Dr. Joe Vitale’s Blog


Attract Money Now

Thought you’d enjoy seeing a couple of quick video endorsements* for my Law of Attraction book Attract Money Now. The first is in English, the second by the same woman but in Spanish. Here they are:

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* Both are paid endorsements from a woman who loves the book. Her endorsement is her own, in her own words. I paid her five dollars for each video for her time and trouble. Found her on Fiverr.



The Universe gives clues to you all the time.

You have to notice them.

What you do with them is up to you.

That’s free will.

Here’s an example:

Recently I was talking to Pat O’Bryan about this and that when he mentioned he visited famed luthier Tony Nobles. Tony showed him his latest creation, a shiny black electric guitar made by hand, with all the perks and magic Tony wanted in a guitar of his dreams. Pat played it and said it was “perfect.”


Pat doesn’t toss around that word often or easily. I instantly asked if the guitar was for sale. Pat didn’t know. I just as instantly sent en email to Tony — I sent it right then and there, while Pat was sitting watching me type it on my mobile phone — and asked about the perfect guitar.

Tony wrote back the next day, saying the guitar was the best he had ever made. He said he was out of town but sent me the link to his blog* where he described everything about what he nicknamed The Snake.

I read the post and drooled.

I wanted that guitar.

Pat said it was perfect.

Tony said it was the best one he had ever made.

Two clues.

While waiting, I sent the blog post link* to my guitar teacher, guitar monk Mathew Dixon. He read it and wrote back, “OMG!!!”

Third clue.

By now I had my checkbook out.

But I had to wait for Tony’s return.

snake on guitar

When he returned, he let me know I could come and see the guitar.

I still didn’t know what it cost.

I didn’t care.

The Universe sent me three clues that this was the next step for me.

I could have ignored them. I could have said I already have guitars. I could have turned my back on the opportunity before me.

I have free will and could use it to say no.

But I’ve found saying yes is the wiser choice.

I got Pat and we went to Tony’s shop. When I finally got to see The Snake, I loved it. When I played it, it was light, smooth, and easy. It felt like it had supernatural powers. It had mojo. It felt mystical and magical. And powerful. And full of untapped secrets.

Pat played the guitar for me. He’s Clapton. He made it walk, talk, run, sprint, sing, growl, soothe and stimulate.

I finally asked Tony what he wanted for it. He thought about the six months it took him to make it, and gave me a fair number. I pulled out my checkbook and wrote a check for five hundred dollars more than what he asked.


snake guitar

I was practicing prosperous purchasing.

And I wanted to acknowledge Tony for his passion, skill, and love for making it. When you do what you love, things tend to work in the world. Tony does what he loves. I wanted to encourage it, and him.

The lesson: When you get clues from the Universe, act on them.

Don’t second guess. Don’t doubt. Don’t argue.


tony joe snake

When you act on the inspirations you receive, you stay in alignment with the flow of life.

Everything works.

It may not be a guitar for you. The above clues were for me, not you. Yours may be a business idea. Or an urge to make a call, buy a book, attend an event, write, sing, dance, play, bake, or who knows what.

Follow the clues.

They lead to miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – Need a clue? Get your free sample of Miracles Coaching by clicking right here.

* Tony’s blog post about The Snake electric guitar is at: http://www.devilsbackboneguitarco.blogspot.com/2010/10/snakes.html

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The Hercules Cookbook

How did Hercules stay fit?

What did the greatest bodybuilder eat to stay healthy and win all those awards?

What can you and I learn from the nutrition secrets of the man who influenced more superheros than anyone else?

You may or may not know that I’m a fan of Steve Reeves, the actor who played Hercules, and the bodybuilder who won so many awards — Mr. Amercia, Mr. World, Mr. Universe — before steroids.

I have everything from Steve’s car (1976 Jaq XJS) to his home gym (commercial grade Universal).

Recently I teamed up with Reeves’ friend and business partner, George Helmer, and wrote an unusual cookbook about what Reeves ate as an actor and bodybuilder to live a long and healthy life.

It’s called The Hercules Cookbook: The Recipes and Nutrition Secrets of Steve Reeves.

Hercules Cookbook

This is far more than a cookbook. It’s packed with full-color photographs of Reeves on and off the movie set, and contains terrific stories about Reeves. It reveals what the world’s first film action hero ate to stay fit — before fitness was considered cool.

We are going to offer this collectible book as a downloadable e-book very soon. But I wanted you to know that if you wanted a limited-edition printed copy, signed by me and George Helmer, that we only have 250 available.

It’s just $29.95 (a screaming deal) but there are strictly only 250 copies being printed (and I’m keeping a box of them myself to give out as gifts).

This book has great stories from people who knew Steve best, great color photos, information on how he became an expert on nutrition, and what he ate during his years in bodybuilding, starring in films, and on his ranch. We have had this information for many years and now want to share it with you.

The book measures 8′ x 10′ inches and has 108 pages of little-known information and amazing color photos. You’ll love thumbing through the book, reading the stories, looking at the pictures, and trying out the recipes.

And don’t think Steve only ate nuts and bananas. He wasn’t a monkey. He enjoyed normal food made in special ways – including brownies!

We are now taking orders for this limited-edition printed book and will not charge your credit card until we ship your book. The books are due to ship on December 11, 2010, so you’ll get yours in time for the holiday season (assuming you order today).

Order by clicking right here. (If the link doesn’t work, go to http://www.stevereeves.com, click on the online store, and search under ‘books’.)

The book is a historic work, perfect for anyone interested in cooking, eating, nutrition, health, fitness, movies, classic bodybuilding or of course the great Steve Reeves.

Ao Akua,


PS – Remember, there are only 250 copies of the printed, collectible, signed book. To get yours, go to http://shop.stevereeves.com/store/viewItem.shop?idProduct=273 or go to http://www.stevereeves.com, click on the online store, and then search under ‘books’.

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Member BBB 2003 – 2011


Mind Gestapo

Now that I’m on an intense learning adventure to sing, play guitar, write my own music, and record my own album in 2011, I get to see what it’s like to struggle in the pursuit of a goal in a new category.

The key word is “new.”

I’ve written over fifty books. Writing another one would be easy. I’ve already wrestled with the demons in that category. I won.

But learning how to sing and play guitar is a new category for me.  I’m struggling in it.

The struggle isn’t real. Not in any outward, measurable way. But it’s sure real otherwise. The struggle is within; it’s the conscious and unconscious thoughts of self judgment that make us fight with our own progress.

It’s not any fun, either.

Let me explain:

In my third lesson with Daniel Barrett (lead singer for the band PorterDavis), he asked me to play and sing I song I had been working on. (The acoustic guitar version of the Rob Thomas song Lonely No More. See PPS below.)

I did. But as soon as I made a mistake, my body tensed, my playing got awkward, my singing was strained, and my face filled with tension. I was even mad at myself.

Dan’s eyes grew large and he waved his hand to stop me, saying, “Man, you just brought in the entire Gestapo on yourself!”

I stopped.

I took a deep breath.

I reflected on what just happened.

A part of me wanted my singing and playing to be perfect. Even though there is nothing like perfection in the world — none of us can agree on the perfect song or singer, let alone much else — some aspect of my mind had set the bar so high that there was no way I was going to reach it. And when I flubbed, that same mind beat me silly.

I realized what I was doing.

You can’t really learn much when you’re in chains.


I took a deep breath.

I relaxed.

I let the chains drop.

I remembered that the goal is to sing and play and learn, and to have fun as I did so. Yes, I had lots to learn. But beating myself for my efforts wasn’t helping. At all.

Dan and I talked for a while about how we judge ourselves harshly. It’s a learned behavior. We all have it. Try to learn anything challenging and new and you’ll see what I mean.

A part of us is trying to please our inner critics — parents or teachers, family or friends, or even ourselves. We’re trying to learn, but when we don’t meet those invisible high standards and those invisible voices in our head, we lower the boom on ourselves.

That doesn’t help.

No wonder so many people give up on their goals, dreams and intentions.

A lot of who they are listening to, that is talking them out of their own best interests, is their own mind.

As Bruce Barton (who I wrote about in my book The Seven Lost Secrets of Success) once said:

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstances.”

If you’re trying to attract anything in your life, stop trying and start relaxing, all while moving toward your goal with intention, passion and action, and your results will accelerate.

Be as gentle with yourself as you would be with a baby learning to walk, or a puppy you’re training to sit up or roll over.

This is a huge insight.

My going through the process of learning to be a musician is letting me see how this works in me. I’m sharing it so you can reflect on how it works in you, too.

Don’t let the “Mind Gestapo” stop you or slow you.

It’s just a voice.

It’s just self-talk.

But you’re in control of it.

Bring in the Love Army instead.

Love yourself, your process and your present talents.

With love, you can achieve and attract what you want — and you’ll enjoy the adventure all the more.

I’m no longer struggling with playing guitar, singing, or writing my own music.

I’m now in charge of the voices in my head in this new category of learning.

I won.

You can win, too.

Ao Akua,


PS – This post also illustrates the need for a really good coach.

PPS – For funsies, here is singer/songwriter Rob Thomas (of the band Matchbox 20) performing the acoustic guitar version of his hit song, Lonely No More:

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The $30,000 Gold Watch

Recently I struggled with an inspired idea. I’ll share the personal story with you here as it illustrates how the Law of Attraction actually works.  If this pushes any buttons in you, use that as an opportunity to get clear of any limiting beliefs you may have about abundance. Those “buttons” in you are restricting beliefs currently wired in your brain. You can change them. This is your chance to experience a miracle.

Here goes:

Years ago I wrote about buying a $700 gold cigar lighter. (You can see the gold lighter and hear the story on the free DVD that comes with the hardcover version of my book, Attract Money Now.)

The lighter became a teaching tool to help people experience their limitations about money and deservingness, and to release them. After all, it’s not about the lighter. The lighter is just a lighter. It’s more about what the lighter (and the price of it) triggers in you.

With that in mind, let me tell you the following story…

A month or so ago I ordered an expensive ($10k) watch for myself. It’s a limited-edition Spyker inspired collectible Swiss timepiece, made out of turned steel and French Bouveret hand-stitched leather. It’s designed to replicate aspects of the Spyker car. It was engraved with my name on the back, and my Spyker car production number (174) on the side. It arrived, I put it on, and I’ve been loving it ever since.


The people who sold the watch to me (Expression d’Artistes) wisely kept sending me magazine reviews of their watches. That’s good marketing. It prevented any buyer’s remorse, and it kept their products top level in my mind.

But every time they sent a review, another watch kept leaping out from the photos. This other one is black French leather, pink 18-k gold with a black dial. The first time I saw a picture of it, I loved it. But I didn’t do anything about it.

Spyker 18K Rose Gold black dial

The second time I saw the watch, I decided that it is calling me for a reason.

So I asked how much it cost.

Turns out it is over $30,000.

I paused to take that in.

Thirty thousand dollars for a watch?

I know luxury watches can sell for many times that amount, but still.

I know that a gold watch can be a sound investment, but still.

The world’s most expensive watch may be the Big Bang Chronograph, which sells for $1,000,000. Yes, one million dollars. It’s practically nothing but diamonds.

But still.

most-expensive-watches-Big-Bang-ChronographI wasn’t drawn to it.

Even so, the $30,000 Spyker gold watch seemed really expensive to me, and even for me.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about that watch.

Every time I thought of it, I wanted it.

The thing is, it was triggering my wealth comfort zone. I was hitting my own ceiling of deservingness, something I talk about in such books as Attract Money Now.

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I really wrestled with this.

I did clearing and cleaning.

One memory that surfaced was this: It was decades ago. My late wife was cooking dinner. She picked up a jar of tomato sauce but dropped it. It shattered. And we didn’t have the two dollars to buy another one!

Memories like that one needed erased.

So I kept clearing.

I kept hoping the desire for the watch would leave me alone.

But it didn’t.

So here’s where I had to get ruthlessly honest with myself.

I reminded myself that I teach people one of the seven steps in Attract Money Now is Prosperous Purchasing. I was even reminded of how I explained this on national television last year when I was visiting a friend the other day and she played that very TV show for me. (She wanted me to see how good I looked on her giant flat-screen TV monitor. I was impressed.)

There I was, telling people, “When the desire is there, and the money is there, buy the thing!”

I said it’s a way to experience and anchor abundance. I also said don’t buy anything if it will put you in debt or make you feel desperate. Otherwise, if the passion is there, the product or service is there, and the money is there, buy!

Was I going to take my own advice or not?


Not yet.

Then I remembered another key statement I teach people: that when you change your beliefs about scarcity to abundance, then spending money and giving money become ways to attract money.

That’s worth repeating:

When you change your beliefs about scarcity to abundance, then spending money and giving money become ways to attract money.

Did I believe what I teach or not?

And with my new audio program coming out tomorrow about abundance, called The Abundance Paradigm, with me declaring you can easily shift from the scarcity mindset to the abundance mindset, was I coming from scarcity or abundance when considering buying the watch?

Well?abundanceparadigmAfter doing just one of the advanced clearing processes in my new program, I finally got clear and decided to order the $30,000 watch.

Ah, life is so much better once you make the decision you wanted to make all along. 🙂

And here’s where the magic appeared.

The very day I wired the deposit for the watch, I received a royalty check from one of my publishers.

I was surprised as it seemed early. I was even more surprised when I opened the envelope and saw the amount.

It was the largest royalty check I had ever received — ever!

Buying the watch would be a tiny percentage of the check.

Clearly letting go of my scarcity beliefs, following my own advice, and staying in the flow of life rewarded me for my action.

Do you see how this works?

Inspiration was asking me to do something: get that gold watch.

Clearing was helping me dissolve the beliefs I had about taking action: you deserve what you desire.

Action caused me to complete the inspiration to get the watch as well as to attract more than enough money to pay for it: action leads to attraction.

The formula looks like this:

Inspiration + Clearing + Action = Magic!

Remember, this post isn’t about a $30,000 gold watch.

Not any more than the $700 gold lighter was about the lighter.

Instead, it’s about following your passion, honoring your inspirations, and letting what comes up be a personal development tool to raise your vibration and your deservingness level.

Everything that occurs in your life is designed to help you to awaken.

I’m telling you, there’s real magic and miracles in the world.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

What is inspiration asking you to do?

What is this moment asking of you?

Do it!

Ao Akua,


PS – Terrific new videos explaining the Law of Attraction, and three secrets to make it work for you all the time, including an amazing new clearing process I personally lead you through, are ready for you to view right here.

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Note: My new audio CD program releases tomorrow. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. It’s the most spiritual, practical, and experiential program of my entire career. You will love it. Curious? Click here.

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