The Rorschach Blog Post

Psychologists sometimes use the controversial Rorschach ink blot test to see what is inside a person’s unconscious mind. You look at an odd blot of ink and quickly announce what you think you see. It can be surprising and revealing.

Yesterdays’s blog post seems to be a type of ink blot test: people responded to things that weren’t even there. A few people even got angry, which I find surprising and revealing.

For example, I made no direct comments about my fellow Secret co-stars and why they escaped the San Diego fires; I also made no direct comments about those who were harmed by the fires.

What I did say was I found it “interesting” and I invited readers to consider asking a different question about the experience.

From there, the blog post was interpreted depending on the readers’s mindset.

Considering the few people who seemed upset, it seems under their feeling is the idea that victims and victimhood are real; there is such a thing as powerlessness and bad luck; no amount of healing or cleaning or clearing can help.

I find that mentality to be the real problem.

Too often people say “luck” — whether good or bad — is the trump card in life.

Yet I tend to view luck as a scapegoat. We seem to use it when we don’t understand why something happened. We chalk up an event “to luck.”

But I’m suggesting you are more directly responsible for your life then you ever before imagined. You’re simply calling your unconscious involvement in life “luck.”

This is where we need to awaken.

It’s not awakening to more blame, more criticism, more powerlessness.

It’s awakening to your responsibility for all that occurs in your life.

All of it.

“If it’s never our fault, we can’t take responsibility for it. If we can’t take responsibility for it, we’ll always be its victim.”
– Richard Bach

Ao Akua,


PS — But maybe all of the above is wrong and I’m just a victim, too. I wonder which thought is more powerful, feels better, and will lead to more positive, concrete, life-enhancing results?


  1. Marty-Reply
    October 30, 2007 at 6:18 am

    This is really interesting. All of the comments have been deleted from this post. This is really unfortunate because there was some great dialogue here.

  2. October 30, 2007 at 8:35 am

    Hi Marty. Yes, I deleted them all. There were many personal attacks, insults, wild claims, and dark negativity. There were some valid points, too. I made an executive decision to un-attract all the posts and clean this place up. This is my blog, not a public forum. I noticed other blog owners do the same thing, so I feel right at home. Thanks for asking and have a great day.

  3. bunyun-Reply
    October 31, 2007 at 4:21 pm

    joe i have been reading everything i get my hands on about being happy i believe its there to enhance all of our desires i thank you and all the rest of the great author who took their time to help me.:cool:

  4. November 8, 2007 at 10:43 am

    Joe, even though I haven’t seen the negative comments, I don’t think I missed anything. I (like so many other people) come here for some insightful information, interesting ideas, fun articles. Keep the energy of this place positive and use ho’oponopono and the ‘delete’ button on the rest 😉


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