As I’m writing this to you, I’m listening to the long awaited sequel to the bestselling music album, Aligning to Zero. This one is called AT Zero. If I say so myself, it’s so beautiful, so soothing, so Divine, that words almost fail to describe the majestic healing vibe of this music.

Divine New Music

Divine New Music

But I’ll try anyway.

Months ago Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and I went back into the studio to create a follow-up to our bestseller. The first one came to us through inspiration. We played our guitars as if guided by unseen hands.

How would we ever top that?

Back of New CD

Back of New CD

So we sat in the studio and made ourselves available to inspiration once again.

We knew each track would be in a certain musical key. Each key corresponded to an energy center, or chakra, we wanted to touch, sooth and activate. We had that much to start with.

But what would come from there?

We didn’t know. We would talk, kick around ideas, try a few things, and then just magically feel the essence of the new music. From there, it came through.

We received the music, played it, loved it and got so into it that we almost didn’t stop playing it to turn off the recorder.

Guitar Monk Mathew and Dr. Joe

Guitar Monk Mathew and Dr. Joe

Mathew and I were in awe.

The seven new tracks we created our stunning.

It took months to create this sequel, primarily because of interruptions from travels, illness, and “life.” But we stayed true to our vision. We wanted a second album in the bestselling  “zero” series and we would work with the Universe’s schedule to allow it to happen.

And happen it did.

I’m excited to announce that the new album is not only done, but ready for you as a CD or as an instant download right now over at

And yes, you can listen to samples of the music there, too.

Gushing happiness the day the CDs arrived

Gushing happiness and giddy with delight the day the CDs arrived

As before, At Zero is designed to help you feel the essence of life. In fact, it’s designed to help you with a long list of benefits, all listed on the album’s website.

It was inspired by Dr. Hew Len, ho’oponopono, Zero Limits, and the power of healing music.

I had to share this award SOMEPLACE! :)

There's no singing on "At Zero" but I had to share this singer-songwriter award I received SOMEPLACE! 🙂

I hope you see the lessons here:

Having an inspired intention, taking action while allowing for inner guidance, leads to a Divine result.

I’m listening to “At Zero” right now…and smiling.

Check it out at


Ao Akua


PS – Other Healing Music albums by Mathew or myself are –


  1. nadiuska-Reply
    May 1, 2013 at 2:40 pm

    Hola Joe!
    cuando vienes a España? Madrid?
    un abrazo

  2. May 3, 2013 at 8:34 am

    Thanks Joe
    i am a huge fan of yours and its great to see your AT zero creation.
    wish i could hear that.
    I’m sure the chakras do get activated with this kind of divine music.
    Best of luck

  3. May 6, 2013 at 5:12 am

    Joe, listening to some of the samples and I must say I like it. Congrats on the project, just goest to show you can do anything if you put your mind to it 🙂

  4. May 7, 2013 at 8:43 am

    Thanks Joe
    i am a huge fan of yours and its great to see your AT zero creation.
    wish i could hear that.
    I’m sure the chakras do get activated with this kind of divine music.
    Best of luck

  5. rosalie-Reply
    May 24, 2013 at 7:42 am

    whats the difference between aligning to zero album from at zero?

  6. kenneth-Reply
    August 17, 2013 at 8:59 pm

    I’ve placed an order for the atzeromusic but did not received download link and there is no reply from the customer service. Please advise

    • August 20, 2013 at 7:27 am

      just contact my office suzanne @

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