The other day my Subliminal Manifestation partner Mark Ryan and my Inspired Marketing coauthor Craig Perrine got to experience the exhilaration of a ride in Steven Tyler (Aerosmith)’s rare 1998 Panoz AIV Roadster, which I now own and call Ladybug.
They also got to drive the car.
They were like little kids experiencing their first roller coaster thrill ride.
But the really interesting experience took place after we were done driving and drooling and stood around the car, admiring her.
Craig noticed that a ladybug landed on the car.
When I first received the car a few months ago, and wondered what to name it, a ladybug landed on it.
I rarely see ladybugs here in Texas. I’m sure they’re here; I just don’t look for them. Seeing one land on Steven Tyler’s car seemed telling. So I named the Roadster “Ladybug” right then and there.
Craig and Mark took turns trying to take a clear picture of the bug on my Ladybug. (That’s Craig above.) They both knew it would be great blog material. 🙂
Synchronicities like these are how I learn I’m on the right path. They are green flags.
Whenever I have a decision to make, I look for signs that I’m making the right one. “Right” meaning appropriate for me, not necessarily for you or anyone else.
I’ve written about signs and green/red flags before, of course. In The Attractor Factor I told the story of seeing a street sign that helped me decide what to do when I worked at a job I disliked.
The road sign was “Quitman.”
My mind read it as a command: “Quit man” as in “Quit the job, man!”
Here’s an example from today:
I heard comedian Steve Martin just published a new book, his autobiography, titled Born Standing Up. I like Martin and was curious about the book, but I didn’t run out and buy it.
But then I saw a review of it in a magic magazine.
And then another review in another magazine.
And then someone sent me an Amazon gift certificate.
I bought the book, and something curious happened.
Amazon sent it to me overnight – and they sent two copies.
I guess I’m supposed to read it twice.
Turns out the book is riveting. It shows how much hard work goes into creating an “overnight” success.
But that’s not the point of this blog post.
The point is to watch for the “ladybugs” in your life.
Try this: When you are considering getting a gift for someone for the holiday next week, see if there are signs that resonate with you suggesting what to get or affirming a choice you already made.
This is a fun way to enjoy each moment, as the signs remind you that you are one with all there is.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you celebrate Christmas, please have a merry one. And if you don’t, please have a merry one anyway.
Note: I have no idea what kind of ladybug landed on my car. Coccinellids are found worldwide, with over 5,000 species and more than 450 native to North America alone. Who knows what kind Texas has. So don’t ask. 🙂
I wonder if I saw a “lady bug” today.
As I picked up my daughter my son waited in our car.
I spoke to a woman in my daughter’s school about wondering about trying acupunture on my son for OCD like thoughts.
When I came back down to the car my son said “If I try acupunture do I get a prize?” (we have not spoken about it for over a week).
Lady bug?
Woa, that’s awesome, because I sent you a gift cert for Amazon just a while ago. I don’t know if it was my cert you used to buy the book, but it doesn’t matter either way because this post caught my attention due to it. One day I just felt like sending you a gift cert for no reason, just an internal intuitive feeling I’ve learned a long time ago not to ignore so I did it.
Either way I feel like this post was written for me. I’ll have to read it again to see what sign is in it for me, but I think it’s just trying to tell me to use synchronicities to help me guide my path.
Awesome, thanks Joe!
Thanks Joe – My “ladybug” is a butterfly. When I am on the right path a butterfly appears. Recently I was feeling very flat with life and was telling a friend that no butterflies had been appearing lately so I thought I must be off path.
The next morning millions of colourful butterflies arrived into Brisbane – they even made the news there were so many! I took that as a very clear sign I was on the right path (and a sign that the universe has a great sense of humour)!
Thanks Joe for your insights.
With gratitude – Ingrid
Thanks again for an exhilarating experience!
Driving Ladybug was a BLAST!
I think you should offer a contest and the winner gets to drive Ladybug with you in it!
Second place gets a ride in Ladybug with you driving.
I feel my second childhood coming out because i want my own hotrod now
With Light & Love,
I strongly believe in “signs”. They are everywhere! And just a little info for you here about the Ladybug and it’s spiritual significance.
Did you know that the ladybug is a symbol of Fire and the Sun ( Mr. Fire) and you ARE a ray of sunshine for so many my dear.
The ladybug also symbolized “letting go” of worries and fears. To trust in the Divine and enjoy our lives.
It also stands for renewal and regeneration.
Finally, the ladybug has long been associated with spirituality….
So Dr. Vitale…. Your antennan is up and that crown chakra is WIDE OPEN!
May the Divine Architect continue to BLESS you with LOVE and, LIGHT
p.s. I Love you
I’m Sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you!
It is fun gettting signs from our universe, its is if its talking to us all the time, but we just have to listen!
There is also fun with manifestation. When I went shopping to get a few gifts, I wasn’t sure of what to get for a friend of my sister’s whom I don’t know very well, but is a knitting expert, does beautiful work. Sure enough, I walked into B&N, and after browsing for less than 15 minutes, I turned to a section that had a desk calander about knitting, with professional photographs and tips for each day of the year, perfect for her! And this went on for my next gifts, for a cat lover, I manifested a glass cat with emerald eyes… and on and on it went, the gifts just popped up for me without my having to search and search for hours, as I had no idea what I was going to get each friend. I was done in a hour and a half on that day with the holiday shopping.
The :Quitman” sign, is very cool! I love it! Will be on the lookout for a sign as to where my business ventures should take, not doing very well in this area, so there is something I need to be receptive to. 😛
Happy Holidays Joe, and everyone who visits this fun blog!
Ladybugs are actually fairly common in Texas, though we normally don’t see them too often in Houston either. I’ve spotted (so to speak) several of them over the past few months, however. Maybe it’s a cyclic thing. I’ve read that some species of ladybugs (and many other insects as well) are actually attracted to the color yellow, which might help explain why your car is a ladybug magnet.
All right, I’ll trust my heart.
I will be more aware of signs. 🙂
Makes me wonder if my gift certificate was the one you used. Also, reinforces my certainty that all is connected. We love your writing and enjoy your openness to life. Your life is a very interesting story-thanks for sharing it so freely so that we all learn from you.
Hi Joe. Interesting story. Funny thing is that I grabbed a glass of water off of my bedside table the other morning on the way to the kitchen and there was a floundering ladybug “swimming” frantically in it. I hurridly went to the kichen, gently poured the water out of the glass and caught the ladybug before it went into the drain. It appeared dead and I felt so sad…like I had not saved it in time. I laid it on the counter, hoping it was simply stunned and went off to get ready for work. I don’t remember seeing it again, or even thinking about it until I read your story this morning. Wonder what that ladybug was telling me????
At this moment I am manifesting a clean house…..whoops, guess I need to create some physical action to get it that way.
When I am done, I am going to reward myself by finally beginning The Key. Once again, thank you.
Blessed Adventures to you. Blessed Christmas to all, or whatever you are celebrating during this wonderful season.
One more quick comment. I had a flash of recognition just now: I DO know what that ladybug was saying to me. I have been floundering for a long time, trying to figure out what to do to change my life. I felt “dead” inside for a long while, after going through a long battle with two life-threatening illnesses and, as I am sure that ladybug did survive (as I am the ONLY one who cleans off counters in my home and it was no longer there, I am certain) and fly away…well, the rest is evident. My life is about to change for the better as I come alive again after being psychically stunned.
BTW, I really do know how to spell “hurredly”(noted typo in my response posted a while ago)
Dear Santa Joe, Thank you for your lovely ladybug sharing.. Today no signs of a Ladybug over here in the Netherlands, minus 8 degrees Celcius so no Ladybugs here.. But what I did spot today, and it’s commonly known that these are also recognized as signs from heaven; a European Robin.. aka Erithacus rubecula.. Such a beautiful sight, imagine our garden looking like a scene from the Movie Narnia, like a Winter White Wonderland and this little whopping birdy so close in front of the window… Breathtaking… and Beautyful in the Silence of the early morning.. Wonderful…
Just look around and be wondered by every little detail in this Universe and Wishing all of You a Wonderful Christmas, a Christmas Full of Wonders.. Because they haven’t left you see.. They embrace all of us, each and every day, you only have to open your eyes to see them…
Be Magic, Make Magic
With Love, Light & a Lot of Laughter
I just recently started reading the blogs here. Today I just keyed into my new apartment, not sure if the decision to move here was the right one. My new apartment is in Tokyo, Japan. After reading the last blog here , I kept thinking to myself to look for the ladybugs in my life. So I keyed into the cold apartment, it is completely empty as my furniture and belongings have not arrived yet. There on the floor was a ladybug. I thought it must be dead as the apartment is ice cold becuase the electricity is not turned on yet and there is not an ounce of food anywhere. As I approached it to release it outside in the sunshine, it was still alive. I was so in awe realizing the Divine Guidance in front of me. Japan is the native home of ladybugs and in the 1980`s many were actually imported to the US for farmers.
Yes, may we all find the `ladybugs ` on our path.
Hey, Dr. Joe
Thanks for reminding us to notice what we notice on a daily basis. You’ve been blessed with a VERY cool car.
A recurring ladybug for me has been lightning bugs. Many have flown close by me in the Spring and Summer each year. Then when I was told that lightning bugs are often spirits there to help us in that moment, I got chills. I began to study how many lightning bugs actually had a physical body, and most did not. There were flashes of light around me, but no actual bugs. Now whenever I see one of these flashes of light, I pay more attention to what I’m thinking/feeling/doing.
I’ll try what you suggest
If anyone has seen a movie called Under The Tuscan Sun there is a little message in it about Ladybugs. One of the characters is wallowing in doubt after a divorce, wondering if she will ever find love or happiness. She is told by another character these words:
when I was a little girl,
I used to spend hours
looking for ladybugs.
Finally, I’d just give up
and fall asleep in the grass.
When I woke up,
they were crawling all over me.
So go work on your house
and forget about it.
In the case of the movie, the first character was
restoring a home in Italy, one she had hopes and
dreams of having a family in.
She was told to go on with life and work on
and do what she loved. Pay attention but
don’t worry or wonder or have impatience.
Keep doing what you do and your “ladybugs”
will find or be attracted to you.
It’s a cute movie with some good LOA sprinkles in it.
Be sure to pay attention to the part about “The Alps”.
– Jeff
…so after receiving some life-changing news this December, to which my husband and I expressed shock to the Universe with “You’ve got to be kidding – you are kidding, right?” [answer=nope, not kidding] – – we walked into our TX country cabin to relax for NYE weekend and found (using another line from Under The Tuscan Sun…) “Ladybugs, Catherine, lots and lots of ladybugs” all over the INSIDE. I have always know ladybugs and butterflies are my little angel reminder messages so it was instantly clear The Universe was saying, “Nope, not kidding and ***You’re Welcome***.”
After letting the little beauties outside (saying to each one Thank You, I Love You) I booted up my new PC to check weeks of email (ignored while we were on holiday in Mexico) and the first thing I saw was your posting…yet ANOTHER ladybug indicator. Talk about underscoring, bolding and highlighting the message!!!
BTW – we hadn’t seen ladybugs in the country in the three years we’d been there. It would seem the sunshine (yellow) of our gratitude and love is the attractor factor.:cool:
Love and Thanks to you all for sharing!
I think that’s really inspiring. Life does send us signs. Like for the last year I have been resisting moving to Sudbury, Ontario. But the latest sign is my boyfriend of ten years has been laid off. He can now take his common core, paid by the government, and go work in the mines in Sudbury. I know that God or the universe does give us little signs all the time, it’s up to us to listen to them, or ignore them. Since reading zero limits and the attractor factor, I am trying to be more open to signs
My ladybug was a small mushroom someone dropped in my iced tea while backpacking through Mexico in 1993. Sure, I was only 26 at the time but I knew a good deal when I spotted one.
Since I’m focusing on the positive and attracting wonder and joy every day, in every way, then the next ride in one of your sheikmobiles is mine… even if I’m not actually phsycially there, it’s still mine.
Please tell me how I felt in your next blog. I can’t wait..! Ommmm….