Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Hypnotic Gold

For the last seven years I have been privately interviewing some of the greatest minds in the world — thinkers, speakers, authors, visionaries, healers, scientists, marketers, and more.

The secrets, tips, methods and leading-edge information these people share with me every month is inspiring, practical, eye-opening and often unforgettable.

But only subscribers to my Hypnotic Gold membership program get to hear these incredible interviews, and we closed admission to it years ago.

Well, I have good news for you.

Not only can you now subscribe to these private monthly interviews, but when you do, you can also have access to *all* of the past ones.

Click image to subscribe now

Click image to subscribe now

This is a breakthrough of historic proportions.

The seven years of interviews are a storehouse of wisdom not unlike the legendary library of Alexander the Great.

Am I overstating this?

I don’t think so.

This is such a miraculous collection of mind-expanding and inspiring interviews, that the best way to get a grasp of the gold in them is to go here —


And I’ll be interviewing more great minds this year. You’d be wise to sign up now, start listening to the past interviews, and gear up for the new ones coming in 2012.

Please go review the site. This is well worth your time, as the wisdom there is beyond life transformative.

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – As before, we will only let the doors stay open for membership for a short time. If you want to be one of the privileged few, please go here now — http://hypnoticgold.com/

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Who First?

The other day I stopped at the local gas station to fuel up my new all electric car.

No, that’s not a typo.

The Fisker Karma is all electric, but uses a gas generator to power the electric motor when the stored electricity runs out. So you have to put fuel in it sometimes. It’s possible to never use gas, if you drive locally (50 mile range per charge).

Don’t worry your head about it, though. That’s not the point of this post.

2012 Electric Fisker Karma

2012 Electric Fisker Karma

While there, a fellow asked me about the car. That’s not unusual, either.

Everywhere I drive the Karma, people stop and ask about it. I’ve had people film me on the highway while they were driving, follow me and ask me about the car, sit beside me at a traffic light and praise the car, and more. The Karma is a head turner. It was designed by the same fellow who designed the Aston Martin, so it has lines that turn heads.

But that’s not the point of this post, either.

This gentleman at the local petrol station said at one point he had fourteen cars and four airplanes.  He added, “You can’t take care of that many cars or planes, so I started giving them away.”

I could relate. I’ve given away four of my cars so far. And I didn’t start with as many as this stranger at the station.

The fellow added, “At some point you just stop buying so many things for yourself and you start helping other people.”


That’s the whole point. You have to take care of yourself first before you can help others in any big way.

Yes, of course you can help others right now, with whatever you have or can do. I’m talking about something greater than that, though. It’s one thing to help a neighbor move his outdoor grill. It’s quite another to give them a car.

I know a person who does volunteer work around the world. She said, “You have to have money to work for free.”


Money is essential to your ability to help others.

If you don’t have much right now, or always feel like you are just squeaking by, then it’s your beliefs about money and yourself that are causing the block.

Once you handle your money issues, you are free to attract money and direct it to where you feel it will do the most good.

You can call it Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, but any way you look at it, until you take care of your own survival needs and move into prosperity, you won’t easily be able to think about let alone actually help anyone else in a big way.

I’m not suggesting that you own a fleet of cars before you start giving and helping others. But I am suggesting that you make yourself strong first. Then you will have the means and the strength to help others.

I’ve often said and written that if you want to make a difference in the world, begin with one person: yourself.

Once you’ve changed your own life, it’ll be far easier to help others.

If you want the world to be a happier, healthier and more prosperous place, begin by contributing one happy, healthy and prosperous person to it: you.

How do you accomplish this?

Be good to yourself. Admit what you want for yourself. Take action to attract it to you. Get yourself financially secure.

Click image to read book free

Click image to read book free

One resource is my book, Attract Money Now.  It’s still free to read online right here.  (There’s a beautiful hardcover edition, that comes with a DVD of a fiery presentation by me on attracting money, right here.)

The book contains seven steps for attracting money now. One of those steps is giving. Again, you don’t have to give away a car, but giving money opens you to receive money.

Have you read the book?

Have you done the steps in the book?

Are you giving money to where you receive inspiration?

I think right now might be a good time to start.

I’m beginning the helping process by giving you the book, entirely for free.

What will you do next?

Are you ready to help you?

Ao Akua,


PS –  Last year I gave a presentation at the offices of my Miracles Coaching team where I explained seven ways to get clear of inner blocks. The group loved the steps. The event was filmed and later turned into a free course you can watch online. Go here to see it right now: http://www.joevitalecoach.com/campaigns/sevensteps/ I’m offering you the steps to freedom — free. It’s up to you to do them. Well?

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


The Secret Manual

Want more sales?

Want more traffic?

Want more clients?

Want more money?

A decade ago I revealed my paint-by-the-numbers proprietary system for attracting all the clients or web traffic or new business you want.

I put it in an e-book that is fun to read (because of all the examples) and easy to follow (because I broke it all down into a few simple steps).

My proven method became an online bestseller and helped more people than I can count.

People used my easy steps to generate traffic to their sites, increase sales for products, attract clients for their services, and more.

But it’s been off the market for about a year, mostly because I was busy doing other things (like becoming a musician) and didn’t promote it.

Well, my e-book revealing the famous system is ready for you again.

And you can download it in under a minute.

And it’s guaranteed.

Go see — http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

This is the most powerful and effective system you can use to promote *any* product or service, or even yourself.

This is the same system I’ve used to attract people to my own sites, goods, and services.

It works.

It’s proven.

It’s guaranteed.

And it can be yours by going to — http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS – You’re probably smart enough to realize that you can learn a lot about marketing by studying the emails I send out and the sites I ask you to visit. This is no exception.  Go see http://www.hypnoticmarketing.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


The Healing Guitar

I’m glowing in the photo below — one person saw the pic and said it looked like I was about to burst into a sun — because I’m holding the world’s first Healing Guitar. I’m also beaming because I used that very same guitar to create a new music album with my guitar teacher, Mathew Dixon. You’ll love it because —

World's first Healing Guitar

World's first Healing Guitar

This new album was created in several unique ways, all designed to align your seven energy centers (sometimes called chakras). Each track was created in a specific key, to correspond to each of your energy vortexes.

Mathew and I allowed ourselves to be inspired as we played, in a way led by the Divine itself. The result of just listening to the music is an exquisite feeling of euphoria; a “flow” state where you’re relaxed yet alert.

I played lead guitar on six of the seven tracks using the Healing Guitar, which was designed to have its own mojo. It does. Even the background sounds you hear on the music were made with my custom made Healing Guitar.*

I love it!

I love it!

I’m in awe of my own guitar playing on the tracks (yes, I’m allowed to blow my own mind), but I’m more amazed and grateful at how relaxing, healing, and clarifying the music is.

The album is called Aligning to Zero. I can’t wait to make it available to you, which is only weeks away.

If you want to be notified the instant it is ready for you, just go here http://www.alingningtozero.info or send an email to [email protected]

Anyway, all I’m doing here is sharing my guitar and my excitement.

When you follow your passion, life just flows and glows.

Are you doing what you love?

Ao Akua,


PS – Just in case you missed the exciting news, you can now order my first singer-songwriter album, Strut! You can hear excerpts from my first healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are:  http://www.HealingMojoMusic.com and http://www.GetUpandStrut.com

* The Healing Guitar was custom made for me by iguitars, co-designed by me to include the healing ho’oponopono mantra (from the book  Zero Limits) of  “I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me” and “Thank you” inlaid on the neck. They can make one for you, too, if you want. The company is at iguitar. Or click on the flyer below to see the specs for the Healing Guitar.

Specs for Healing Guitar

Specs for Healing Guitar


The $21,000 Book

Back in 1988 I was still struggling.

Oh, I had had some successes along the way.

My first published writing was in the 1960s, for a magic trick I invented. I’m still proud of it. Wasn’t paid for it, though.

A one-act play I wrote was produced and performed in Houston in 1979.  It even won an award. But I was broke before it and after it.

I saw my first book published in 1984. It was a moment of celebration. But I never made a dime from it.

But 1988 was to become a different story.

I was married, broke, desperate, striving and trying. I was teaching adult education classes on writing and publishing and making gas money. I did well enough at it to be able to pay $200 a month for the one room we occupied in a run-down home in Houston. The toilet was in the same room. So was the television set. So was my typewriter.

I did my best to hide my struggle as I pursued my career as a writer.

My writing classes were becoming popular and more folks were attracted to them. I would often get clients from them who wanted consulting about writing and publishing their own book, or to hire me for writing sales letters and news releases. I met a lot of wonderful people this way, and did it for years.

Click on image to read it free

Click on image to read it free

One of the people who attended my talks became a dear friend. He was a wealthy man who owned an oil company. He took a liking to me. He never gave me money, even when he saw me struggling first hand, but offered encouragement and resources.

I helped him with a little booklet he wanted to write. He paid me with my first computer, which was his old one that he was tossing away. I wrote a little booklet on it, called Turbocharge Your Writing, which became a big seller for me and led to a lot of national publicity.

But that’s another story.

This new friend also introduced me to a wealthy businessman who wanted to write a book. More accurately, he wanted to be an author without the work of actually writing. So he met with me to see if I would write his book for him as a ghostwriter.

Over the course of a few weeks, I negotiated the best deal of my entire life at that time. It was a defining moment for me. I managed to sign a deal where I would equally own the copyright to the book, would get my name on the cover as coauthor, and I would be paid, too.

Now here comes the staggering part:

How much do you think I was paid to write that book?

Think about it. It’s 1988. I’m unknown. I have no major writing or publishing bragging rights. I’m struggling. I’m desperate. My rent is two hundred bucks a month. My car broke down regularly. I need a break.

I asked one friend and he said I was probably paid five hundred dollars.

Another friend said I was probably paid two grand.

What was I paid?

Twenty-one thousand dollars.

You read it right.


I took the down payment I received (about six grand) and went and bought a laptop computer, a suit, and gas for my car. Back then laptops didn’t have hard drives. You used one disk for the word processing program. You used another disk to save your work. I wrote the entire book on that laptop. I loved it.

This raises an interesting question, though: How did I close a deal for $21,000?

And here’s the eye-opening answer: I read books.

I read books on negotiating. I didn’t know how to negotiate. Who’s born knowing that? I had to learn. The best way for me to learn negotiating, or most anything else, then and now, is through books. I learned it so well at least one client said, “You’re probably a better negotiator than most writers.” He may have been right. But I also learned how to write from books, too. Books rule.

My research revealed many professional ghostwriters at the time were asking for $50,000 and up to write a book. I figured I was worth about half that.

No doubt I got some coaching and encouragement from my wealthy friend on how to deal with his wealthy friend. I had also been working on my beliefs about money at the time, slowly erasing limiting ones as I also built up my self-esteem.

But that’s certainly not the whole secret.

I hope you grasp at least one of the main lessons here: Whatever you want to learn, the answer is probably in books.

Books! So simple. So obvious. Yes, you still have to apply what you learn. But it all begins with reaching out to fill your mind with what might not yet be in it.

Obviously, it helped to have someone introduce me to a person who needed and could afford my services.  But that’s another lesson: I was taking action. I was doing public speaking when I was basically shy and terrified. I did it anyway. As a result, I became a more confident speaker, and I met people who could help me.

Recently I found a 1989 copy of the book I wrote for that client. It’s titled The Joy of Service. A few copies were listed on Amazon. One copy was selling for a penny. Another copy was offered for a thousand dollars. I bought the penny one.

But you don’t have to buy anything. I had the book typed up and turned into a PDF which you can read online right now. For free. Just click right here. Or go to http://www.thejoyofservice.com

The book is all about service. It’s a quick read and contains stories you’ll love.

But the best story of all is the one you just read: How I attracted $21,000 when I was broke — but knew where the library was.

Ao Akua,


PS – Just in case you missed the exciting news, you can now order my first singer-songwriter album, Strut! You can hear excerpts from my healing music albums at either Strut! or Blue Healer. The direct links are:  http://www.HealingMojoMusic.com and http://www.GetUpandStrut.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012