What If You Don't Know?

I talk about intentions all the time, but what if you don’t know what your intention is or should be?

What if you can’t make up your mind?

What if you’re not sure?

What if you’re afraid of making a decision or making a mistake?

What then?

That’s when you go here — www.intentionattractor.com

Go see.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you don’t know if you should go to the site or not, then go here right now www.intentionattractor.com 


  1. May 25, 2008 at 7:24 am

    What is there to be afraid of?? We came here to go for it with all the love and joy we can muster! Rock on, Joe!

  2. May 26, 2008 at 9:56 am

    It’s true that most of the time you don’t fully understand the intention of what you are about to do. You are afraid that you may fail or ironically may succeed. I have started my blog with the intention that may be it’s a platform where I expressed my thoughts for fun. But now I have seen how other people have done on their blogs to earn more extra income, I thought to myself why can’t I do the same thing? I have read the article on How to attract money, there is part saying that you do something you enjoy. I enjoy writing family and love stories so what’s there to stop me right?

    Sherry Love


    PS: If you have some time, please visit my blog and leave your thoughts on it. Thanks in advance

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