Cool Law of Attraction Short-Cut

Chuck Pennington created the beautiful website for my free e-book, Attract Money Now.  I invited him over recently to have a tour of my guitars, books, Catarium, Steve Reeves collection, and more. But what he really wanted to see was my Alien Guitar.

Before I showed it to him, we talked for a long time about the Law of Attraction, manifestation secrets, and my book, The Attractor Factor.

Chuck has been able to use a short-cut formula to attract a lot of things recently, including moving near me, in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas. His family is happy. He is happy. Wonderful things are happening. To explain it all, he said something interesting:

“I just ask, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if…’, and then I fill in the blank,” he explained. “Then I let go. More often than not, the thing I mentioned comes into my life.”

I saw this as a nifty formula for attracting what you love. Expressed in my own words, it looks like this:

  • Playfully state what you want. It needs to be clear, short, positive and feels great to you. “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?” is the key phrase. “Wouldn’t it be cool to experience a new car? Or better health? Or unexpected income?”
  • Let go. This is essential. When you state your request in a detached way, the request can enter the world of energy, via your unconscious mind and its connection to all that is. By contrast, when you state a request with an urgency or desperation to it, you are sending out a signal of need, which actually repels what you say you want. The underlying or unconscious energy is what the Universe responds to. Feeling need will attract more need to match the feeling. Feeling relaxed will allow your request to enter the quantum field.
  • Take action. When opportunities, ideas, or doors open or present themselves to you, act. This is why the word ‘attraction’ has the word ‘action’ in it. The number one thing I see people doing wrong with the Law of Attraction is not taking action. They sit and wait for the sky to drop their desires into their lap. That might happen, but more often than not, you need to move your lap in order to better position yourself to receive.

There it is:

1. Request.

2. Release.

3. Respond.

Chuck will be the first to tell you this amazing short-cut formula works. I’ll be the second. Why not prove it to yourself and run through the three steps right now for something you’d like to have, do, or be?

Chuck Finds LOA Short-Cut

Chuck Finds LOA Short-Cut

I’ll walk you through the process.

1. Ask yourself, “Wouldn’t it be cool if…” and complete the sentence with something you’d like to have, do, or be.

Here’s what I would say for myself: “Wouldn’t it be cool if another Gibson harp guitar showed up in my life?*  Wouldn’t it be cool to discover an environmentally friendly muscle car that I love? Wouldn’t it be cool if I found a way to quickly end homelessness? Wouldn’t it be cool if I found a way to help heal my mother?” Play with the question and answer it in whatever way feels right to you. Have fun. This is play. Enjoy.

2. Let go.

Letting go is an internal experience. In my book The Attractor Factor, I said this was Step Five. It’s often the hardest for people, as they sometimes feel an urgency to attract what they want. But letting go involves appreciating this moment and everything in it, as well as trusting the future moments with faith and positivity. If there are any internal snags where you feel a sense of desperation or impatience, those can be looked at, questioned, and released. (That’s why The Attractor Factor contains a five-step formula and not a three-step one; you may need a clearing step.) You want to maintain the spirit of playfulness. Again, enjoy.

3. Take action.

This should be obvious: when you get an idea, act. When you get an impulse to do something, act. When you feel inspired to make a call, or visit a friend, or buy a book, or attend an event, or hire a coach, or whatever it happens to be, ACT. You often don’t logically know where an action will take you, but by taking the action, the next steps are revealed. You may not know how to attract the end result you want, but you can start now, with some action that you are nudged to take, and the path will unfold. Take what I call inspired action.

Here’s a quick personal example of how this works:

Step 1. I’m a collector of Mark Twain materials. I have a hand signed photo of him which I love. So it’s easy for me to playfully request, “Wouldn’t it be cool if I discovered more Mark Twain goodies?” I don’t need any more Twain material, but I’d certainly welcome more. Note the difference: need is attachment while welcoming is detachment.

Step 2. Recently I heard of a 1902 engraved caricature of Twain, by Twain. He sketched it himself, of himself, on copperplate. I wanted it. I called to order it (notice I’m taking action) but discovered that it sold as I was dialing the phone. Oh well. I was momentarily disappointed but I let go. I just figured it wasn’t for me, and something even better would probably show up one day. No problem. No worries. Onwards.

Step 3. The next day the seller of the Twain self-caricature called me to say something unusual happened. The original deal fell through and the Twain piece was up for sale again. Did I still want it? I took action and pulled out my credit card. I now own the Mark Twain engraving. And I love it.

Mark Twain Caricature BY Mark Twain

Mark Twain Caricature BY Mark Twain

That’s how this short-cut works. Just three steps.

It’s that easy, too.

Again, the only time you may need an extra step is when you are attached to a specific outcome or caught up in a need or desperation for something.

Had I become fixated on the Twain piece, or obsessed or impatient with trying to own it, I would have been unhappy, stressed, and bound up with entangled energy. I would have had to “get clear.” My stuckness would have blocked the flow. And the whole point is to be in the flow. That’s where magic and miracles happen.

So use the amazing short-cut for whatever you can imagine. If you feel any internal “need” or “urgency,” at that point you can use any one of many clearing tools, with the most powerful of course being coaching.

Meanwhile, have fun with this. The more you play, the more you feel great and attract unexpected good fortune.

Why not try it right now, and then report what occurs for you?

Wouldn’t it be cool if…

Ao Akua,


PS — Yes, I showed Chuck the Alien Guitar. He’ll never be the same again. You can view him meeting it here:

* News Flash: I actually did find another rare Gibson harp guitar, this one from 1915, exactly like the 1915 one on the cover of my music CD, Blue Healer. I didn’t try to locate it, either. A person I had already bought a collectible guitar from sent me a note asking me “out of the blue” if I might be interested in an old harp guitar he had. Would I?!! Obviously, I said yes. This short-cut Law of Attraction formula truly works. Wouldn’t it be cool if….

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


  1. August 8, 2011 at 7:58 am

    This is a great idea. “Wouldn’t it be cool if….” lets your imagination play, makes you feel positive, happy emotions and helps you focus on things you want (not need). Very cool, indeed! I’m gonna play with it.

    Thank you for the suggestion!

  2. August 8, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    Those steps are great, and of course, I love #3.

    Wouldn’t it be cool if we went all the way on the topic we’ve been discussing?

    We would welcome great personal, and financial results, and all the help it would give to others. Hmmm. Just testing. : )


  3. Ana-Reply
    August 8, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    It’s not easy to let go something or situation you wanted so much for so long, and now it doesn’t fit in your life anymore! And sometimes you don’t even realize you are attached to it!
    Life is a wonderful and mysterious game, and my Miracles Coach is helping me a lot uncovering myself – thanks, Joe!

    • August 8, 2011 at 4:09 pm

      You are welcome, Ana. Let me know how it goes.

  4. August 9, 2011 at 3:13 am

    wouldn’t it be cool if I held 10 skin care classes per week resulting in over 1000 dollars in sales per week and 3 new team members per week for over 52 weeks? Wouldn’t it be cool if I could incentivize my hostesses until they were bringing in outside orders and begging me to hold more classes for them?

  5. August 9, 2011 at 3:15 am

    wouldn’t it be cool if people started stopping by my home every day to pick up $100 worth of products?

  6. Efrain-Reply
    August 9, 2011 at 7:10 am

    May I be so bold as to make a suggestion? Actually, this is what I intend to do to install this procedure within myself. I have already tested this approach with emotional release (Sedona Method) and I have found it works marvelously, at the very least, it worked on my releasing skills. Here it goes; ask yourself “why and how do I successfully do the RRR LOA shortcut so easily and consistently?” Repeat this question all throughout the day as often as possible, all day long if you can, everyday. After two, three, maybe four weeks it will click in and you’ll do it almost automatically. It’s better whether you practice it consciously for a while and then go forward with the question while you continue practicing it. I’ll try it. You’re welcome to try it too. Note: if this looks like an afformation to you, you’re right. Save for the “how” part, it is an afformation. Yet, personally, I think the “how” part is even more important than the “why” part since it sends your subconscious mind in search for a way to do it.


  7. Christin-Reply
    August 9, 2011 at 9:36 am

    Thank you for sharing this simple formula! I’m going to post this on my Facebook page- the formula is simple enough for LOA newbies, but also a great reminder for those of us who have been playing with the LOA for a while, to HAVE FUN!

  8. August 9, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    “wouldn’t it be cool if” is a great way to brainstorm your desires into the ether where plans get formulated…;-)

    Chuck, I see you riffin’ on that alien guitar…lol

    thanks for a great post Joe.

    Mtn Jim
    Legendary Social Media Curmudgeon

  9. Caroline-Reply
    August 10, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    A quick question to Joe: any guidance on step 2 – releasing? HOW to do it? Forgive me for being superficial – shall I stop visualising, thinking about things I want to attract?

    Off topic: Whilst listening to Wealth Trigger today my son (age 9) said: oh I like this man, dr Vitale. He sounds very masculine, like a man should sound. I like his voice.


    • August 11, 2011 at 5:58 pm

      There are lots of ways to release. i’ve written about them and recorded ways to handle them. EFT and Sedonna are good ways.

  10. August 10, 2011 at 3:19 pm

    Don’t forget to play out of scale.

  11. Raghav Bhayana-Reply
    August 19, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Hi Joe,
    I think this is the best shortcut to happiness. I was used Law of Attraction many times before, but i think this is great. The only thing that was confused me is that. if i used to attract positive things they will manifest and the same for negative things but what about attract nothing? Sometimes I want something but i do not use LOA. but who stops the result. Either i won or lose. but there is no LOA used by myself. but i knew that i am not using LOA. so I leave it to the God. and the result is either positive or negative because i didn’t expected anything. What’s that Joe can you explain???

    Tons of Thanks

    Raghav Bhayana

    • August 20, 2011 at 6:26 am

      There is no such thing as attracting nothing. Your unconscious mind is always operating and your experiences are always coming. The point is to awaken.

  12. August 20, 2011 at 1:31 pm

    Never knew that you’re a Mark Twain’s fan. I love reading his works.

    I still remember this…one day I was reading the Jumping frog story it made me chuckle at one point. My brother asked me “What’s so funny?” then I grabbed him by his collar, made him read a paragraph from that book and he started laughing. That’s when I realized the power of the written word.

  13. August 21, 2011 at 9:30 pm

    LOA truly works on me. The moment I learned it, I discover the best way to earn money in an effortless and frequent way. I am very grateful for the people behind the discovery of the Law of attraction

  14. August 26, 2011 at 12:22 pm


    Bird Request: I’d like to eat a juicy worm
    Bird Release: Flying around for fun
    Bird Respond: For some reason, I feel the urge to go down there…right there. Aah, here’s a delicious worm gravitated for me!

    The “secret” Law of Attraction is all about Universal Gravitation [gravity], as postulated by Newton, Einstein, Joie, and others. There aren’t two different laws of attraction [one for the planets and one for people + relationships].

    The universe “matches” everything, including vibrations of similar thinkers…flocks, schoals, all fauna migrations, co-created weather systems; planets, stars, and community galaxies in orbit … EVERYTHING / EVERYONE gravitates!

    It’s Gravity!

  15. October 7, 2011 at 2:00 pm

    Easy but brilliant.
    Can’t wait to give it a try Joe, Thanks!

  16. sunshine-Reply
    November 27, 2011 at 3:52 am

    Love it!
    Thank you Dr Joe for sharing this useful information

  17. Star-Reply
    February 21, 2015 at 9:19 pm


    Do you stop visualizing completely? Where does Nevilizing come into this? I understand the process of letting go, it is the above two questions were I start to get confused. I see some people say let go completely and some say don’t stop visualizing and believing until you get what you want. I am unsure of how to proceed.


  18. Star-Reply
    February 21, 2015 at 10:03 pm

    It’s Ok. I just answered my own questions after watching your Clearing Techniques.

    Thank you!

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