When these subconscious thoughts are in harmony with what you consciously intend, you attract it.

But if there are “counter-intentions” present within you – that is, thoughts and beliefs that run contrary to your conscious wishes – you will not achieve the results you want, no matter how much you want them on the surface.

Your conscious and subconscious need to be aligned to attract the results you prefer

Your conscious and subconscious need to be aligned to attract the results you prefer

This is not cause for blame or guilt.

After all, you weren’t aware of the unconscious beliefs working.

What this is all about is awakening.

I’m probably the only teacher in the movie The Secret that has stood my ground about this.

I’ve taken heat for it, too.

I feel like Freud when he introduced his idea of the unconscious mind in the late 1800s and was booed off stage.

He didn’t back down.

Neither have I.

So how do you get clear of those contrary beliefs within your unconscious mind?

How do you get rid of the inner roadblocks and go warp speed ahead, right to whatever it is you’re trying to achieve or attract?

It took me some time to figure out the answer to that question.

But once I did, it was as if all the limits in and around me shattered.

I thought life was good before – I had no idea it could be THIS good.

I thought I’d achieved a pretty high level of personal and professional success – but the success I experienced once I got clear absolutely blew me away.

I had finally discovered –

“The Missing Secret” that makes the Law of Attraction work the way you want it to – 100% of the time.

There are two ways you can learn this “Missing Secret.”

1 – Get my Nightingale-Conant bestselling audio program. http://www.nightingale.com/missing-secret.html

2. – Get in my famous Miracles Coaching program. http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com

Obviously, the coaching program will require a bigger investment, but the results will be dramatic and fast.

But I understand if you’d rather invest in the audios and listen and awaken at your own pace.

Either way, the choice is yours.

Which will you choose?

Ao Akua,


PS – Consider: If the Law of Attraction is already working but you aren’t seeing the results you want because you don’t understand it yet, how much more incredible will your life be once you use the Law with conscious intention and crystal clarity? As I often say, “Expect Miracles.”

Here’s your choice:

1 – Get my Nightingale-Conant bestselling audio program. http://www.nightingale.com/missing-secret.html

2. – Get in my famous Miracles Coaching program. http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 – 2016