Etch-A-Sketch to Zero

dr-joe-and-dr-hew-len.jpg  This past weekend’s event, Zero Limits 3: The Final Chapter, took all of us (myself included) to a whole new level of being.

There was the usual (usual for Zero Limits) talk of total responsibility, of course. 

I and Dr. Hew Len (pictured above) were adamant in pointing out you can never ever look out there and say that has to change. It all changes within you.

Trying to change the outer is like seeing your unclean or unshaven face in the mirror and trying to shave or clean the mirror.

All the work is within.

All of it.

No exceptions.


There was also the usual emphasis on cleaning, or clearing, of the “data” within.

That’s a non-stop job of unimaginable proportions. Yet all it takes to clean is saying “I love you” and “thank you” inside to do the work.

You don’t even need “I’m sorry” or “Please forgive me.” Dr. Hew Len himself could be heard saying just the two phrases “I love you” and “Thank you.” Say the others if you like, or not. Follow your inspiration.

One particpant asked if cleaning was like having a mental etch-a-sketch device. A drawing or words (or thoughts) appear on the toy, and you just shake the etch-a-sketch and they all disappear.


I loved the image and instantly made it my own new clearing tool. When thoughts appear, I just shake the etch-a-sketch in my mind and they vanish. It’s my new meditation.

The hundreds of participants from all over the planet truly got that the only way to change is to do it by yourself, on yourself, from within yourself.

After the event ended, over dinner, I heard various conversations. People were at a different place.

They were loving.



They (and me) were taken toward zero; to that place where the only goal, if there’s a goal at all, is to be “zero” – happy, loving, free.

Words can’t describe this. As I’m fond of saying, “zero” is what I call the whiteboard. There’s nothing on it. But as soon as you write something on it, you’ve put data on the board.

Again, the goal – if there’s any goal at all – is to be free.

This isn’t about getting results, or duplicating scientific experiments, or controlling life or anyone else.

This isn’t about intellectualizing life or developing a formula or code to manipulate life.

This is instead about getting to zero and from there you can hear inspiration and act on it – no interference, no static, no doubt, no data.

All that remains is love.

And even that is a word written on the whiteboard of the Divine.

Consider: What would you be if the etch-a-sketch in your mind got shaken right now and you went to zero?

Ao Akua,


PS – You can now watch the entire second Zero Limtis live event (the one from Maui in December 2007) right where you’re sitting, by going to 

Note: Photo of me and Dr. Hew Len above by Nerissa. Left click on it to enlarge it.


  1. April 21, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    Hello Joe,
    Thanks again for a great image.
    After our time together … and the events that have transpired since … I have been taking the time to work on ME … I am responsible for all my results.
    Love and Blessings,

  2. Dolphin-Reply
    April 21, 2009 at 10:17 pm

    Wish I was there…oh wait a minute….0000…………………………………………………I am

  3. April 22, 2009 at 8:27 am

    The Etch-a-Sketch is an excellent image. I see that I’ve been trying to find a magic formula, when instead I should have been simply trying to get to the place you call “zero.” The Etch-a-Sketch imagery is a great way to visualize that.

    I was driving down the road the other day when a fellow cut in front of me. Instead of fussing at him (which I would have done not too long ago), I simply accepted that he must be in a bigger hurry than I was. Then it occurred to me how great it would be to wish only good for everyone no matter what they do to you. Clearing my mind of old ways will help me get there.

    Thanks for the lesson.

    Steve DeVane

  4. dolphin-Reply
    April 22, 2009 at 10:49 am

    don’t be a hero, be a zero

  5. April 23, 2009 at 8:29 am

    hi.joe.i really like your blog and all your books. 😆

  6. April 23, 2009 at 1:41 pm

    Just reading this post took me back to the mid eighties. I was on a trip to London as part of an award trip from CBS Broadcasting for the Wimbledon finals. One of the other couples on that trip were the owners of Ohio Art Co., the owners of Etch-a-Sketch. They were certainly wonderful people.

    Joe, you might be interest to know that at the time he was the owner of Prince Albert’s Rolls Royce! His father gave it to him as a college graduation present.

    Love and Light

  7. Gilberto Costa-Reply
    April 24, 2009 at 10:40 am

    Dear Joe, thank you again! I’ld like to say that I´ve been using “I Love You, May God bless us all, Thank You!” It brings me great peace and I feel beeing relased.
    Mahalo Nui Loa!

  8. April 24, 2009 at 12:07 pm

    I just purchased the Zero Limits Maui downloads and am sooo impressed! Do you plan on releasing the same kind of product for Zero Limits 3? I sure hope so!


  9. April 24, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    great pearls of wisdom as always….

  10. MJ Lizarralde-Reply
    April 24, 2009 at 10:28 pm

    I was hearing last weekend the audio book “the key” and I really enjoyed, all the week long I stilled lisen it from my Iphone, also this week I read Zero Limit, each time I hear or read I understand more and more THANKS THANKS I LUV U !!
    I live in Houston ,I’m from Colombia !! I speak spanish if you need some one to pratice your spanish :wink:, please feel free to contact me

    Te AMO !

  11. Samara Kuhn-Reply
    April 25, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    Hey Joe

    Thank you so much for caring about all of us that are still in the learning process with the LOA and the Ho’oponopono method. You’ve been a great inspiration to me and have taught me so much. On your Twitter updates you metioned a new technique for cleaning, are you planning on sharing that we us? I also agree with Steve DeVane, the Etch-a-Sketch is the perfect image of how cleaning you mind is like shaking the Etch-a-Sketch and going back to Zero.

    Thank you again,

    Samara Kuhn

  12. thirty-one-Reply
    April 26, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    Yeah I read the last comment / article above it was good. I just gave thirty-one bucks to the earthquake Joe was talking about, I think it would have been more effective to pray and meditate but sometimes I am undisciplined about that. I am sure the divine pays attention either way and hopefully when I make a token gesture in my inner world it will be reflected in the world at large:cool::smile:

  13. Pascal-Reply
    April 29, 2009 at 8:43 am

    Mr Vitale,

    On gratitude, what you have not say : William Blake said: Gratitude is Heaven itself there could be no heaven without Gratitude I feel it & I know it

    Look his works :

  14. Azim MY-Reply
    May 11, 2009 at 12:16 am

    Dear Joe,

    I want to share with you my experience with zero limits.

    I read your books with enthusiasm. I think of all the self-help books that I have read, yours are the best because you touch on spiritual side and it sinks really deep in me. It is also my dream to write best-selling books that can inspire people to success. I knew about ho’oponopono method from your Attractor Factor book. When your Zero Limits book was released, I had been trying to get one but a few trips to local bookstore had not been successful to get this book. It was either the book was out of stock or I couldn’t find it on the shelf (I always look for the book myself, I am lazy to ask the book keeper) or I ended up buying other book instead. Only recently as I followed my instinct I found it right on the shelf and I bought it right away.

    Zero limits is a masterpiece, a classic and a mind-blowing, all into one. I have since been practicing ho’oponopono and I find it a very powerful tools. You see, I am very open minded and I am receptive to all this method or knowledge no matter how weird it may sound. Since the very beginning, I did not find it sceptic at all at any instance or section of the book. I consider this is all tools, methods and knowledge. The only adjustment I make is I always relate the Divine that you refer as the God that I believe and worship, the Creator of the universe, the Creator of you and me. Let me relate to you on how this method has helped me in my life.

    I work in IT services industry as an IT support personnel. My daily routine was mostly on fire-fighting, trying to solve problem. Of late, after practicing ho’oponopono, I noticed that I find myself more peaceful at work. There is less problem encountered and I have more time to browse internet and read your blogs or others. This is truly amazing and illogical at the same time. There seems to be no correlation between the machine world and my spiritual world. But like you said in the book, everything is within me. If I clean myself, the outside world will change. I am already considering to ask my manager to make Zero Limits as a textbook that should be read by each of us in the organization. My other aspects of life is also tremendously improving. My kids are getting better and better at school. My relationship with my wife has been happier and full of rejoice. And I am now doing renovation to our house to make it more beautiful and bigger, something that was impossible a couple of weeks ago due to my chronic financial situation. I am truly happy now and I have finally found the peace that I’ve been seeking.

    Thanks to you for sharing this method and for your enlighten and lively writing. This is the knowledge that is truly beneficial and can improve the lifes of the mankind. Clean…clean…clean…

  15. Clarice-Reply
    May 16, 2009 at 2:18 am

    Dear Joe,
    Please be informed that I TRULLY enjoyed reading your book esp Zero Limits. I have started applying it into my my daily life. Since I am keen to go back to Australia to start my new life there I hope practising Ho’ponopono works for me. Its time for me to Clean, clean, clean, erase, erase, erase…..

    Joe, You are simply the best

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