What's It Mean?

img00201.jpg  We came home from Canada and found our pool broken, dry, and beyond repair.

If you came home and saw that, what would you think?

How would you explain how you attracted it?

This is a beautiful exercise in how to uncover your beliefs.

What you decide an event means is the belief that attracted the event.

Let me explain:

From a pure life standpoint, events are simply events. They have no meaning. It just “is”.

From a personal involvement with life standpoint, the meaning you give an event is very relevant.

When I looked at my pool and saw the damage, here are a few thoughts that I remember thinking:

1. This would be a great place for a car port.

2. This is a great opportunity to build a bigger and better pool.

I didn’t fall into a victim mentality.

I didn’t see the event as negative.

I didn’t regard the destruction as a reflection of my self-worth.

I did wonder how it happened. (A hair line crack in the side of the pool finally gave way under the weight of the water and split open.)

But wondering about the why is how we humans learn new ways to prevent something undesireable from happening again.

The lesson here is about how the meaning you give an event reflects the underlying beliefs that attracted it.

This is a new concept for many, so just sit with it.

Ao Akua,


PS – The meaning you give this blog post reflects your beliefs, too. 🙂


  1. November 1, 2007 at 8:19 am

    Hey Joe- So sorry to hear about your pool! This is a chance to reward and spoil yourself for all your hard work with a new pool to relax in. Just letting you know how much you have transformed my way of thinking! — Have a good one! Diane

  2. Jennie-Reply
    November 1, 2007 at 10:27 am

    May I come and zero out with you in your new pool?

    Thanks for being you!

    POI I Love You!


  3. November 1, 2007 at 10:59 am

    Joe, I especially liked your statement-

    “I didn’t regard the destruction as a reflection of my self-worth.”

    So many people that have a belief that says when a so-called “bad” thing happens, it’s a confirmation from God, the universe, luck, fate or whatever that their lack of worthiness or self-esteem is somehow validated by these events.

    And of coarse, they seem to happen again and again and so become expected.

    “Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.” -Richard Bach

    The sad thing is that if the way you deal with adversity is to go into victim mode and cry; if you start to moan “Woe is me!” all the time, then you could miss the lessons. You could miss the chance to do something better.

    However, truly affirmative and optimistic people will always see ways to create, grow, and express themselves from a situation. And THAT is where you really want to get to.

    When a “negative” event happens, it can cause you to notice something that you would not have otherwise. It can cause you to ‘discover’ a better product, service, or way of being. It could cause the inventor within you to spring into action to create a product that is better than the original or an add-on to prevent the same thing from happening to others.

    Just think, if Thomas Edison hadn’t learned to deal positively with adversity, then he would have given up after so many times; thus he would not have invented the first commercially practical incandescent light.

    Start to look at failure and seemingly ‘unfortunate’ happenings as a gift in a sometimes ugly wrapper.

    Once you begin to think this way, you can go back to times when you thought something was so bad and begin to see a better ‘why’.

    You may not always be able to see a benefit; but invariably, I notice that when I start to ask myself, “What does the universe have for me to discover in this event?”- I start to notice positive things that I didn’t before; so many of them leading me to a better way.

    So Joe, perhaps instead of condolences…I will congratulate you. Thanks for sharing the event and using it to help others.

  4. November 1, 2007 at 11:31 am

    Uh-oh.:shock: My first thought was: “vandals”. What does that say about me? Apparently I have a long way to go. Um, congratulations on your impending new and improved pool? Thank you for this insight.

  5. Mark-Reply
    November 1, 2007 at 4:00 pm

    Dear Joe,

    Jeanne’s comment is precisely why I question your insistance that we attract EVERYTHING that happens to us.

    I don’t believe you attracted your pool problem. I believe it happened, and you had a choice how to respond.

    My point: to suggest to people that they attract ‘horrible’ things is to make naiive people feel guilty and shamed for not being ‘spiritual’ or a positive enough thinker. Can’t you see this?

    For Jeanne to think “vandals” was an honest, realistic assumption – yet after reading your post she asks herself, “what does that say about me?”. She feels she has “a long way to go.”

    Jeanne, I say your reaction was natural. Sure, you could have assumed a nicer possibility, but it doesn’t make you wrong.

    Joe, would you be willing to answer the following questions so that I may become more enlightened to your point of view? You seem very adamant about your position that we attract everything. So why not make your case…How would you answer these?

    1. How did six million Jews attract the gas chambers?
    2. How do kidnapped, murdered children attract their fate?
    3. How do alter boys attract pedophile priests?

    Thanks for helping me try to understand by giving your answers to the above questions.


  6. November 1, 2007 at 5:04 pm

    “The lesson here is about how the meaning you give an event reflects the underlying beliefs that attracted it.”

    Of course it does. This can actually be ‘grasped’ with logic, at least in my world! Which of course we know is 176 degrees to the left of Jupiter then take a sharp right before slipstreaming into it.

    A car port would probably be useful, I’m sure Francine and her new yellow beau would appreciate the outdoor view.

    In Joy and Magnificence,


  7. November 1, 2007 at 7:05 pm

    Mark, I’ve already answered those questions countless times and in countless places. Bottomline: We attract UN-consciously. We come into this world with programs in us and we enter into cultural programs as we grow up. That’s a lot of programming which causes a lot of attraction. Groups attract each other because of the people in them. It’s all attraction, but not consciously (not usually). Again, this is explained in my books, TV appearances, and elsewhere. My “case” 🙂 has been made in my books, such as the recent “The Key.” Anyone who really wants to know where I stand can just read it, for free at the library if they don’t want to buy it. I apprecaite your sincere questions, however.

  8. November 1, 2007 at 7:42 pm

    Dear Joe,
    I think it happened because I didn’t win the signed copy of your new book “The Key”! Ha-Ha! Just joking Joe, trying to make you laugh! Thank God you weren’t in the pool at the time. Something wonderful is on the way. I love you, Dana

  9. November 1, 2007 at 11:19 pm

    This is a good example. Too often people tend to blame the “event” but they don’t see that it actually depends on which perspective/angle they want to view the event from.

    I’ll share this example with my readers on my blog. 😉

  10. Sandra Fann-Reply
    November 2, 2007 at 6:33 am

    My reaction was stuff happens. Clean up the mess and go on. Same with the fires in California.

  11. Keith Burtis-Reply
    November 2, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    Hi Joe, I would like to as well share a story. About three months ago, I was driving home from work on the thruway and my car decided it was going to die in the middle of the road in a cloud of bellowing smoke. Now, the old me would have been frustrated and mad, but the new me never got upset….not even a little. I was able to get the car to the side of the road and get a tow. I’m sure this frustrated others but even the fact that is was cold and rin was blowing sideways….I never let it bother me. This event clearly could have depressed me for some time, and I clearly would have normally self-destructed….but I never missed a day of work (30 miles away) and I was able to attract a new car –to me a new car within the week.
    Thanks Joe.

    P.S. This event as well as others has literally transformed my life, and I am working on a book as well as building my own for now side business.

  12. November 2, 2007 at 7:35 pm

    😛 My first thoughts were here’s a chance to build a home for the new Giallo Ardente Attrazione (YES, my input on a a name)

    Then.. I thought.. wow.. one above ground pool broken.. leaves room for a great underground pool that you could build a great sunroom around and have a heated pool to enjoy 365 days per year. 😉 Or maybe one of those endless pools so that you can enjoy more fully your fitness routine. 😉

    Can’t wait to see what you decide to do!!

  13. November 3, 2007 at 7:22 pm


    Its so true that we also can create by the meaning we give to an experience, as well as being aware what we feel at the core of our being; as my awareness has been exposed to these truths, I have seen how my reality is changing, its woo-woo fun!

    Since I don’t want to turn this comment field into a long entry, 🙂 , I want to share briefly, that after I purchased your audio clip with Pat O’bryan “I Love You” that uses the Ho ‘oponopono approach to healing and creating one’s reality, I am so pleased, actually stunned at how fast this works! There was a family issue with my sister and her son and his fiancee, that amazingly healed within two days of repeating “I am sorry, I love, you, thank you”, while I took responsibility for creating it in my experience, and saw my family members only with love and as love, in other words I put my ego on the side. I was concerned because my sister lost her 18 year old son two years ago, and is just healing, and did not need more stress, but the fiancee lovingly apologized to sis and all is well. The Ho ‘oponopono also worked for my business, received traffic to my site without it even being in Google. It was literally 95% more traffic than when I was paying for Google ads. This practices to me is more than just getting what “I want” its about experiencing life with awareness, and I thank you, and teachers like yourself for your contributions.

    Much love,

  14. Tony Guy-Reply
    November 4, 2007 at 11:10 am

    An above-ground pool–Joe give me a break you are a Movie Star now. Use this opportunity to attract yourself a respectable in-ground Olympic size pool with attached hot-tube etc.! Act the part Dude!

  15. November 8, 2007 at 8:19 am

    Hi Joe,

    Great post! I love it!

    I decided this is an amazing blog.


    Stephen Martile
    Personal Development Made Simple

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