Believe: The Fitness Model Diet

Celebrity fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee is not only beautiful, but inspiring.  She credits me with inspiring her, but it sure seems the other way around these days.

We met almost one year ago when she signed on for my Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind, which ABC News* filmed.

jnl believeI found her charming, funny, sexy, smart, and eager to learn. Within minutes we were talking like old friends and brainstorming new ideas to increase her business, while ABC News* kept the cameras rolling.

Recently Jennifer sent me a bobble head of herself, as well as her new book. Even the bobble head of her is sexy.

jnl bobblehead

While the bobble head is fun, Jennifer’s new book is beyond good. It’s great. It’s high-quality, hardcover, packed with information and (of course) pictures. It reveals her fitness secrets. Since she’s a woman who has transformed herself from fat and unhappy to award-winning fit and contagiously happy, her wisdom is worth our time.

jnl new bookI like the book so much I placed it in the window at the top of the stairs in my new office. I see it every time I enter the room, which puts a spring in my step. 🙂

Jennifer signs almost everything with one word: “Believe!”

When I asked her about it, she explained that belief is the secret to transforming yourself and achieving all you desire.

I believe her.

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s a YouTube video about Jennifer Nicole Lee’s new book on the fitness model diet:

Note: I am not an affiliate for anything Jennifer offers. I’m sharing what she does because I think it’s worthwhile. Check it out.

* Six months later ABC News shared this (you’ll have to watch an ad for a drug first):

AMN bannerMember BBB 2003 – 2011


  1. Tom-Reply
    December 20, 2010 at 12:00 am

    Joe Vitale endorsed this woman’s book back in 2009. She then rode in his car in 2010. Joe may be just “sharing” but just do a search on this site and peel the onion and you will see clever cross promotion going on between JNL and Joe Vitale. I am finding many of Joe’s posts all geared toward marketing and self promotion – this is not a value judgment, it is just a learning experience to not just accept things at face value but to think critically and examine what is really happening behind the scenes. Hat’s off to Joe – he knows how to milk the cash cow. He is brilliant.

  2. December 20, 2010 at 8:44 am

    It’s a hallmark of a great teacher when the student inspires him.
    Nice work!

  3. Paul-Reply
    December 20, 2010 at 3:29 pm

    Joe is an copywriter and information marketer with a spiritual twist.
    He’s also a big proponent of The Secret and law of attraction.

    I am no defender of Joe’s-trust me on this.
    But on this Jenni Lee Fitness Model promotion, even I must say:
    Joe has NEVER used sex, images of bikini women, or promises of “instant seduction” to sell his stuff.
    I give Joe PLENTY of street cred on this one.
    MOST of the law of attraction/The Secret crowd eventually sell out and market books & stuff about sex, seduction, romance.
    These hucksters spice up their websites with sexy looking women. posing seductively.
    But not Joe.
    So he shows a picture of model Jenni Lee? So what?
    So it is cross promotion. So what?

    Joe may handle things in ways I don’t approve of, but he’s never used sex to sell his stuff.

    This leads me to ask you, Joe:

    WHY haven’t you written a nice, juicy ebook on sex, seduction, and romance?

    Now that’s something even I, a skeptic, would pay to read!

    • December 21, 2010 at 7:03 pm

      Well I bought Secrets Of Attraction (The Universal Laws of Love, Sex And Romance) by Sandra Anne Taylor with the same thoughts while having an inner conversation like “Kerem are you going to buy a “love” book?!!!”, “Yes why not?! My love life crawling on rock bottom anywayz!…” etc.

      But when I read the book entirely I’m totally impressed and felt bad because judged by the book with its cover and title. It was deep, helping and a great book.

      I agree with you on so what parts. And we shouldn’t judge people with their outlook (beautiful or ugly, messy or sleek) , covers of their books or images on their web sites. There’s always something more than meets the eye (as Optimus Prime said :P) And IF those love books helping some people out there in some way, making them feel a bit less alone, a bit better – than mission accomplished.

      There’s nothing more beautiful than helping someone who in need.

      • Jon-Reply
        December 22, 2010 at 10:23 pm

        Thanks for the heads up on Sandra’s Secrets of Attraction. Looks intriguing enough for me to check out.

  4. December 21, 2010 at 9:53 am

    Hi Joe,
    I have commented on here before when you were doing the Abundance Paradigm, which I have now bought. I am thrilled beyond description not just from that but because I signed up for the Miracles Coaching program of the E-Commerce side of Prosper. I will someday be able to do the MC itself, but a wonderful coach named Gwyn helped me and told me that I manifested this opportunity and I knew I was being handed my future. I asked her this question, however, and she suggested I blog it to you: Why is there no Scholarship component to the MC program? She told me that I was one of the few that she would heartily recommend for that program but my funds at this time won’t allow it. She said I was very teachable and that I had done some amazing things in my life which showed her my determination and desire. So she told me to ask you in here- why isn’t there a provision for someone like me?

    On another side, I have a friend in Kansas that is destitute and while he is reading, cleaning, clearing from the books I have sent him of yours, there are no jobs in sight and no unemployment coming in. My question to you is this: Is the YES operation only in one state or can it help someone like him that needs a hand up in making a new start?
    He wants to come back to California where he was born and raised and is penniless at the moment. I think his internet was even shut off today. I am trying to raise some money for him via paypal and a web page I am making because in the past my blogging community has helped a lot with other folks.
    Is there an e-mail I can send to OY to ask for help for him? He is my oldest friend (43 years) so I just want to help him.
    Thanks again Joe for all of your divine inspiration that has helped all of us out here!!

  5. December 22, 2010 at 12:21 am

    Hi wizard, this is Gemma. That womans stomach is awesome.

    My kids are great, I have them every weekend and also midweek now its holidays, since my inlaws stole them through the courts but it worked out.

    I got relatively rich in the last six months thanks. I got a boob job and lipo paid cash, got a car paid cash and braces and anyway, beats struggling on 200 a month like I was.

    I wrote but it got wiped, anyways I’m bargaining with you to please do your joe magic to help me be the major celebrity actress so I can help bring about the revolution like in the key.

  6. December 22, 2010 at 12:42 am

    Ps last time I told u I was taking antidepressants and ritalin for stuudying and lose weight, but I’ve been off them since july, I’ve been doing that dianetics auditing y know. Plus I go to gym nearly everyday so I don’t need meds now. Just have to pretend to doc so I keep getting free rent while go to acting school.

    What do u think of scientology?

  7. December 22, 2010 at 5:56 am

    Thanks for posting this on my b-day,- I love you and your work, Joe 🙂
    JNL looks beautiful!
    Keep up the great work, you two

    Cheers from snowy Germany, Eva

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