Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


How to Align to Zero

I’m excited!

I’m not sure how to convey how important it is that you drop everything and go see — http://www.aligningtozero.info

You see, I’ve been working hard to find ways to help you release any hidden blocks to your own success, whether you want to attract better health, a relationship, money, or anything else — including spiritual advancement and even enlightenment.

With that help of a dear friend, I just created what may be the most serene, tranquil, easy and effortless way to do just that. It’s designed to align your energy centers. It was made with my Healing Guitar. It was inspired by ho’oponopono and my coauthored book (written with Dr. Hew Len), Zero Limits. The website for it begins…

Secrets of the Ancients Discovered And Adapted For The 21st Century…

How Music Can Trigger Enlightenment

Finally, a true breakthrough designed to easily transform

your very being – And all you do is relax and listen while

doing (or not doing) whatever you want – Guaranteed!

Align to Zero

Announcing Aligning to Zero
by Mathew Dixon and Dr. Joe Vitale

Here’s why this is so important to you:

If you would love to have any of these seemingly miraculous benefits…

  • Increased relaxation
  • Relief of stress
  • Healing of pain
  • Increased ESP talents
  • Accelerated healing
  • Better intimacy
  • Enhanced Imagery
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Improved performance
  • Better health
  • More inspiration
  • Alignment of energy centers
  • Creative breakthroughs
  • Instant “Flow” state
  • Aligned Hormones

… you can have any or all of them!  Simply by listening to this innovative, soothing, and divine new music called Aligning to Zero.

The  whole story is at … http://www.aligningtozero.info and

you can hear samples of the music at http://www.nimbitmusic.com/aligningtozero



Decades ago — way back in the mid 1980s — I interviewed Stuart Wilde, metaphysical rogue and author of numerous New Age self-help books, such as The Trick to Money Is Having Some, Infinite Self, and The Quickening.

One of Stuart Wilde's books

One of Stuart Wilde's books

I was struggling back then, but wrote freelance articles and book reviews for the health, yoga, and New Age magazines of the time. I was paid fifty dollars per review. I got the books for free. (That was the real perk.) It was fairly easy for me to get to interview the gurus, as they wanted the publicity. It was good for me, as I wanted to pick their brains. After all, I needed the help.

Stuart was a sleepy delight. We had breakfast — he had a three minute boiled egg and coffee; I had nothing, as I was broke — and I asked what was on my mind. I wasn’t a very good interviewer back then, but nobody complained. They were glad to speak to a so-called would-be reporter.

Stuart was kind and generous. At one point he looked at me with this soft gaze, and I could swear I could hear him thinking, “I love you, I love you, I love you…” He later invited me to his seminar in Houston, which was a turning point in my life. (I wrote about it in my 2003 book, Adventures Within.)

My (now dated) spiritual autobiography

My (now dated) spiritual autobiography

One thing I remember asking Stuart was about how to know when you are in the flow, and what to do when things were not working out and you needed to change direction. (I have our interview on cassette tape somewhere and could check my question and his answer, but let’s go with this flow for now.)

I recall Stuart saying, “Sometimes it looks like you have hit a wall and nothing is happening, but the truth is, you’re right where you are supposed to be. It’s like climbing a mountain and you’re staring at the very rock you are climbing. You can’t see anything else. Looks like you are facing a block, but you are actually making progress as you climb the rock.”

His words comforted me over the years whenever I felt like things were not going well. I’d remind myself that good things were happening, that I was actually making progress, and I just needed to have faith that it would all show itself to me in due time.

Of course, from where I comfortably sit today, Stuart was right.

This lesson became apparent the other day.

I was driving my 2012 Fisker Karma EcoSport — the all electric luxury car I mentioned on this blog a post or so ago — when the slim panel along the left windshield inside the car came loose and hung there. I tried pushing it back into place. It wouldn’t snap. I started mumbling to myself how a $100,000 car shouldn’t have anything hanging in it. I decided I would get it fixed one day soon, and let it go.

For whatever reason, I woke up the next day and decided to call the car dealership. I was reluctant as it meant a drive to San Antonio, an hour away. That would mean giving up my entire afternoon. That wasn’t my plan for the day. But something in me said to call. So I did. They told me to bring the car in.

I drove to San Antonio in threatening rain, the Fisker service people took me quickly, fixed the problem quickly, washed the car, and put me back in it. Within thirty minutes I was on the road, headed home.

I felt wonderful about the whole experience. Even the sun came out, which made my washed brand new car look even more beautiful.

And then the phone rang.

I took the call over the car’s phone system, a first for me. Turns out it was Fisker headquarters. They had seen my previous blog post where I mentioned the car and how I get so many people staring at it, and they wanted to send out a press release quoting me. They wanted my permission.

Now stop and think about this.

Had that call come earlier that morning, or the day before, I might not have been so eager to say nice things. After all, my Fisker Karma had just dropped a piece of the car in my lap. I wasn’t happy.

But, I had listened to some inner nudge — where did that come from? — and took the car in, got it fixed, and was now a happy camper.

So when Fisker HQ’s called, I was all smiles and all compliments.

I told them, yes, of course, they could quote me.

That would be good for them, and also good for me.


THAT is being in the flow.

When I told the story to my wife, Nerissa, she said what she always says, “That happens to you all the time. You’re in the flow.”

While I appreciate the compliment, I wondered why everyone isn’t always in the flow.

And that’s when I remembered Stuart Wilde’s answer.

You are in the flow right now.

You may not agree to that assessment because you want your reality to be different than what it is.

You think you’re out of flow because you aren’t grateful for this moment.

You want something else.

The point to really get is this: you are in the flow right now.

Appreciate it, see its potential value, and you’ll awaken to how your life is unfolding.

Here’s another way to look at it:

Hypnotic Book On "est"

Hypnotic Book On "est"

Werner Erhard (founder of est) used to say, “If you knew what God wanted you to do, you’d do it and be happy. Well, what you are doing right now is what God wants you to do.”

Think about it.

While you do, here are a few steps to get into the flow when you think you’re out of it:

  1. Realize you are in the flow right now. You might be facing the rocky side of the mountain, and scrambling up it as you sweat and hold on for dear life, but you are exactly where you need to be in order to get to the top. Assume you’re right where you need to be for now.
  2. Look for the gratitude nugget. Look for the lesson, or the reason you’re here in this moment. A year or more from now, you will look at this moment and clearly see how it led to something better. Look for that “something better” insight right now. Have faith it’s there.
  3. Do the next thing. Action is how you move things along. When you get that inner nudge to make the call (like I did to the Fisker dealership), or write that email, or whatever it is for you, do it. Trust it’s the right next step in your flow.

You might look at your life right now and use the above three points as a helpful way to reveal what’s happening.

Life is a process, not a final moment where it’s all over and nothing ever changes again.

You may be — surprise, surprise — in the flow right now.

Could it be true?

Ao Akua,


PS — Some car talk: I’m well aware that Fisker has had some challenges, such as a new car of theirs breaking down as Consumer Reports tried to review it. I also know Top Gear called Fisker the luxury car of 2011. I’m aware the Chevy Volt, which Nerissa drives, has had so much bad press — not deserving at all IMHO — that Chevy temporarily closed down their Volt production facilities and laid off over 1,000 people. Still, Nerissa drives her Chevy Volt and loves it. I drive my Fisker Karma and am learning to love it. None of this is to say you or I, or Fisker, or Chevy, is out of the flow of life. Fisker will repair any snags. Chevy will reopen production. Again, life is a process, not a final moment where it’s all over and nothing ever changes again. I’m delighted some car manufacturers are looking to eco-friendly design, and I’m proud to be on the early adapter bandwagon. But I’ll continue to drive my loud gas-loving Spyker and Panoz cars now and then, too. It’s all part of the flow. The real question is this: What is this moment asking you to do next? Go do it.

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Hypnotic Gold

For the last seven years I have been privately interviewing some of the greatest minds in the world — thinkers, speakers, authors, visionaries, healers, scientists, marketers, and more.

The secrets, tips, methods and leading-edge information these people share with me every month is inspiring, practical, eye-opening and often unforgettable.

But only subscribers to my Hypnotic Gold membership program get to hear these incredible interviews, and we closed admission to it years ago.

Well, I have good news for you.

Not only can you now subscribe to these private monthly interviews, but when you do, you can also have access to *all* of the past ones.

Click image to subscribe now

Click image to subscribe now

This is a breakthrough of historic proportions.

The seven years of interviews are a storehouse of wisdom not unlike the legendary library of Alexander the Great.

Am I overstating this?

I don’t think so.

This is such a miraculous collection of mind-expanding and inspiring interviews, that the best way to get a grasp of the gold in them is to go here —


And I’ll be interviewing more great minds this year. You’d be wise to sign up now, start listening to the past interviews, and gear up for the new ones coming in 2012.

Please go review the site. This is well worth your time, as the wisdom there is beyond life transformative.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – As before, we will only let the doors stay open for membership for a short time. If you want to be one of the privileged few, please go here now — http://hypnoticgold.com/

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Who First?

The other day I stopped at the local gas station to fuel up my new all electric car.

No, that’s not a typo.

The Fisker Karma is all electric, but uses a gas generator to power the electric motor when the stored electricity runs out. So you have to put fuel in it sometimes. It’s possible to never use gas, if you drive locally (50 mile range per charge).

Don’t worry your head about it, though. That’s not the point of this post.

2012 Electric Fisker Karma

2012 Electric Fisker Karma

While there, a fellow asked me about the car. That’s not unusual, either.

Everywhere I drive the Karma, people stop and ask about it. I’ve had people film me on the highway while they were driving, follow me and ask me about the car, sit beside me at a traffic light and praise the car, and more. The Karma is a head turner. It was designed by the same fellow who designed the Aston Martin, so it has lines that turn heads.

But that’s not the point of this post, either.

This gentleman at the local petrol station said at one point he had fourteen cars and four airplanes.  He added, “You can’t take care of that many cars or planes, so I started giving them away.”

I could relate. I’ve given away four of my cars so far. And I didn’t start with as many as this stranger at the station.

The fellow added, “At some point you just stop buying so many things for yourself and you start helping other people.”


That’s the whole point. You have to take care of yourself first before you can help others in any big way.

Yes, of course you can help others right now, with whatever you have or can do. I’m talking about something greater than that, though. It’s one thing to help a neighbor move his outdoor grill. It’s quite another to give them a car.

I know a person who does volunteer work around the world. She said, “You have to have money to work for free.”


Money is essential to your ability to help others.

If you don’t have much right now, or always feel like you are just squeaking by, then it’s your beliefs about money and yourself that are causing the block.

Once you handle your money issues, you are free to attract money and direct it to where you feel it will do the most good.

You can call it Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but any way you look at it, until you take care of your own survival needs and move into prosperity, you won’t easily be able to think about let alone actually help anyone else in a big way.

I’m not suggesting that you own a fleet of cars before you start giving and helping others. But I am suggesting that you make yourself strong first. Then you will have the means and the strength to help others.

I’ve often said and written that if you want to make a difference in the world, begin with one person: yourself.

Once you’ve changed your own life, it’ll be far easier to help others.

If you want the world to be a happier, healthier and more prosperous place, begin by contributing one happy, healthy and prosperous person to it: you.

How do you accomplish this?

Be good to yourself. Admit what you want for yourself. Take action to attract it to you. Get yourself financially secure.

Click image to read book free

Click image to read book free

One resource is my book, Attract Money Now.  It’s still free to read online right here.  (There’s a beautiful hardcover edition, that comes with a DVD of a fiery presentation by me on attracting money, right here.)

The book contains seven steps for attracting money now. One of those steps is giving. Again, you don’t have to give away a car, but giving money opens you to receive money.

Have you read the book?

Have you done the steps in the book?

Are you giving money to where you receive inspiration?

I think right now might be a good time to start.

I’m beginning the helping process by giving you the book, entirely for free.

What will you do next?

Are you ready to help you?

Ao Akua,


PS –  Last year I gave a presentation at the offices of my Miracles Coaching team where I explained seven ways to get clear of inner blocks. The group loved the steps. The event was filmed and later turned into a free course you can watch online. Go here to see it right now: http://www.joevitalecoach.com/campaigns/sevensteps/ I’m offering you the steps to freedom — free. It’s up to you to do them. Well?

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


The Secret Manual

Want more sales?

Want more traffic?

Want more clients?

Want more money?

A decade ago I revealed my paint-by-the-numbers proprietary system for attracting all the clients or web traffic or new business you want.

I put it in an e-book that is fun to read (because of all the examples) and easy to follow (because I broke it all down into a few simple steps).

My proven method became an online bestseller and helped more people than I can count.

People used my easy steps to generate traffic to their sites, increase sales for products, attract clients for their services, and more.

But it’s been off the market for about a year, mostly because I was busy doing other things (like becoming a musician) and didn’t promote it.

Well, my e-book revealing the famous system is ready for you again.

And you can download it in under a minute.

And it’s guaranteed.

Go see — http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

This is the most powerful and effective system you can use to promote *any* product or service, or even yourself.

This is the same system I’ve used to attract people to my own sites, goods, and services.

It works.

It’s proven.

It’s guaranteed.

And it can be yours by going to — http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – You’re probably smart enough to realize that you can learn a lot about marketing by studying the emails I send out and the sites I ask you to visit. This is no exception.  Go see http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012