Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


The Princess Behind Fear

The songwriting workshop I attended last weekend triggered a breakthrough in me regarding fear.

During the first morning, famed singer-songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard gave a presentation on his insights from a long career in music. He talked about many things, including fear.

He paraphrased poet Rainer Maria Rilke, from the book Letters to a Young Poet, saying fear was a dragon who turned into a beautiful princess once you faced it.

Ray Wylie Hubbard and bored dog

Ray Wylie Hubbard and bored dog

I made mental note of that insight but didn’t do anything with it. I just liked it as a way to reframe fear: it looks scary but it’s a mirage that will turn into something beautiful once you face it.

Later that same day I had a one-on-one session with famed singer-songwriter Kevin Welch. I was telling him about my songwriting and began by saying, “The one thing I’m afraid of doing…”

Ray Wylie Hubbard and Kevin Welch

Ray Wylie Hubbard and Kevin Welch

As soon as I heard myself say “I’m afraid,” I stopped in my tracks.

I flashed back to Ray Wylie’s talk earlier the same day.

“Fear is a dragon…who turns into a princess…once you face it…”

I suddenly realized that I was saying there was a dragon in front of me and I didn’t want to face it; I was also realizing the dragon would transform into something wonderful once I looked it in the eye.

Right then and there, I owned the very thing I feared.

I announced to Kevin that I was going to do exactly what I feared.

That breakthrough was so deep and undeniable that I still smile when I think of it.

I now feel free and empowered and unstoppable.


Because I faced the dragon and it became a princess.

“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”  – Rainer Maria Rilke

Consider: What are you afraid to do?

I’ve often said that your wealth is hiding under the very thing you are afraid to do.

I learned this when I faced my fear of ridicule and released my 2001 book, Spiritual Marketing, which in 2005 became The Attractor Factor, and in 2006 got me into the hit movie The Secret.

My career skyrocketed when I faced down that fear.

Rilke and Ray Wylie are suggesting your fear hides a princess.

Songwriting Workshop

Songwriting Workshop

Face your fear — and meet a princess.

How cool is that?

Ao Akua,


PS – If you’re at all interested in songwriting, I highly endorse the weekend retreat held by Kevin and Ray Wylie. It takes you from wherever you are — beginner to advanced — and builds on what you bring to the table. Even Bob Dylan would dig it. I’ll be doing it again. It’s that good. It’s held outside of Austin, Texas, every month, for just a handful of people. Get details right here.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


The Secret to Instant Manifestation: Part Two

In the first part of this article I asked you to think about how you created this moment. Your answer will help reveal how to speed up the Law of Attraction. If you haven’t reflected on that question yet, please do so right now.

Go ahead. I’ll wait….

How did you create this moment?

How did you create this moment?

For me, the secret to how you instantly manifest anything (including this very moment) is in your unconscious mind, which is where your programming lives. It holds your life operating mental software.

As a reminder, your programming is your belief system, your mindset or paradigm, given to you from birth (even from before birth). In this post I want to explore how to clean up that programming so you can get the results you prefer.

But first things first.

You need to fully realize that your results aren’t completely coming from positive thinking or positive feeling or even positive doing.


Your results are coming from the unconscious beliefs you were programmed with up to now. Based on those beliefs, you have thoughts, which lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which attract results.

In other words, you can think positive all you like but if you have unconscious beliefs about deservingness, for example, you won’t attract what you consciously think about.

And when you don’t, you’ll blame the Law of Attraction, the Secret, and everyone else. You’ll be frustrated, disappointed, and maybe even angry.

With Miracles Coach Janeen Detrick

With Miracles Coach Janeen Detrick

I don’t blame you. I’ve been there. I’ve been broke, unhappy, depressed, despondent and hopeless. When you’re feeling defeated, it’s easy to blame the rest of the world and hard to take full responsibility.

But it’s in taking complete responsibility for where you’re at that real change begins.

Again, you can’t just poke around on the surface of your mind. Affirmations may not be enough. Visualizations may not be enough. Intentions may not be enough. You have to go deeper, into the unconscious where the command center is operating. And again, this isn’t that difficult. You just might need some guidance.

So let’s recap before we go deeper:

What you have right now is exactly what you will allow.

How do I know that?

Because it’s what you attracted based on previous thoughts, feelings and actions. Others joined in “the dance” of life with their own thoughts, feelings and actions, and you ended up co-creating this instant moment. This moment matches your comfort zone, based on your inner set-point of what you believe is possible right now.

Free DVD with purchase of book

Free DVD with purchase of book

But let’s go even deeper –

What you allow is based on your unconscious programming.

If you’re doing everything right and still not getting the results you want, unconsciously you are getting exactly what you feel is suitable for you. I know it’s hard to believe, at least at first. But your deep seated beliefs about money, love, romance, health, and everything else, is what filters out reality so you only see what is a match to those very beliefs.

Those beliefs got there from conclusions you made throughout life. You’re not to blame for any of it. We’ve all been programmed to various degrees.

This bestselling CD set contains advanced clearing methods

This bestselling CD set contains advanced clearing methods

For example, when you watch numerous movies where the wealthy people are corrupt, you unconsciously conclude “money corrupts.”

Later, when you try to manifest some cash, you block it.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

You wouldn’t want to attract what you think corrupts. So you don’t.

To move beyond all these blocks, you need to get clear of those hidden beliefs.

I’ve written many books and recorded many audios offering guidance on how to get clear, everything from The Attractor Factor and The Key to The Secret to Attracting Money. Many people find using the methods I’ve described is enough. They do them and they make the changes. Done.

I've written way too many books to list here

I've written way too many books to list here

But what about when you try all the methods — whether mine or someone else’s — and you remain pretty much the same?

This is deeper than a blog post can handle, but here’s the answer in short: any counter-intentions in your unconscious will veto conscious intentions.

In other words, if you say “I believe I’ll attract a new job” but underneath it believe, “I’m not worthy of a new job,” or “I don’t have the right skills,” or “The current economy sucks,” then guess what? Those counter-beliefs will attract a match to them.


Your un-conscious beliefs will over-ride your conscious intentions.

Given that, how do you change the beliefs in the unconscious?

How the world works

How the world works


There is hope.

Here are some tips:

EFT/TFT. I’ve been a fan of “tapping” since I learned it via Roger Callahan, the creator of it, decades ago. I call it psychological acupuncture. I use it virtually every day. I believe it’s a wonderful tool for erasing and releasing all kinds of concerns. But in all honesty, I’m not sure how deep it can go. I’m sure practitioners of it will swear by it, but I’ve found deep programming in the unconscious mind hard to reach with just tapping meridians. I’m not dismissing it. Again, I love it. I’m just questioning its depth. Many EFT preachers have personal issues they still deal with. If the method worked, all the time, for everything, it would seem they’d be free by now. Maybe it just takes time. Still, it does work.


Roger Callahan
The Tapping Solution

Ho’oponopono. I wrote the book (Zero Limits, with Dr. Hew Len) on this, so naturally I love it. I’ve been using it since around 2005. It’s saying four phrases (I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you) as a type of petition to the Divine to correct any errors of perception. I do believe this works, and goes deep. It goes to the dark corners without you even knowing it. But I’ve also wondered if a faster approach would be better. As a result, I was inspired to create advanced ho’oponopono, which I explain and demonstrate in my new audio program, The Abundance Paradigm. It rocks.


Zero Limits

Reframing: I’ve spoken and written about the power of story in my books, and in both key areas of my life, the spiritual (Expect Miracles, etc) and the marketing (Hypnotic Writing, Buying Trances, etc). When you change your story about your life, you suddenly alter an entire belief system. I remember author Leo Buscaglia saying he had a happy childhood. Yet when his sibling was interviewed, he said he had no idea what Leo was talking about. Their childhood sucked. Well, which brother was correct? BOTH. They simply had a different story. You can rewrite your story today. I believe this will cause things to shift in your world. The only snag with this process is that you may write your new story from within the old one. In other words, you’ll be writing a story for a new you from within the old you, meaning the old beliefs may be tinting what you describe.


Byron Katie’s The Work
The Lefkoe Method

Bruce DiMarsico's Trilogy

Bruce DiMarsico's Trilogy

Questioning: I’ve been using variations of The Option Process since the early 1980s. I learned it direct from Barry Neil Kaufman, author of such books as To Love Is To Be Happy With. But I’ve also had many sessions with the original miracles coach, Mandy Evans. In short, it’s a way to question your beliefs with love and curiosity. I’m pleased to report that the creator of Option, the late Bruce Di Marsico, has three volumes of teachings now available, called The Myth of Unhappiness. I also feel that this is a tough process to do on your own. You can do it, but since you’re the belief owner trying to find your own beliefs, which is operating your very looking, it may be sluggish.


Mandy Evans

Coaching: My life skyrocketed when I found a good coach. I had been doing everything right; reading the right books, listening to the right audios, attending the right lectures, and even doing the right things. I had baby step success. But when I got a coach, things exploded. Barriers melted. Why? My own view is that a coach can help you see your belief system and programming. Again, you looking at your own beliefs is a challenge as you are looking from within the very beliefs you need to see. A coach can see from the outside. Obviously, this is the way to go. Because of the power of this, I created Miracles Coaching.


Miracles Coaching

Again, I’m not dismissing anything else. I’ve been studying hypnosis since the late 1960s, for example. It’s another powerful tool. So is cognitive therapy. And positive psychology. So are clearing audios.

If you have something working for you, keep using it and tell us about it. But if you’re not attracting what you want, it may be time for a change.

Finally, you might want to remind yourself of this —

You are a work in progress. It’s important to not judge yourself or your process. After all, when will you one day think “I’m done growing! I’ve arrived!”? You’ll be working on yourself till the end. That’s the life adventure. Enjoy it.

So maybe the best news of all is that you can accept yourself and your situation and your process right now, knowing it will transform as you do.

The more you can be happy now, the more you will relax the desperation, release the stuck energy, and slide into a new paradigm.

I’ve said it before and here it goes again: the miracle you seek is right here, right now.

The more you understand that this moment is it, and be grateful for it, the more you will move into the world of instant manifestation.

Expect Miracles.

There’s one right now.

Ao Akua,


PS – I can’t stress enough that the real secret to instant manifestation with Law of Attraction is in truly appreciating this moment. Look around. There’s bound to be something you can be thankful for in this moment. Focus on it. Feel the gratitude. I mean really feel it. The more you do, the more you will morph your energy into one of well-being and happiness, and that very feeling will attract more moments even better than this one. Why not try it right now?

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Member BBB 2003 - 2011


The Secret to Instant Manifestation: Part One

How can you learn to instantly manifest what you want?

How can you speed up the Law of Attraction?

How can you attract miracles today?

It all begins by looking at this moment. That’s right, the one you’re in right now as you read this.

How’d you get here?

In other words, what did you think, feel, and do that created this moment?

Your answers will help reveal the secret to instant manifestation.

Most people manifest by default. Everything they get is largely because they live as a robot and let their programming guide them through life. There’s no blame or guilt in this. It’s stage one of awakening, meaning they’ve been living as a victim. Now it’s time to go to stage two.

Stage two is Empowerment. It’s where you begin to consciously use your given but latent powers to direct where you prefer to go and what you prefer to manifest.This power is your birthright. You simply haven’t used it before now, at least not with any consistency or awareness.

Again, how did you create this moment?

Most likely you have the same thoughts and behaviors today that you did yesterday, and the day before that. As a result, you’re getting pretty much the same old, same old. Nothing wrong with that — unless you want a change.



I believe you can live a life of miracles. But to get there you may have to make a few changes. For example.

  • Thinking. You’ll have to believe miracles are at least possible, else you won’t even try. This means your thinking has to change.
  • Behavior. If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results. This means your actions have to change.

So far, so good.

But how do you do both?

And how do you implement them to create a world where you can practice instant manifestation or at least accelerate your results?

Here’s part of the secret —

First: Becoming aware of your thoughts isn’t enough. It’s only a start. You have to train your thoughts to be positive. This requires a new habit. It’s not impossible. Habits are made all the time. Your life right now is based on old habits. So you know how to create habits. The trick here is you’ll have to consciously create a new one.

Second: Taking new actions will require a tiny bit of effort, only because it’s a breeze to keep the old habit going. Changing it means turning and moving in a new direction. You can do it. Anyone can. You’ve just been driving down a one-way street and it’s time to make a right turn. Hit the brakes and look where you want to go next. Now turn.

Latest Amazon Bestseller

Latest Amazon Bestseller

Let me explain.

You already know how to instantly manifest what you want. What you have is what you wanted. How you manifested this moment is the secret to instant manifestation. Become conscious of the process already at work and you can redirect what you’re doing to consciously manifest what you prefer.

With me?

Whether you are or not, keep reading.

In general, what you thought about, with focus and emotion, three days ago, is coming your way today.

Knowing this, it’s time to look at what you’re thinking and feeling right now.

So let’s experiment.

At press conference in Moscow

At press conference in Moscow

Say you want to manifest more sales. (You can use anything as an example, of course. But we need to do something believable (based on your current belief system) and measurable (so you have evidence this works). We’re still focusing on the three day rule, but in time you can narrow that down so you can “instantly” manifest what you want.)

When you think about manifesting more sales, what comes to mind?

In short, are your thoughts positive or negative?

When you feel the idea of more sales, how’s it feel?

In short, are you feeling excited or uncertain?

Again, your thoughts and feelings are what trigger what you attract. You probably already know that.

But it’s not quite that simple.

For one thing, it’s not what you consciously think that matters; it’s what you un-consciously think.

You can think “I’m attracting love” all day but if you unconsciously don’t feel lovable, you’ll block the attraction.

You can think “I’m attracting money” all you want, too, but you won’t attract much if you unconsciously believe “Money is the root of all evil.”

Instead, you’ll in fact attract matches to your un-conscious beliefs.

Obviously, you need to get clear of those hidden blocks to streamline your manifestations.

But how?

#1 Bestseller "The Secret to Attracting Money"

#1 Bestseller "The Secret to Attracting Money"

Behaviors are driven by thought. The thoughts may be so automatic that you no longer notice them. But thoughts lead to behavior.

At some point you decided the behavior was good for you, and you kept it. The thoughts behind the behavior, or even the decision, may be long gone.

So to change your results now, and part of what brings them is your behavior, and behavior is born from thought, then the place to work is within the world of thought.


I’ll say it again, differently..

To change what you’re getting today will require you to change what you thought and did three days ago; since you can’t do that (yet), you must change what you think and do today; and since it all stems from thought, you must change your thinking right now.

Making sense?

Again, how do you do that?

Where do thoughts come from, anyway?

You can’t predict your next thought. Go ahead and try. I’ll wait….

Where did those thoughts come from?

They appear to just “arise” in your awareness.

You don’t make them; you receive them.

But where are they coming from?

"The Missing Secret" to Law of Attraction

"The Missing Secret" to Law of Attraction

They come from your programming.

They come from the mental nest of beliefs in your unconscious mind.

You’ve been wired to think a particular way from a wide variety of sources, including family, friends, schools, media, government, culture and more.

Most of it wasn’t intentional. You got programmed just like those before you. It’s robots programming robots. All the robots are doing the best they know how, based on their programming.

But it’s still programming.

So, at this point you should understand that you’ll have to change your programming in order to instantly manifest anything. After all, your belief system is giving you what you see.

Before I explain how to do just that — which will be in Part Two — I’d like to hear how you currently try to change your own programming. You can post your thoughts as comments below.

Ao Akua,


PS – Careful what you’re thinking. It will lead to the results you’re about to get next. What would be better than what you’re thinking right now?

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


For Pet Lovers

Thom Somes, “The Pet Safety Guy,” is the #1 advocate for pet health & safety. His trainings are used by Homeland Security for their canine officers.

If you have or love pets, then you will want to pick up his new PetSaver App.

For less than 5 bucks, you will get the premiere reference and educational app with step-by-step instructions for CPR, first aid skills, and daily care information for dogs and cats.

And you will also receive a Special Bonus Gift.

Thom & Rio made a special video just for you that you must check out at:


And if that wasn’t enough, Thom has graciously agreed to donate $1 to my favorite charity, Move The Mountain, a movement to end poverty, for every App purchased using my unique referral code MRFIRE.

Check it out at:  http://www.PetTech.net/mrfire

Do it today – you know your pets would do it for  you.

Ao Akua,


PS — The PetSaver App looks really awesome on my iPad.  🙂

Note:  Move the Mountain is at http://www.movethemountain.org

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


Be Grateful Now

I saw this art poster recently and had to share it with you. It’s a great reminder to be grateful for where you are and who you are right now. Enjoy. (If you know where I can get a larger version, or a printed copy of this, please leave a comment. Thank you.)


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Member BBB 2003 - 2011