Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Missing Dan Poynter

A few days ago I got the inner nudge to contact self-publishing legend Dan Poynter.

I didn’t do it, and now I know why.

Dan was no longer there to reply.

Self-publishing legend Dan Poynter

Self-publishing legend Dan Poynter

Dan helped me almost thirty years ago, with advice about publishing, and later by sending me clients for my copywriting services, getting me hired as a speaker at publishing conventions, introducing me at giant events like the National Speakers Association where I was the keynote speaker, and more.

Over the decades, we became friends.

He was the first person to ever stay as a guest in my home when I lived in Houston, was the primary resource I turned to for advice about publishing in any form, and was a friend I could talk to about books or cats.

He believed in e-books before I did.

He believed anyone could become an author, and showed them how.

He believed everyone needed encouragement, and offered it to all, including me.

He believed in stunts to get attention, and loved being involved.

When I helped generate the idea for a national publicity event involving President George H. W. Bush, to help promote parachuting, Dan was right there to help.

The former senior President wanted a special parachute.

Dan, being an expert on the subject because of the self-published best-selling book he had written on it, found the chute.

And the news went global.

Since 1969, Dan wrote more than 130 books, many reports, and more than 800 magazine articles, most of them on book publishing.

But he also wrote about – and because of his books became the authority on – other subjects.

When I was asked to be an expert witness in a court, it was Dan who advised me what to do and what to charge.

How did he know?

He had written about it.

Most of the advice I gave people when I was a publishing consultant, and when I was teaching writing and publishing classes, came from experts like Dan.

His books taught me, and I shared what I learned.

When I was broke and unknown and struggling, it was gurus like Dan who gave me a leg up, offered advice, and encouraged me, even when they made no money or had any idea the advice would stick.

Dan Poynter was like that.

We didn’t stay in regular contact over the last few years, so I didn’t know he developed leukemia.

And I didn’t know that he died on November 3, 2015.

That was the day he came to my mind – as if he was saying goodbye.

He was 77.

Dan was the self-publishing guru who helped countless newbie authors – including me.

Thank you, Dan Poynter.

I will miss you.

Ao Akua,


PS – Dan’s books are relevant to any author. Look him up on Amazon or at http://www.parapublishing.com/sites/para/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Expect Miracles

Recently on my Facebook fan page I posted this thought:

“Whenever you get upset, it’s because you went unconscious. A hidden belief was activated. Become aware of the belief, release it, and the upset vanishes. You are then able to clearly see what to do next in the moment.”

The idea is to become aware.

When something upsets you, it’s not because of the “something” but because of your internal trigger, usually an unconscious belief.

When you become aware of the belief, you can remove the trigger.

Then when “something” happens that used to upset you, you will be calm, and better able to see your choices in the moment.

In other words, when you get upset, you have to become acutely sensitive to what belief in you is being activated.

Under your emotions is a thought about how things “should” be.

Because things are suddenly not as your unconscious mind expected, a switch was thrown, a belief was activated, and you became upset.

But once you realize what the belief is, you can change it and no longer attract the experience.

New movie releases Nov 20

New movie releases Nov 20

As I also posted one time —

“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”

Once you clear the belief, you no longer need situations to remind you of it.

One way to find the belief, is to ask yourself what the situation means.

  • “This always happens to me!”
  • “He/she never respects me!”
  • “I can never win!”

All of those statements seem like accurate observations of reality by the person stating them.

On one level, they are accurate.

But in unfiltered objective reality those statements are the beliefs that are attracting the subjective reality.

Clear the belief and you won’t attract the experience, or, if you attract something akin to it, it won’t bother you.

You’ll be free.

From time to time I post nuggets like that to help you do one thing: awaken.

For example, a while back I posted this:

“If you don’t have some self doubts and fears when you pursue a dream, then you haven’t dreamed big enough.”

The idea behind that one is to get you to stretch, and realize stretching will bring up any beliefs counter to your goal, what I call counter-intentions.

In other words, going for a big dream will make you excited and uncomfortable, at least until you clear the negative beliefs.


Because you’re leaving your comfort zone.

By the very nature of the phrase “comfort zone,” you will be uncomfortable when you leave it.

But that doesn’t mean you aren’t to go for your dreams.

It simply means that when you pursue a new goal, your limiting beliefs around it will surface.

Which brings up the question, how do you clear limiting beliefs and counter-intentions?

I’ve written and recorded numerous books and audios about many different processes you can use, from ho’oponopono to The Remembering Process to Nevillizing to the Fourth Dimension Process to Miracles Coaching and more.

But today I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching a six week class on all of this.

It’s called “Expect Miracles.”

It will be my definitive course on going beyond where you might be stuck to living a life of magic and miracles.

It will take you from beginning to advanced to awakening.

It will contain processes, meditations, visualizations and more, all led by me, all designed to help you.

It will take quotes like this from me and explain them:

“You created this moment from what you thought and felt three days ago. What you are thinking and feeling right now will create your next moments.”

In other words, Expect Miracles will help you understand how your mind works, so you can actually go past the mind and merge with the energy vortex of life itself.

In that realm, miracles are the norm.

The course begins November 10, 2015.

If this is something that resonates with you, then check it out at http://mval.li/?a=5325&c=1676&p=r&s1=

Remember – Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,


PS – For more quotes from me, one place to look is at http://addicted2success.com/quotes/36-joe-vitale-quotes-to-inspire-a-life-of-abundance/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Ever Notice This?

Maybe you’ve seen this, too —

Lots of people claim to be Law of Attraction experts — and yet continue to struggle.

Lots of people claim to be marketing experts — and yet can’t market their own goods.

Lots of people claim to be life coaches — and yet can’t influence their own children.

My favorite story is of the person who wrote a book on marketing – and then asked how to market it.

Or of the wealth coach who said he couldn’t meet potential clients for lunch — because he was broke.

I don’t know if these people are aware of their own hypocrisy, but this sort of self-deception is rampant.

Sadly, they also prey on the public.

They probably do it unconsciously and unintentionally, but they still do it.

You deserve better.

If you want to learn from a person who mastered marketing, money *and* the Law of Attraction, and went from homeless to living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, and has proven his coaching skills and methods over *decades* with countless numbers of people from all over the world, and in numerous best selling books, audios, movies, and more, then get over to —


Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — And IF you are ready for personal training, with me, over an entire year, then go discover The Gullwing Mastermind http://blog.mrfire.com/whats-your-gullwing/

Note: If you feel these services are currently out of your reach, remember that you can still have my famous book, Attract Money Now, gratis, by going to  — http://www.attractmoneynow.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Free or Freedom?

I often hear from people who think everything I offer should be free.

They never seem to realize that their request reveals their limiting beliefs about money.

Or that their limiting beliefs are the very reason they are struggling and wanting everything given to them.

After all, when I offer a program such as The Zero Point, and I put a price on it, it’s because it wasn’t free for me to make it.

The reality is –

People involved want paid.

Audio engineers want paid.

Graphic artists want paid.

Credit card merchants want paid.

Manufacturers want paid.

Warehouse wants paid.

Shippers want paid.

My staff wants paid.

And why do they want paid?

For the same reason you do.

Because they have their own bills, too.

So is it really reasonable to ask for a program like http://www.thezeropoint.info to be sent to you for nothing in return?

Does that make any sense?

Is that fair?

Plus, most people don’t value what is given to them as a handout.

I give away my book Attract Money Now at http://www.attractmoneynow.com

Click image for free book

Click image for free book

Have you read it?

Have you implemented the seven steps in it?

Be honest.

I also give away all three volumes of The Miracles Manual http://www.miraclesmanual.com

Click image for all three free books

Click image for all three free books

Did you get them?

Did you read them?

Did you implement what you read?

Tell the truth.

If you are serious about making a difference in your life, then stop asking for freebies and invest in your own awakening.

One place to start is at — http://www.thezeropoint.info/

It’s the difference between free and freedom.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – You can also just jump in and transform your life with the best offering of all Miracles Coaching.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Imprint Free

Moonshine is a barn owl.

But he doesn’t know it.

He thinks he’s human.

The barn owl who thinks he's human

The barn owl who thinks he's human

He was stolen from his nest when he was still in an egg. When he hatched, opened his eyes, and looked around, he saw a human. He was supposed to see his mother owl.

Owls “imprint” the first thing they see at birth. Because Moonshine saw a human upon birth, he thinks he is human. He can even parrot human language.

But he can never be released into the wild, because he doesn’t know he is really an owl. He has no survival skills.

You and I are a lot like that.

When we were born, we started to “imprint” the behavior we saw around us.

No doubt your parents weren’t enlightened. They had issues with money, relationships, and more.

You unconsciously “imprinted” their beliefs.

Moonshine weighs about one pound, is mostly fluffy furr, and will live about two years

Moonshine the barn owl weighs about one pound, is mostly fluffy fur, and will live about two years

Today, as an adult, you wonder why you have issues with money or health or relationships.

You wonder where your programming came from.

The answer is in Moonshine the barn owl.

Like him, you were imprinted with beliefs.

It’s not your fault, any more than it’s Moonshine’s fault.

You simply “imprinted” what you saw after birth.

But you have an advantage over Moonshine.

He can’t change his imprint.

You can.

Because you have self awareness, and you have the ability to actually reprogram your mind, you can erase your imprint and break free.

Become The Whiteboard

Become The Whiteboard

I met Moonshine last year and saw him again this year, both times at the Miracles Coaching retreat at Robert Redford’s Sundance mountain resort in Utah, when Patti Richards of Great Basin Wildlife Rescue came to educate us about birds of prey.

This time she also brought an Eagle Owl, the largest owl in the world.

The largest owl in the world

The largest owl in the world

This Eagle Owl is gigantic.

It’s hard to comprehend his size without seeing him in person, especially sitting with a barn owl beside him.

He has no known predators, can lift about fifty pounds (!), and is essentially fearless.

Good thing he doesn’t live in Northern America, as he’d be flying off with our dogs, cats, and children.

Imagine it.

He’s fearless.

Where Moonshine thinks he is human and can’t survive in the wild, this Eagle Owl imprinted fearlessness from his Eagle Owl parents, and can essentially fly, hunt, thrive and survive – up to fifty years.

You may have been imprinted with limiting beliefs, but you can change them.

Moonshine can’t enroll in Miracles Coaching.

Or choose to read self help books, listen to positive messages, or recreate himself.

But you can.

Will you?

Ao Akua,


PS – Patti Richards of Great Basin Wildlife Rescue in Utah is doing great work. Last year I released an owl I named Mango. This year we released two hawks. Seeing the second, young adult hawk soar higher and higher into the Utah sky, high above the mountains, demonstrating what freedom is all about, brought tears to my eyes. I want you to have that kind of freedom, too.

Freeing "Mango" the owl

Freeing "Mango" the owl

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015