Tag: coaching


The Abundance Network

I was interviewed about my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm) while in Chicago recording it. The host asked, “Joe, with the economy in the tank and sinking, what are we to do?”

“How do you know it’s sinking?” I asked. “Where did you hear about it?”

He seemed surprised by my questions. But I didn’t give him a chance to reply. I went on saying —

“The only reason you think it’s terrible out there is because you are being programmed to think so by the mainstream media.”

The host stared at me as I went on my soapbox and continued —

“The media is trained to find bad news and broadcast it to you. The more they do it and you believe it, the worst the world looks. It then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You live from the new paradigm of scarcity and the media, doing its job, broadcasts it. You don’t even see it happening. It feels real. You take it as reality.”

At that point I could have told the true story of how ABC News came to my home – twice – and interviewed me for hours. They even filmed an entire evening with me and celebrity fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee during one of my Rolls-Royce Phantom Masterminds.

Six months later all that footage was edited down to barely three minutes of highly distorted “news.” The same news station that broadcast a slimy angle about my work also broadcast commercials for drugs with known side effects, such as death.

That’s mainstream news.

You might call it the Scarcity Network.

The Scarcity Network typically airs facts in negative terms and slants. For example, a reader sent me the following —

“Joe, just a further example for you of negative news.  The US originally thought that we lost 131,000 jobs in July, it is actually 77K jobs better and it is still packaged as bad news.  Then, some people feel that their job prospects are better so they decide to enter the labor force and we show an uptick in unemployment. Wouldn’t a headline of:  “US retains 77,000 more jobs than originally thought while more workers choose to enter the labor force” be a better headline?”

Yes, it would be a better headline. But the Scarcity Network won’t broadcast that. It’s not the programming they want you to have in your head. They need you to live in fear. They need you controlled. They’re not doing this out of any intentional conspiracy, but because they were programmed, too. This is their paradigm.

But I didn’t relate either of the above to my interviewer. Instead, I turned direction and said —

“But what if there was a different channel to watch or listen to? What if there was an Abundance Network and all it broadcast were inspiring stories of people succeeding, accomplishing, attracting and achieving? What if they spun everything in a good way?”

I continued with —

“We all know that there are people doing well in the world right now. If this alternative media broadcast their positive news, and that’s all you watched, you would soon be programmed to see the world as an abundant place. You would then create a self-fulfilling prophecy of abundance. You would then see abundance. You would then see opportunities. You would live in a world of miracles. That would then feel real.”

At that point I could have related the true story of the man who gave out credit cards to a handful of homeless people as a test to see what they would do with them. In every case, the homeless person used the card as they said they would, didn’t misuse it to buy drugs or alcohol, and even returned the card when done.

The Abundance Network would report this story to show the hope and responsibility in the destitute; the Scarcity Network would run a similar test but air what didn’t work, even if they had to make it up, or they would complain that the cards had low limits, etc.  They would find a weakness in an otherwise inspiring story. But they would focus on the weakness not to correct it but to communicate the unspoken programming, “See, told you homeless people were unreliable and its hopeless to try to help them!”

Back to my interview.

My host barely had time to stutter before I kept going with —

“Look. Both types of world exist right now — the lousy economy one as well as the abundant economy one. I’m not denying that. But it’s like an optical illusion. Depending on how you look, the image is either an old woman, or a young woman. Reality itself is neutral. The question is, which view are you going to let program you? Which do you want to live in?”

old woman illusion

I’m not aware of an Abundance Network yet. But until something like it exists — or until my new audio program comes out in late October or The Dr. Joe Vitale Show starts airing on CBS radio — what are you to do?

Here’s my suggestion —

Reprogram your mind.

Take charge of it.

Feed it the positive and you’ll see and then attract the positive.

You’ll “tune in” to the Abundance Network in your own mind. You’ll have a paradigm shift (a shift of your view of the world) and you’ll see abundance where you didn’t before. It’s basic Law of Attraction at work: you attract what you expect and believe. Just change the channel in your mind.

And then you can thumb your nose at the doomsayers out there.

You can become immune to them.

You can see reality as the grand optical illusion and choose which view of it best suits you.

How can you do this?

Go see — http://milagromanifestationmethod.com

It’s the single best thing you can do for yourself — short of Miracles Coaching — at this time in history.

It’ll tell you the true story of a broke man who found the secret to fulfilling virtually any desire you may have.

And it’ll tell you how to easily program your mind with the positive while you do something even easier than watching TV.

Go to — http://milagromanifestationmethod.com

And check out Miracles Coaching right here.

What station will you choose — the Scarcity Network or the Abundance Network?

It’s your move.

And your mind.

Choose wisely.

Ao Akua,


PS — You’ll get about $1,150 in mind shifting goods when you go to that site. So why not go there right now, while it’s on your mind and you know you’re curious? Go here — http://milagromanifestationmethod.com

Note: My new audio program will be out late October. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. Stay tuned for details. For now, visit Nightingale-Conant. It’s pretty close to an Abundance Network all by itself. Go see. You’ll love it.

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Unlocking Nightingale's Secret Vault

When I was in Chicago recording my new audio program (The Abundance Paradigm: Moving from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation) I heard about the secret vault of Nightingale-Conant, creator of self-development and self-help and self-improvement audios since 1960. I of course needed to see it. You can see me wandering around in it below. Enjoy.

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The Abundance Paradigm

I just recorded my latest audio program for Nightingale-Conant. It’s called The Abundance Paradigm. It explains how to move from the Law of Attraction to the Law of Creation. It’s a complete course of in-depth clearing, with powerful original processes I’ve never shared before. It’s my most experiential and spiritual program yet. You’ll love it.

I’ll tell you more about it later (it releases late October) but want to share the following insight with you today:

Truth is, once you make the shift to living in The Abundance Paradigm, attracting your highest good is as easy as breathing. It’s natural. It’s your new way of being. You no longer even think about affirmations or visualizations or intentions. You simply live from the new you.

But how do you make that shift?

My new program explains how. It goes beyond The Attractor Factor or Zero Limits or ho’oponopono. It also goes beyond The Secret. It takes you right into the background of life, what I sometimes call The Whiteboard.


Said another way, in the beautiful movie Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, a Russian atheist tells the future Pope John Paul II that there is nothing out there.

No God.

No Divine.


karol movie

Karol replies by saying, “What you call nothing is what I call everything!”

And there’s the secret to attracting abundance through higher consciousness.

Once you realize the Whiteboard is the source of it all – the everything of life – you are only one step removed from living from it or even as it.

The Whiteboard, you see, is alive.

And that’s where you experience The Abundance Paradigm.

Ao Akua,


PS – I have several bestselling audio programs with Nightingale-Conant, including The Missing Secret, The Secret to Attracting Money, and The Awakening Course. Visit their rich catalog of gems by clicking right here.

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The Need Zone

Vocal wizard Guy Monroe told me about working with a singing student and urging her to just break all the rules and experiment with her voice. He suggested she do things faster than normal as a way to break limitations.

Guy said, “The faster you go, intelligences appear. This is trust technology. You can out run your brain.”

Why would you want to out run your own mind?

Your mind tries to keep you safe. That in itself isn’t bad. You want to be safe. You want to survive. But the mind can protect you from learning, stretching, growing, and transcending, too. You want to by-pass the mind to learn new skills and stretch into a new you.

The singer did that by leaping off the edge of the known, in terms of her singing skills, and letting trust guide her into developing new skills as she flew.

“Sounds like The Need Zone,” I told Guy.

“The Need Zone? I love it!” he said. “Explain it to me.”

I went on to say you get what you need. For example, I remember almost being in a plane crash. We were flying into Los Angles and apparently hit an air pocket right over the runway, made by the previous jet. Our plane shook and fell, and all time slowed. But I felt as if I were being protected. It seemed similar to the stories of people in crashes who are saved by an unseen hand. There’s at least one book about this (The Third Man Factor).

By extending the logic that you often get unseen help when you need it, you can also get seen help — what Guy called intelligences — when you stretch yourself into needing it.

In the first scenario a possible accident, or an actual one, triggers help; in the second one, your desire for more skill calls help to your side.

This reminded me of what Bobby Birdsall, one of my first prosperity teachers (who I dedicated Attract Money Now to) told me decades ago. He said, “You always get what you need. One way to attract more money is to up your need for it.”

amn book ad

That didn’t make sense at the time. I was already broke. Struggling. I had debt and had filed for bankruptcy. I had need. Create more need? No way.

Today I know that we don’t allow ourselves to have what we want due to deservingness issues. But we usually allow what we need. When you need more, you attract more.

This is a touchy balancing act. Need is an emotion of desperation for most people. So needing anything often just attracts more need.

But there’s a way to transcend need.

You can go a level or two higher by consciously needing more as a choice. In other words, the singer who steps out of her comfort zone now needs new skills. She calls them forth by the “need” for them. As Guy explained, the faster you go, the more you attract those higher or expanded intelligences. It’s not a survival need but it is a perceived “need”.

I know when I considered going to my first coach, I resisted it. It wasn’t until I put my foot down and said “I’M GOING NO MATTER WHAT!” that the chosen need attracted the means to fulfill it.

Another way to explain this is to simply challenge yourself by doing what you feel is impossible or at least a real stretch. As you do, you call forth or attract new resources to you because of this “need zone.”

My singing with Guy is always a high energy adventure. I’m using my voice in new ways. As I stretch to sing songs that seem beyond my reach, I acquire and attract the skills necessary to make it happen.

But this only happens because I have backed myself into a skills corner and “need” to attract new skills to accomplish my new intention.

secret to money

This works with big dreams, too.

When I decided to end homelessness with Operation YES, I had no idea where to begin. But my new “need” acted as a powerful new attractor.

Within days I ran into Scott Miller and his movement, already working, to end poverty.

Then I ran into a CNN reporter who wants to film me and my work in this area.

Then I attracted more resources, from Mindy Audlin and her “What if UP?” process to the legal staff I needed to become a non-profit.

I also attracted Morty Lefkoe, the man who co-authored, with est founder Werner Erhard, the original proposal to end hunger with the famous Hunger Project.

All of this from entering The Need Zone.

One more example:

Last week in Chicago I recorded my latest audio program for Nightingale-Conant. I went into the studio with no script or book to read from. Because of my “need” to complete a new program that is the most experiential and spiritual of my career, I had to attract the information to record. I did, too, and it may be the most inspired audio set I’ve ever created, but only because I “needed” it.

Maybe ask yourself, “What would you love to do but are afraid to do or have no idea how to do?”

Begin it.

Start someplace.

And do it without over thinking and over planning.

Just jump.

By taking action in the direction of that goal, you’ll attract the people, skills and means — the “intelligences” — from The Need Zone to make it a reality.

In other words, your stepping into discomfort will attract what you need to find comfort again.

Isn’t that comforting?

Ao Akua,


PS — One action step you can take right now is to claim your free 30 minute Miracles Coaching call. Just click on the banner at the top of this page or click right here.

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Dan Kennedy on Wealth Magnetism

Here’s a guest article by the brilliant marketer Dan Kennedy. His recent book is No. B.S. Wealth Attraction in the New Economy. You should read everything by him, beginning with this article, and then the new book. Enjoy. – joe

How To Liberate Your

Wealth Magnetism


Dan S. Kennedy

Most people’s world view of wealth is as a zero-sum game. A big impediment to attraction of wealth is the idea that the amount of wealth floating around to be attracted is limited. If you believe it’s limited, then you believe that each dollar you get came to you at someone else’s expense, your gain another’s loss. That makes your subconscious mind queasy. So it keeps your wealth attraction power turned down. Never to full power. To let it operate at full power would be unfair and harmful to others. If you are a decent human being, and you have this viewpoint, then you will always modulate your wealth attraction power. If too much starts pouring in too easily, guilt is produced as if it were insulin being produced by the pancreas after pigging out on a whole pizza. You can’t help it. Your wealth magnetism will be turned down for you.

Think about the words “fair share.”

They are powerful, dangerous words.

As an ethical, moral person, you probably think — “hey, I don’t want more than my fair share.” But that reveals belief that wealth is limited. If you believe wealth is unlimited, there’s no such thing as a share of it. Everybody’s share is unlimited. There’s nothing to have a share of. There’s only unlimited. Your fair share is all you can possibly attract. As is anybody and everybody else’s.

In business, there’s a similar idea: market share. But again that presumes a finite, limited market, instead of an infinitely expandable market.

In the New Economy, market share is one of the most antiquated of concepts. Boundaries are broken — even the smallest business can be global in reach, thanks largely to the internet. Consumers have access to a multiplied and multiplying range of choices, so classic brand loyalty has been replaced by search for and expectation of the thing that is precisely, perfectly appropriate. The market for all manner of goods and services is greater than ever before yet the fragmentation of the market itself greater and more complex than ever before. The attraction of wealth in this environment has little to do with somehow “locking up” a limited portion of a limited market; everything to do with directly connecting with individuals and meeting their needs and interests. When you think in terms of being in the business of creatively meeting the needs and interests of individuals, it’s obvious that the size of the market available to you is limited only by your own creativity and initiative. Further, that whatever connection you create and accomplish has no relationship to what anyone else does, whether a lot or a little. Clinging to old ideas of limitation blocks access to new opportunity!

If you can make every last smidgen of belief that wealth is limited go away, your attraction of wealth will suddenly, automatically go from modulated and limited and suppressed to full power, and opportunity, money and wealth will quickly flow to you in greater

quantities at greater speed than you’ve ever before experienced.

If you believe wealth is limited, if you view it as a zero-sum game, you are inhibited. This inhibition affects all sorts of things you do or don’t do, such as what you’ll charge, for example, or who you’ll ask for money.

To Sell More, Develop Belief In Unlimited Abundance

I’ve spent a lot of time working with people in sales. Those who identify themselves as salespeople, like folks selling insurance, cars, fire alarms, as well as those who don’t identify themselves as salespeople but are, like dentists and psychologists. Two things are true for all of them that reflect wealth inhibition.

One has to do with price. Most fear discussion of price, fear raising prices, are paranoid about pricing higher than their competitors. I have had to work long and hard to get some people to raise their prices or fees far beyond present levels, industry norms, or competitors’ prices, in order to charge what their service and expertise is really worth to their clientele. In numerous cases I’ve forced fee or price increases of 200% to 2,000% with absolutely no adverse impact — that’s how far under-priced a lot of people are! In these situations, we are not dealing with practical issues. We are dealing with the businessperson’s own inhibitions and fears.

Second is pulling the punch when closing the sale. I sometimes joke about one of my own businesses — freelance advertising copywriting — where I routinely charge fees of $100,000.00 to $150,000.00 or more for a complete project, no less than $25,000.00 for a single ad or sales letter. Plus royalties. I say that the primary requirement for getting such fees has little to do with  my prowess as a copywriter, everything to do with my ability to keep a straight face and voice free of stammer when quoting the fee! This may be the reason a lot of art and antique dealers write the price down on a piece of stationery and slide it across the desk to you. There’s truth in the joke. When the dentist quotes his $70,000.00 case to the patient, when the private residence club quotes the $215,000.00 membership fee, when anyone speaks any price or fee, there is the tendency for tremors, the temptation to discount without ever even being asked, out of fear, inhibition, and presumption. In short, to pull the punch.

Consider the salesman who goes into a person’s home to sell fire alarms. (I have a corporate client in this industry.) The fire alarm salesman with the stuffed Dalmation under his arm and the burning house DVD marches in and discovers that he is in a place of relative poverty — at least by his standards. The two kids are on a thread-bare carpet in the living room. They probably have a good television, but pretty much everything else in the house is obviously hand-me-down, beat-up, falling apart, springs sticking up out of the couch seat. He can clearly see that these people aren’t doing well. Conversationally, he discovers Papa hasn’t worked in four months and the kid’s got some kind of problem that causes big medical bills, and on and on and on. The salesperson becomes increasingly queasy about closing these people on the $2,000.00 fire alarm sale. And, in many cases, he will not close the sale. He will subconsciously pull his punches, accept the first objection easily. Or he’ll consciously, deliberately throw the game at the end and toss that one aside and get out of there. But if their house burns down, one of the children dies, and all their possessions lost, how much honest service did he provide?

If you want your wealth attraction glowing and functioning at full power, you can’t have any queasiness. You can’t have any reluctance. You can’t have any inhibition. You can’t ever pull a punch. In the bigger sense, you have to understand that whatever financial position anyone you know is in, anyone you do business with is in, anyone, period, is in, has nothing to do with you. In the biggest sense, you have to understand that whatever the state of economic affairs in the world, it has nothing to do with how much wealth you accumulate. Your wealth is addition for you but subtraction for no one.

Unless and until you buy this premise hook, line and sinker, you will always suffer from wealth inhibition.


Above copyright 2010 and used with permission of copyright owner Dan Kennedy. All rights reserved.

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