A Texas Wildfires Solution

A few days ago I sent an email to my mailing list requesting people hold the vision of safety for all those affected by the Texas wildfires. I pointed out that more than two dozen scientific studies proved when a group holds an intention in meditation, that intention tends to come to pass.

People from all over the world sat and prayed, or visualized, or intended and requested that the fires diminish.

What happened?

Almost instantly a friend who had been evacuated from his home due to the fires wrote to me saying the smokes seemed to clear, the power came back on, and he was told he could return home safely.

Friends of mine who were preparing to evacuate were told they were safe.

Then I looked at the news and saw that while the fires were still burning and there was no rain in sight, most of the larger fires around my area of Austin, Texas were either contained, put out, or greatly improved in containment.

That’s progress, but we’re not done.

At last count, there were 180 wildfires in Texas. The smoke from them could be seen from space.

This is a very real emergency, with over 1,400 people having lost their homes in my area alone, so I am sincerely asking you to help right now.

How can you help?

Two ways:

1. Go here and offer whatever you can:


2. Send love to the fires and see them burn out:

I know it seems bizarre, but we are at a point where trying the bizarre might be the wisest next step.

Send love to the fires…Visualize a steady rain coming down for several days in Texas…Pray and request help from your connection to All…

Most of all, be at peace.

These fires probably represent our own inner anger.

Life is an out-picturing of our internal state.

Your inner sense of well being will contribute to the well being and peace of the planet.

Do whatever meditation or technique you know to reach that inner place of serenity. Use ho’oponopono/Zero Limits or Tapping/EFT, or anything else you know of or can think of.

Inner peace is the answer to outer peace.

Here’s one way to achieve that inner state of serenity:

I love Neville (who I wrote about in my book, The Attractor Factor). You can “Nevillize” the end of the fires by going to the end result of rain falling and fires out.

Imagine that it’s now next week and you are telling a friend how the fires in Texas were really scary until the sky opened and the rains fell and the fires went out…

Really see the future right now.

Nevillize the end result of what you want.

Make that future vision so real that it feels like it already came to past.

Or, as Neville signed a book I own of his, “Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”

As Neville said, “Think of the world as a sounding box, echoing and reflecting what you have assumed.”

In other words, assume the reality that the fires are over.

Please do that right now.

Thank you.

Ao Akua,


PS — Please share this message as you see fit. Post it on Facebook, or Twitter, or elsewhere. As a group, we can make a difference. Let’s do this.

I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. September 9, 2011 at 4:37 pm

    And here’s what’s going on in my part of Texas, where we’ve been under mandatory evac since Tuesday.
    Must be a lot of angry people out here. Or maybe they just didn’t get your email.

  2. September 9, 2011 at 9:19 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I agree that the outer world is a reflection of our inner world. Sending out love and energetic healing can do wonders for the world.

    Here in Maryland we have been dealing with massive rain and flooding. Does this represent an outpouring of emotion or sadness like crying?

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:11 pm

      Maybe. I’ve been flying back and forth to Ohio as my mother is in critical condition. I’ve seen the rains and my tears have added to it.

  3. Caleb Rosengard-Reply
    September 10, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Dear Dr. Vitale, could you please tell us how do we meditate using the ho’oponopono? Because it seems to be the best way for us, working as a team, to eliminate these wildfires entirely.

    God, the fire’s picture you linked there was really scary

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:10 pm

      That’s a big question. In short, take whatever you are feeling (such as the picture scaring you) and use the basic ho’oponopono phrases on what you feel: I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you. You might also read the excerpt at http://www.zerolimits.info

  4. September 10, 2011 at 8:10 am

    Thank you Joe, I was attempting to describe this method to my friends, but your wonderful way with words made it so much clearer. Shared on Facebook and Twitter. We can make a difference. Thank you.

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:09 pm

      I’m glad my words can help. Thank you for all you are doing, too.

  5. September 10, 2011 at 8:13 am

    Hey Joe,
    A soft gentle, soaking, rain… I am feeling the earth’s joy in receiving this quenching, soothing rain….
    – Colleen
    I love you
    Please forgive me
    Thank you
    I’m sorry

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:08 pm

      That’s a wonderful image to hold. Well done.

  6. peya robinson-Reply
    September 10, 2011 at 8:36 am

    I practice Ho’oponopono on the situation. Just an Idea.

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:08 pm

      Excellent. I mentioned that in my post. I do it all the time.

  7. Howard Dugan-Reply
    September 10, 2011 at 8:59 am

    Aloha Joe,
    Thank you for cleaning on the Wildfires. I have been doing this work for many many years as a spiritual practice.
    It is wonderful that you can inspire so many people to join in and lovingly minimize the impacts of Natural Disasters. Earthquakes, floods, storms, hurricanes, tsunamis, wildfires, tornados, pollution, global warming, HAARP, chemtrails, etc. can all be mitigated with enough conscious directed Love Power. Keep up the Good Works.
    Peace of I,
    Bishop Howard Dugan

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:08 pm

      Thank you for all you do, as well.

  8. September 10, 2011 at 9:42 am

    Sending love to the fires with ho’oponopono right now.

  9. September 10, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    We also need to visualized rain. That would help us all out a bunch!

    • September 10, 2011 at 4:07 pm

      Agreed. That’s why I mentioned it in my post. 🙂

    • September 28, 2011 at 2:34 am

      Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoerhent. Not this!

  10. L.-Reply
    September 10, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    Great idea, praying that the fires stop ! You can see it from outerspace, I saw the images on the news.

  11. September 10, 2011 at 11:53 pm

    I am grateful that you reached out to your community on this. I did ho’oponopono and prayer work when I first received your email newsletter request.

    When you mentioned wildfires in Texas as “contained” above, I must say a good part of me viscerally bristled at the suggestion. My whole upbringing consisted in being told to be obedient, and “containing” my fire.

    Then I recalled something a mentor of mine told me a week before your prayer request (how quickly I forget): Stifled passion, sooner or later, ends up bursting out as anger.

    I see that as the core message of the wildfires. It’s more about passion than peace. Be wild! Be fire! Blaze in all your glory! –or the will riots in a potentially destructive way as the will is enraged at being held down, dried and bound. God knows what happens when that spirit explodes. Homes are lost (homes reflect our self, or “being home for our own selves”) and trees burn down, land is parched. Sometimes lives are lost that didn’t escape before destruction engulfed them.

    The message: If I don’t self-extinguish my flame, then the outer world is no longer bereft of my gift. And I don’t need feel or be explosive. I actually don’t feel THAT explosive at all; yet because of the email in my inbox, I took that as a personal call for cleaning… I explored it and, yes, I can consciously detect the seething and simmering anger at being denied to express creative will symbolized by the fire element.

    I was flipping through a new (to me) magazine this morning while it rained outside (connecting with Texas again in prayer) my window called Ode Magazine which had an article on anger. The title of the article was, “Prelude to Courage,” (the word courage comes from ‘coeur’, French for “heart, innermost feelings, AND TEMPER”), and the illustrations in this article where all of the crackling bonfire variety.

    So my final takeaway from all the cleaning, and visualizing rain is to allow our vital and prodigious passion to express. Thank you for the opportunity to perceive this message and participate with the clearing.

  12. September 11, 2011 at 2:28 am

    Hello Joe!

    I am now using Ho O Pono Pono and EFT on the wildfires!!!
    I Love You Joe, I’m Sorry Joe, Please Forgive Me Joe, Thank You Joe!!!

    Immortals Love,
    Patrick A. Bundy

    • September 11, 2011 at 2:44 am

      I didnt mention in My last post HERE that I have Your program The Missing Secret. I learned Self-Identity Ho O Pono Pono HERE in The Missing Secret. I play Ho O Pono Pono all the time while I am at home which is a good deal of the time. I even play it every single night while I sleep. It has proven to be an outstanding cleaning, clearing, and cleansing method for EVERYTHING!!! I find that EFT (www.eftuniverse.com) is an excellent companion to splice, to integrate, to combine with Self-Identity Ho O Pono Pono. I use them both on a daily regular basis. It is a discipline that I have taken up. I have seen with My own eyes and heard with My own ears, negativity dissolve in My life and other peoples lives whom I know personally. I want to thank You Joe for sharing this eternally special, priceless, and most valuable healing technique with Us in Your program The Missing Secret. Those that do not yet have this program, They will now discover what it is the moment they listen to it the first time. I do not stop with just one listening Joe. I have listened to it about 7 times already and I already feel the inward pull toward listening to it again. Thanks again Joe! I Love You Joe! I’m Sorry Joe! Please Forgive Me Joe! Thank You Joe!

  13. Judu-Reply
    September 11, 2011 at 3:00 am

    🙂 thanks~ since your first email, I’ve been sending love and seeing them stop.. already feel like they’re stopped, as you wrote. And yeah, Ho’oponopono is the best of all, so I agree with you. ^^ Thanks again for bringing Ho’oponopono to my life. <3

  14. T.Beast-Reply
    September 12, 2011 at 12:18 am


    People, you aren’t affecting the fire with your prayers and thoughts. It is those on the ground working diligently who are “putting out” the fire. If those kind souls weren’t there you would see absolutely no containment, it would have to burn itself out.

    It’s a nice thought that you are doing this but to really feel you are affecting something raging like it is, is simply wrong and discredits the hard work of people who are risking their lives to save homes and wildlife in the area.

    I suggest this, go to the nearest fire. Stand there and “imagine” it going away. After all of your great efforts are ignored by this “manifestation of bad thoughts” aka the fire. Pick up a shovel and start helping the other volunteers. You will see real magic in that type of action and not what you are doing now.

    • September 12, 2011 at 7:46 am

      If you don’t want to do suggestion #2, then at least do suggestion #1.

    • September 13, 2011 at 7:28 am

      That’s really a small thinking from a person who’s not able to see the big picture.

      When you try and practice sending love to fires, you may not affect the fire directly but you may help cleansing to the people who are fighting against it – it may give more power to keep fighting. Persistence is the key N. Hill says. And only Positive Mental Attitude can keep persistence up. And cleansing process helps to keep it, since we are actually not separate.

      It may not affect the fire but collective positive thoughts against fire might inspire another human being through our connection which might be a scientist and he/she may find a solution to literally control fire.

      Sending love may not affect the fire itself – but maybe sends a call to the universe and a spiritual being who knows how we can use our thoughts to affect material came to the earth and teach us (crazy eh? ;))

      Our ancestors didn’t knew what the fire is, 1000s of years ago. After 1000s of years from now a little kid will ask to his mother “mom our ancestor really didn’t know how to control fire with thoughts?!!!” while playing with it.

  15. Kathy-Reply
    September 13, 2011 at 4:19 pm

    I’m curious as to whether you would have the guts to look into the eyes of the parents of the woman with the 18 month old who died in the fires, and tell them that it was her “inner anger” that likely caused the fires.

    Prayer is wonderful, however compassion is also needed in this situation.

    Your blog sorely lacks this virtue.

  16. Kathy-Reply
    September 14, 2011 at 12:15 am

    Criticism of your blog is not ridicule.

    I would add, that narcissism is also not one of the choices that is helpful.

    Why don’t we all pray for healing as you suggest, but leave out your narcissism and my criticism. I think that would be most helpful.

    My last post.

  17. Thomas-Reply
    October 10, 2011 at 11:50 am

    I do pray for people’s safety, however I have to speak out on one subject that bothers me. It involves mother nature. Just because we can doesn’t mean we should when it comes to expansion and progress in certain areas. I wonder in my heart if people don’t have that big yellow taxi mentality ingrained so deeply that they have lost respect for the power of mother nature. If you wanna talk about getting clear ? spend time in what to me is gods garden, that natural balance thats been encroached upon by humanity for far too long.

    I can’t speak about austin as I have not had the honor of exploring its natural wonders. I have been in sedona and I think that the leadership should be ashamed of themselves for allowing that much expansion in the direct vicinity of a sacred space that was meant to be enjoyed by all, not just those with wealth.

    I honestly think your missing the greater message here in terms of all the natural disasters that have been occurring.

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