The Drama of Prosperity

A friend recently cried out, “I’m tired of the drama of poverty!”

He smiled as he said it, but I knew the statement revealed his pain. He was truly tired of the struggle of wanting more but receiving less. He was tired of bills and debt while doing what he loves and going for his dreams. He was hurting. I wanted to help and felt inspired to ask him a question that stopped him in his tracks.

“Why don’t you join me in the drama of prosperity?” I asked.

His mouth dropped. The question derailed his thinking but opened his mind.

“The drama of prosperity?” he asked. “Tell me about that.”

“Well, we both know the drama of poverty,” I began. “Been there. Done that. But the drama of prosperity exists, too. We prosperous ones have characters, and color, and challenges, too. They’re just usually easier to handle because prosperity softens the experience.”

My friend smiled as he was taking in my new concept. It was new to me, too. I had just thought of it. I figured it was fine for me to continue. So I did.

“Look, until we awaken, we are subject to what the ego wants,” I explained. “The ego likes struggle. It knows it can get it from keeping you in poverty, so that’s what it does. But you can out smart the ego by giving it the drama it seeks, just on a whole new playing field – one with abundance around you.”

This made sense to my friend. He was ready to leave poverty and thought struggling with prosperity would be preferred. I had to agree. So I kept talking.

“When I was struggling in Dallas and in my early years in Houston, looking for two dollars to get something to eat was the struggle. It was no fun at all,” I explained. “But prosperity has its own cast of characters and dramas. It’s also life theater.”

I told him of the seven IRS audits I had been through years ago because a firm I hired misled their clients. That never happened when I was in poverty. It’s drama. Still, I prefer it over the drama of not having two dollars.

And here’s the deeper secret:

While I sometimes grumbled about the IRS audits, in reality they were no big deal. I hired other people to give the IRS what they wanted. Prosperity allows you to delegate. While the audits were in fact “struggle,” they were preferred over the struggle of finding enough money to eat lunch.

Read "Attract Money Now" Free

Read "Attract Money Now" Free

Let me be clear: I’m not encouraging you to struggle at all. But as long as you’re going to do it, you might as well upgrade it.

I’ve often explained that you can “trick” yourself out of your own limitations with psychological maneuvers.

In my book, Attract Money Now, I suggest you support a cause bigger than you. Not only is it a way to help others, but it’s a way to allow more wealth to stream through your life. Most of us won’t allow ourselves to have too much good, but we will allow others in need to have it, which often stretches us to allow a little more good into our own lives.

Here’s another example:

In 1969, The Rolling Stones told us —

You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find
You get what you need

Great music but what’s it doing to your thinking?

I’ve talked about this very thing in my books, such as The Attractor Factor. That’s music that reprograms your mind. Notice how the key command, “You can’t always get what you want,” is repeated. That’s pure hypnosis. It creates a “trance of limitation” that runs your life. You end up thinking you really can’t get what you want.

Well, if you can’t always get what you want but can always get what you need, then need more.

You are simply working within your current mental paradigm to trick it into helping you be happier and wealthier.

Again, the whole point of life is to awaken. But until you do, you are subject to the whims and programming of the ego. The monkey’s still in charge. Well, you can use the ego to go in a better direction.

You can leave the drama of poverty and enter the drama of prosperity.

The ego still gets drama but you now get prosperity.

Sounds better to me.

Ao Akua,


PS – Remember, our life mission is to awaken, not make deals with the ego. The “Drama of Prosperity” is just a way to lessen emotional pain and make life more comfortable. It’s a way that occurred to me to help you leave an unpleasant struggle and enter a more enjoyable one. But it’s still struggle. Be sure to read or listen to my book, The Awakening Course. It can help you leave the struggle entirely. After all, don’t you want to break free?

Note: The Rolling Stones song example above is exactly why I am creating my own music filled with positive messages. I love music but unless you are aware, it can program you for lack and limitation. Get notified when my music is available by clicking right here. Feel free to tell the Rolling Stones, too.

New Music Coming January 2012

New Music Coming January 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2011Member BBB 2003 – 2012


  1. November 1, 2011 at 6:51 am

    Thanks for this Joe.

    I realized lately that our egos are often addicted to drama, but I agree I’d rather experience the drama of being rich than of being poor!


  2. November 1, 2011 at 6:58 am

    Wow This is a Great Blog thank you Joe For sharing. It’s Funny sometimes we go back and Listen to a Old Tune , and there was a Hidden message. Have a great Day today Everyone 🙂

  3. Zach-Reply
    November 1, 2011 at 9:14 am

    I’d really like to see you expand on this topic. Or do you have a similar work that already addresses this?

    I think that the drama is similar to procrastination. Perhaps I procrastinate and let things pile up for “fear” that if I take care of everything, I won’t have anything to do? My “ego” perhaps feeds on knowing that it will always have something to do or solve.

  4. November 1, 2011 at 10:21 am

    Amazing how quickly a shift in perspective can change our interpretation of reality. Since we know that beliefs create the energy that creates our circumstances, any tool or trick that can help us to shift those beliefs is very powerful. Thanks Joe!

  5. Koorosh-Reply
    November 1, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Thats a profound message….for the longest time, I thought being successful meant having no drama, or struggle or challenges at all.

    I was wrong.

  6. Antonio-Reply
    November 2, 2011 at 5:20 am

    I am ready!

    All the best!


  7. November 3, 2011 at 4:04 pm

    Good stuff Joe. I can see how the ego likes to create struggle. I had my own experiences of it.

  8. November 10, 2011 at 8:49 am

    I’m ready for a new direction.

    Your free blog articles are okay to repost with proper attribution and links, correct?


  9. Linda-Reply
    November 14, 2011 at 3:53 am

    Hi, Joe. I have one curious and (I think) important question, about solar water:

    In my house, and in my office, I have one tap with MINERAL water (typical in offices, you know).
    This water (mineral, from bottles)… is good to make blue solar water?

    Please, I need to know about this. Nobody answer this question clearly…

  10. November 24, 2011 at 7:35 pm

    One question: WHY does the ego like struggle? Is it as one reader suggested, and as I suspect is true, that the ego needs problems to solve (to keep it busy), and the best way to do that is to create struggle in any way it can?

    If so, bring on the Prosperity Drama!!! Like I’ve told my friends, “Sure, I know the wealthy have problems, too, and I’d gladly trade my problems for theirs any day! It’d be nice to have their problems for a change.”

    • January 7, 2012 at 5:45 am

      In Britain we have free health care and family tax credit. I dont have to fear losing my house or falling ill which means I don’t live in fear. I work three days a week which gives me chance to follow my interests. Enjoyment comes from working at something that you are interested in and not necessarily being rich. However if you live in an environment that relys on fear to motivate its citizens then all research shows that the brain cannot function creatively.
      In short we react to our environment, like all animals, so change the environment and you change the reaction.

  11. November 25, 2011 at 3:55 am

    “Drama” is a game we like to play it!… Until… we find the answer of the question: WHO AM I?… I AM!

  12. November 25, 2011 at 7:22 am

    Thanks for this great Blog Joe. Love it.

    Im sending white light and healing love to your mother.

    Love Julie

  13. Maria Aparecida silva de Oliveira-Reply
    November 26, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    Oi Joe. Muito obrigada por todos os seus ensinamentos.
    Quero dizer que tenho rezado por sua mãe, e tenho certeza de sua recuperação, alegria e bem estar. Agradeço a Deus por sua saúde e alegria de viver. Um grande abraço a você e sua família. Obrigada . Cidha

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