Back in the early 1960s, I used to watch a popular television game show called, To Tell the Truth, where three contestants did their best to bluff a panel of four celebrity judges.

One of the contestants (who, according to the rules could never lie) always had some sort of unusual occupation. The other two were imposters (and could lie). At the end of every show, the host would say, “Will the real ‘so and so’ please stand up?” and we’d all find out who was telling the truth.

Life is not really that much different.

We’re all a bit like those celebrity judges on the show trying to figure out what’s the truth…or to put it another way, which beliefs are going to get us where we want to go. Because, let’s face it, the real rewards go to those who have beliefs that support them in winning – with money or otherwise.

This famous game show line is where I got the idea for one of the chapter titles in my forthcoming book, At Zero: The Quest for Miracles through Ho’oponopono (which you’ll be the first to receive prior to its official release next year when you attend my November event in Austin).

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

The chapter is called “Will the Real Ho’oponopono Please Stand Up?” and reflects one of the reasons I had for writing this book:  to clear up a number of misconceptions surrounding this ancient healing method and to shed light on how it evolved through the 21st century.

And it has evolved…just like the rest of life. (Seriously, where would we be if the Old Testament hadn’t given way to the New Testament?)

Nothing stands still.

New revelations, new inspirations, new information is constantly revealing itself moment to moment – if you’re open to it.

Being open means that sometimes you have to surrender what you know.

However….this does require faith and trust, two principles you’ll find threaded throughout all my material.

In fact, it’s how I create all my material.

And Ho’oponopono has been invaluable in this regard because it helps me distinguish the difference between my ego and true inspiration. It’s my favorite method for transforming myself – cleaning and clearing any internal beliefs that could potentially run interference as I move forward.

And, to me, the results speak for themselves.

Attend this. Click image.

Attend this. Click image.

I’ve been able to exponentially increase my productivity and, surprisingly, increase my range of creative pursuits.

For example, in addition to writing books, I’ve become an award-nominated musician (when a few years ago I couldn’t even play a chord).

Recently, I’ve even released weight and transformed my physical body – going to an entirely new level of health and fitness (at the age of 60).

There’s simply no end to what you can achieve through your own personal transformation – even in areas that have been persistent problems.

But first, you have to decide what your truth is…


By consciously choosing between beliefs that work and those that merely keep you “wandering in the desert” – beliefs that make you rich or those that keep you struggling.

I’m excited that this is the level of work we’re going to be doing in Austin, Texas on November 9 and 10, and where, when it’s over, you’ll walk away with a new view of yourself.

The real you…

You know, the one that’s just been waiting to be called to stand up.

Go to

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – Moments after you register for the mega-event, you will get access to over $12,000 in online videos to start your process of awakening. Take a leap of faith and go to  –

Member BBB 2003 - 2014

Member BBB 2003 - 2014


  1. November 1, 2013 at 10:19 am

    Hi Dr. Joe,

    Excellent! Release the lower self through techniques to unleash the higher self. No better way to reach new, unlimited levels of creativity.

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Bryan-Reply
    November 3, 2013 at 2:11 am

    Hi Joe,

    I just wanted to take an opportunity to thank you. i was introduced to Ho’oponopono through you and it has had a pretty profoundly positive impact on me. Specifically, it helped me to resolve old feelings that I had towards my father that stemmed from my teenage years.

    You’ve also had a pretty big influence on other aspects of my life. I have had my ups and downs, right now it is a down period. However, some of the ups in the last couple of years have been from following your advice on both the spiritual side as well as the marketing side.

    (I didn’t know where else I could reach you to thank you, figured this was the best way I know how at this time.)

    Thanks Joe,


    P.S. I learned the power of the PS from you as well 🙂

  3. Frank-Reply
    November 4, 2013 at 3:40 am

    Seems to me your plan for attracting money is to ask for money?

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