Tag: cigars


Brainstorm with Joe Vitale

In case you want to work with me in person, letting me help you personally with my three decades of marketing and metaphysical experience, here are three ways to do it —

1. On May 28th I am holding a private mastermind event in Austin, Texas. It will be a half-day of brainstorming with me and nine other people.  It is a powerful way to profit from the group energy and the group’s experience, combined with my own. The fee is $5,000. Write [email protected] for details, availability, etc.

2. If you would prefer a one-on-one mastermind, with just you and me, working together on your life and business, then you might want to consider the Phantom Mastermind. While I sold my Rolls-Royce, I have a brand new 2016 Bentley that we can drive to dinner in, and then spend three or four hours focused on you and your desires. The fee is $7,500. To register, write [email protected] The site explaining it is – https://www.mrfire.com/phantom/

3. If you want year-long personal mentoring by me, with monthly meetings by phone or Skype, then you might consider my Gullwing Mastermind. This is a major commitment of time and money, but clearly it could obviously transform your life and business forever. Write [email protected] Details are at — http://blog.mrfire.com/whats-your-gullwing/

Finally —

And if you want a far less investment to get some insights and inspiration from me, consider my new Awakened Millionaire Academy. You can have lifetime access for only a one-time investment. Details at — http://awakenedmillionaireacademy.com/join-12/

Choose your path to success.

Write [email protected] with any questions.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you feel all of the above are beyond your reach at this time, then be sure to go read The Miracles Manual: The Secret Coaching Sessions. All three volumes are yours, free, over at – http://www.miraclesmanual.com

Note: All prices are good at the time of this posting and may change at any time.

Available April 18th

Available April 18th


Wealth vs Riches

A friend said, “The richest person I know lives in a van and gives out cookies.”

I’m sure my friend was confusing riches with wealth.

As Roger Hamilton once said, “Wealth is what you have left over after you’ve lost all your money.”

In other words, riches are measurable materials like cash and assets, and wealth is the immeasurable but still real capital such as skills, relationships, wisdom, experience, education and the like.

To live in today’s world, you need both.

The man living in a van has to buy fuel; he also has to buy the ingredients to make cookies, or buy them ready to eat. He probably also has some sort of utility expenses.

He needs money, too.

A friend who volunteers a lot once said, “You need money to work for free.”

Spiritual people often deceive themselves into thinking money is bad or evil.

You can certainly use money to do bad things, but money itself is neutral.

We use it instead of swapping furs for shoes.

A wiser and more balanced approach is to make peace with money and increase your wealth.

You do both with education: inspiration and information, and rightly applied.

Years ago I created a course on just that, called “The Secret to Attracting Money.”

Entire course on attracting money

Entire course on attracting money

Despite the word ‘money’ in the title, it’s actually a spiritual and material approach to having a wholesome life.

After all, you are free to live as you please, but my experience reveals that you can be happier and healthier, and help more people and causes, when you are wealthy and rich.

Yes, you can hand out cookies, but it may be wiser to hand out cash.

I’ve given away cars, guitars, cash, and more.

I’ve helped family and friends, and complete strangers.

I’ve donated to causes and movements that help others.

I could not do any of that when I was homeless, or in poverty, or if I lived in a van giving out cookies.

“Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.” Benjamin Franklin

Yes, reduce your expenses.

Yes, live within your means.

And yes, follow your dreams and fulfill your life mission and make a difference in the world.

Live with eyes and heart open, so you can experience all of life and help others, too.

If you agree, check out my course at The Secret to Attracting Money.

Wealth and Riches await.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you prefer to not spend any money at all today, you can read my book on the subject, for free, at Attract Money Now.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


3-Minute Self-Help

I’m living my “bucket list” dream of being a musician by recording my fifth singer-songwriter album (my eleventh as a music artist).

The songs on this new album are apparently better than ever, as legendary musicians are saying the lyrics are “perfect” and “hypnotic” and “every song is a favorite.”

Drummer Joe Vitale

Drummer Joe Vitale

Drummer Joe Vitale – yes, he has the same name as me – who is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and has created over 200 albums, with over 50 being gold (and many platinum) records – asked me how I came up with the songs for this new album.

Playing a Versoul baritone guitar on the new album

Playing a Versoul baritone guitar on the new album

Here’s what I told him:

1. Intention

I have an intention to turn one of my messages into a song. In other words, I have positive messages – the ones I spend entire books writing about – and I want to morph them into songs people want to hear.

2. Inspiration

I have a Cuban cigar (now legal) and relax. Anything could help, as long as it relaxes me, and lets my mind drift. This mind wandering is what allows me to receive a song to match my intention.

3. Implementation

I pick up an acoustic guitar — usually the one Tony Nobles made for Ray Wylie Hubbard that I later bought – and just ad lib a song. I let it be nonsense or sense. I try not to judge too early. I want the song to come to me, from the muse or my mind, or the dance of both.

4. Record

I then turn on the voice recorder on my iPhone and record what is coming. This may be an entire song, a few chords, lyrics, or other snippet. Doesn’t matter. I record it.

5. Revise

I then transcribe the song, so I have the words on paper for me to tweak or approve. I usually spend a lot of time bringing the message into rhyme and polished form. I’ve learned you can polish inspiration.

From there, it’s a matter of living with the songs and seeing if they take more refined shape and that I really like them.

After that, it’s time to get my band together – Daniel Barrett, drummer Joe Vitale, Glenn Fukunaga and Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon – and see how they can help me arrange the music to fit the message. (Sometimes I have guest artists, as well. Grammy nominated singer Ruthie Foster sings on my new album.)

The result is a Hypnotic Song.

And because they are generally three minutes long, the songs are like 3-minute self-help books.

My new album – the one we just completed recording – contains the best songs I’ve ever written so far.

From rock to jazz to poetry to sing-a-long, there’s something for everyone.

It’s called “One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song.”

You can pre-order it at One More Day.

Coming Soon - "One More Day"

Coming Soon - "One More Day"

I’m sharing this with you today for a few reasons:

1. I want you to go for your dreams, too.

Whatever your secret positive desire, you deserve to experience it. You’ll never know if you don’t try. Do it. Now.

2. I want you to set intentions and trust that inspiration will come to you as a result.

While intentions can be limitations, they can also be directives. Use them as starting points to “call forth” something great.

3. I want you to be fearless.

Being a musician in my sixties is a wild jump for me, yet it is not only working, but working flawlessly. My music is well received, my songs and singing are getting better and better, and I’m having a blast. Had I not faced the early doubts and fears, I would have missed this incredible life.

Sing your song, dance your dance, live your life.

Pre-order the new album “One  More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song” by clicking right here.

Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,


PS – I posted this brief video on Facebook and 12,000 people viewed it there. It’s a sneak peek at a song off the new album, with me describing the depth of it, and how it moves me. See http://youtu.be/xiELqAr1Exk or you can see it on the album site right here.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Almost Meeting JFK

I went to meet President John F. Kennedy in 1961.

My father worked on the railroad and got a free pass to travel by train from Ohio to Washington, D.C.

He took my mother, my new born baby sister, my two brothers, and me.

He didn’t have enough money to feed us or stay in a hotel, so the trip was a brief whirlwind tour of key points.

It included a quick walk through of the Library of Congress, where my youngest brother wandered off and was lost for what seemed like an eternity to my parents. (I didn’t care. I was in a room full of books.)

When my brother was found, my mother asked my father, “Why don’t you spank him?” (It was the 1960s, remember.)

My exhausted dad replied, “I’m too happy to see him.”

But all I cared about was the White House.

I wanted to meet JFK.

I wanted to meet him

I wanted to meet JFK

I was eight years old.

He was the first President I was conscious of, as JFK’s name was on everyone’s lips. He seemed to be the most beloved man who ever lived.

My grandparents had a plate with John F. Kennedy’s face on it, hanging on a wall. So did my parents. So did most of the nation. The only other face on our wall was Jesus.

My family seemed to like JFK because he was charming, handsome, witty, smart, and Catholic.

My fiery red-headed grandmother liked him because, as she put it, “He’s good lookin’.”

I was too young to know all the random elements of what makes a politician popular. All I knew is that everyone liked JFK.

No, they loved him.

He inspired us with now famous quotes, such as, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

So my family went to the White House in 1961. It was a lot easier to get in there and walk through it then it is today.

I remember some nice lady giving us a short tour.

I also remember asking the question I wanted to know the answer to the most, “Where’s the President?”

JFK was a leader

JFK was a leader

The tour guide simply said, ‘He’s not here.”

I was disappointed.

I probably sulked my eight year old self all the way back to Ohio.

So it was even more devastating to hear of his assassination in 1963.

I liked JFK.

I miss him.

Ao Akua,


PS – I loved JFK’s humor. He was a model of relaxed disarmament through words. Relive it here:

Coming soon!

Coming soon!


Business Card Fun

A fellow on a recent flight showed me his business card. It was humorous and inspired me to make one of my own. The irony is, I rarely give out cards anymore. For fun, here’s the back of mine:

My new business card

My new business card

PS – I’m not sure where to post this but I have to share it with someone:  I’m number 96 on the ReverbNation Singer Songwriter charts for the entire US. (!) http://t.co/I5Ux2pB0EA

Cick image to get free book

Click image to get free book