Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Imaginotions: Part Five

The young woman awakened early, stirred by the flutter of a bird.

She went to her window and saw a bluejay sitting there.

“Good morning,” she said.

The bluejay seemed to wink.

She went to her mirror.

To her confusion, she saw nothing there.

She gasped.

“Why-Why…” she stammered, not sure what to say at her empty mirror.

“Have no fear,” a voice said from outside the window.

She spun around and looked at the window.

The bird was still there.

“Have no fear,” the bird repeated.

This was almost too much for the young woman.

No reflection in her mirror?

A bird that talks?

“Have no fear,” again said the bluejay.

“But I-I don’t understand!”

“Have no fear.”

“But I can’t see myself!” she exclaimed, getting panicky. “And you’re TALKING!”

“The nothingness you see in the mirror is the mirror of the real you,” said the bird.

“I am nothing?!”

“You are everything.”

“But I see nothing in the mirror!”

“Look again,” suggested the bird.

The young woman took a breath, calmed down a bit, and looked into her mirror.

Suddenly she realized all she saw in it was all she felt in her.

The mirror was her.

The mirror reflected all within and appeared without.

She slowly smiled.

“I think I understand,” she said, half to herself.

The bird smiled.

“But what about this business of a bluejay speaking?” she asked.

“Ah, but within the dream, all is possible.”


“Whatever you can imagine, and can believe, can be achieved.”

“You sound like Napoleon Hill,” the woman said, smiling.

“I can read, too,” said the bird.

“All things really are possible,” mused the woman.

“And now you may awaken,” said the bird.

Thus the bluejay ended the lesson for the day.

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

Still a bestseller!

Still a bestseller!

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


My Dad for President

My father, now 91 years old, just released his second book, titled What I Would Do As U.S. President.”

It’s a thought-provoking alternative to all the brain mush out there.

For example –

Dad with new book

Dad with new book

  • * What would he feed leaders from other countries? (It’ll make you laugh, but a real President did this.)
  • * What would he do with Air Force One? (You’ll never guess, but it actually makes sense.)
  • * How much taxes would low income earners pay? (Anyone making less than $25k a year will love this.)
  • * How often would the President travel to meetings? (Let’s just say the President won’t need luggage.)

This former U.S. Marine, prize fighter, railroad supervisor, father of four, widower, and storyteller, has some solid common sense ideas that will entertain and educate you.

Jimbo Berkey said (used here with his permission) –

“I just finished reading my copy of your father’s latest book and I am awed by his thoughts in chapter four – it should be mandatory reading for every man and woman over the age of 15. I’ve never encountered that much wisdom on one subject in one place before.”

Take one look at the cover and you’ll instantly know this one is unique.

Click image

Click image

Learn more at  https://www.amazon.com/What-Would-Do-U-S-President/dp/1533431884/

Trump, Hillary, and all other politicians could learn something from reading this book — assuming (as my father might say) — they can all read.

Ao Akua,


PS – Fun videos to watch:

1. Watch my father receive his new book on June 4th, his 91st birthday (and see him instantly go into campaign mode): https://youtu.be/9KJP5ZQF0bA

2. Watch my father receive his first book last year, on his 90th birthday (and hear the 3 things he wants to do before he dies): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMTuOZJ4V64

Note: Please share this message with friends and family.

Contemplating the future

Contemplating the future


Imaginotions: Part Four

“What do you see?”

He was in an eyeglass store, trying on new glasses.

“I see you, but not very clearly.”

“Good,” the clerk said, smiling, handing him another pair. “Try these on.”

He did.

“What do you see now?”

“I see you, but you are fuzzy.”

The clerk handed him another pair of glasses.

“And now?”

“And now you are tinted.”

Yet another pair of glasses were handed over.

“And now?”

“There you are! I can see clearly now!”

“Good,” said the clerk. “We have discovered that when you have the right pair of glasses to see through, the world is clear and in focus.”

“Like life?”

“Yes,” giggled the clerk. “Glasses are filters, just like the perceptions of your mind.”

“You are very wise, for an eyeglass store clerk.”

“Oh, thank you, but I had to see through the right glasses, too.”

“I’m glad I found the right pair to look through.”

“They were waiting for you all along.”

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

My Dad for President!

My Dad for President!


Puppet of Inspiration

Sometimes I feel like “Inspiration’s Puppet.”

I feel as if I am just a stenographer for – as I called it in my book, The Secret Prayer – “The Great Something.”

I receive an idea from this “vast unknown something” and before you know it I am watching my hands move over the keyboard as the bursting concept in my head evolves into an article, post, song, or book.

But *I* had little to do with it.

All *I* said was YES.

I think we are all like that.

We get ideas and – because we have free will – we can refuse to follow them, or we can say YES and act on them.

Struggle happens when we reject the inspiration.

Success happens when we say YES to the inspiration.

Some of my greatest works were penned by me as Inspiration’s Puppet.

And they were done in record time.

I wrote my global bestselling book Zero Limits in only two weeks.

I wrote the recent manifesto The Awakened Millionaire in about three weeks.

Inspired manifesto

Inspired manifesto

But this doesn’t happen with just books.

When Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and I enter the studio, we often don’t have any idea what we will record.

But we go in open, willing, and ready.

And out of the space we make, inspiration guides us to create such musical gems as At Zero and The Enlightenment Audio and so much more.

And it all happens pretty fast.

You can do this, too.

So, how do you make inspiration your friend?

First: Go to work.

Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy. ~ Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Second: Set a time.

I write when I’m inspired, and I see to it that I’m inspired at nine o’clock every morning. ~Peter De Vries

Third: Persist.

You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. – Jack London

Simple, right?

Another example:

A few years ago, in late 2012, I decided that I was done with music.

But then I set an intention to write ten original songs and record them within eight weeks.

It was an “impossible” goal.

After all, I had no songs, no motivation, and no belief.

How would I pull this off?

BUT I stated a clear intention, which got my inner motors revved up, and to my own delight and surprise, songs came “out of nowhere.”

And yes, I recorded that album – all original, all by me, and all in record time.

My band for all my singer-songwriter albums

My band for all my singer-songwriter albums

That album was called Sun Will Rise.*  It and all of my singer-songwriter albums are at http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JoeVitale1

In a way, I “pulled” inspiration from thin air with a clear intention.

But sometimes inspiration just appears without an intention.

An example:

Back around 2010, I walked around a Rolls-Royce Phantom, the doors swung open so I could peer inside, and mumbled out loud, “That masterpiece is big enough to have meetings in it.”

Even as I said it, I sensed it was a defining moment in my life.

I bought that divine car, and as I filled out the papers for it, I was writing the sales letter in my head for what was to become the now famous Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind.

For the next three years I had people flying in from all over the world – Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Japan and more  – all coming to me for one reason: to sit in the car and brainstorm with me.

Celebrity fintess model Jennifer Nicole Lee was also a Phantom Rider (and ABC News filmed it)

Celebrity fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee was also a Phantom Rider (and ABC News filmed it)

And those masterminds helped pay for the car.

(I later sold the Rolls, bought the Fisker Karma electric car that was a nightmare of problems, and then dumped it to buy a Bentley. And yes, I currently host Bentley Masterminds.)

I love inspiration.

Anyone can do this.

It takes intent, faith, action, and persistence.

But the end result is something pretty glorious.

You get to be “Inspiration’s Puppet.”

How cool is that?

Ao Akua,


PS – * You can read about the making of Sun Will Rise at http://blog.mrfire.com/the-fifth-miracle/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Imaginotions: Part Three

“Ay lat wrds?” asked the frog of the flea on his tongue.

“Let me go!”

“I canot,” slurred the frog, his tongue still out.

“I can’t say last words when I can’t believe this is really my last moment alive!”

“Beive et.”

“Then my last words are you are a fiend to eat me when you are talking to me or at least trying to!”

“Bt I m a frog n mst do wt a frog ds.”

“Then I will be a flea and hop away!”

“Gd luk!”

And the flea did muster all his strength, and courage, and will, and 0– behold!– sprung off the frog’s tongue, went high into the air, laughing a tiny little flea laugh as he did so, surprising even himself.

“Well, I’ll be,” said the frog, able to speak clearly with his tongue back in his mouth. “I didn’t know that was possible.”

“Anything is possible when your life’s on the line!” explained the flea, more to himself than to the frog, exited to still be alive, as he disappeared into the weeds, exhilarated by his newly awakened powers.

The frog was left to wonder what else is possible.

The flea knew anything is possible.

And you?

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

Newest book!

Newest book!