ZZ Ward is one of my favorite singers. I met her last year and gave her a  copy of my book, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual. She read it and sent this to me (used with her permission):

ZZ Ward

ZZ Ward

“Hello Joe! I just wanted to let you know that I love “Life’s Missing Instruction Manual” the book you gave me at my concert! I read it every day, and I’m buying copies for all of those close to me!! It’s an amazing book and probably beats out the art of happiness for me which is also a very inspiring book. Any ways I just wanted to let you know!! Thanks again. – ZZ”

Thank YOU, ZZ!

Secrets Revealed Inside

Secrets Revealed Inside

I met a man on a plane once who told me he buys copies of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, hides a one hundred dollar bill inside each, and gives them out to people who graduate or have some other milestone.

As the author, you know I like hearing this. 🙂

You can get the book (printed, Kindle, or audio version) at Amazon or wherever  books are sold.


Just sharing. 🙂

Ao Akua,


PS – Be sure to check out ZZ Ward’s music at –  http://www.zzward.com

Membr BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


  1. May 25, 2014 at 7:47 am

    I own all three versions, and I’ve gifted a few copies of the printed version to people I think will benefit from it and/or enjoy it. It’s still one of my favourites.

  2. May 27, 2014 at 2:25 pm

    Hi Joe!

    I so appreciate your diligence, focus and commitment to help and serve humanity. There was a time I would have asked, Why does Joe feel it necessary to share this post? So, ZZ likes your book – why do you need to tell the world? Is it necessary to be so self-promotional, to hype his stuff constantly?

    Over the years, though, you more than anyone have helped me to understand the importance of marketing, promotion and quite simply, SELLING. I’ve come to accept, profoundly, that if one has created a product or service that will help others be happy, successful, he or she has a duty to make as many people aware of that solution. Not only that. One has the duty to use every legitimate, ethical means to persuade those who can benefit from his or her work.

    I think of it, now, that if I were to come up with a cure for cancer, should I keep it to myself? Would I not have an obligation – if I really cared for cancer victims – to tell them about it and help them overcome their obstacles to accessing this life-enhancing cure?

    In that regard, sharing ZZ’s endorsement of Life’s Missing Instruction Manual, is an important duty you’re fulfilling to your readers, and potential readers.

    You continue to be a source of education and inspiration – by your wisdom, discipline, and example. Thank you!

    If you ever decide to visit Jamaica, make sure to look me up, my friend! –Glenford

    • May 27, 2014 at 3:26 pm

      Thank you for the wise words and positive comment. 🙂

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