Tag: audio



Recently I posted this on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/drjoevitale :

“Inspiration gives you a desire. Decision makes it an intention. Action makes it real.”

That statement helps clarify what it takes to attract what you want. But let’s explore it deeper than a Facebook text-bite so you understand the power of it.

First, an idea is what you get a feeling to do.

An idea is an internal nudge to create something.

It’s different for each person as each of us has a different life mission. My inspiration might be to write another book, or compose a new song. Yours might be to run for political office, open a bakery, or raise happy kids.

An inspiration is either from what I call the Divine, or it’s from your ego.

Nobody outside of you knows for sure what is right for you. It’s your life and up to you to discern the difference. With a little reflection, though, you can tell where the idea is coming from. Nothing wrong with an ego desire, but it’s nobler to come from a higher purpose.

Your Questions Answered

Your Questions Answered

Recently a listener of my latest audio program, The Zero Point, contacted me and told me about the word “Afflatus.” He thought it might be a better word for the kind of inspiration I refer to these days. He was right.

According to Wikipedia, “afflatus” is a Latin term used by Cicero. It means more than “inspiration,” and in fact translates as —

“…the staggering and stunning blow of a new idea, an idea that the recipient may be unable to explain.”

I love the word afflatus so much that I dedicated my latest album, Reflection, to it.

Again, you can receive an idea based on Memory (previous data in your mind), an Inspiration (combining previous ideas into something new), or from afflatus (a completely new idea that stuns you).

The idea should move you to want to take action.

As I also wrote on my Facebook page –

If you don’t have some self doubts and fears when you pursue a dream, then you haven’t dreamed big enough.”

And that leads to…

Available for Pre-Order

Available for Pre-Order

Next, your decision is what gives the idea power to become a reality.

You have free will, so you can ignore the idea, or you can decide to bring it into reality.

I learned decades ago that if I ignore my inspired calling, my life is bumpy. When I decide to follow my inspiration, life is smooth. I prefer the latter.

Again, it’s your choice. When you decide to follow your inspiration, it now becomes an intention. Intentions rule the earth. It’s just wiser to pursue a higher intention than a lower one.

What’s the difference?

  • An ego based intention is only about you.
  • A Divine based intention is about you and others.

Decades ago I spoke on the same stage as Jose Silva, the founder of Silva Mind Control. Jose said a goal should influence you and at least three other people.

I love that guideline. It gets you out of your own individual experience of life and moves you into a deeper awareness of others.

It also makes taking action easier.

When you know that your actions are going to touch at least three other people, then you are more motivated to decide to do something.

So step two is to decide.

And that leads to…

Finally, action brings the idea, now an intention, onto the earth plane.

Nothing happens until something moves.

You are a co-creator with life. Life itself wants you to do something. When you do it, you trigger it becoming real.

If I want to write a book, I have to sit down and write.

If I want to play the saxophone, I have to sit down and practice.

If you are going to open a bakery, you need to fill out the forms and do the work.

Meet Saxman Joe

Meet Saxman Joe

This is where a lot of Law of Attraction students fall short. They think if they just affirm it, it will appear.

Well, it might.

But more often than not, you have to do something to work with reality. It’s no accident that the word ‘action’ is in the word ‘attraction.’

Let me give you one final example of how this process works:

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and myself are in the studio recording the third album in our trilogy of “zero” music, following the success of At Zero and Aligning to Zero, this one to be called 432 to Zero.

As is our custom, we don’t plan or strategy. We “make space” for inspiration to guide us, and we are ready to take action on a moment’s notice. We are in the studio, prepared and ready.

What do you hear?

What do you hear?

One day neither of us felt compelled or inspired.

We sat in the studio and looked at each other. We’ve done this enough to know that sometimes you have to wait, and sometimes nothing will come. We’ve learned to trust the process and be patient.

Suddenly I felt afflatus strike.

I looked at Mathew and shared my idea.

“What if I played two harmonicas?” I asked.

“But we don’t have a bass line or a foundation track for you to play against. You’d be playing to yourself.”

“I know,” I said. “But I feel like trying it. If it doesn’t work, we can just delete the audio file.”

“Why two harmonicas?”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “I somehow feel if I just improvised harmonica in what’s called the second position, and then improvised playing in the first position, I’d be in the same key but the two harmonicas would sound different.”

I have no idea where that idea came from.

But since it arrived as a gift, the next step was to decide to act on it, and the third was to take action.

Mathew agreed to try it.

I pulled out two harps, and started to play.

I simply allowed myself to be guided by whatever feeling was welling up and directing me.

I didn’t think about it. I trusted that the process would be whatever it was, and that was good enough.

When I was done playing, Mathew was beaming.

“That was incredible!” he said. “We may have just created a whole new genre of music!”

To hear how it came out go here:


That’s how this process works.

The formula is simple.

Inspiration gives you a desire. Decision makes it an intention. Action makes it real.

That said, what are you going to do next?

Ao Akua,


PS – My Facebook page is at https://www.facebook.com/drjoevitale

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


The Miracle Guitar

Who says you need money?

Last weekend I received a mega gift in Las Vegas – a late 60th birthday present – that was so unexpected, overwhelming, rare, loving, priceless and magnificent, that I’m still nearly speechless.

Over 50 people were involved — none were paid, all gave out of love and generosity — and the result was a gift of such magnitude and historic importance that I’m not sure how to describe it.

But here goes…

I love everyone in my Miracles Coaching program.

The coaches and staff are upbeat, positive, loving and loveable people.

Keep reading for a-maz-ing story...

Keep reading for a-maz-ing story...

Once a year the top coaches and sales people meet me in Las Vegas for a dinner, awards ceremony, sharing, meeting and more. I always look forward to the trips and the catching up.

Over dinner, they hinted early on that they had a surprise for me. I figured it’d be a cigar or a book. I didn’t think too much of it. I wasn’t there for me. I was there for them.

Little did I know that their little surprise would change my life forever.

Steve Gardner, one of the team leaders, began.

He handed me a little key.

I joked that it must be for a little car.

Back of guitar just as glorious as front (says Mathew Dixon holding it)

Back of guitar just as glorious as front (says Mathew Dixon holding it)


Turns out it was to a guitar case.

Not to any guitar, though.

What these people had done was build the world’s first Clearing Guitar.

It was hand crafted out of Kauri wood estimated to be over 50,000 years old (!), and included gems and mantras and other healing mojo to make it a truly one of a kind healing guitar.

The Miracle Guitar

The Miracle Guitar

It was crafted of other wood that I love, such as koa, flame maple, and purple heart.

It contains unique additions, such as a mammoth tooth estimated to be over 12,000 years old (!).

It also has chakra stones for fret markers, and more.

It’s tuned to the 424 Hz frequency, said to be more harmonious to our bodies than the standard 440 Hz.

And it is a baritone electric guitar.

The Clearing Guitar

The Clearing Guitar

I’m in awe of this incredible guitar, made with such precision, and care, and so personalized, and with such healing qualities.

I’ve never seen anything like it.

More than that, they built it for me.

They talked to Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon, my guitar teacher and partner on several musical albums, to determine what kind of guitar would be best for me. He told them of my love for baritones.

With the inside info from Mathew, and further insights about clearing and ho’oponopono from Suzanne Burns, my right (and left) hand partner in business, they went to work.

Guitar maker Mark Seddon

Guitar maker Mark Seddon

The whole idea was the brain child of Abi White. She went to her friend, luthier Mark Seddon of Oxbow Guitars in the U.K., and they began the process.

In the end, six months later, over 50 people gave product or service, to help create this Miracle Guitar, what they call The Clearing Guitar.

Mark named it Morrnah, after Morrnah Simeona, who gave us all ho’oponopono (as described in my books, At Zero and Zero Limits).

They presented the guitar to me in Las Vegas.

After I heard the story of its creation, I was almost speechless.

When I held the guitar, I felt the love.

When I played it, I felt the magic.

But the story gets even better.

Abi, who came up with the idea, and Mark, the luthier who crafted the guitar, flew to Vegas from London to meet me the next morning.

It was the idea of Abi White

It was the idea of Abi White

Mark answered my questions about the guitar, and set it up for me to play for everyone at our private meeting in Vegas. It was a joyful experience to strum such a one-of-a-kind baritone electric guitar, with the unusual but soothing 424 Hz frequency tuning, and all the esoteric specifics that went into it.

I teach that you need to “get clear” of unconscious limitations so you can attract what you want. Along the way, certain tools can help you.

This Clearing Guitar is designed to clear me as I play it, and clear you as you hear it.

So you can expect music created with it down the road. 🙂

Abi White summed up the creation of this guitar this way…

“For me this guitar inspired by Joe and manifest through myself, The team at Prosper, Mat Dixon, Mark Seddon and so so so many others whom I love and am very gratefull for is far more than just a guitar. It a a stunning beautiful completely balanced highly powerful clearing tool that I hope will assist and support Joe in the work he is doing in the world to bring healing and clearing through music or as Mat Dixon The Guitar monk puts it far more eloquently: ‘To simply call this a guitar would be an understatement, it is a Masterpiece! A one-of-a-kind piece of art, created with love by all those involved’.”

And for me…

It’s difficult to describe the love and gratitude I feel.

When I realize that 50 some people were feeling such love and gratitude to me, that they wanted to create this for me, the feeling of love is almost incomprehensible.

There is no way I can list everyone involved and thank all involved, but a good place to start is looking at the website they created for this amazing gift.

It’s right here: http://www.theclearingguitar.com

And of course, this was a gift from everyone in Miracles Coaching.

I thank you, one and all.

I am beyond grateful.

Ao Akua


PS – If you are interested in a Clearing Guitar of your own, contact Oxbow Guitars at www.oxbowguitars.co.uk

What do you hear?

What do you hear?


Your Reflection Awaits

I have a question for you…

I would like to send you my latest album, titled Reflection, which is a breakthrough in self-help healing music.

It’s music to soothe, heal, stir and awaken.

Click image to pre-order new album

Click image to pre-order new album

Every track is original, and every track conveys a powerful message about life, love, miracles, faith, and more.

It’s all designed to raise your vibration so you can better attract higher levels of consciousness and manifestations.

It works beautifully with the Law of Attraction because it helps program your mind to attract what you want and prefer.

For example –

The song “Love” could be the anthem for a whole generation. It is unforgettable. It will help you love and attract love. When you feel love, you merge with the higher attraction law of the Universe.

The song “Fidem” lets you know the truth about worry. The message is freeing. (“Fidem” means faith.)

The song “Lakshmi” is a powerful song of homage to the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. It can help you attract more abundance. (She is a secret in my own success.)

The title track song, “Reflection,” reminds you that the whole world is a mirror — of you. (This song has the potential to trigger an awakening in you.)

The song “Remember” is a beautiful, yet haunting message of how to change your life with a brand new process. (It is way cool.) It was inspired by “The Remembering Process” book (coming in April).

The song “Do” is a pep talk to get you moving. It could help you overcome procrastination and fire you up for the day or a work out. The word ‘action’ is in the phrase ‘law of attraction.’

The song “Believe” lets you know what to do when no one seems to believe in you or your dreams. We live in a belief driven universe, so this song is timely and powerful.

I could go on and list every track and the story behind each, but you get the idea.

This new album is a-maz-ing.

My band behind "Reflection"

My band behind "Reflection"

I got my band back together — Daniel Barrett, Glenn Fukunaga, and Rock and Rock Hall of Fame drummer Joe Vitale (yes, he has the same name as me) — and we created this new album of ten tracks just for you.

It’s self-help healing music at its best.

It’s music that transforms.

And I want to send it to you.

The album on CD – complete with a beautiful printed book revealing all of the lyrics and including photos of me and the band – is at the printer right now.

It will be a limited edition collectible, because I am only printing a small quantity of 1,000 to offer to my readers and friends (like you).

It will sell to others for $21.95 but when you go and pre-order it right now, you can have it for only $9.95 (plus shipping, of course).

That’s well over half off.

That’s only a dollar a song.

For less than ten bucks, you can change your life through sound *and* get a collectible new album and booklet, too.

Plus I will include a surprise gift when we ship the new album to you in April.

(You will love it.)

May I send it to you?

Just go see http://www.reflectioncd.com

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – This offer will last until May 1st, 2014. Please go order one or more albums (think of your family and friends) right now while it’s on your mind at — http://www.ReflectionCD.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Overnight Inspiration

An important FedEx package arrived today and I found myself thinking, “Gosh, where would we be without this great company?”

It’s even more amazing when you consider the struggles FedEx founder Fred Smith had in the beginning trying to get his company off the ground (no pun intended).

He had such a hard time getting enough cash flow to make payroll that at one point he “raided the family’s trust fund without his sister’s permission.” (He was sued for that.)

For a while, he met payroll by borrowing money from a bank in Chicago that kept him going until one day they refused – “That’s it, Fred. Sorry.”

This is where the story gets rather astonishing.

After being turned down, he was headed back to Memphis with a heavy heart, knowing he would have to tell his employees he couldn’t pay them.

Standing in O’Hare airport, he “noticed” a departure for Las Vegas. He took the company’s last $5,000, jumped on that plane, and, well, the rest is history.

Needless to say, they made payroll and are still here delivering packages to my door.

What happened that day in the airport?

And whatever “it” is, wouldn’t you like to have it, too?

Well, you do… and this is the subject of my newest audio program with Nightingale-Conant – “The Zero Point: How to Enter the Realm of Limitless Possibilities.” http://thezeropoint.info/

You see, Fred Smith needed an answer right now.

He’d done everything he could to make his company a success. He’d put his own money into it, all he had. And it had worked, but he needed to go to another level and had no idea how to do that.

He needed inspiration.

Now I’m not a gambling man in the strictest sense of the word. And apparently, Fred Smith isn’t either, because I understand he hasn’t gambled since.

But that day, he received inspiration, followed it – as bizarre as it seemed to him and later, to others – and it led to him being able to pay the employees who he knew depended on him.

Inspiration works in some pretty interesting ways – if not downright crazy. At least, they can seem so at the time.

Certainly that’s how it felt when I heard the whisperings inside myself to become a musician after spending decades becoming a writer.

And look at what’s happened as a result of my following it…Seven CD’s in record time (okay, okay, enough with the puns).

Where do these ideas come from?

I call it the Zero Point.

For 10 years, I’ve been practicing and teaching about a little known, virtually untapped, awareness we all have inside ourselves.

It’s literally your point of power – the power center of the world itself, a world of miracles and Divinity.

It’s all based on the Law of Zero which is deeper and beyond the Law of Attraction or the Law of Creation.

So let me ask you…

Are you ready for inspiration, too?

If so, go here – http://thezeropoint.info/

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — You may know about the Law of Attraction, but if you are ready to discover the higher laws of living a life of magic, miracles and more, then please go see http://thezeropoint.info/

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Mindless Sax

During the recent recording of my seventh album, titled Reflection, I mentioned the term “unconscious competence” to my band.

It refers to a mental state where you can perform without thinking; your body and mind automatically know what to do without concentration.

Since the term was new to the folks I was sharing it with, I thought it might be new to you, as well.

New album coming soon

New album coming April

According to Wikipedia, the four stages of competence is a model of learning. It was created by Noel Burch in the 1970s for Gordon Training International. The four stages are —

  • Unconscious incompetence – You can’t do something and aren’t aware that you can’t.
  • Conscious incompetence – You can’t do something and are aware that you can’t.
  • Conscious competence – You can do something but only with concentration.
  • Unconscious Competence – You can do something without thought.

It’s useful to remember these steps when trying to do anything new.

For example, when you first learned how to drive a car, you were in the second stage: you can’t drive and you know you can’t. As you took lessons, you moved into the third stage.

Today, you probably drive your car without thinking about it. You are now an unconscious competent driver. That’s why you can drive and talk, listen to music, and even make a phone call. It’s second nature to you.

Driving is now automatic.

The problem in doing something new is wanting to be a master – unconsciously competent – when you don’t yet have the skills.

An example might be tossing you the keys to a huge tractor-trailer truck with 18 gears and telling you to drive it.

Good luck.

I’ve driven such rigs, and the eighteen gears are confusing.

I could urge you on, inspire you and motivate you, but if you have no practice with shifting eighteen gears, you won’t be able to do it.

No amount of pep talks will get you moving that rig.

No amount of saying “Trust your body” or “Your mind knows” or “You can do it!” will get you moving that tracker-trailer in a safe, reliable way.


You don’t yet have the skills to do so.

When I’m in the studio recording new music, I can’t jump to “unconsciously competent” in some areas yet because I haven’t learned the skills or put in the hours to make it as easy as breathing.

I have to slow down, focus, stay aware, and consciously become competent.

In time, I will move into unconscious competence as a performer.

My band

My a-maz-ing band

Here’s another example:

Drummer Joe Vitale – the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame legend who plays with Joe Walsh, Neil Young and other icons – told me he can play the drums in his sleep. He is unconsciously competent in that area.

But he is not quite so certain on the keyboards.

There, he is a consciously competent performer.

He can do it but, as he told me, it takes concentration.

Baritone Saxophone

Baritone Saxophone

When we were recording, someone mentioned a baritone saxophone.

A what?

We called up the band Morphine, which leans on a bari sax to create its haunting sound, and listened.

I was instantly in love with the gutsy, sexy music.

I then looked at baritone saxes online.

Talk about intimidating.

Put one in my hands and I wouldn’t know how to hold it, let alone play it.

Of course, given enough time, lessons, and focused practice, I’d learn my way around that instrument.

So here’s how the four stages of learning look in this case:

  • Unconscious incompetence – I never even heard of a baritone sax.
  • Conscious incompetence – I know what it is but know I can’t play it.
  • Conscious competence – If I took lessons and practiced, I could play it with focused awareness.
  • Unconscious Competence – Given enough practice, I could pick it up and play it without thinking.

What did I do next?

I knew I loved the sound of the bari sax, so I found an Austin player and hired him. He came to the studio and added sultry spice to one of my songs. While I had his ear, I asked all kinds of questions about the sax and how to buy one, play one, etc.

I then contacted the sax instructor he told me was the best one.

I then ordered the book he told me to get: The Devil’s Horn.

And I then went online and researched vintage baritone saxophones, as I knew I wanted an investment grade instrument.

Do you see how this works?

I went from being oblivious about the bari sax (unconscious incompetence) to the second stage (conscious incompetence) and now moving into stage three (conscious competence). As long as I maintain lessons and practice, I can — given enough time — move into the fourth stage: Unconscious Competence, or “Mindless Sax.” (Couldn’t help myself). 🙂

But I couldn’t just pick up the sax and play!

All of this is a reminder to be easy with yourself.

As you learn any new skill, you need to relax, focus, absorb and keep practicing.

You can master virtually any skill, but it takes time, awareness, intent and discipline.

Just under three years ago, I couldn’t sing, play guitar, write songs or music, or record anything.

Today I have seven albums.


The payoff of patience and practice is great success.

And you’re worth it.

Ao Akua,


PS – My albums are described at these sites:

http://www.AligningtoZero.info (a bestseller)
http://www.AtZeroMusic.com (NEW)

Note: Album number seven is called Reflection. I’ll let you know when it’s available. 🙂

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015