Recently at dinner I was drilled by a CNN reporter about ho’oponopono, the Zero Limits method, and the power of saying “I love you” to heal you and your world. The questions were direct and my answers were revealing. You can see the entire eight minute spiritual lesson right here. Enjoy.
Hi Joe – I have been following your blog and amongst the materials you have offered there is something compelling about your upcoming book, Zero Limits, that will lead me to make the purchase. Can’t wait. Your other stuff is cool as well. – Tom.
Hi Joe,
I’ve read your book Attract Money Now and
there is very accurate explanation: Don’t be “Mr. Macho”,
don’t try do everything alone… put away your ego and ask Divine for help … You said that works for everyone – and it’s true … I have had some doubts about that idea – but now I know that rule works (Thank You
It’s so powerful (and true, of course) sentence that our subconscious mind processes much more information than concious one.
Very inspiring, thank you Joe.
Thank you, too.
Great video, Joe. Thanks for sharing. A great teaching.
PS: I Love You
Thank you, my friend.
I love you,
Great video, Joe. Thanks for sharing. A great teaching.
PS: I Love You
Thank you Joe! That was such an important reminder for me right now.
Found myself almost rolling around the floor laughing at the realisation that yes, curiously, when there’s a problem, I happen to be there!!
Have a wonderful day
Yep, it’s a revealing insight.
Thank you, Mike.
Thanks Joe, love your books and love you too! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Michele. I really appreciate the kind message. Thank you. – joe
Thanks for sharing this video Joe. I love your work and find it very inspiring. It is true about saying I love you in your head. Even just trying it once makes you feel so much more positive and you do get that loving feeling inside too. I am going to try this out when my children are misbehaving and see if it allows me to deal with things in a more loving way more so than just reacting to their behaviour like a robot.
I love you my friend Joe.
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this with us! What a great reminder to keep using every day!
I just chill with the Universe.
I love you, even though it sounded like someone was vacuuming in the background!
It was still great! Have an awesome weekend, Joe! 
Powerful message ! Its feels good when you say the words I Love You,especially at tough times !
You are an inspiring man. I really enjoyed the video. We usually see you interacting with people who are like-minded which is great, but the CNN guy is probably trained to get down to the nitty gritty & ferret out well-meaning platitudes. You graciously showed him how love is a more powerful & productive basis for reality than anything else.
As an ecstatic/mystic Christian I believe the ultimate “I love you” happened on a cross outside Jerusalem when Jesus freely took all our evil, sin, negativity & all it’s consequences – all that was not Love – upon Himself for our ultimate cleansing & healing. And all that’s left for us to do is say with our lives, “Thank You. It’s too good to be true, but that’s the way Love is, so I believe & receive. And I love You too”.
Psalm 37:4 says to “Delight yourself in the Lord, & He will give you the desires of your heart”. And since “God is Love” you could say “Delight yourself in Love, and Love will give you the desires of your heart”.
Then if the desires of your heart become to consistently delight in the Lord wouldn’t that set up an ongoing, ever increasing, positive feedback vortex of love, ecstasy & bliss? As you might imagine I’m not there yet, but I have tasted of that Love often enough I know nothing else will satisfy.
Have fun delighting in Love.
I really love what you said here about the programming and asking the universe to forgive us of the program…I deal with this on a daily basis of hearing something or thinking of something that doesn’t make me happy. The one thing I choose to eliminate from my day, and I think anyone does want to, I know that it is something or somewhere I picked up that habit. If I could just get to the bottom of it I know I would live a more fruitfull and fullfilling life. Thank You
Fanastic as always Joe!
It IS working already
Thankyou Joe.
A wonderful reminder.
Joe, is CNN planning to do some sort of report on the ho’oponopono method? BTW, just out of simple curiosity — Where was that interview / gathering held?
CBS radio interviewed me just today on the story. CNN has already filmed me several times and no doubt will dig deeper into this. The dinner was at the Vitale Cigar Bar in Wimberley, Texas.
I don’t believe Hew Len ever intended any marketing. He just cleaned – and here came author Joe Vitale. How many people might have dismissed complete responsibility outright (and still do dismiss it)? But Joe Vitale was open to the message after years of working on himself, and so was the proper receiver. All of it perfect. And now here we are.
When the ho’oponopono Mount Rushmore is built you’ll be on it, Joe. Good on you for that. You’re an angel of help and hope.
Joe, I’ll take a corner table at the Vitale Cigar Bar, well done steak and a side of home fries.
Aloha Joe!
You always explain things very very well.
I enjoy listening to you and learning everything that has helped you in the past and IS helping you at this present moment!
Living in Hawaii and not knowing about ho’oponopono, this has really changed my perspective of life and everything I experience!
Hi Jo I’m from the Uk and have read a lot of your books and keep passing them on to friends who like me are finding you and your work so inspiring. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing so much with us.
My dream… if you are interested? One day to come over to meet you and have the pleasure of shaking your hand to thank you and say ‘I love you’ in person.
Great video, keep up the great work and you’ve been a great inspiration!
Great! I love you, people!
Thanks for the video.
I actually clapped in front of my computer when you finished talking
I am deeply grateful for all that you’ve written and done. My connection with you saved my life.
This time last year, I was going through a ‘dark SEASON of the soul.’ There were days I’m surprised I lived through. The H’oponopono mantra saved my life. I had lost everything. I still had hope, afforded to me by your teachings.
I’m still alive (surprised) and getting myself back in place where I need to be inwardly.
I love you, Joe, and Nerrisa! You guys are a gift to me and so many others.
You are a great gift, my friend.
hi joe, How we know about inspiration or memory ? sometimes i feel confused about that .. and Could we are getting a dream with ho’oponopono ?? thank you ..
i’ m sorry
please forgive me
thank you
i love you
I thought is was good. I ran across the secret 5 yrs ago and got caught up in life for a while. I am back now, about to change my life and move to Idaho from Cleveland. Anyway, I recently have been listening to The Missing Secret, Awakening Course, Mind movies, Hill ,Carnegie, Lynda Dyer, etc…I truly feel that I am supposed to know and understand this way of life and I am slowly moving towards it. I have even called miracles coaching, but am to broke at the time to participate. Anyway, would love to meet you sometime, in fact when watching Install & Transcend the Secret, I had an odd feeling that I would sit with you on that bench someday..(I love cats too)! Anyway, the only thing that makes me slightly nervous is a pattern I have noticed with all the emails from all the different avenues I have researched. Seem very familiar. But, I do believe in Capitalism, so no real problem there. Anyway, I love your wisdom and I will be part of it at some point…starting a new business in March, so maybe at the end of next year I will be able to pony up and get on the inside. As for now, I spent everything just to get to Idaho in 2 weeks and our first baby is being born in October. (Very exited) Anyway, done rambling but something told me to post.
With Love,
Brian Fiori
I thought is was good. I ran across the secret 5 yrs ago and got caught up in life for a while. I am back now, about to change my life and move to Idaho from Cleveland. Anyway, I recently have been listening to The Missing Secret, Awakening Course, Mind movies, Hill ,Carnegie, Lynda Dyer, etc…I truly feel that I am supposed to know and understand this way of life and I am slowly moving towards it. I have even called miracles coaching, but am to broke at the time to participate. Anyway, would love to meet you sometime, in fact when watching Install & Transcend the Secret, I had an odd feeling that I would sit with you on that bench someday..(I love cats too)! Anyway, the only thing that makes me slightly nervous is a pattern I have noticed with all the emails from all the different avenues I have researched. Seem very familiar. But, I do believe in Capitalism, so no real problem there. Anyway, I love your wisdom and I will be part of it at some point…starting a new business in March, so maybe at the end of next year I will be able to pony up and get on the inside. As for now, I spent everything just to get to Idaho in 2 weeks and our first baby is being born in October. (Very exited) Anyway, done rambling but something told me to post.
With Love,
Brian Fiori
Joe – thanks so much for sharing this experience. You hit it right on the head. I did find it interesting that the reporter was trying to put you into someone else’s perspective (the nuns). And I liked how you turned it around.
Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t believe in the victim mentality. Your reality is what it is because you believe it to be so. Period. Often times I want to scream from the top of skyscrapers, “People, would you just wake up!?” Yes, sometimes it is difficult to avoid focusing on that nanosecond of time that invades your thoughts and convinces you that life sucks. However, those who awaken to the reality of that moment, and how quickly it can change with a shift in belief and perception, those will the people who change the world.
I love you Joe, keep doing what you’re doing.
Corrie Ann
Ho’ oponopono is magic! I’m doing it and my life heals. I love mr. Joe vitale for having written zero limits. I love all people reading this blog. I’m doing ho’oponopono for having money to take ho’oponopono class in september in Italy. Love will guide me. Love will guide you all.
Blessing. with love & gratitude, valeria
2010-08-22 (15h50/EST) Hullo Joe Vitale !
Love & Gratitude mirrored right back at You !!
While listening to this video clip – I was reminded of the terrific work Dr. Emoto does via his study of water crystals; as the most beautiful ones produced respond to the Love & Gratitude Intention…
A few years back an Ameridian GrandMother who sometimes shares a Sacred Water Chant rituals with those intent on healing both the planet, water & themselves – reminded us that if we forgot the Ameridian native words, the simple Love & Gratitude heartfelt ones where universal healers. I can also testify to the ‘miraculous’ witnessing of a bowl of water, containing samples of our local polluted sources, being purified & drinkable after the cleansing ceremony. And, since we are mostly made of the same stuff…It is not a stretch to imagine the impact for OurSelves…
Synchronicity, being such a treat, they had, of course, cOMe across Dr. Emoto’s work as he invited them to an International Symposium on held in Mtl. Canada. The produced water crystal from the traditional ceremony performed is one of the most beautiful images in one of his books: Where you’ll also find on the viewer’s page 5 an image of the Love & Gratitude water crystal.
…Such Love & Gratitude, or ho’oponopono, which you so Vitale share, InDeed echoes this worldwide kaleodosopic reMEmBEring of the omnipresent (OM & I Present) grace in all of us.
Peace InJoy from Renata Martin…
Joe- If someone has the habit of worrying, is this a program in the person. And can doing Ho’ oponopono on that thought whenever it arrises prevent it from possibly happening and heal the cause of it in the person?
Dear Joe,
When I started reading attract money now, I was thinking that you might have written a couple of things more than the teachings in the Secret and the Power. I am on the 69th page yet, and I have learnt at least a dozen new concepts, got a lot of insights and better understanding of the LOA. Your book is phenomenal. As it contains your life’s experiences, it makes a far reaching impact. Your desire to help millions is so genuine that it touched my heart.
I cannot express in words the extent to which I am feeling grateful to you.
Thanks a billion !
Regards and Love
Wow! Great responses to a typical reporter acting like an a@*hat! You responded with such confidence and grace to a guy, as you said, that is pulling all the hot button issues from the news and throwing them in your face trying to find an “Aha! See—you don’t know it all” response from you. My husband and I are still reading and trying to wrap our minds around Zero Limits and repeating those 4 phrases constantly in an effort to effect some Miracles before even understanding how! And the Vitale Cigar Bar sounds like a place we will have to visit when our miracles manifest.
Thanks for sharing.
Dear Joe,
After I read your book The Key, I see life with different eyes!! It all makes sense to me now!! Thank you!
Dear Joe. After I read your book The Key, something changed in my life.
Thank you.
I love you
And I, you.
Thanks Dr Len And Joe for saring this incredible technique .What works ultimately, is when I realize that the world is within me, and that to change the world, I have to change it within myself.
I have to change whatever is going on in me (my memories), which requires taking 100% responsibility.
The Ho’oponopono process is: “I Love You; I am sorry; Please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that I perceive this in a certain way; Thank You.”, and allow The Divinity to do whatever, with NO expectations.
I have come to the realization that the world is what is going on in me.
Thank You
Love You .
Hemansing Ramrup
Dear Dr. Joe Vitale, I am amazed but actually not surprized at the power of H’Onoponopono teachings… I have had the privaledge of finding you and what you share… Thanks Sean in Cape Town… it would be lovely to meet you here in Cape Town one day… lots of love here…
Dear Dr. Joe Vitale, I am amazed but actually not surprized at the power of H’Onoponopono teachings… I have had the privaledge of finding you and what you share… Thanks Sean in Cape Town… it would be lovely to meet you here in Cape Town one day… lots of love here…
Joe, I I’ve read some of your books, and wow! Thank you, for sharing them with us, I think your work is beyond amazing!
I love you !
When I say “forgive me”, I tend to feel guilty. How can I say that without this feeling?
It all make sence !!! I love you
I have read a few of your books Joe and I had a very stressful event at the beginning of the year where I was consumed with worry and anxiety. I practiced and read up on this healing and do it every day. I can only explain the difference I felt as a shift inside of me followed by my continuing well being since. This feels really good and I’ve spread the word….thank you Joe you are amazing! Thank you, I love you x