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I read your book Zero Limits in December, 2008. I work as a lifecoach and parenting instructor at the Women’s prison in Baton Rouge. I hold three classes each week with 20 women in each class. I started doing the ho’oponono immediately after starting the book. I could see instant results with the women in the group. I shared the information with them and bought five books for them to take turns reading. They have shared so many success stories with me about how the deputies in charge of them are changing. One day last week, there was some sort of disturbance going on in the prison. I could hear the commotion outside of my classroom. The warden stepped in my classroom and had this stunned look on his face. He couldn’t believe the calmness and quietness of the room with all of the ruckus going on outside. He told me, “I don’t know what you are doing, just keep doing it.” He has shared with me on several occasions that all of the women are behaving better and are actually getting to have priveledges they have never been able to have before. I am also having positive changes with my teenage daughters and husband. Thank you so much for bringing this information to light.
Cindy Ray-Huber
Regional Director, RCB of Baton Rouge
Last night I got to meet Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements and Toltec Wisdom expert. He’s a gentle, sweet soul speaking what he calls just plain common sense. He told me about his next book, The Fifth Agreement. What is The Fifth Agreement? “Be skeptical of everything (even yourself) but learn to listen.” We talked for maybe thirty minutes about life, the brain, meaning, the ego, and more. He’s also working on a book about psychology, saying we’re still influenced by Freud, which is outdated and incorrect. The photo is of Don Miguel and myself, taken by his son. Most of the conversation was filmed, and will be on YouTube soon. If you haven’t read his book, check it out at or of course your local book store.
I’ll be signing books (Expect Miracles and The Attractor Factor, 2nd edition) this Saturday in Wimberley, Texas. Michael Abedin of Austin All Natural magazine will also be there offering healthy chocolate products for tasting. Stop by. Jan. 31st, 1-4 PM at Rancho Deluxe, on the Square in Wimberley, Texas. Call 512-847-9570 or toll free 877-847-9570 or see http:/
My birthday is tomorrow. In my 55 years I’ve learned that the most powerful tool for personal and planetary transformation is one thing: giving.
Give and you’ll get.
Give and you’ll prosper.
Give and you’ll feel better.
Give and you’ll live.
What does that mean?
It’s all explained in a brand new book by Dr. Rick Barrett and myself — a book which you can have for free.
Just go to — — to download the e-book version of it.
Joe Sugarman of BluBlocker sunglasses fame said the book “ probably one of the most inspiring books I’ve ever read.”
Jon Biel, founder of Make the Difference Network said, “‘Give to Live’ is a MUST READ for everyone!”
Dr. Robert Anthony said, “Joe Vitale’s and Rick Barrett’s ‘Give to Live’ will bless your life and the life of everyone you share it with.”
Dr. Joe Rubino said, “Giving is the access to manifesting what you wish to attract and ‘Give to Live’ is the book that contains the wisdom necessary for you to manifest your deepest desires by contributing to others.”
Again, you can have the e-book for free at —
Enjoy — and please share it with others.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you would prefer to have a printed copy of the book for yourself or to give to people you care about, you can order it from —
There are only a handful of books that have dramatically influenced my life. Considering how much I read (sometimes a book a day), that’s pretty sad.
There’s The Magic of Believing and The Robert Collier Letter Book.
But number one on the list is one you may never have heard of before: The Book of est.
It beat out Think and Grow Rich, and even the Bible. I know that’s bold and controversial. But it’s also the truth.
Here are two reasons why I love the book:
The book is the famous est experience in written form. est, or Erhard Seminar Training, was the controversial self-help movement of the 1970s and beyond.
Anyone who withstood the heat of the weekends was never the same again. Lives were transformed forever. You faced yourself and your story in a way that was confrontational and oh so real.
I never got to do est. I was a skeptic and a hold out. I made fun of it when I saw all the articles about it.
Truth is, I was afraid of it.
I was young and in college and unsure of everything, including myself. By the time I got around to wanting to do est, it was gone and reincarnated into something called The Forum.
I did the Forum and endorse it today.
But it’s no est.
The Book of est puts you into the room and gets you to feel the intensity. You somehow experience est.
And it’s hot.
When my late wife began to type up the book to be republished by me, she had to keep stopping. She said it was intense and dramatic.
She died during the transcription process. But that had nothing to do with the book. It had more to do with her choices and what the book urged her to face.
Obviously, a book isn’t a drill sergeant self-help instructor yelling in your face about what isn’t working in your life. But The Book of est comes close.
It’s safe.
It’s easy reading.
But it’s still real.
Oh so very real.
Just reading it can cause you to awaken to your own patterns. And once you see them, you can let them go.
Or not.
After all, what you get from the book is what you get.
But that’s only the first reason I love The Book of est.
The second reason I love this book is because the writing is, well, hypnotic. It’s riveting.
Luke Rhinehart has the gift of writing dialogue and description that puts you in the room with the characters experiencing est.
In many ways, this was one of the first examples I ever found of what I eventually labeled as Hypnotic Writing. While I later wrote a book called Hypnotic Writing, it was Luke Rhinehart who paved the way for me to know what it was when a true master was at work.
For me, this is one of the best written books of all time.
The author wrote some other cult classics, too. The Dice Man is a masterpiece. It’s well written, engaging, humorous and in some ways dangerous.
Just like The Book of est.
But where The Dice Man is alive and well in print, The Book of est has been gone for decades.
Search on eBay or Amazon and you might find original copies going for one hundred dollars on up to a thousand dollars. I’ve paid that much for copies, too. I collect them.
The Book of est is one of the rare life changing gems that I can’t get enough of or read enough times.
Sometimes I give the book away. Usually I don’t. Usually I just keep it for myself, as one of the most powerful books of all time kept hidden in my own secret vault of wisdom.
The good news for you is this: Luke is now a friend of mine. We’ve corresponded, shared books, and decided to join a partnership. With the help of my friend Mark Ryan, the most powerful self-help book of all time is now available to you.
And all you have to do is go here to get it as a downloadable ebook —
Go see.
I dare you.
Ao Akua,
PS – est was all about being real. The Book of est will challenge you as never before. How? And why is it the greatest self-help book of all time? Go see for yourself at I double-dare you.