What is a Miracle?

Now that actors, agents, networks, investors and a growing segment of the population is eager to see my television show, Expect Miracles, the question comes up, “What is a miracle?”

Some people think it’s a supernatural or religious experience where there’s walking on water, raising the dead or parting of the seas.

Well, those are miracles alright, but that’s not the kind I want to find and report.

The word “miracle” is derived from the Latin word miraculum, meaning “something wonderful”.

That’s not enough for me. Not enough for a TV show, anyway. “Something wonderful” could mean anything from having a good breakfast to a good night’s sleep. Few would call those “miracles”.

To me, a miracle is anything that others said was impossible or incurable.

For example –

Blindness is considered by most to be incurable.

Autism is considered by most to be incurable.

A homeless person is considered by most to be an impossible budding entrepreneur. 

So if someone cured blindness, or autism, or a homeless person became wealthy, it would qualify as a miracle. It needs to be documented, of course, with hard before and after evidence, such as x-rays, photos, or video.

For example —

Meir Schneider cured himself of blindness and went on to cure hundreds of others. (I interviewed him in 1984 and put him on the cover of a national magazine.)

Barry and Suzie Kaufman cured their son of autism and went on to help cure hundreds of other autistic children. (I studied with Barry in 1985 and wrote about him in my book, Adventures Within.)

Pat O’Bryan was a struggling blues musician who had his trailer home repossessed. He’s now a bestselling author, seminar leader, empire creator, and online entrepreneur doing very well on the Internet. (He’s a dear friend and business partner today.)

These people have created miracles and will be on my TV show.

There are plenty of other miracles to report on, such as the healing of our cat, Tiger, of diabetes. We have the before and after blood work to prove the dramatic healing.

But people often miss the real miracle because they’re looking elsewhere, waiting for something to occur they can declare “a miracle”.

I think this moment is the real miracle.

When I gave my “15 Minute Miracle” talk in Maui last December, the message was that this moment is the one you are seeking, yet it’s also the one you are dismissing.

When you appreciate this moment, you’re at one with all and you’ve experienced the greatest miracle of all: happiness.

Are you in this moment, or reflecting on the past or dreaming about the future?

Are you in this moment, or waiting for something to happen to feel happy again?

Are you in this moment, or reliving a past memory that you thought was better than now?

The miracle is now.

Be here now.

I think you’ll find it “something wonderful”.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you missed my Maui miracle talk, you can see it online at http://one.revver.com/watch/521463 or at
http://video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=1601820 Please share this with friends by inviting others to view it. Thank you.


  1. david-Reply
    February 5, 2008 at 11:24 am

    Hi joe, just wanted to say that I think you’re brilliant. I find your words very inspiring, and I have the hypnotic blogging cd interview with David Ledoux.. I love it, and I’m sure it will benefit me greatly when I get my new blog up and running..

    Many thanks

  2. david-Reply
    February 5, 2008 at 11:37 am

    hi joe, david again.. Can you please tell me if the hypnotic writing wizard is mac compatible, because I would really love to use it to write some great copy

    Thanks again

  3. February 6, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    Aloha Joe!

    Mahalo Nui Loa (Deep Hawai`ian “Thank You” for all the Good you bring to the World!

    I am very excited about your many offerings & I support your upcoming TV Adventure
    with all my Heart; FAB Idea.

    You ARE brilliant, like a Diadem.

    And I must 2nd David’s appeal in this matter as well: Gotta make Hypno Writing Wiz
    Mac compatico!! YES.

    Alvin-San aka Hoku mana

  4. Silvia Roque-Reply
    February 7, 2008 at 9:26 am

    Hola! Joe

    Would someone who 6 years ago didn’t even know how to turn on a computer – does not know how to read music – can now play numerous instruments, compose music and lyrics to all different types of songs, in English as well as in Spanish – and last but not least, records and engineers all of his music by himself – would that be considered a “miracle”? Please let me know.

    You are a blessing to all of us and I pray that this blessing is extended to the rest of the world via your books, internet and most definitely via TV Shows!!!


    Silvia 🙂 (Your Cuban C. conecction in SA)

  5. Fred-Reply
    February 7, 2008 at 10:56 am

    Joe, thanks for being an inspiration in my life and an inspirations to millions.

    “God’s gift to you is more talent and ability than you will ever use in one lifetime. Your gift is to develop as much of that talent and ability as you can in this lifetime.”

    God bless You,


  6. February 7, 2008 at 7:50 pm

    Joe, just want to thank you again for your testimonial! I have several major ones but there will be ONLY ONE on the front cover………yours. You are helping to put me in a position like yourself; to pass it on to many others and make their lives better. I can’t thank you enough. March 5th baby! amazon.com I’m following in your big footsteps! Somehow you find the time to personally help so many people it is the miracle of Joe Vitale! Love you buddy! Rico

  7. Apriene-Reply
    February 9, 2008 at 11:50 pm

    Hi, Joe, I’m Aprin from Indonesia, the country in South East Asia, far away from your place.
    I will begin this comment with words : I LOVE YOU & THANK YOU JOE, for inspiring and motivating me with your writting. For me one of miracles in my life is these moments when I found THE SECRET ( I dunno if “found” is the right words), when I found The Secret Teachers- one of them is You- then I found your writtings. It will be not enough to describe with words about unbelieveble “WOW” and happy feeling I have inside me when I read them. You know what, I was crying and amazed when read “The World’s Most Unusual Therapist” about how Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len heal his patients. IT’S “WOW, WOW, WOW !” and started from there I keep searching and reading your writting. Again, THANK YOU & I LOVE YOU, JOE ! It just like you sent by God to help and inspire people like me to make my life better and greater. Hope we can meet someday in real, Adios……

  8. Apriene-Reply
    February 10, 2008 at 1:15 am

    Hi Joe, Aprin again here ! I cannot hold my self to share one of your writing to my friends and people in my yahoo 360 groups, so I put it in my yahoo BLOG along with your picture and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, hope it’s Ok with you.
    Pls check it in my BLOG link (if cannot be clicked here, pls copy and paste in websearch) :

  9. February 14, 2008 at 11:48 am

    This is fantastic stuff- I am working on creating my own miracle right now. Blessings to you for always raising my energy and lifting me up with you positive words. I will pass your messages on to everyone I know –

  10. Apriene-Reply
    February 16, 2008 at 8:13 am

    Hi David, Alvin, Silvia, Fred, Rico, Tanya and anyone who has read Joe’s writing, lets contact each other and talk about some positive thinking… It will be nice to have some friends in group with the same intention.. and we are all Joe’s fan.., so herewith my yahoo ID or my e-mail address : [email protected] (the name is just describing my positive thinking about my self, that I think I’m beautiful… hehehehe) Looking forward for your contact , friends….

  11. Apriene-Reply
    February 16, 2008 at 8:15 am

    sorry, my correct yahoo ID or e-mail address is : [email protected]

  12. Gavin-Reply
    February 23, 2008 at 9:54 am

    Hi Joe! Read your books and am a fan. A note about Tiger your cat. Unlike humans, cats can go in and out of diabetis! That’s why continued blood work is important. My vet didn’t explain this and I almost killed my “Mister” accidently by continuing to give him insulin without checking his blood. Mister is gone now but watch Tiger! Best wishes

  13. Harshita-Reply
    July 18, 2010 at 2:28 am

    Hi..I have a question which I needed to email to Dr. Joe where can I do that?

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