Meeting Kevin Trudeau

Decades ago I bought Kevin Trudeau’s Mega-Memory course. I don’t remember where it is (ha ha) but I remember liking it.

Not long ago I bought his bestselling books, from Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About to The Weight Loss Cure.

I’ve seen him on infomercials and have friends who know him. But I never thought I’d meet him.

I did.

And it was unforgettable.

Kevin and his young bride met me for dinner last night in Austin, Texas. He surprised me by being early. Most people are late for meetings. Not Kevin. I liked that quality in him, as I’m usually early for meetings, too.

Kevin looks much younger and thinner than his recent infomercials and photos reflect. He looked in his thirties, though I know he’s 46. I did a double-take when he walked through the door. But he recognized me and waved. I liked that he remembered what I looked like from my online pics.

He and his wife met me at the bar, where I had been waiting (since I was early). When I told him I had been drinking 25 year old MaCallan scotch, he smiled and said it was his favorite.

I told him I knew that. I then handed him a rare cigar from a little island not far from Miami. He seemed really surprised. That’s when I explained we have mutual friends, who tipped me at what he likes. Our friendship deepened.

Kevin’s wife seemed starstruck. Turns out she is a big fan of all my books. And I mean all of them. They went on a shopping spree at Amazon and bought every title they could find by me.

Natalie, his wife, had lots of questions about the Law of Attraction and my writing career. She hung on my every word, as did Kevin. It was very flattering.

Kevin and I spoke about many things, from performing magic (we’re both lifetime members of the Society of American Magicians), to infomercials (he had no idea of my experience with them) to network marketing to health cures to hypnotic storytelling.

I told him about my own infomercial for The Awakening Course. He asked about numbers and results, none of which I had at hand. 

He said I should be on TV more. He said I am good looking, articulate, and sincere. (Thank you, Kevin.)


He advised me to consider creating an infomercial for one of my books, adding a few other books as premiums, and selling it for a low price, such as $19.95. He said to offer my Miracles Coaching as an up-sell when people called in to order.

This marketing method has helped him sell thirty million copies of his first book — which he dictated in a week and sent to the printer with no editing or proofreading — thirty million copies!

This guy is sharp, slick, and smart.

I’m well aware of Kevin’s long term fight with the government, his prison time, his current federal restrictions, etc.

Yet the man I met is sincere, passionate, and dedicated. He is on a mission to help people get healthy and get out of debt. He’s been to sixty countries in search of health cures that truly work. When he finds them, he reports on them. He’s fearless about it, too.

He said cancer was usually due to stress, and usually concerns unexpressed grief. He said methods such as Roger Callahan’s tapping technique, called Thought Field Therapy, could help release the wound up psychic energy behind cancer. He added that simple relaxation audios could also help.

Kevin lost 45 pounds (in 45 days) after discovering a German method for losing weight. It’s one reason why he looks so much younger these days.

He’s written about all of these discoveries and insights in his various books. (He gave me a signed set of them over dinner.)

I’m really impressed with Kevin. Too many people think too small or too conservatively, including me. Kevin says he likes simple. Instead of trying to get a publisher for his books, and fighting with them to market the books, and being let down when they don’t sell, he goes straight to the masses with an infomercial.

He shoots them in one take, with no script or promptings. He doesn’t even care if the infomercial sells the book, as he knows the infomercial will cause people to go into stores and ask for the book. He can then sell his book to retailers.

The guy is just brilliant.

Natalie noticed my watch. It’s a hand painted car. I have a watch for each of my cars. That led to talking about our car collections.

Kevin loved how I created a rolling mastermind out of my 2008 Rolls-Royce Phantom.

He also loved the story of my inventing Fit-A-Rita.


Another trait I noticed and liked in Kevin is his ability to trust life. He never sees problems. He says you never ever know what any event actually means.

What looks like bad news may actually be good news a day or so later.  He accepts the news and works with it. He has a spirit that won’t be conquered. When I asked him about that, he said “You can’t beat me. It’s impossible. The world isn’t set up like that. I’m going to win. Always.”

Call it ego or call it delusion, that trait of invincibility is what many great people tend to have in common.

Kevin doesn’t have goals. He’s more relaxed these days and goes with the flow. He has a couple general intentions, such as for his own radio show, but otherwise he enjoys life and takes it as it comes.

My three hour dinner with Kevin (which he paid for) and his beautiful wife, was inspiring. I left thinking I need to hang around Kevin Trudeau and successful people like him more often.

He stretched my thinking, challenged my thinking, and enriched my thinking.

Who have you had dinner with recently that inspired you?

Who can you have dinner with and inspire?

Ao Akua,


PS — The photo above is of Kevin, Natalie, and myself at our dinner at Flemings in Austin. Left click on it to enlarge it.


  1. January 3, 2009 at 10:55 am

    Hi Joe 🙂

    It sounds like a Magical evening! I have a question and a comment…. My comment is that, having had Four close family members die of a variety of cancers, from observation and experience, I completely agree that Cancer is a physical manifestation of Suppressed Emotions – especially Self Deprication/Loathing/Guilt…. My question is, are you able to share with us, the German weight loss method Kevin used?

    Love and Light and Magic xxx
    PS: Thanks for the dinner idea… it’s got me thinking and planning 😉

  2. January 3, 2009 at 10:59 am

    I don’t know the method he used but it’s in his book, mentioned in my blog: The Weight Loss Cure. It’s in book stores and of course from Amazon.

  3. January 3, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Hi Joe,

    I guess that I too had bought two of his memory power book donkeys years ago and it’s now collecting dust on my bookshelf. Don’t tell Kevin that.

    Yes, I think he’s fab and I’d love to meet with him someday too.

    Best Wishes,

    Ambar Hamid

  4. James-Reply
    January 3, 2009 at 11:46 am

    The guy gets major negative press though. What’s up with that?

    ABC 20/20: John Stossel Exposes Liar Kevin Trudeau

  5. January 3, 2009 at 11:57 am

    James, see my Dec 24 post about paying attention to the mainstream media.

  6. January 3, 2009 at 12:04 pm

    Hey Joe… great post.

    I’ve been a Kevin fan since I bought his memory course when I was a senior in high school. Way back in 91!

    His courage and ability to not care what others think make him a hero in my mind. Great, successful people will usually have a large percentage of people who “hate” him or call him a fraud. But also will have very loyal fans as well.

    Glad you had a great dinner Joe… can you spill what Kevin is working on next? I would love to work with him!

    – Ken

  7. James-Reply
    January 3, 2009 at 12:05 pm

    I agree totally re the media, dont even own a TV. But from the post thought he sounds like an intersting guy so I did what you did and googled him and boom all this stuff about him etc. was just wondering what’s up with that?

  8. January 3, 2009 at 12:15 pm

    Hi Joe

    I’m new to your blog and as a TFT Parenting Specialist I was really delighted to hear that you are spreading the word about how Thought Field Therapy can really help people with cancer. I recently tapped a lovely woman with cancer who was really angry about getting it, her husband leaving her and the fact that 3 of her 4 kids have ADHD. We both found it rather amazing how quickly it took away her anger and how she described the experience. She described it being like warm sunshine suddenly shining through her head and it being similar to curtains being drawn quickly apart allowing the warm rays of hope to flood in.

    I’m enjoying listening to your “The Missing Secret” in my car at the mo! 🙂

    Happy New Year!

    Sue Atkins Parent Coach and Author of “Raising Happy Children for Dummies”

  9. January 3, 2009 at 12:35 pm

    WOW! Joe,

    It sounds like a mind expanding experience.
    Wonderful Ideas!


  10. January 3, 2009 at 1:28 pm

    James, You can’t trust the media. If they have no bad news they’ll create it. They are trying to create dirt on Kevin Trudeau. I call him Kevin Truthdeau. I like his stuff. I have Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About the 1st and Second Edition and More Natural Cures Revealed. Joe are going to invite kevin to the Zero Limits event in April? It would be really cool if you did. It goes to show that sickness starts in the mind and cancer is no exception to the rule. I believe in home remedies and natural cures. It seems like the best of both worlds in the same place at the same time.

  11. January 3, 2009 at 2:04 pm

    losing age and weight, as your dinner friend, Kevin, had, shows that some things DO work, and its great that indie internet marketers can promote true solutions. I mean really, I’ve never seen anyone who looked good because of a pharmaceutical product. They might be skinny or not wheezing, but all that stuff taxes the lkiver and kidneys. It shows in the skin, the energy level, the agitation etc. In a culture where more is vested in the dressing (branding and marketing) of a product instead on if it delivers on its promises, there is a wall of protection around the corrupt who peddle their poisons. So I’m not surprised he’s had trouble with the law etc. + really its pretty obvious that keeping our youth and health is simple: consume more enzymes, stay slightly alkaline.
    Thanks for your blog, joe. loved spiritaul marketing. sylvia

  12. January 3, 2009 at 3:48 pm

    I’ve read Kevin’s health books and just read his Debt book the other day.

    I totally agree with him relating to all the stuff he talks about in his health book, and how doctors and big pharm companies make a pile of money selling us symptom suppressants instead of guiding us towards real healing.

    However, one thing I found about his Debt book is that it tends to blame others for your debts. Meaning, he blames credit card companies and the government etc. for having all this credit card stuff setup to make us fail. I agree with all that, but I also believe we have to take responsibility for our debts as well. I almost went bankrupt once and when I took responsibility for my debt situation and stopped blaming anyone else (Total Responsibility), I began to get out of debt.

    I think if you combined Kevin’s ability to fearlessly go against the grain and be controversial with your understanding of Law of Attraction and Total Responsibility for creating everything in life, you two could create a product that would be AMAZING.

    For now, I just read his books and I read your books and I combine the ideas in my had, but if you you were to work on a product together it would be even better. Just an idea. 🙂


  13. January 3, 2009 at 8:35 pm

    Joe I am very glad I came across this blog post of yours. I have a very interesting story regarding Kevin Trudeau.

    About 2 or 3 years ago i saw his infomercial and decided to go out and buy his natural cures book. Read it and was very shocked at the reality of what was really going on with food and health. I went on to buy all the rest of the books that followed after that.

    See, kevins book was the point that inspired me to explore the field of health and end up discovering becoming a vegan and raw foods. Because of his book I was able to get this great awakening and I thank him very much for that.

    The other part is I did some search on the internet regarding his background and found a lot of negative stuff about him. However, that did not stop me from believing what he was writing about.
    I reasoned that people make mistakes and they can change. And it makes sense that if the truth is out there, there’s a million people that will discredit that.

    I truly appreciate Kevin’s fight to bring the truth out because as a result of that awakening I received i have gone into other areas to explore the reality of our world. Recently I have been exploring David Icke which is another inspiration in my life.
    And as a result i am starting my own online business on personal freedom.

    Thank you Joe, I am just beginning to read your books, in fact I am buying your writing an ebook in 7 days now.
    Thank you so much for the inspiration and awakening I got from you Kevin.

  14. January 4, 2009 at 7:24 am

    Hi Joe:
    I just don’t know what to believe about Kevin Trudeau. There has been so much bad press about him and his products. How has he attracted all this to himself if some of it, at least, isn’t true?

  15. January 4, 2009 at 10:23 am

    Nice dinner. Nice watch. Nice turnaround in my view of Kevin, which has been in decline these past years. Whew.

    Dr. Joe – You need or someone needs a great new digital point and shoot camera for your dinner photos. Just having fun with you, but you and Natalie and Kevin need a better “image maker.”
    Zero limits on photography too.

  16. January 4, 2009 at 10:31 am


    VERY powerful. Would love to learn more about how Kevin sold 30,000,000 copies of his first book.

    Thanks for sharing!

  17. January 4, 2009 at 11:00 am

    Dr. Joe, how exciting .. I’ve bought Kevin’s books and browsed, I will now make the time to actually read them. Nan

  18. January 4, 2009 at 11:05 am


    I love Mega Memory. And still use it.

    I used it recently to memorize my library card — 1000017666289 The last two digits are skating cat.

    Good questions, who could I go to dinner with?



  19. January 4, 2009 at 11:12 am

    Thank you,Joe. TFT can grow your hair back,it is in[send u a gift

  20. January 4, 2009 at 11:42 am

    Dinner? I’d LOVE to Joe! 😉

    While I agree with what the main stream media is doing, I don’t know if I would survive this weekend, (or more importantly NEXT weekend) with not being able to watch the NFL playoffs. (I bleed Black and Gold for my Steelers.)

    Kevin’s books are like anything else I read. I simply can’t form an opinion or belief about anything based on what someone else thinks or believes. My own experience has always been the best gauge, right or wrong.

    I do have his “Debt Cures”, and “Natural Cures” and both my wife and I have found at least a couple of solid ideas in both.

  21. TC Bradley-Reply
    January 4, 2009 at 11:44 am


    What an inspired meeting and post!

    Too often we play the game of life of “small”

    A lesson for all as we enter venture into 2009 to think BIG, really BIG!

    TC Bradley

    As far as any negative press with Kevin, I am reminded of what Daddy always said
    “Son, Dog’s don’t bark at parked cars!”

  22. January 4, 2009 at 11:44 am

    Hi Joe

    I’m very imperssed with Kevin and what he’s accomplished!

    I love the fact that you did all the research on him and was drinking
    his favorite scotch when you met in the bar and gave him a cigar that
    you knew was his favorite also! You were early and so was Kevin and
    his new bride. You are certainly world class Joe. Kevin seems to be also!

    I’ve purchased his book: Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About”
    and really liked it.

    I’d love to have been a fly on the wall during your 3 hour dinner with Kevin and his wife. Two amazing powerhouses sharing ideas! Thank you for sharing so much in your blog.

    Love and blessings,

    Ann Taylor

  23. Sunny-Reply
    January 4, 2009 at 12:09 pm

    You know, I called for a copy of his book on debt after viewing his infommercial and ended up not purchasing it due to the combination of what I felt was excessive shipping cost and a salesperson on the phone who was pressuring to a ridiculous level. His message is that he cares about people but the selling method does not. The whole thing left a bad taste and credibility questions.

  24. January 4, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    Hi again Joe:
    I have looked further into Kevin’s troubled life and quite frankly I am surprised that you would assoicate yourself with him. Sorry but I have to question your judgement on this one.

  25. January 4, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    Hi Wendy. I had dinner with the guy; I didn’t marry him. Besides, unconditional forgiveness is the path to magic and miracles. If I sat in judgement of Kevin and denied his offer to have dinner because of what the media says about him, I’d be a limited-thinking fool. As it turned out, the evening with him was unforgettable and wonderful. He was very helpful to me. In fact, one of my dear friends is ill and Kevin was right there with support and resources to help. Had I passed on the dinner with him, i would have passed on an oppourtunity to learn and grow and to help a friend.

  26. January 4, 2009 at 2:20 pm

    I read most of your blog posts, but this one really was just plain enjoyable. How great to think that someone I admire (you) found something to admire in someone else (Kevin). I know it isn’t so uncommon, but you wrote the article from your heart and I felt every ounce of its truth. Kudos.

  27. January 4, 2009 at 3:46 pm

    Great reading! One of things that Kevin recommends in his Natural Cures books is the Energy Balancing program (EMC2) which I have been a facilitator for now going on 9 years. Check it out.
    (or ask Kevin)

  28. Maria Fletcher-Reply
    January 4, 2009 at 7:03 pm

    Joe, thank you for this outstanding blog! I love knowing that my favorite author met Kevin Trudeau whose 2 books — Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You To Know About and More Natural “Cures” Revealed — I bought years ago when they first came out. I can’t help but think that the beautiful bride, Natalie, was quite the catalyst inspiring both of you to contribute your very best to your lovely evening!

    I saw no reason to buy Kevin’s weight loss book and don’t doubt his 45 pounds loss in as many days — as I lost 17 pounds in 14 days, 8 1/2 years ago, (the weight fell off as I ate primarily green veggies, sweet potatoes, legumes, nuts, spelt bread with no yeast, avocadoes, tomatoes, grapefruit, and no animal products, alcohol or caffeine.) I also walked or ‘moved aerobically – for 2 hours each day — usually in 30 minute intervals.

    I have learned so much from both you and Kevin over the years. Thank you for sharing your dining experience with us.

    And thank you for sharing part of my story in your EXPECT MIRACLES book. I’m not sure that you received my previous ‘thank you’. And I want always to express my gratitude to those who have touched my life in such a meaningful way. Joe Vitale, you have blessed my life in so many ways. Thank you for being such an outstanding mentor to all of us who read and love your work. Thank you for sharing your wealth of spiritual knowledge in each new book that you publish.

    Blessings always,
    Maria Fletcher

  29. January 5, 2009 at 12:06 am

    Hi Joe…Thank-you. If I were you I would send Kevin and his bride a thank-you note and invite him for lunch or a round of golf or maybe a jam session with Pat O. I agree with others that there is a lot to learn and experience in keeping a casual relationship with other successful entrepreneurs. In fact, I believe you manifested the opportunity and you will be revisiting the energy often. Your post is educational, heart-warming and by reading the other comments…controversial as well. Keep it coming.

  30. January 5, 2009 at 12:54 am

    Hello Joe!

    What a magnificent experience. I would love to meet him as well. I have been involved with alternative medicine or natural remedies for a little over 30 years now. I have his books on Natural Cures. If he has been in trouble, well… we take the positive and rather not say anything negative about the pharmaceutical co. I am aware that… lets just say that many in the medical field rather have “sick patients” than healthier ones. Please!! don’t take it the wrong way. Many love to see everyone get better. I have been working in the field of cellular nutrition for several years now and have been able to see many of my clients health improve dramatically. Many of their physicians were not happy and others asked them for my information in order to help others as well. Everyone is different. I also believe that when the time is right, you might even contact me too. That will make me as happy or even more than when you met Kevin 😀 I always ask the Universe and God to put in my path anyone that is ready for why I have to offer or someone I can learn from. I am thankful every day. I have the honor to know Dr. Dennis Waitley. I have been with him in 3 ocassions and when I am talking to him, I would love for that time to never end. Allow me to say this to you… Thank you so much for everything, you are one person that has made a difference in my life and I am sure in many more. God Bless!

    About Cancer, Yes! Stress has a lot to due with it, many of the food we eat, having so many free radicals attack our bodies. In my personal opinion, I understand that it is very important to use a good quality antioxidant. Remember many of these degenerative diseases don’t happen overnight.

    I keep his Natural Cures books handy with all my holistic medicine books. Thank you for sharing with us such a wonderful moment of your life.

    To your Health and Wealth!

  31. Jamie McIntosh-Reply
    January 5, 2009 at 1:09 am


    Just came across this website dissing you
    Thought you might like to know…..

    Inspiring article!! Keep up the great work.

  32. January 5, 2009 at 1:44 am

    Thank you Joe for your inspiring words. I have been following your blog for quite sometime now. It’s 2:30am and I cannot sleep because I, like so many have been racked with worry (my house, the economy and on and on). Yet something inside me is telling me to just quit it already! I am so tired of the news. I feel beaten. But I am also trying to listen to my intuition which is telling me that everything will be ok, great even if I allow it.

    Thank you for continuing to inspire me.



  33. Anna-Reply
    January 5, 2009 at 12:15 pm

    Hello there Joe:)
    I’m sort of new to all these ideas you have mentioned in your book – i got one for Christmas The Key: The Missing Secret… and I’ve just read it. I must say it’s sort of..influenced me? changed my way of thinking? I’ve realised I am SO lucky – I can do anything with my life, and I finally realised – only today – that all my far-fetched plans of leaving for some distant countries were mistaken – i was unhappy at home, and running from “all this”. now. I don’t run anymore. I am happy.

    I’ve just looked up this magic weight loss method – I’m not prejudiced, and I’ve been trying to get rid of those 13 extra kilos myself, but 500 caloried a day doesn’t sound too healthy:shock::shock: or maybe it’s some detox method never discovered before:grin: anyways sounds way too punishing for me:wink: doesn’t mean it’s wrong though. if someone likes it, then, I think it’s fine.

    reading and watching The Secret and the book I’ve mentioned have given me this dunno, insight – I’ve been regarding all things in a more positive light, even if everyone around me is like “oh noooo not again!” or “why me???” I think there’s good in everything – it’s sometimes harder to see, but one needs to look closely, right?

    thank you Joe – you truly are inspiring:))

  34. Stuart-Reply
    January 5, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    It scares me that you did not research this person you are so fond of and if you did you would see his many law suits and scams as well as many other things people have said negative about him. He knows how to create products to scam people and I do not think you want people to think the same of all your many endless products.

  35. January 5, 2009 at 2:06 pm

    Stuart, please re-read my post. Note this line: “I’m well aware of Kevin’s long term fight with the government, his prison time, his current federal restrictions, etc.” Also note what I wrote after that line.

  36. Josh-Reply
    January 5, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    Wow 30 million books!!! Thats helping a lot of people. Yes there are natural cures. I call them the ‘Pepto Bismol of life” because we all need to get “unstuck” and be one with the Universe. I mean, we already are, but fight it and then things go outta wack. Seriously, go out and read Joe’s Books. Join a group and surround yourself with people who want to enjoy the Universe. Get out of your head and get into Joe’s Rolls. P.S. I will give anybody reading this post a free domain name. If you are into positive actions and results then this is a very catchy domain name that you can register. I thought of it and never registered it myself. The Universe told me to give it away. Here it is…:”Abundanceamongus”

  37. January 5, 2009 at 4:35 pm


    Are you going to invite Kevin to the Zero Limits III event? Thanks to this post, he’s on my list of people I want to meet. Did you two go to an organic restaurant?

    Hey Ted (I’m responding to comment 33),

    You can’t believe the government or the media. The government and the media has a personal vendetta against Mr. Trudeau.

  38. January 6, 2009 at 2:49 am

    Thank you for sharing the story, you are always insightful and wonderful Joe!

  39. Anna-Reply
    January 6, 2009 at 11:32 am

    hi again everyone:) when I was re-reading these posts again today I couldn’t help but notice that some of us seem somewhat shocked or prejudiced – I mean Mr. Trudeau – I know he’s had some…uh, let’s say “unusual” experience but I seriously can’t see him as a bad person – he was sentenced to jail, he’s had some governmental issues..but still this does not mean he’s…”doomed” does it?
    I think everyone deserves a second, third, fourth etc. chance – I mean, look – I myself have been promising my family that I’d get a grip and get over this bulimic phase I’ve been having for a year now. I keep promising, and then breaking these promises I’ve made – and still they don’t think ill of me. They keep trying to help and I keep trying to recover (- thanks to Joe life seems rich and easy and I dare to think of future without bulimia)…

    so, form my own experience – I believe we should not judge anyone. no matter what they do, and what others will think about us or our associating with this particular person(I mean within certain limits…but even if a mass murderer asks for help (s)he should not be denied it). everyone should have a chance for a little “redemption”:)

    I mean it might sound a bit strong for this case, but I can’t find any other words to explain it save for this shocking example:) so don’t think ill of me please:))


  40. January 6, 2009 at 3:44 pm

    Joe I love you and your books but I was shocked you would go near this man. Yes he’s charming and all the other stuff, scammers usually are. I think our feelings should go out to all those he has scammed.

  41. January 9, 2009 at 8:06 pm


    What is it with people buying the hook line and sinker “kevin tradeua is a scammer” ploy the government and media want you to believe.

    If your so confident that he is a scammer, please name a scam he has participated in. The way I see it, he writes fantastic books which have helped millions of people.

  42. January 14, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    We can all throw stones, and have them thrown at us! I sell a sleep aid called Eden PM and without ever contacting us, Kevin recommended Eden PM in his book “More Natural Cures Revealed” – our sales went up and people love the product.

    This was an unpaid endorsement so Kevin obviously recommends products even when there is nothing in it for him.

    Natural Sleep Aid

  43. January 15, 2009 at 11:45 am

    Great read… I have always thought this guy was a very sharp productive guy. I purchased 1 of his books and I thought is was a great starting guide to add to help with good health.

    Bill Marler

  44. January 20, 2009 at 10:34 am

    I had Mega-Memory from back then too!

  45. January 24, 2009 at 9:43 am

    Wow…where do I start?

    I guess I will just keep this simple.

    This is to Jonathan Browne (name a scam).

    Let’s start with his infomercials on cures. Have you noticed how he never finishes the cure in his book? You have to finish reading up about it on the internet…his website…which you have to subscribe to…for a monthly fee.

    And…here is the funny part…when you do buy the book from the infomercial…without telling you…they subscribe you to the website…just TRY getting off that one, customer service will not pick up…or, they will just hang up on you.

    His diet book…WOW…through out the infomercial…he LIES. It is NOT easy, it DOES require a doctor (remember…injections that you CANNOT get in the U.S. because they are illegal), and you cannot just eat what you want…not to mention the daily calonics.

    Then there is ITV Ventures.


    And this is a man that you call a friend?


    Matthew Adams

  46. January 28, 2009 at 9:00 am

    Hi Matthew. I used to think like you, but I went and checked the facts. Turns out the weight loss cure is not illegal in the US at all. I called my medical doctor and he sells it. Yes, the diet requires medical supervision, but anyone needing to lose a lot of weight and is serious about it should have a doctor watching them. Thank God Kevin Trudeau is helping the public with this informaiton.

  47. Kosta-Reply
    February 3, 2009 at 10:09 pm

    While I do believe the guy is a marketing genius, I think that there is much to what is said about him.
    I think that writing false claims to sell books is wrong, anyway you look at it. And yes there is a huge difference between slight exageration and outright lies.
    Do I think the media is without an agenda? No ,but anyone who looks closely at his work will feel like they are being taken advantage of, that was my experience anyway.
    I feel that giving massive value to my customers is important and I value them too much to make them feel ripped off.
    Kevin is ALOT richer than I am financially, but this is something he doesn’t seem to understand.

  48. March 8, 2009 at 10:14 am

    Joe, Great Story, I plan on being with Kevin on march 27 th & 28 th. I have been with Kevin in in california for 18 Hours of incredible training. All done with No notes. Kevin has a special talent. To get to listen to him is a special treat and for some, Life changing. If you listen to him with your window open, You will be better for it.

  49. July 24, 2009 at 5:28 pm

    I’ve got your interview with Kevin from last week on my iPod.

    Very stimulating stuff.

    Looking forward to meeting you fellas in Cancun, Mexico come October.

  50. mike alaska-Reply
    July 25, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    :lol:hi joe,
    i met keivin and hes wife a little while ago too. im a oil worker /operator/mech/up here in prudhoe bay alaska, he has left a very lasting inpression on me and hes wife shes so happy and kind hes they same way , he sat next to me at a dinner table i asked a question,i was shaking soooo bad ,i could hardly talk , my words wernt comming out properly,if you know what i mean , he was calm and colective explaned what i asked was very sincer on helping me and otheres , ,i will learn as much as i can from him!! sometimes my brain needs a kick start he did it for me just by sitting and talking to me right next to me . some times something in someones life like this gives them a wake up call on there own lives what to do to improve your self.

    mike from alaska

    • Matthew Hobbs-Reply
      June 28, 2010 at 1:37 pm

      Hey Mike. I enjoyed your comment. I have a few questions for you as I am also a big fan of Kevin T.

      please email me =)

  51. mike alaska-Reply
    July 25, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    :lol:hi joe,
    i met keivin and hes wife a little while ago too. im a oil worker /operator/mech/up here in prudhoe bay alaska, he has left a very lasting inpression on me and hes wife shes so happy and kind hes they same way , he sat next to me at a dinner table i asked a question,i was shaking soooo bad ,i could hardly talk , my words wernt comming out properly,if you know what i mean , he was calm and colective explaned what i asked was very sincer on helping me and otheres , ,i will learn as much as i can from him!! sometimes my brain needs a kick start he did it for me just by sitting and talking to me right next to me . some times something in someones life like this gives them a wake up call on there own lives what to do to improve your self.

    mike from alaska

  52. Matthew Hobbs-Reply
    June 28, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    If anyone reading this article is interested Kevin has created an organization led by him and 40 other mega successful people. I am a member and have received extreme benefits so far.

    You can get more information at

    You can sign up for free as an affiliate and get a taste for what I am talking about. You can use my affiliate code – 1511727

    Email me with any questions

  53. brian-Reply
    July 14, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    I’m also a member of the personal success organization that he helped to create. You can get more information directly at the website and sign up as an member using the affiliate code “Brian” . It’s changed my life immeasurably and I have only positive things to say about it.. The website of the organization is . You can go their, listen to the info, and click “Join Now” and sign up using the affiliate code “Brian”. It will be the best day of your life!

  54. ella-Reply
    September 27, 2011 at 9:50 am

    Hi Joe,

    Thank you for everything, you’re my inspiration every day…
    I’m French and I’d just listen your wish is your order… And I ‘d like to have your advice…. In France, we heard about Kevin and his past in jail… and about pyramidal illegal systems so… i’va got doubts because, if I’m not yet rich, I will be ;), but My feelings are uncertains actually after reading newspapers on the Internet about Kevin…
    I know that you like him, but why does he called “crook” ?

    From here, it’s difficult to understand so, can you explain to me and my french fellows ?

    • Monika Plohberger-Reply
      March 3, 2012 at 10:15 am

      Dear Ella,
      I can understand your concern. My interpretation of this (as a Combination Natural Therapist myself) is that there are Pharmaceutical giants that benefit from illness of people all around the world. Kevin is very much an advocate for natural healing (as I am) and his very successful promotion of natural healing with books and lectures and his radio show are turning people away from the Pharmaceutical giants towards natural healing.
      I live in Australia and just attended the 1st Global Information talks in Sydney where Kevin was the speaker and representative of GIN. With Kevin were Brandy (his assistant and writer of the test materials that allow members to proceed to the next level), Brian Baschnagel was also there (the man who introduced GIN to France).
      My overall impression was that the ethics, compassion, support, vision and humanity of GIN are amazing. They truly offer us the resources to dream/believe/achieve with all the confidence building and support that we need.
      Meeting and speaking and being photographed with Kevin and my brother was a wonderful experience. My brother and I have benefitted hugely (in a holistic manner) since becoming members of GIN.
      Follow your heart in this matter Ella. Enjoy!
      Cheers Monika 🙂

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