The Law of Attraction is hot these days but the Law of Abundance may be even hotter. That’s because virtually everyone wants to know how to attract money. Well, to help them, I’m writing a new book called Attract Money Now.
Attract Money Now will reveal my proven seven-step formula for attracting money. My system was mentioned — but only mentioned — in my bestselling new audio program, The Secret to Attracting Money. There’s so much information in the program that I didn’t have time to also develop the new seven-step formula in it. Hence, it deserves its own book.
My new book will explain it in-depth, walk you through it step-by-step, and give you to-do’s to make the system come alive in your life. It will also include resources to immediately help you get out of debt, attract more money fast, and much more.
The book isn’t done yet, but when it is, I’m going to give it to you for free. To get on the notification list, just click right here.
Ao Akua,
Dr. Joe Vitale
PS — Money is a tool. It’s a spiritual ink blot test. It means nothing except for the meaning you project onto it. What meaning are you giving it? If you want to know the Law of Abundance and how to attract money, go here right now.
Joe I’ve heard your presentation inside The Attract Miracles Community where you spoke about The 7 Secrets To Attracting Money. This was a video at the Attract Wealth II seminar. What’s the difference between this presentation, the book you’re coming out with and your newest Nightingale-Conant program?
Paul, there’s so much different I have no idea where to begin.
The NC program mentions the seven steps but that’s it. The book will expand and explain and develop and go beyond it all.
Here’s an idea Joe.. Why not publish a complete course for attracting money.. Otherwise this piece meal approach always gives somebody a get out clause…
oh well I didn’t have all the information. That’s why I’m not attracting all the money I want.
Then again, that wouldn’t be marketing would it?
Happy Travels
I’ve already done that, Andrew.
That’s what The Secret to Attracting Money is. It’s a complete course.
That’s all you need.
Of course, there’s always more to learn. There will always be more books, courses, formulas — and rightly so. There’s no ONE WAY to do anything. Plus there’s real joy in continued learning.
But if you want one course to attract money, i already created it. See
Thanks once again for your boundless generosity. Another one of your contributions I greatly look forward to.
I love you my friend!
Thanks Joe,
Yet, why would you write the following :
Attract Money Now will reveal my proven seven-step formula for attracting money. My system was mentioned — but only mentioned — in my bestselling new audio program, The Secret to Attracting Money.
My presupposition is that there is something missing, or not completely covered…
I do however keep checking out the course…time for a quick manifestion exercise.
Happy Travls
p.s Glad to hear Spanish is going well.
Thank you Joe for offering this gift. Your book The Attractor Factor was a pivot point for me. I will let my expanding Manifest Mastermind network know of your offer and recommend they register.
Steve Pohlit, President
Attracting money is easy and I have foudn that one of the easiest ways is in the casino. You can get money by just walking to the cashier! Sometimes I go to the casino and have days that every machine that I play gives me money no matter what. Other days every machine takes money no matter what. I am feeling though that soon I will be able to win any amount any time that I want. I want to say that for people who want money, you have to let go of your fear of not having it and then you can make it. It may take some time to actually do this, but if you look at money as paper, you should be able to get it whenever you want!
Hi Joe, I’ve signed up for Attract Money Now and and looking forward to receiving it. Thank you for sharing your prosperity! Ryan
Hi Joe,
I have been a fan of yours for some time. Your persuasive writing techniques have helped me greatly in my copywriting career. Thank you!
I have been studying the laws of attraction and using the power of your mind to get what you want for some time now.
I look forward to the release of your new book. I am sure it will be packed with killer information like the rest of your books.
Hello everybody!
Excuse me if I’ve chosen the wrong threat to post the following in, but unfortunately, i failed to find any better way to share my experience…
Der Joe Vitale! My name is Konstantin. I live in Novosibirsk, Russia. I’ve read your book “The attractor Factor” in april 2009. And during may I went in a Mental Meditation every evening for 10-15 minutes.
The aim of MM was 30.000000 Rus. rubles and the “picture” was 5 thousands ruble banknots bunches. The target day of MM was may, 30.
As the result, at may 27 i’ve got six stacks of ruble five hundreds banknots nomenal and… six banknots of ruble 5 thousands banknots.
I covered those 500 ruble banknots with 5000 r. banknots and my intetional pictures bacame true!!
Thank your very much for the idea and inspiration of an attraction Factor!
oh, sry again, i just wanted to edit few writing mistakes, and the post was somehow doubled 😯
Hello, Joe
Thank so much for affecting my life so deeply by your articles and books. This time, I am attracting a mini suv, suzuki sx4 cross over. A black one. Actually, my savings is just a bit, but I commit to have the car. No idea how, just believe it has already belonged to me. I will repot the result to you later. Wish me luck!
Joe, can you tell me what’s the difference between your attract money now than other books or steps. To me I haven’t seen anyone who had success from this beside someone who is life coach, business coach, or marketer. Please Please enlighten me!!!
I went into the website but I didn’t find the free book offer… NOWHERE!!
The site is now working again:
Hi Joe,
One thing I would like to seek your advice that should we need to imagine the flow clearly during using the attracting theory…maybe I should elaborate more…… do I need to imagine that I have a message come out form my mind and sending to the universe ? One more question, how can I withdraw the negative thinking which shut in my mind sometimes, Thanks so much!
My Name is Marco, come form Hong Kong. As I have read your book ” The Key ” which is so powerful and lead me in the other stage of my life. I just wanna to say a Big Thanks to you I got a most powerful tools now