How do you transform?
How do you make such a dramatic change in your life that the new you is clearly different than the old you?
How long does it take?
Is it even possible?
Some people have to hit bottom before they change. Some never do. Others do it spontaneously. Still others do it intentionally.
I’m interested in the last group; those wonderful souls who choose to transform. If you’ve been wanting to make a change in your life, this subject might interest you, too. So let’s explore it.
Three weeks ago today I completed the Bill Phillips Transformation weekend. It’s a three day kick start on a twelve week program to transform your life, focusing on your health. I love the program, have already had dramatic results, and see principles in it that you can use to transform your life in any area.
Let’s talk about it…
I’ve been a fan of Bill Phillips since he started the famous Body For Life fitness contests back in 1996. I entered and completed five of them in a row back in 2004 and 2005. It took discipline and commitment and I gave it my all.
I lost 80 pounds, received five certificates of completion, and won an honorable mention for my success. I’m still proud of those five certificates of achievement. I’ve showed them off to everyone who visits my gym, including actor/bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno.
When I met Bill Phillips the first time years ago, I told him how he influenced my life. He flattered me by saying he had studied my marketing materials and that I had influenced him, too. It was an unforgettable moment for me.

My Certificates of Achievement for completing five consecutive Body for Life contests in 2004 and 2005
But that was almost ten years ago. Bill Phillips moved on. I grew older. I lost touch with him and his wisdom. As I approached the age of 60, and felt my body age and my waist line grow, I wanted his help again.
I had tried low cal, no cal, low carb, no carb, high protein, veggie, juice, HCG, cabbage, low Glycemic, blood type, kitten food (kidding) and other diets. They all work in the short term.
But as Bill Phillips says, dieting is like holding your breath. When you come up for air, you’ll devour everything in sight.
Been there.
Not good.
Or healthy.
I knew you had to change the inside before your outside would change. After all, that’s the core of my message these days. For that reason, I’ve gone through a long list of self help processes, including personal work with the amazing Morty Lefkoe.
And now I wanted and was ready for the complete package. I wanted the dramatic and long term results I had gotten on the Body for Life program, only with any updates in transformation since those days long ago.
So I did the only logical thing: I Googled Bill Phillips.
Turns out Bill is doing great, looking great, and still inspiring others through something he calls Transformation Camp and the Transformation Challenge. It didn’t take me long to decide to register for his three day weekend and be trained personally by him.
Bill trained Clint Eastwood, Sly Stalone, Whoopie Goldberg, the Denver Broncos and other celebrities and athletes. Having the chance to train with him personally would be worth whatever the investment. I’ve met movie stars and super stars and worked out with their celebrity fitness trainers, but I was more excited about being with Bill than anyone else.
And I wasn’t disappointed.
Bill is warm, wise, relaxed, supportive, inspiring. He loves scientific research and quotes it as easily as others quote sports scores or jokes. He’s also a great storyteller, and openly shares his personal struggles.
For example, Bill had a near death experience when he almost drowned in Hawaii. It shattered his world view. It triggered a quest for him to study esoteric literature and ancient spirituality. He traveled around the world, visited healers and mystics, and probed for the secrets of the universe.
He also fell down the stairs in his home and broke both his legs. That experience caused him to put all his life research and life experience – everything from fitness and spirituality to psychology and metaphysics – into an entirely new program. It’s what he today calls Transformation.
Bill’s insights are mind opening:
- He said focus on process, not perfection.
- He said he doesn’t care to avoid death, that he instead wants us to live long enough to complete our life mission.
- He said he’s seen dramatic transformation right after people take total self responsibility.
- He said he’s seen 225% better results in achieving goals when people have group support.
- He said lives transform after people experience forgiveness and let go of resentment.
Of course, Bill’s seen these transformations firsthand and been the catalyst for a staggering amount of them. Not a few hundred, but a few hundred thousand.
His earlier book, Body For Life, influenced a million people. His later book, Eating For Life, is still a bestseller. His latest book, Transformation, is picking up where his earlier work left off.
I’m used to Bill’s evidence based approach to proving his methods. I still recall flipping through the pages of his popular magazine from a decade ago, Muscle Media. It was packed with pages and pages of before and after photos of people who had dramatically transformed their bodies and their lives, in only twelve weeks. Bill’s gym in Denver, Colorado also has before/after pictures.
The evidence that change is possible is overwhelming.
Today Bill focuses on a more all encompassing transformation. Health and fitness are still a focus, but not the only ones. He’s less concerned about muscle building and more focused on inner life building. His whole being approach to transformation is about taking control of your entire life, not just what you see in the mirror.
And today Bill is offering it on a smaller scale. Once a month he personally trains, inspires, and guides thirty people in his Transformation Center in Denver. Every weekend camp sells out in advance. Besides the three day intensive, Bill’s team offers ongoing support by email and on Facebook for another twelve weeks.
It’s clear to me that Bill is on a life mission. He doesn’t appear to care about financial reward. He cares about you. And me. He’s donated over two million dollars to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. This is a man who cares about people.
And that’s why I joined his Transformation Camp three weeks ago. I’m going to respect the privacy of the thirty people in the weekend with me and Bill. I’m not going to describe our experiences. They were personal, and my group is now a support team. I love them.
Let’s just say that when I walked in the door for the first day of Transformation, and was met with Bill’s sister making me pancakes, I knew I was in the right place. (They were protein pancakes, tasted delicious, and the recipe is in the book, Eating For Life.)
But let’s go back to the questions I asked about how people change. Since the other questions were answered in this post, let’s just look at the key one: How can you transform?
There are five key steps to transformation:
- A decision. You “demand” transformation by choosing it. Your conscious intent to go in a new direction redirects your life flow and aims you where you want to go. It all begins here.
- A plan. You control circumstances when you are prepared for them. Having information on what to do, how and when, will guide you down the path to transformation.
- A vision. A clear picture of the end result you want will help you attract it into your life. A great way to accelerate that transformation is to step into the end vision and live from it right now, today.
- A why. The more reasons you have for wanting transformation, the better and faster will be the results.
- A support team. When someone believes in you, odds are you will boost your own opinion of yourself. When you are in a group of people who want your transformation as much if not more than you do, you will go in the direction of speedy transformation.
Finally, let’s hear from Bill Phillips —
“No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change, and no one can take that away.”
The path is clear for you or anyone to begin their own transformation.
It all begins with step one — a decision.
What’s yours?
Ao Akua,
PS — I fully endorse Bill Phillips and his Transformation Challenge. I am not an affiliate for anything he offers, but I fully recommend all of it. For more details, go to or send an email to [email protected]
PPS – Here’s a bonus for you. It’s Bill Phillips giving some advice. Enjoy.
Freaking out that you mentioned Bill Phillips! I started the 12 week program on January 7 of this year, after dusting off the Body For Life book I have owned since 1999. What made me do it again after 13 years, was I realized I was living “the secret” back then, and not even knowing it! I was on top of the world when I “crossed the abyss” back in ’99, and the law of attraction was working in my life. What made me do it again, was more for inner transformation, because I knew when I felt good, I was attracting unbelievable jobs, people, .money, etc. I wish you luck, as I am almost done, and dropped 15 pounds, and running an hour on the treadmill. But, it wasn’t about the weight for me…it was about the secret
Thank you,
Very i spiring and motivating story.
I decide to make my first $100,000/month income this year (2013) from my online business, Talk Fusion.
Thank you
I love you
Sending you good vibes to do it.
Hi Joe
Just wanted to say you’ve influenced me so much over the past few years and I love all of your books and materials. I’m listening to your clearing audio every night and highly recommend it.
Thank you
Rachel Henke
Thank you, Rachel. 🙂
I agree with Joe… Transformation is life changing-for life. It’s not a program-it’s a way of life. It can be applied to any change you want to make. But most of all, it’s about changing from the inside out. When I joined Transformation in 2009 I was not the me that I knew and loved. Through the process I rediscovered me…a new & improved me. To my delight, not only was my life in balance and my self-esteem restored but my body had found it’s way back to what it was 15 years ago. Transformation is about you…for you…and the process works. I found my passion for life again!
Awesome, Vicki!
Joe, thank you for sharing this interesting information!
I wish you success in all kinds of training 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Thank you wholeheartedly to both you and Bill Phillips for sharing such powerful words of wisdom and encouragement with all of us. I absolutely needed to read/hear them, especially today when my day started with a rather overwhelming twist. The 1st step of transformation is certainly the most crucial, but also the most challenging one for me.
I have decided a while ago to transform my life and to help others do the same, and I’ve been taking some form of action in terms of mapping out my journey & staying focused. Where I find myself mostly stuck is in making a decision on how I’m going to create a balance between what my current circumstances are AND my vision of how I actually want my life to be. Any tips and/or advice will be greatly appreciated. Much love to you Dr. Vitale…xoxo
Just combine the intentions. It’s not either/or, it’s both.
Joe, you have inspired me so much and I want to use all that I’ve learned to inspire people to consider their own sustainable life and our life on this amazing planet. I’m teaching people to consider the abundance we have when they grow and harvest their own organic food and be able to proudly share it with others, Delicious !!! Plenty of ‘Green Thumbs’ out there now !!
Thanks Joe, love you and your work. Cath xoxox
Awesome, Cath! Keep up the great work!
good information i think could use it for myself
really nice and looking forward for more.
<a href="law of attraction and money,time management videos
1- diet. good. exercize. good
2- positive thinking of dr. vitale. good
3- do NOT kill turkey, fish, chicken, sheep, cow, pig…..
4- do NOT kill animals
5- make a diet and execrize around VEGAN (ku dness)
6- who cars you are healthy or fat, if you are a MURDERER?
7- you like your health? fine. TURKEY and chicken. like their health too. the first step of health is…… not being KILLED. ( do you u drrstand the logic ?)
8- Think
Well, that’s one way to look at it…
I am lucky to live in Colorado and was able to attend a Bill Phillips 360 Transformation Camp last Fall. It was an amazing experience filled with support in a way that I have never experienced before. His staff are incredibly knowledgeable, insightful and supportive. You have support the entire journey from the T360 employees and your fellow camp participants. There is an essence of gratitude and joy that permeates the training center. I can honestly say its one of the most incredible journey’s I have ever been on. Bill Phillips has been my hero for many years….but after I met him in person, he (and his staff) became SUPER-HERO’s in my eyes. Grateful, Grateful, Grateful! Rene’
I agree! Bill and his staff are super heroes!
Hello Joe,
I just want to say welcome to this “transformation family”. So nice to have a soul like yours who’s been on the kind of inner journey as you have along on this ride. I too, had done a lot of the inner work and seeing myself as my “in shape” future self. I had done Bill’s Body for Life program as well years ago. But to join him in person in CO this past Oct. and jump in to the 12 week challenge was a whole other miraculous experience. I’ve finished my first 12 and now into my second round. As committed and pumped as the I was the first week I started. I found having a workout buddy along with the group on-line to be key for me. As well as practicing my meditations, seeing myself already as the future self. I have used Jon Gabriel’s guided work which addresses this in that smart brain state of Theta waves as you drift off at night. Also having studied with Dr. Joe Dispenza and become friends over the past couple of years I have come to know why I might have been holding onto the extra pounds. Gosh, sounds so familiar to you and your experiences. I have also come to understand why the Bill Phillips path is so successful, because there is a morphicfield established from those that passed before us that the blueprint is established for us to step into and follow energetically. Since we are wave far more than we are particle our energetic bodies know the way. Our future selves are already written if we get out of the way, clear out the old programming, and follow a well scribed plan.
Would love to stay connected along this journey with you Joe. Facebook : Chapter 19 Transformation Team.
Warmly, Jill Runnion
Hi Jill. i’m on Facebook so let’s stay in touch.
Dear Dr Vitale,
Thanks for sharing the story. I liked the idea of ‘taking total self responsibility.
Shankar, India
That’s the real secret.
I am so happy for you Joe. You and Bill are both so motivating for so many of us. I placed 2nd once in the Cdn BFL contest, but have not behaved lately due to injury and ….. the all or nothing mentality. Thank you (so much!) for continuing to inspire.
Sorry you had an injury. Hope you are now back on track. Onwards! 🙂
Hi Joe,
congrats on going to Bill’s Transformation Camp and for your on-going determination to be in the healthy space you want for yourself. I can relate! I’ve seen pics/videos and information on Bill’s camp and think it would be a profound and fun experience. Working on the outside and inside – powerful and deep. Seems to me that would very long lasting. I’ve come to really appreciate working out – it leaves me feeling stronger – in more ways than the physical level. Stretching also is so amazing – so enjoy feeling flexible – carries through into the mind. Thanks for the 5 Transformation tips – good stuff! Thanks also for the flow of supportive, kind, and caring waves you send out into the world!
Love, Light, Joy!
Thank you, Nancy. I appreciate the love. right back at ya. 🙂
Mr Joe, I am Robbie Cornelius. I am one of you Law of Attraction practitioner from the Global Sciences Foundation. I just want to say thank you. You changed my entire life with your honest message and easy implications of the universal laws. You have inspired me to start my very own LAO company at Your message literally “saved” my life. Thank you.
You are welcome, Robbie. Keep up the great work.
Truly inspirational.
My husband and I started the journey together in January. Sorry we missed the opportunity to meet you! In just a mon we both feel more energized, more connected with each other and our community. The mindset is what was always missing for me. I could lose weight, I didn’t know how to keep it off. Bill, Maria and the team are giving me new tools and I am learning how to keep it off…which I now see as “staying health”. Excited to share this journey with you!
Awesome! Enjoy the adventure! 🙂
Hi Joe,
Thanks for sharing this information. I followed the Body-for-Life program several years ago and then dropped off for whatever reason. I now am following the work of Mark Sisson and Maria Emmerich but I think I will visit Bill’s new works and see what I can incorporate from it into what I’m already doing. Best to you on your best-health path! 🙂
I appreciate it, Jennifer.
Our entire system is a synergistic one , so improving one part /more will definitely boost our system.
Bill n Joe , Great job ! Good luck for this Endeavor !
As always, you never fail to surprise me – Joe !
Joe, I started the transformation program in 15th of Jan this year after reading Bill’s body for life book, and the results so far are amazing… I already lost 20 pounds, and I feel I’m 15 years younger (no kidding), and I’m 42y old… I remember as well that when I started the program, I remembered that I read about U undergoing a similar program few years back and you were so proud about the results and you mentioned all about it on your website… Now that I see that you are back on the track again, it gives me more motivation to keep it up for better results and better health… I went through lots of difficult times in 2011, in addition to losing my gf for reasons above my control… since 2012 my life changed completely… I’m now a COO of a large company, got a personal driver in addition to my brand new german company SUV, a cook provided by my company and he takes care of preparing my healthy food, and a housekeeper, and a personal fitness trainer, 2 furnished houses provided by work, and I bought 2 other houses as an investment, I got a harley davidson and another SUV, and I can take 4 holidays/year… (I’m only looking for a gf now… lol) I always believed in myself that I am a successful man and that I deserve it, and all what I am having now was already visualized earlier… My new target is to establish a personal business beside my current one… and I’m confident it will happen…Thank you Joe, you are inspirational, and I salute you… Daniel D.
Daniel, it sounds like you are an inspiration, too. Way to go my friend! 🙂
Since 2006, after reading Joe Vitale and other authors discussing the Law of Attraction, I have been living on a higher level. With my wife, we like to travel. so we visited: ’06 JAMAICA, + bought my first new car, ’07 COSTA RICA + Panama , ’08 UK ENGLAND, WALES, SCOTLAND; ‘09 2 trips: DOMinican. REPublic .(April) , and we go to CHINA, TIBET (Aug), ’10 bought wife’s new car + PERU Nazca, Machu Picchu, ’11 INDIA + NEPAL New Dehli, Agra, Jaipur, Kathmandu . My life is getting better and better. I practice Meditation, gratitude, and visualization.
In Love and Gratitude,
Awesome to hear! Keep it going!
Very true for me at this moment! Hi Joe, I remember back in Dember you had a blog titled ‘what Now?’ And do you know that was exactly what I was wondering! Id been so excited about the paradigm shift id forgotten to plan anything after that! (Duh). It became a new era, leading up to that point i wanted to help the world (by attracting attention like a fool), boy! The spiritual awakening sure taught me a thing or two!
Turned out, even though I’d made a lot of friends, when it came down to it, they weren’t ready for the spiritual wisdom I was offering and so I knew I had to change my life from the inside! I’m more spiritual than ever nowadays but instead of proving myself to the world, I realize I the most powerful action i can take is to master my mind, and so that’s the mission of the new me.
Wow, this was awesome. The bonus video mentions something that can be applied to anything in life, “you can’t find time for … You have to make time”. Planning is the key to success. Thank you. I will share it on my page.
Hi quick request, the wicked witch of the west (who appeared in my childhood as my mother) is haunting my apartment trying to steal my minds elation, and any assistance you could achieve would be wonderful
So true that some people have to hit rock bottom before they change. The pain has to be great enough for them to shift, otherwise they just remain in their comfort zone. It’s good to reflect on what pain it will cause you to stay in a comfort zone too long before it becomes a necessary issue to have to change.
Thanks for the article. We can all change and transform our lives for the better.
Thanks for this fantastic article with so much good information. I watched the Bill’s video and I have never been thought about doing a plan for making my exercise routine and I found it so useful that I will start to use it and let you know my progress with it. I decided to be my ideal weight 68 for june 15 and I know it is possible THANKS A LOT Joe for everything you share because it is amazing.
God Bless you
I’m still a bit confused about LOA, when they say to make a clear picture of what you want in life. How do we know that is limiting actually what we can be,do, have by Divine Inspiration. e.g ho’opo teaching seems to say ‘allow God; to direct us and yet, many other teachings are saying we decide what we want.?
I have written about this before. It’s both. Basically, you want your intention to be your inspiration. In other words, what you are inspired to want is what you make a picture of and move toward.
Thanks for the video Joe, I thought it was for people who needed to lose weight but as someone who is slim and just wants to be fitter, it was a a very inspiring video about really planning my day better to be able to fit in ‘exercise’ so that I can shine my light more!
thank you Bill and Joe
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