Jimbo Berkey bought one copy of my new album, Reflection, and then went back and grabbed 5 more copies.

Five more?

I asked him why.

What do you see in the mirror?

What do you see in the mirror?

He said —

“After putting Dr. Joe’s ‘Reflection’ disk
into the car player my search for music that
would lift me up and put a smile on my face
was over. With world class instrumental music
in the background playing toe-tapping tunes,
I can hear words that will make me a better
person as they seep from my conscious mind
into my unconscious mind and help me to keep
my thoughts on the ‘right’ side of the
universe all day long.

“I quickly ordered five more copies . . .
why five? Well, my original copy is the one
I will wear out in my car cd player, and
three of the five copies I will gift to
friends that I think have an enlightened
spirit and will recognize them for the
treasure that they are . . . and the
other two? I will keep them in their
original wrapping in a special place
with my rare coins and original
Humphrey Bogart/Lauren Bacall movie
poster because I am convinced that one
day these copies of Dr. Joe’s ‘Reflection’
will be valuable far beyond their cost.”

Apparently this new album is connecting with people of all ages.

Arames Castro is an 18 year old who listened to it and said —

“I’m sure you can imagine the excitement and
anticipation I began to feel as I realized
this is exactly what I’d been searching for.
I like to think of listening to it as “comfort
food for the soul.” My current favorite track
is ‘Reflection.’ The lyrics especially are
freakin’ awesome!”

And Rabbi Neil Schuman said —

“I find your music an uplifting review of
your teachings.”

Click image

Click image

And publisher Victoria Belue Schaefer said —

“What an amazing new CD you’ve created!

“It has shades of David Byrne and Brian Eno,
to me, which I’m wondering if was intentional
because Eno was quoted in the beautifully
produced CD booklet.

“The powerful lyrics and modern jazzy-inspired
melodies blew me away.

“The songs Love, Believe and Merlin are great,
but the song Remember was phenomenal! I’ve never
heard positive affirmations to music like that.
Wow! Wow! Wow!

“And what about the song Do? Good grief. Rock monster
with nothing but empowering lyrics. We all need to
play this on a loop when we want to get – and stay

“I do believe you have created a new genre of music.”

I love all this positive feedback, of course.

But you need to decide for yourself how much you love the music and which songs are your favorite.

You can hear samples of all the tracks and grab the CD (which comes with a collectible, limited edition booklet, and with a surprise gift) over at http://www.ReflectionCD.com

Go see (and listen).


Ao Akua,


PS — Previous healing music albums —


Coming – http://www.432toZero.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


  1. May 30, 2014 at 6:32 am

    I can only second the comments.

    When I first started listening to the CD, “Reflection” hit me hard. So hard, in fact, that I put it on repeat and listened to it 6 or 7 times while I had two epiphanies.

    The first was that I can only see what I like and dislike in other people because I have the same things going on inside me. This is, of course, the theme of the whole song.

    The second was more painful: if the first is true, then there parts of me that resemble and reflect people I despise, like Vladimir Putin, or the man who cut in front of me in the car this morning. It hurts to realise that I am like them, and not as morally superior as I like to think.

    On the other hand, it also means that I have good things in me, because I admire people like the Dalai Lama and you, Joe. This gives me hope for my future.

    By the way, I also discovered that just reading about how you’ve become so fit and thinking about how I would go about it, if my doctor allowed me to stress my joints that much, I’ve lost 8 pounds in the last month and 1.5 stone since the beginning of the year. Just looking up to someone else can push you in the same direction, without you even realising it.

  2. June 7, 2014 at 6:25 pm

    I will check it out! Thanks Joe!

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