Patrick Doucette signed up for my upcoming
event and posted this on my blog —

“I recently bought my ticket to this event
in Austin as a leap of faith…something was
nudging me to go…and so I am. Flying in for
the weekend of November 8th to 10th but wait
a minute… I am already feeling an empowerment!

“Now that I know I’m going, I somehow feel
stronger, more confident and I am having my
best month ever! This might sound crazy but
it seems I’m already getting a return on my
investment BEFORE the event!! Wonder how
things will go when I get back!?!”

That’s always been my experience, too.

As soon as you sign up for an event, the
changes begin.



Decide to attend. Click image.

Once you make a decision to do something
different, you send a signal to your mind
that the change begins NOW.

Until you make a decision, life is the
“same old, same old.”

Once you make a decision, you fracture time
and space and create a new reality.

The decision itself cuts through the old
habits and releases energy to move in a
new direction.

It’s psychological and mystical and more.

But it’s real.

Find out for yourself.

Take a leap of faith.

Sign up at —

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you are sitting there wondering if you
should sign up right now or not, then you already
know that you want to sign up right now. The only
thing holding you back is a decision. I say take
the leap and see how a single decision can change
your life for the better right now. Just do it.
Please go here —

Member BBB 2003 - 2014

Member BBB 2003 - 2014

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