If you saw the hit movie, Eat, Pray, Love (or read the book), you know that Elizabeth Gilbert (played by Julia Roberts) has a relationship crisis and decides to spend a year in Italy, India and Indonesia, in that order. In the scene when she first arrives in Italy, she surveys the breathtaking beauty around her and says:

There is a wonderful, old, Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging, ‘Dear saint, please, please, please let me win the lottery.’

Finally, the exasperated statue comes to life and looks down at the begging man and says, ‘My son, please, please, please buy a ticket.’

So now l get the joke…

And I’ve got three tickets.

Now I’m not telling you this story because I’m Italian and love Italy (although I am and I do, of course). I tell it because I’m wondering…Have you bought your “ticket” yet?

In other words, have you stepped out in faith towards that thing you want?

Have you taken a bold move?

Aristotle once said, “Nature abhors a vacuum.”

Stepping out, facing your fear, taking action, doing something – all of these, in effect, create a vacuum. They place a demand on the universe.

It’s like asking a question of God. If there’s no question, there’s no answer. Most of the time, people have this backwards. So they wait.

And wait.

Go to this. Click for details.

Go to this. Click for details.

And then wait some more.

And you know what they’re usually waiting for?


In fact, they believe that’s “how” they’re going to buy their ticket. It’s why they’re waiting and what they’re waiting for. And I know this because rarely does a day go by that I’m not asked about money – how to get it (fast) or how to make it (fast) – lots of it, preferably.

The funny thing is that these are often the same people who haven’t bought their “ticket.”

Oh, sure, they’re going to, they’ll say, after they get some money.

But that’s not the way it works.

You have to buy your ticket…first.

You have to take action…first.

You give the universe something to respond to…first.

You have to go buy your ticket right now.

It’s a bit counter  intuitive, I know. And honestly, it took me years to understand it. Let’s face it…when you’re broke, getting money to do what you need or want to do is the first line of defense, the first excuse that pops out of your mouth.

But here’s the deal:  Getting MORE money, making MORE money, than you currently have always involves some sort of transformation.

You have to transform your mindset.

You have to become somebody who thinks and believes differently than you do now.

And it doesn’t matter if you want $100 more a month or $10 million more a year. It’s all about the same thing:  transformation.

Because when you go through this inner process, you’ll begin to see, choose and act differently.

Speaking from experience, money just gets a whole lot easier.

So…what if you could buy your ticket – literally – and accomplish all of it in one sweeping event?

You can…right now…when you join me and an elite group of experts in a life-changing weekend at my November event in Austin.

In both ways – figuratively and literally – there’s never been a better time to “buy your ticket”…and change your financial life.

Get you ticket here — http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com

Ao Akua


PS – Excuses are easy. Are you in charge of your mind or is it in charge of you? Make the decision to transform. Today. Right now. Buy your ticket already. http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


  1. October 15, 2013 at 4:50 pm

    I recently bought my ticket to this event in Austin as a leap of faith…something was nudging me to go…and so I am. Flying in for the weekend of November 8th to 10th but wait a minute… I am already feeling an empowerment! Now that I know I’m going, I somehow feel stronger, more confident and I am having my best month ever! This might sound crazy but it seems I’m already getting a return on my investment BEFORE the event!! Wonder how things will go when I get back!?!

    • October 16, 2013 at 5:01 am

      Patrick, that has been my experience, too. when I sign up, the changes begin. see you soon!

  2. Josh-Reply
    October 16, 2013 at 8:30 pm

    I got the ticket when I was born.

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