As I type these words, people in Paris are traumatized by the recent surprise attacks on them, and worried about family, friends, and their future well-being.
While the world is still reeling from the effects of war, many are now bracing for something that could be worse.
As I overhear all of this, I hear an underlying victim mentality.
We’re victims of storms.
We’re victims of attacks.
We’re victims of a poorly run government.
We’re victims of gas prices, gas shortages, inflation, recession, taxes, wars, and more.
I’m going to say something unusual.
It may upset some people.
I’m hoping it will inspire you.
Here goes:
You have more power than you think.
While you may not want to stand in the path of war, you don’t have to cower under the bed, either.
As odd as it may sound, I believe that if enough of us think positive, we can create a counter storm of sorts.
We can protect ourselves and our loved ones with our thoughts.
I’ve described and proved this with the research in the back of my book, The Attractor Factor.
More than nineteen studies *proved* that when a large group of people hold positive intentions, those intentions radiate out and become reality.
I asked my readers to help stop Hurricane Rita almost ten years ago.
Rita stopped.
I asked my readers to help stop the Texas wildfires several years ago.
The fires stopped.
I asked my readers to help my dying mother several years ago.
My mother is still with us.
Together, we can do something about Paris, too.
I’m not saying ignore current reality.
I’m asking you to create a better reality.
I’m saying don’t get caught up in fear.
I’m asking you to come from faith.
Look. If you think an attack will get you or a loved one, then it’s already gotten you.
You’re living in fear.
Your life is dark, gloomy and in a cage.
The media is flawless at whipping us into fear.
So I suggest ignoring the mainstream media.
It’s not information, it’s propaganda.
That’s why it’s called “programming.”
It gets large groups of people to think negative, which of course then becomes reality.
Why can’t we do the opposite?
Why can’t we get large groups of people to think positive?
Yes, be sure to travel safely and wisely.
Yes, be sure you take care of yourself and your family.
Yes, contribute to any causes you believe in that help people who need it right now.
But also check the storehouse in your mind.
Are you living in fear, or living in trust?
Are you coming from fear, or faith?
Are you focused on the negative, or are you doing something to create a positive?
We are always at choice.
My plea is that the readers of this blog — you — will stop, breathe, and focus on love; pray, or in some positive way send out an energy that will help dissolve the fear in and around us.
I’m asking you to do this today.
As I was writing this, I was reminded of the famous Paradoxical Commandments written by Dr. Kent M. Keith.
They go like this –
“People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.“If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.“If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.“The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.“Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.“The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.“People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.“What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.“People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.“Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.”
I know you may feel that thinking positive may be a waste of time.
Do it anyway.
I know you may feel that your efforts are insignificant.
Do it anyway.
I know you may wonder if group meditation will really work.
Do it anyway.
I know you may doubt if prayer will help.
Do it anyway.
Let’s create the positive future we want right now.
Let’s focus on spirit.
Let’s focus on love.
What I’m asking you to do is be happy, right now.
Send that loving energy out, in the direction of Paris.
Intend for all to be well, for, in reality, from a spiritual view of life, all is well.
We can make a difference.
It begins with you.
And me.
Will you join me?
Ao Akua,
PS – Please forward this post to family and friends, share it on Facebook and Twitter, and wherever you think it will make a difference. Thank you.
Note: Some resources for you:
For information on The Paradoxical Commandments see –
For information on meditation stopping wars and attacks see –
For information on prayer and The Secret Prayer see –
At the risk of turning this blog into an obituary column, I have to again pay homage to another friend who just passed away.
I’m in tears as I write this.
Morty Lefkoe was the most loving man I’ve ever met.
I met him at my first TLC (Transformational Leadership Council) meeting many years ago.
We instantly connected, talking about beliefs, books, personal change and more.
Morty had been deeply involved and influenced by est, the controversial seminar back in the 1970s.
He was friends with the founder, Werner Erhard (who was best man at Morty’s wedding), and handled the celebrity department as est grew.
He also personally studied with Ayn Rand, the author of staggering bestselling classics of literature, such as Atlas Shrugged.
Morty attended her private classes, once had a collection of her books, all signed (that today would be worth $20,000 each), and became personal friends with Rand.
He used to tell me stories about Erhard and Rand, that both fascinated and enlightened me.
I couldn’t help but think that Morty soaked up the wisdom of the giants.
But Morty never stopped learning or growing.
He developed his own system for change, called it the Lefkoe Method, and went on to use it to help tens of thousands of people, including me.
He wrote a book about it, too.
I love his book and suggest you read it.
When Morty and I would meet in person, we’d explore our thoughts about life and change, always wanting to learn from each other.
One time he asked me to write a blog post about the Law of Attraction.
He said he would write one, too.
We would then post them and then see what we each thought.
It was a great idea, and helped our readers, as well as both of us.*
When our wives went clothes shopping, Morty and I went book shopping.
When everyone else talked about the news of the day, Morty and I talked about what really works in personal transformation.
He treated me with love and respect, and often felt like an unconditionally loving uncle, encouraging me, listening to me, and loving me.
The last time I saw him, a few months ago, he was in the hospital.
His spirits were good.
He smiled big, asked about my life and projects, and showed no signs that he was unhappy.
He wasn’t.
He talked about projects he was working on, and excited about.
He acted like he was not going to leave us.
But he did.
He passed away yesterday, on November 11, 2015.
I’ll never forget him.
He was the most loving man I ever met.
I love you, Morty.
Ao Akua,
PS – Morty’s thoughts are worth digging into on his blog at and in his book. *You’ll find the blog he wrote on the Law of Attraction, with a link to the one I wrote about LOA, at
Recently on my Facebook fan page I posted this thought:
“Whenever you get upset, it’s because you went unconscious. A hidden belief was activated. Become aware of the belief, release it, and the upset vanishes. You are then able to clearly see what to do next in the moment.”
The idea is to become aware.
When something upsets you, it’s not because of the “something” but because of your internal trigger, usually an unconscious belief.
When you become aware of the belief, you can remove the trigger.
Then when “something” happens that used to upset you, you will be calm, and better able to see your choices in the moment.
In other words, when you get upset, you have to become acutely sensitive to what belief in you is being activated.
Under your emotions is a thought about how things “should” be.
Because things are suddenly not as your unconscious mind expected, a switch was thrown, a belief was activated, and you became upset.
But once you realize what the belief is, you can change it and no longer attract the experience.
As I also posted one time —
“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”
Once you clear the belief, you no longer need situations to remind you of it.
One way to find the belief, is to ask yourself what the situation means.
All of those statements seem like accurate observations of reality by the person stating them.
On one level, they are accurate.
But in unfiltered objective reality those statements are the beliefs that are attracting the subjective reality.
Clear the belief and you won’t attract the experience, or, if you attract something akin to it, it won’t bother you.
You’ll be free.
From time to time I post nuggets like that to help you do one thing: awaken.
For example, a while back I posted this:
“If you don’t have some self doubts and fears when you pursue a dream, then you haven’t dreamed big enough.”
The idea behind that one is to get you to stretch, and realize stretching will bring up any beliefs counter to your goal, what I call counter-intentions.
In other words, going for a big dream will make you excited and uncomfortable, at least until you clear the negative beliefs.
Because you’re leaving your comfort zone.
By the very nature of the phrase “comfort zone,” you will be uncomfortable when you leave it.
But that doesn’t mean you aren’t to go for your dreams.
It simply means that when you pursue a new goal, your limiting beliefs around it will surface.
Which brings up the question, how do you clear limiting beliefs and counter-intentions?
I’ve written and recorded numerous books and audios about many different processes you can use, from ho’oponopono to The Remembering Process to Nevillizing to the Fourth Dimension Process to Miracles Coaching and more.
But today I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching a six week class on all of this.
It’s called “Expect Miracles.”
It will be my definitive course on going beyond where you might be stuck to living a life of magic and miracles.
It will take you from beginning to advanced to awakening.
It will contain processes, meditations, visualizations and more, all led by me, all designed to help you.
It will take quotes like this from me and explain them:
“You created this moment from what you thought and felt three days ago. What you are thinking and feeling right now will create your next moments.”
In other words, Expect Miracles will help you understand how your mind works, so you can actually go past the mind and merge with the energy vortex of life itself.
In that realm, miracles are the norm.
The course begins November 10, 2015.
If this is something that resonates with you, then check it out at
Remember – Expect Miracles!
Ao Akua,
PS – For more quotes from me, one place to look is at
Maybe you’ve seen this, too —
Lots of people claim to be Law of Attraction experts — and yet continue to struggle.
Lots of people claim to be marketing experts — and yet can’t market their own goods.
Lots of people claim to be life coaches — and yet can’t influence their own children.
My favorite story is of the person who wrote a book on marketing – and then asked how to market it.
Or of the wealth coach who said he couldn’t meet potential clients for lunch — because he was broke.
I don’t know if these people are aware of their own hypocrisy, but this sort of self-deception is rampant.
Sadly, they also prey on the public.
They probably do it unconsciously and unintentionally, but they still do it.
You deserve better.
If you want to learn from a person who mastered marketing, money *and* the Law of Attraction, and went from homeless to living the lifestyle of the rich and famous, and has proven his coaching skills and methods over *decades* with countless numbers of people from all over the world, and in numerous best selling books, audios, movies, and more, then get over to —
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS — And IF you are ready for personal training, with me, over an entire year, then go discover The Gullwing Mastermind
Note: If you feel these services are currently out of your reach, remember that you can still have my famous book, Attract Money Now, gratis, by going to —
They never seem to realize that their request reveals their limiting beliefs about money.
Or that their limiting beliefs are the very reason they are struggling and wanting everything given to them.
After all, when I offer a program such as The Zero Point, and I put a price on it, it’s because it wasn’t free for me to make it.
The reality is –
People involved want paid.
Audio engineers want paid.
Graphic artists want paid.
Credit card merchants want paid.
Manufacturers want paid.
Warehouse wants paid.
Shippers want paid.
My staff wants paid.
And why do they want paid?
For the same reason you do.
Because they have their own bills, too.
So is it really reasonable to ask for a program like to be sent to you for nothing in return?
Does that make any sense?
Is that fair?
Plus, most people don’t value what is given to them as a handout.
I give away my book Attract Money Now at
Have you read it?
Have you implemented the seven steps in it?
Be honest.
I also give away all three volumes of The Miracles Manual
Did you get them?
Did you read them?
Did you implement what you read?
Tell the truth.
If you are serious about making a difference in your life, then stop asking for freebies and invest in your own awakening.
One place to start is at —
It’s the difference between free and freedom.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – You can also just jump in and transform your life with the best offering of all Miracles Coaching.