Tag: attractor factor


Are You Serious?

If you are serious about learning how to attract money and wealth, then check out my new product with Dr. Steve G. Jones at Wealth Master Interviews. Meanwhile, here is a seven minute taste of things you can expect:

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


The Only Secret

Someone recently sent me this question by email —

“I have followed you and purchased many of your products for several years now. I am emailing you with one request. What is the ONE method that really is the secret? The one method, without any back-end products, that truly results in success? I have the will to make it happen. What is the ONE way?”

I thought about it and almost didn’t reply. After all, I’ve answered variations of this question repeatedly, in a wide variety of ways, in my books, blog posts, audios, events, and more, for over decades now.

But then I thought, what if a new reader has this question on their mind?

Since that may be the case, here’s my answer:

Coming January 2014

Coming January 2014

If you wanted to become a licensed private pilot, so you could fly small planes around the country, would you ask, “What is the one method that will assure my success as a pilot?”

I received my pilot’s license in 1972. I know for a fact there is no “one secret” to being a pilot. I had to learn everything from weather patterns to reading maps to FAA laws to how to handle a plane in all kinds of situations, and more. I went to flight school, but I also went to ground school, read supportive materials, and more.

There’s isn’t one way to be a pilot.

When I became a copywriter, I had to study books, old and new, and practice, sometimes with failure, sometimes with success, and test, test, test. I had to learn formulas, and templates, and the psychology of influence. I studied every copywriting course in existence, some long out of print. I bought copywriting manuals, books, audios, entire events on DVD, and more.

There is no one way to be a copywriter.

When I became a musician, I had to learn music, chords, song structure, and more. I also had to practice, with and without voice lessons, guitar lessons, songwriting lessons, and with and without time in the recording studio. I read books. I attended classes. I talked to musicians. I’m still doing it.

There is no one way to be a musician.

When I gained a name for myself as an Internet marketer way back in the mid 1990s, everyone would ask me, “What’s the one thing you did that made you rich and famous?”

Again, I had to learn it all. The early days of online marketing were a free for all, with everyone trying everything, trying to figure out “the one secret” to making money online. Along the way a lot of amazingly creative things were tried. Some worked. Many didn’t. Yet even today, after decades of being online, I can’t say there is “one” way to stardom online.

There is no one way to be an Internet success.

I’ve heard variations of the “What is the one secret?” question for decades. I often tell people there IS one secret to success. The secret is, “DO EVERYTHING!”

Do everything!

Try it all. Read the books. Listen to the audios. Attend the events. Test ideas. Invent ideas. Get feedback. Try again. Buy supportive materials. Invest in your learning. It’s “the” secret to success in just about everything you could name.

Say you want your child to go to college. Would you stop after he was in the first grade? Would you not buy him or her crayons, or books, or study materials, or new clothes for school? And if he or she was struggling, would you not invest in a tutor or summer school?

Again, there is no one way to be educated.

But if I was backed into a corner and asked, “Come on, Joe, what really is THE secret?,” I’d probably say something like this:

“Follow your dream.”

Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss.”

I’ve often said, “Follow your enthusiasm.”

By following the inner prompts from within, you will take action, and as you take action, you will get feedback, and as you learn from that feedback and persist, you will, over time, have an adventurous life and maybe even be wise enough to enjoy it all, the struggles as well as the successes.

There is no one secret.

The Law of Attraction is A secret.

Gravity is A law.

Action is A principle.

And so it goes.

None of it stands alone.

The person who asked the question at the top of this post just needs to recognize there is work to do, and then go do it. Those back-end products might help you along the way, so I’d be grateful for them, too.

When I was learning to be a pilot, I took courses, bought extra books, and more, all to give me an edge. Same with becoming a copywriter, or a marketer, or a musician. Those “back-end” products truly helped me understand and integrate what I was learning. And I still invest in support materials today, as well as in coaching, for whatever the next challenge happens to be.

The person who asked the question says they have “…the will to make it happen.”

If that’s true, then nothing will stop you and all is available for you.

Actively follow your dream.

That’s “The Only Secret” to success.

Ao Akua,


PS — There’s no “one method” to wealth attraction, either, but discover what can work for you at my November event in Austin, Texas. Click the image below for details –

Click cover for details on event

Click cover for details on event

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


Attract Money Now LIVE

“Attract Money Now LIVE” is going to be a historic event.

I’m lining up hand picked “Speed Speakers” to give TED-like short presentations at my event http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com/ Besides the featured speakers —

Featured Speaker Bill Phillips

Featured Speaker Bill Phillips

— Body-for-Life fitness legend Bill Phillips

— movie star (“E.T.”) and healer Dee Wallace

— mind expander (What If UP?) Mindy Audlin

— I also have terrific 20-minute “speed” presenters on such subjects as —

– “Raising Entrepreneurs” (a parent explains how his grade-school children are running an online business)

– “Pain into Profit” (a divorcee turns her mess into a message)

– “Volunteer for Wealth” (a negotiating expert reveals how giving leads to receiving)

– “Remembering Your Wealth” (a musician reveals a new process for creating your new reality)

And more!

Get this —

I will also give a brand new presentation on Authentic ho’oponopono, based on the upcoming sequel to Zero Limits, that will no doubt stimulate you and maybe even “burn some hair” with the truth and new techniques it reveals.

There will also be a surprise comedy show on Saturday night, a special “install the concepts” session on Sunday morning, a live experience of Miracles Coaching, a demo of The Secret Mirror technique, and so much more.

You can also meet me and other attendees at a private social function on Friday evening.

AND you can have $12,000 in online videos to help you awaken your millionaire mind the very moment you register for this once-in-a-lifetime  event. (!)

People are already signing up and coming from everywhere — Canada, Italy, Germany, Ukraine, France, South Africa, and more!

Go get the details at — http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com/

See you there!

Ao Akua,


PS – Only 200 seats are available as that is all the room holds. If you want to be at this historic event with Bill Phillips, Dee Wallace, and the other amazing presenters, please register right now: http://www.attractmoneynowlive.com/

Member BBB 2003-2013

Member BBB 2003-2013


The Secret of a Secret Movie Star

This article by Mathes Jones, which appears in the July 2013 issue of Austin All Natural magazine, is just too good not to share here with you. May it inspire you to follow your own dreams. Enjoy. – joe

The Secret of a Secret Movie Star

From Homeless to Bestselling Author to Movie Star to Healing Musician

by Mathes Jones

There’s a natural order and sequence to life that, as humans, we all understand: Night follows day. Crawl before walking. Grapes into wine. Rags to riches. Author turns movie star turns #1 rated singer/songwriter. You know, that kind of thing.

Wait – “What’chu talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?”

Actually, it’s who, not what, and the answer is Dr. Joe Vitale, the world’s first self-help singer-songwriter.

Latest singer-songwriter album

Latest singer-songwriter album

It’s hard to know what Vitale is best known for – his 50+ books, his role in the hit movie, “The Secret,” or the three Grammy winners he attracted for one of the six albums (The Healing Song) he’s produced in only two years.

Oh, did I mention that a mere three years ago he could only strum a few chords on the guitar and had never written a song – much like Paul McCartney and John Lennon who were just learning songwriting after they became the Beatles?

That’s definitely not the nice, neat, orderly progression we expect of typical humans. But Vitale is hardly typical. He lives in a world that looks much different than most of ours. Essentially, he lives – and sings – what he teaches.

Most (but not all) of his books and writings are in the self-help field, and he’s landed a mass of bestsellers, including The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits. His forthcoming book, The Remembering Process, is currently being published by the world’s leading self-help publisher, Hay House, and is due out in April 2014. His co-author is his music producer, Daniel Barrett.

Three Grammy Winners Helped Create This Album

Three Grammy Winners Helped Create This Album

Vitale sounds like a man on fire with a mission, and it’s undoubtedly where his moniker, Mr. Fire, comes from (www.mrfire.com). The truth is he is on a mission, showing the world how to use music to tap into our mind and body’s natural ability to heal.

He calls it Healing Music.

While Vitale has a fascinating backstory of homeless to multi-millionaire (he’s no one-hit wonder), it’s his rise to stardom as a singer-songwriter that’s so compelling today.

Just how does a person succeed wildly in all these different genres?

First Singer-Songwriter Album

First Singer-Songwriter Album

Perhaps it’s because he’s a gifted communicator, a necessary and common denominator in books, film, and songwriting. Having spent a lifetime learning, applying, and sharing ancient wisdom and current technologies for self-improvement, he’s an expert in teaching people how to clear limiting beliefs that keep them from pursuing the things they really want.

But if you ask me, it’s something else that’s behind his success – something Vitale refers to as divine inspiration.

Daniel Barrett, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joe Vitale, Glenn Fukunaga

The Band: Daniel Barrett, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joe Vitale, Glenn Fukunaga

“The whole point of personal growth is to clear any negative, limiting beliefs and gain access to your Divine self,” explains Vitale.  “The great goal is to be so clear that when Divinity speaks through you, you don’t think, hesitate, or second guess about a call to take action. You just do it because there’s no interference from the conscious mind thinking, ‘Oh, should I do it? Am I the one? Do I have the money? Do I have the experience? Do I have the time? What do my neighbors think? What do my parents think?'”

Vitale is an example of everything he teaches and sings in his songs. He takes his inspirations seriously. A believer in fast, immediate action, he’s famous for the saying, “Money likes speed.” And this attitude has clearly worked for him – taking him from zero to voted as #1 singer-songwriter by Reverbnation (in March 2013) in two years.

“When I decided to be a songwriter three years ago, I had thoughts like, ‘I’m not a songwriter or singer. I can’t do that.’ One of my teachers, famed singer-songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard, asked me, ‘Where’s the proof? Where’s the proof you can’t do that?’ When he said that, I thought, ‘My God, he’s right. I have no evidence whatsoever that I can’t sing, play the guitar, record music, or write my own song. There’s no evidence!’”

Ray Wylie Hubbard Gave Songwriting Advice

Ray Wylie Hubbard Gave Songwriting Advice

“And I did, in fact, prove myself wrong. Little did I know in the beginning that inspiration would move through me so fast I’d not only complete my very first CD (Blue Healer) in just two months, but play as many as seven instruments for it – including a very rare 1915 Gibson Harp Guitar.”

Given Vitale’s success as a self-help and spiritual teacher, both in his own life and in his work with others, it’s natural that this rock-blues loving guy would take the music world by storm – bringing his thousands of fans into a new awareness of music’s healing power.

Music’s ability to heal is not a new concept. Its power has been storied in ancient text for thousands of years of recorded history, and today is well documented in medical research, which  Vitale describes in his new ebook, Healing Music: The Miraculous Power of Positive Music to Uplift, Relax, Transform, Awaken, and Rejuvenate.

Click image to get book free

Click image to get book free

Vitale brings music to a new level, one accessible to everyone, whether at home, working out, or traveling. Each album he writes, sings, and records has a certain emphasis and intention, a particular therapeutic use and result – because, as he says, “Intention is a key driver in healing of any kind, and it matters in music, too, from the person who created it to the person listening.”

Using certain types of beats and tempos known to affect the mind and body positively, along with positive messages to uplift a sagging spirit, his eclectic music style is as wide and varied as his range of success. We’re talking sheer passion, not elevator music – everything from soothing to down home stomping fun, like his standout song, “You Gotta” (on his recent singer-songwriter album, Sun will Rise).

Whoever said a little fun can’t hurt you was only partially right – it can heal you. And Vitale’s music is proof of it. “The idea behind healing music like mine is to allow the high vibration of inspired music to work on you. That’s the basis for the healing.”

Voted #1 Singer-Songwriter

Voted #1 Singer-Songwriter

Being the world’s first self-help, singer-songwriter has its privileges. He’s attracted some of the music industry’s finest, including Glenn Fukunaga (Robert Plant), Rock and Roll Hall of Fame drummer Joe Vitale (Yes, of the same name) and Grammy award winner David Darling to perform and record with him. He’s also recorded two instrumental albums with accomplished Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon. It’s no longer a secret that like attracts like.

According to Vitale, becoming a self-help musician was simply the next step. He got the call, so to speak, and, true to form, acted quickly on that divine inspiration. And it’s this instinct that’s so inspiring to the rest of us.

With Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

With Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

When asked about his meteoric path, he says, “In a world of all possibilities, there’s only one thing that can stop you…your own mind. Fortunately, you can change that. You can expand your own capacity to receive all the good things in life.”

From the outside looking in, Vitale does make quantum leaps look like natural evolution, gliding seamlessly from one successful reality to another.

Hmm, maybe there is something to that healing music.

Joe Vitale’s Albums:

“Blue Healer” www.HealingMojoMusic.com
“Strut!” www.GetUpandStrut.com
“The Healing Song” www.TheHealingSong.com
“Aligning to Zero” (with Mathew Dixon) www.AligningtoZero.info
“AT Zero” (with Mathew Dixon) www.AtZeroMusic.com
“Sun Will Rise” www.HealingRockMusic.com


What If You're Broke?

“I want to attend your event but I’m broke”

Some people say they can’t afford the Attract Money Now Live event I’m hosting in November in Austin, Texas because they don’t have the money.


If you feel that way, please continue reading.

I’ll be blunt –

The truth is, everybody has money. You have money, too. You may not have as much as you would like right now, but you have *some* money.

Fintess Legend Bill Phillips Will Be At My Event

Fitness Legend Bill Phillips Will Be At My November Event in Austin Texas

The thing is, you’re choosing to spend your money in ways that may or may not be helping you attract more money.

You know what I’m talking about.

I’m asking you to take a cold, hard look at your relationship with money.

Are you leveraging it to attract more money?

Probably not.

Most people spend their money to survive, not to grow and prosper.

And that’s why they struggle.

Famous Actress and Healer Dee Wallace Will Also Present

Famous Actress ("E.T.") and Healer Dee Wallace Will Also Present

I learned a long time ago that one of the best ways to attract more money is to invest your existing funds in ways to bring in even more funds.

This isn’t as hard as it may sound.

I’m talking about changing your mindset.

I’m talking about investing in you.

For example, if you could invest $595 and instantly get $12,000 in value, wouldn’t it be smart to do so?

Of course it would.

When you register for the Attract Money Now Live event, you are instantly given access to online videos worth $12,000 that will begin to transform your consciousness around money.

The videos are called Awakened Millionaire Secrets, and they will stir your mind into expanded thinking that you probably can’t even imagine right now.


I know you may feel broke right now, but I also know if you make a daring decision, you could change your life — and your bank account — forever.

Plus the speakers at my event are off-the-charts incredible.

I’m talking about a fitness legend, a famous movie star, and others — including me — who will be there to transform you at the core so you can have, do, or be whatever you can imagine.

Get full details about the event and the speakers and the “$12,000 for $595” offer at http://www.AttractMoneyNowLive.com

Go for it.

Ao Akua,


Joe portrait with quotePS – Remember, it’s not about the money. I’m doing my best to help you with free gifts like my ebook Attract Money Now at http://www.attractmoneynow.com and the free ebook The Miracles Manual at http://www.miraclesmanual.com Have you read them? Have you acted on the ideas in them? It’s ultimately up to you to take action and free yourself to express the Divinity within. With more money, you can do a lot of good in the world. Are you ready? Go here now http://www.AttractMoneyNowLive.com

Click to read ebook FREE

Click to read ebook FREE