Complaint Free Wednesday

As you may recall, I’m a fan of the book A Complaint Free World. I’m also on their board of directors. Last week I received the following news and want to share it with you. Please act on it. This is a concrete way to send a message and make a difference. Pausing before a complaint and turning it into an intention is wise, and can transform the planet. The below offers one way to get the message out there. Thank you. – Joe

The United States to Proclaim
the day before Thanksgiving
“Complaint Free Wednesday”

Congressman Sam Graves of Missouri has introduced House Resolution H.CON.RES.404 to officially declare the day before Thanksgiving “Complaint Free Wednesday” in the United States of America.

For this to become a reality, we need you to contact your congressional representative and ask him or her to become a Co-Sponsor of this bill.   For it to pass, this bill needs 50 members of congress to act as co-sponsors.

*  *  *   Here’s what To Do   *  *  *

1. Go to

You will be directed to The U.S. House of Representatives web site.  Enter your STATE and ZIP CODE. This will launch a window so you can send an email directly to your congressional representative.

2. Email the following Text  You can copy and paste it from here.  (Be sure and insert your representative’s name at the top and your name and town at the bottom)

Dear Representative ___________,

      As you know, the attitude of a society plays a critical role in the well being and prosperity of its citizens.

     The United States has long been the can-do optimist capital of the world, and I urge you to please CO-Sponsor and support H.Con.Res 404, which reminds Americans that a positive attitude and avoiding complaints can have a profound impact on our society.

     This bill, entitled “Supporting the goals and ideals of Complaint Free Wednesday” was introduced by Congressman Sam Graves (MO-6) on July 31, 2008, and encourages each person in the United States to participate in a day free from complaining on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day to prepare for our national day of gratitude.

Thank you in advance for your support of this legislation.


__________ (Your Name)
______, ___ (Your Town, State)

Note: To read the bil, see


  1. Ashleigh-Reply
    August 17, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    Done deal. I have done my part in sending my wishes to our congressman. Now, to help myself with this cause. It’s HARD to switch your thought process… but I AM GOING TO DO IT! Thanks Joe!

  2. August 17, 2008 at 5:21 pm

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I’ll definitely be passing it on to my newsletter readers.

  3. Ashleigh-Reply
    August 17, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    What I should’ve said is: I am going to easily change my thinking from negative to positive.

  4. August 18, 2008 at 6:59 am

    This is very exciting. I’ll do it.


  5. Stuart Voeck-Reply
    August 21, 2008 at 7:44 am

    While I like the idea of “Complaint Free” I’d rather see our Representatives doing something more constructive like balancing the budget so maybe a Debt Free day?

  6. Sharon-Reply
    August 21, 2008 at 7:58 am

    This is a great idea! If only more countries had this.
    Imagine a Whole World having the same Day/Week of No Complaints!
    Good luck to you all. I sincerely hope you get it.

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