At Thanksgiving, when I was a kid, my mom
would save the turkey “wishbone” (technically
called the furcula), lay it up somewhere on
the kitchen sill to dry, and then a few days
later I’d get to make a wish and snap the
wishbone with my brothers or sister holding
the other side. When it broke, whoever held
the longer piece would receive their wish.
I did a bit of research and found out that
this custom came from an ancient Italian
civilization known as the Etruscans. They
passed it on to the Romans, and eventually
it reached the English.
Being Italian, I was curious about the
Etruscans and discovered that they believed
chickens were oracles, capable of predicting
the future. According to an article in
Mental Floss:
“They exploited the chickens’ supposed gifts
by turning them into walking ouija boards with
a bizarre ritual known as…’rooster divination.’
They would draw a circle on the ground and divide
it into wedges representing the letters of the
Etruscan alphabet….Bits of food were scattered
on each wedge and a chicken was placed in the
center of the circle. As the bird snacked,
scribes would note the sequence of letters
that it pecked at, and the local priests would
use the resulting messages to divine the future….”
The Etruscans believed that the bird’s fortune
telling power remained even after its death,
and would dry the bone in the sun to preserve it.
“People would then pick up the bone, stroke it,
and make wishes on it, hence its modern name.”
This simple custom has withstood the vagaries
of time, changing very little throughout cultures.
It’s hard to believe that even though this ritual
is thousands of years old, it will still be a part
of many Thanksgiving dinners again this season.
But that’s the power of belief.
And as you can see, unless you change something,
things can go on quite indefinitely.
Still…there’s another reason I wanted to tell
this story, which is that we simply don’t need
to go through all this. We certainly don’t need
a turkey, a chicken, or a bone – fun as it is.
Here’s the secret of the ages: If you want to know
your future, you are the oracle.
Yes, you.
With this knowledge, you can transform your life
into one of joy, peace, inspiration, love and
enthusiasm at any time you choose.
This may seem like a tall order now, but it won’t
after my two-day life-changing event in Austin
this weekend (and you won’t have to wait for the
wishbone at Thanksgiving).
On the other hand, not understanding this is the
cause of an untold number of struggles, be they
in the realm of finance, relationships, health
and body, or work.
In fact, most of these problems poof and vanish
like magic once you know how to access your deep
connection to the Divine and, thus, cause your
own transformation.
Truth – or fortune – be told, awakening is the
key to manifesting your true destiny and calling.
And it’s the only future really worth knowing.
Join me at my event (or watch it from the comfort
of where you are sitting right now) —
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ao Akua,
PS — Have faith. Take action. Expect Miracles.
Back in the early 1960s, I used to watch a popular television game show called, To Tell the Truth, where three contestants did their best to bluff a panel of four celebrity judges.
One of the contestants (who, according to the rules could never lie) always had some sort of unusual occupation. The other two were imposters (and could lie). At the end of every show, the host would say, “Will the real ‘so and so’ please stand up?” and we’d all find out who was telling the truth.
Life is not really that much different.
We’re all a bit like those celebrity judges on the show trying to figure out what’s the truth…or to put it another way, which beliefs are going to get us where we want to go. Because, let’s face it, the real rewards go to those who have beliefs that support them in winning – with money or otherwise.
This famous game show line is where I got the idea for one of the chapter titles in my forthcoming book, At Zero: The Quest for Miracles through Ho’oponopono (which you’ll be the first to receive prior to its official release next year when you attend my November event in Austin).
The chapter is called “Will the Real Ho’oponopono Please Stand Up?” and reflects one of the reasons I had for writing this book: to clear up a number of misconceptions surrounding this ancient healing method and to shed light on how it evolved through the 21st century.
And it has evolved…just like the rest of life. (Seriously, where would we be if the Old Testament hadn’t given way to the New Testament?)
Nothing stands still.
New revelations, new inspirations, new information is constantly revealing itself moment to moment – if you’re open to it.
Being open means that sometimes you have to surrender what you know.
However….this does require faith and trust, two principles you’ll find threaded throughout all my material.
In fact, it’s how I create all my material.
And Ho’oponopono has been invaluable in this regard because it helps me distinguish the difference between my ego and true inspiration. It’s my favorite method for transforming myself – cleaning and clearing any internal beliefs that could potentially run interference as I move forward.
And, to me, the results speak for themselves.
I’ve been able to exponentially increase my productivity and, surprisingly, increase my range of creative pursuits.
For example, in addition to writing books, I’ve become an award-nominated musician (when a few years ago I couldn’t even play a chord).
Recently, I’ve even released weight and transformed my physical body – going to an entirely new level of health and fitness (at the age of 60).
There’s simply no end to what you can achieve through your own personal transformation – even in areas that have been persistent problems.
But first, you have to decide what your truth is…
By consciously choosing between beliefs that work and those that merely keep you “wandering in the desert” – beliefs that make you rich or those that keep you struggling.
I’m excited that this is the level of work we’re going to be doing in Austin, Texas on November 9 and 10, and where, when it’s over, you’ll walk away with a new view of yourself.
The real you…
You know, the one that’s just been waiting to be called to stand up.
Go to
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – Moments after you register for the mega-event, you will get access to over $12,000 in online videos to start your process of awakening. Take a leap of faith and go to –
I wrote about fitness legend Bill Phillips (of Body-for-Life fame) and his new Transformation Camp Challenge on March 1st. I gave you an update on my progress with his program on May 18th. Today I want to share my current news because I just received my second medal from Bill, for completing his Transformation Camp 12-week challenge a second time.
Since February I’ve released 37 pounds of extra weight and added 12 pounds of solid muscle. Photos of my inflated biceps after an upper body workout are pretty impressive. I’m no match for my friend Lou Ferrigno but I’m turning myself on with my progress. I have Popeye arms. I feel like a Hercules in training.
There’s nothing like feeling strong and healthy to make you willing and able to take on challenges and wrestle to the ground any encounters. I’ve also noticed that the healthier you are, the more your income increases.
Part of this is due to the higher self-esteem you get when you are fit. A lot of it also comes from the reality that you have the energy to work and get projects done. I’m no slouch at productivity, but with all this extra energy, watch my smoke!
I fully endorse Bill Phillips and his program, and I’ve had to tweak it to get results for me. Since so many people are into health, fitness, weight loss and longevity, I thought I would share some of my insights with you here.
Here they are:
Again, the above are my tweaks for my body. I strongly encourage you to contact Bill Phillips and get started with his tested path. From there, you can fine tune your eating and exercising to fit your own lifestyle.
As I’ve written here before, I fully endorse Bill Phillips. I am not an affiliate for anything he offers (he doesn’t know I’m writing this) but I fully recommend all of it. I’ll be attending his Transformation Camp again January 3-5, to kick-off my third 12-week challenge with him. For more details, go to or send an email to [email protected]
Ao Akua,
PS – Bill Phillips is a featured speaker at my Attract Money Now Live event in Austin, Texas, November 8-10. Get details and register right now at
Famous comedian Groucho Marx once said, “Money frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy.”
Given my own experience, I’d not only agree with him, but take it a step further and say that, besides freeing you up from things you dislike doing, money frees you up to do what you love.
So let me ask you this, what would you love doing if you had, say, a billion dollars?
Lay around on your favorite beaches of the world sipping margaritas?
Charter a plane to New York or London for dinner?
Buy an island in the Caribbean?
Naturally…what all billionaires do, right?
Well, actually, no…not Oprah, anyway.
She got busy and started her own cable television network.
Oh, that’s easy for her, you might be thinking. She’s been in television forever, she’s already mega-successful, and she’s rich. No big deal. Heck, she could probably do it with her eyes closed.
So imagine my surprise when I heard her say in an interview that she almost had a nervous breakdown from the stress of taking on the CEO role, something she’d hadn’t planned on and, in fact, resisted.
She talked about how hard it was to constantly read or hear the media describe OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) as “struggling.”
“Every time I opened a paper, there was that word – struggling. Not a word I like to have associated with my name, nor a space that I really choose to be in personally, emotionally or spiritually…. So really, inside myself became the desire to literally change the narrative – more important than anything was to change the narrative.” – Oprah
Imagine that – a billionaire working on her mindset.
Yep, even after all the years of abundant success, fame and money, she still has to focus on transformation because, as she said, “You can’t let the outside world – be it your mother, sister, cousin, friends, whomever, and for me, the media – define the space that you’re in. You’ve got to do that for yourself.”
So just in case you were thinking there was some magic amount of money that would allow you to just sail on and coast…
Think again.
No one’s immune from the chilling effects that things “out there” can have on their mind – things like the economy, the government, the stock market, the news, friends, family, co-workers…
They never go away.
You have to stay vigilantly conscious and aware.
Like Oprah, you have to choose something different – “change the narrative” and create a new story for yourself, a new conversation.
And sometimes you need support.
According to Oprah, she didn’t do it by herself. She sought out mentors, people who could help her to see things differently, to see what was possible.
That’s the power of having access to the right people and the right tools, and why I’ve put together a one-of-a-kind event in Austin this November.
Because transformation doesn’t have to take forever – it can happen in one fell swoop.
And you’re never too rich, too successful, or, for that matter, too old to do more…become more…have more.
Now go sign up at
Ao Akua,
PS – Link for Oprah interview:
It used to baffle me to see people being cynical or negative. It was even more confusing when they were cynical or negative about the Law of Attraction, the movie The Secret, my book Zero Limits, or me.
That never made sense.
But I just had a revelation that parted the clouds and showed me the sanity behind the madness.
In short, people who are cynical or negative enjoy it.
They feel good when they find fault with others.
But why?
Answer: they get a burst of serotonin in their brain when they feel they are better than someone else.
It’s a status rush.
They are, to be blunt, happily cynical.
But there’s a problem with that “Smiling Pessimist” approach to life.
It all made sense to me when Dr. Loretta Breuning sent me her books. I didn’t (and still don’t) know her, but she dropped me an email and said she was sending me her three latest books, Beyond Cynical, Meet Your Happy Chemicals, and I, Mammal. Each sounded fascinating, and I truly wanted to see them all.
But I had no idea the first one I picked up would blow the lid off my mind and lead to a profound insight into human behavior, mine as well as yours.
Beyond Cynical: Transcend Your Mammalian Negativity, grabbed me as soon as I read the back cover copy:
“Cynicism feels good because it triggers the brain chemicals that make us happy. It triggers dopamine by making things seem predictable. It boosts serotonin by making you feel superior to ‘the jerks.’ It stimulates oxytocin by cementing social alliances. Cynicism relieves cortisol as you fight or flee in your mind. Negativity is natural, but you can go beyond it if you choose.”
All those negative, cynical people were actually enjoying their tirades because their brain was flooding them with feel good chemicals.
Of course, they had no idea their negativity was a cocaine rush and almost as addicting.
They just felt it was “natural.”
And the more they did it, the more the “happy” chemicals flooded their brain, making them want to continue in the behavior, even when their negativity and cynicism hurt others.
They were addicted to the feeling good that comes from feeling bad.
The problem is, this cynical approach to life doesn’t improve life.
As Dr. Breuning writes in Beyond Cynical, “You may think your outrage serves the greater good, but it is just a habit wired into your neurons. You can do more for yourself and the world by going beyond it.”
The good news is that negativity and cynicism can be replaced with something far more healthy, happy, and productive.
After all, as Dr. Breuning points out, being cynical ultimately isn’t helping you or the planet in any constructive way. She says it makes you powerless. A smarter approach would be to train yourself to become realistically optimistic.
It’s called PARE in Dr. Breuning’s world. That stands for Personal Agency and Realistic Expectations. She explains it this way:
“Personal Agency is the awareness that you can meet your real needs through your own actions. Realistic Expectations are the knowledge that rewards are unpredictable, and frustration is not a survival threat. When you PARE, you enjoy the act of meeting your needs instead of lamenting the world’s failure to meet them for you.”
She goes on to explain that you can build a PARE habit “…in six weeks by spending one minute thinking about something good three times a day.”
Sounds easy enough.
I’ve got one minute three times a day.
You probably do, too.
According to the author, though, it may be tough going to overturn an old habit. After all, the neuron highway for negativity may be already paved, and completed before you were six years old. You have to go “off road” a few times to begin to build a new path. Once you do, though, the new habit will have a new highway and your new positive behavior will then be natural and automatic.
I know this firsthand.
Back around 1974, I sat on the steps of the house I lived in at Kent State University, feeling unhappy. A couple walked by, saw me sulking, and the woman said, “You look like the unhappiest man on earth.” I told the story to a college friend who said, “You’re just naturally depressed.”
Today no one says I am unhappy, negative, depressed, cynical or anything of the sort. Over time, I retrained my brain to see the positive in life, and to get my brain chemical rush from optimism. Today people say, “You’re lucky. You’re just naturally happy.”
I was naturally unhappy once.
Today I’m naturally happy.
Which is true?
“Natural” seems to be something we can create and then it is viewed as natural.
While Dr. Breuning doesn’t talk about the Law of Attraction, she does explain that we get what we expect. She says, “We don’t imagine ourselves sifting the world for evidence that confirms our expectations. But that is what the brain is designed to do.”
Expect the world to be messed up and people bad, and you’ll find evidence for it. Your brain will “attract it” by making it seem obvious to you.
But by the same token, expect the world to be abundant and people good, and your very same brain will “attract it” by filtering out everything that doesn’t match your expectations.
One dopamine-triggering later chapter in Beyond Cynical describes all the huge topics many people complain about today — such as climate crisis, economic crisis, and social crisis — and balances them with a more objective and historic overview that proves things today are actually better and getting better.
Dr. Breuning isn’t saying the world is perfect; she admits to problems that need a PARE attitude to resolve. But she says things are better. A cynic won’t see the better, and may never see how to make current issues better. They, too, will get what they expect.
As I pointed out in the book, Zero Limits, and in the sequel, At Zero (coming in January), your brain can’t process all the 11,000,000 bits of data flying at you in every second, so it learns to filter out what you don’t need to know. But the filter it uses is based on what you expect.
What do you expect?
Until you become aware of how your brain works, you will expect what you were already trained to expect. For most, that’s just plain fear. To go beyond it, you need to retrain your brain to see something else.
I am loving Beyond Cynical because it is making me conscious of how my brain operates. Much of Dr. Breuning’s book draws from research into animal behavior, which makes sense as we basically are just animals with wallets.
She quotes Robert Ardrey, who said —
“We are not fallen angels, but risen apes.”
She’s not describing animals because they are a model of love, but because they are wired to survive in any way possible, doing things that feel good but that may not actually be good.
That same mammal programming is in you and me. It drives us to food, sex, and status. The insights we gain from her book can make us far more productive, kind, and healthy.
When I want to reach for something to eat, for example, I ask myself if this is what my body actually needs, or has my brain learned that food stimulates chemicals in my system, leads to the happy feeling of survival, and that that stimulation itself feels good?
No animal would think that deeply about food: see bananas, access survival odds of going for them with other monkeys around, and decide to eat and run or just run.
From that new awareness of how my mammal brain is operating, as a conscious human looking at my food choices, I can make a healthier decision.
And as I wrote this post, a part of me felt the serotonin of feeling superior to all the naysayers out there. I enjoyed writing this, because I feel the article is a benefit to mankind as it informs you of books that can make a difference. But I’m very aware that a feel good survival chemical went off as I wrote this for you.
I liked it, too.
These three books are influencing my view of the world. I now see myself, and others, as “risen apes.” We aren’t awakened yet. We are still driven by mammalian impulses to keep us surviving. With conscious effort, we can transcend these urges. With these books, you can get a head start.
You can probably draw numerous eyeopening insights about yourself and others by reading Beyond Cynical (and the other books) by Dr. Lorettta Breuning — that is, as long as you aren’t cynical about it.
Her website is Inner Mammal Institute.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you truly want to feel good, expand your mind, and step into the world of unlimited abundance where you don’t have to fight other mammals for bananas, be sure to register for Attract Money Now LIVE. Details at Attract Money Now LIVE!