Tag: Divine


What is "AT Zero"?

As I’m writing this to you, I’m listening to the long awaited sequel to the bestselling music album, Aligning to Zero. This one is called AT Zero. If I say so myself, it’s so beautiful, so soothing, so Divine, that words almost fail to describe the majestic healing vibe of this music.

Divine New Music

Divine New Music

But I’ll try anyway.

Months ago Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and I went back into the studio to create a follow-up to our bestseller. The first one came to us through inspiration. We played our guitars as if guided by unseen hands.

How would we ever top that?

Back of New CD

Back of New CD

So we sat in the studio and made ourselves available to inspiration once again.

We knew each track would be in a certain musical key. Each key corresponded to an energy center, or chakra, we wanted to touch, sooth and activate. We had that much to start with.

But what would come from there?

We didn’t know. We would talk, kick around ideas, try a few things, and then just magically feel the essence of the new music. From there, it came through.

We received the music, played it, loved it and got so into it that we almost didn’t stop playing it to turn off the recorder.

Guitar Monk Mathew and Dr. Joe

Guitar Monk Mathew and Dr. Joe

Mathew and I were in awe.

The seven new tracks we created our stunning.

It took months to create this sequel, primarily because of interruptions from travels, illness, and “life.” But we stayed true to our vision. We wanted a second album in the bestselling  “zero” series and we would work with the Universe’s schedule to allow it to happen.

And happen it did.

I’m excited to announce that the new album is not only done, but ready for you as a CD or as an instant download right now over at http://www.AtZeroMusic.com

And yes, you can listen to samples of the music there, too.

Gushing happiness the day the CDs arrived

Gushing happiness and giddy with delight the day the CDs arrived

As before, At Zero is designed to help you feel the essence of life. In fact, it’s designed to help you with a long list of benefits, all listed on the album’s website.

It was inspired by Dr. Hew Len, ho’oponopono, Zero Limits, and the power of healing music.

I had to share this award SOMEPLACE! :)

There's no singing on "At Zero" but I had to share this singer-songwriter award I received SOMEPLACE! 🙂

I hope you see the lessons here:

Having an inspired intention, taking action while allowing for inner guidance, leads to a Divine result.

I’m listening to “At Zero” right now…and smiling.

Check it out at http://www.AtZeroMusic.com


Ao Akua


PS – Other Healing Music albums by Mathew or myself are –






The Secret Mirror

Recently four people won flights to Texas to have personal consultations with me.

They were a diverse group, all seeking help with key goals and stubborn blocks, and wanting my assistance in using the Law of Attraction to achieve success.

They experienced The Mirror Technique

They experienced The Mirror Technique™

I was excited to meet each of them as this was my first public chance to prove — on film — a new mind technology I developed would work for anyone, anywhere, on anything.

My new method combines the best of what I already know and teach, but with a new element, and put together in such a breakthrough way that the ending result is almost magical.

I call it The Mirror Technique.

Last September, I wrote a post here about how you can use a mirror to psych yourself to accomplish something. That’s an old, reliable, proven method to coach yourself for success. (See http://blog.mrfire.com/the-mirror-technique-2-0/)

But I wanted to go beyond that to create a measurable breakthrough in your life.

In fact, I wanted this new method to create breakthroughs for anyone.

Each of the four people who met with me in private got to experience The Mirror Technique. It was astonishing to see.

I saw people start with a problem that seemed insurmountable, and leave thirty minutes later with it resolved.

Thirty minutes!

All of this was filmed, so the before and after of each person is clearly documented for all to see.

In a couple months, you’ll get to hear all about The Secret Mirror, a product based on the new mind technology I developed for instant manifestation.

I’m proud of it, as it builds on and combines more than thirty years of research and experience. It goes beyond hypnosis (which I’ve practiced since the late 1960s) and beyond language gymnastics (beyond even my own Hypnotic Writing book), and beyond my own work in the four stages of awakening and consciousness.

I’ve never seen anything like it.

You’ll hear about all of this in the coming months.

I’m just sharing my excitement with you here.

Stay tuned!

Ao Akua,


PS – Here’s a stimulating (and challenging) recent conversation with me on radio about the world as a mirror of your consciousness:

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


The Miracles Manual

You can now download and read — for free — my latest e-book, The Miracles Manual: The Secret Coaching Sessions. Just go to http://www.miraclesmanual.com/

This 258-page new e-book contains questions from students in my Miracles Coaching program, and my answers. I’ve been doing this for about four years, and I’m always amazed at the in-depth and sincere questions I get.

For example —

Click image to get book free

Click image to get book free

* How do you get past fears and negativity?

* How can I turn my spouse around from being so negative?

* How do you handle difficult people?

* How do you make changes directly from the conscious into the unconscious?

* How do you get rid of a block in yourself you can’t even name?

* What is and why is Ho’oponopono so effective?

* What about when it doesn’t work?

* What do you do when all the self-help methods aren’t working?

* How do you move up a level in life to meet new people?

* What is “benestrophe”?

* How do you go from a scarcity mindset to a abundance mindset?

* What can you do to improve your health fast?

* How can you attract a specific person into your life?

* How do you attract your soul mate?

* How do you really attract money?

* How are miracles made?

Great questions, aren’t they?

Over the last few years, I gave the answers to those questions (and many more) in secret coaching sessions I held with students in my Miracles Coaching program.

Many of the best questions, and answers, are now in volume one of a 258-page new ebook called The Miracles Manual: The Secret Coaching Sessions.

It’s pretty eye-opening.

And you can have it.


I want to help as many people as I can, and I figure giving away this book is another way to do it.

Go here to get the eBook —  http://www.miraclesmanual.com/

Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,


PS — Please tell others about the The Miracles Manual. Just click on the “Share” link below this sentence. Thank you.


A Request from the Late Debbie Ford

One of the greatest books to influence my life was The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford.

Not only is the book one of my top ten picks for life changing reads, but the author later became a dear friend of mine.

I’m sad to say she passed away last night.

I am shaken by the loss, as Debbie was a mentor who I loved. She endorsed me and my books, believed in me, and was always a phone call away.

The late Debbie Ford

The late Debbie Ford

I loved her.

While Debbie is gone, her message is alive and well through her books.

One of her final wishes was to get more people to read her work, especially the book that opened my eyes so many years ago.

If you haven’t read it, or if you’d like to get copies to give as gifts, please go to — http://shar.es/YQeQB

I am posting this at the request of Debbie, and as a way to support her family (as they get the royalties from sales).

Please live your life with passion, grace and love, just as Debbie Ford did.

Ao Akua,


PS — A friend recently told me we don’t need to live forever – just long enough to complete our life mission. Debbie completed hers, knew it, and said so. I celebrate her mission successfully accomplished and I’ll always miss her, too.

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


The Fifth Miracle

It was October of 2012 that I told my music producer and friend, Daniel Barrett, that my desire to make more music was dead. I didn’t feel inspired or connected to the muse. I was happy with the four albums of healing music I had already created, but I didn’t see any more on the horizon.

I felt done.

As we talked, I had a sneaking suspicion that I may be deceiving myself. After all, self sabotage is rampant in virtually each of us and we usually don’t even know we are doing it.

Was I?

Daniel suggested we find a way to ramp up my energy for music. He didn’t know how, but he felt there was a solution.

“I know how,” I told him.

I did, too.

I knew a way to jump start the muse, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to do it.

He asked me to explain.

I took a deep breath and said, “I can set the intention to record five new songs by Christmas.”

Christmas was only two months away. It would be a miracle to write and record five new songs by then – especially starting from zero – and certainly after exhausting myself having just completed my fourth album, The Healing Song.

Daniel didn’t miss a beat.

“Why not go for ten songs?”

That made me gasp. It would be raising the bar even for me. I had already broken records by creating four albums in less than two years. Four miracles were plenty. But I accepted the challenge. We agreed that I would strive to create ten original songs within two months, and together we would record them to create my fifth album.

We both felt the exhilarating energy of having a goal that scared us and yet delighted us.

We both felt expectant, uncertain, open and willing.

But we had no idea how a new album would come out of nothing.

Now here’s where the story gets really interesting…

New album out today

New album created "out of thin air"

Remember, I didn’t have any ideas for new songs or any passion for new music. I felt tapped out. Yet the new intention “called forth” more music. The new goal stirred my creative self. Within days I had new songs coming to me. Within weeks I had almost two dozen ideas.

I couldn’t turn off the creative juices!

I would be sitting, reading a book on my iPad, and suddenly a song idea would enter my consciousness. I was smart enough to stop everything and write it down. (Always take action, remember.)

Other times I felt inspired to check out early or vintage rock and roll, what’s called rockabilly music. I simply followed the muse to see what occurred. I loved the searching, exploring and learning. (Always follow inspiration, too.)

Within weeks I had over two dozen pretty good songs. From those, I picked nine that I thought were solid. I left a tenth idea open to inspirational improvisation in the studio.

I felt ready to record album number five!

My band — not really “mine” but they were the same musicians who recorded Strut! and The Healing Song with me — got together again. We went into the studio on December 18th and 19th — right before Christmas, you’ll note — and recorded ten new tracks.

I’m told music doesn’t usually come together this quickly, or easily, or with this much energy and focus. But we got together in the studio and made space for magic to happen around my songs.

The result is my fifth music album, titled Sun Will Rise.

And it feels like another miracle.

When I held the finished audio CD in my hands, and listened to the original music I wrote and performed, brought to life with the musicians who supported me, I started to cry.

To think that this was created out of “thin air” is astonishing. To think that the songs are so good and the music so amazing and the messages so relevant, just makes me stop and stare in awe and gratitude.

I am grateful beyond belief.

It’s yet another miracle.

"My band" on my three singer-songwriter albums

"My band" on my third singer-songwriter album

Miracles are indeed happening all the time.

This story is living proof of it.

And it all begins with an intention.

In case you are curious, here are the stories behind each track on Sun Will Rise http://www.healingrockmusic.com/:

“You Gotta!” is self-help rock and roll. It’s fun, upbeat, and carries the message that “you gotta” take action. Since I’m a big proponent of action, this song and its message felt like the right lead for the new album. Thanks to “my band” – drummer Joe Vitale, bass player Glenn Fukunaga, lead guitarist Daniel Barrett – this song opens with a “you gotta dance to this” feel. Add saxophone by Greg Williams and this one is irresistibly delicious! You gotta hear it!

“Sun Will Rise” came to me “out of the blue,” as I held a guitar and just started to sing what came into my being. When I first played it for Daniel, he was speechless. He said it had the potential to be a radio hit. My staff says my message to the world is to have faith, that the “sun will rise” again. Your current reality is just that: current. It’ll change. The sun will rise again. This song is your reminder.

“The Secret” isn’t based on the movie I was in of the same name. Instead, it was prompted by a haunting song by Leonard Cohen. His song had the hypnotic refrain “Everybody knows…” but his lyrics were negative. His dark song is a great one to commit suicide to. I wanted something hypnotic but with a positive message. I wanted something healing. The result is what I call “The Secret” and you know it will do you good to listen to it. 🙂

“Sperichil” is rockabilly music. It’s pure fun. No special message in the lyrics but the voice and the vibe is all about be happy now! The name is simply the early spelling of the word “spiritual.” I surprised myself recording this song as I spontaneously howled like a wolf during parts of it. There is a happy contagiousness to this track that simply makes me smile and feel good. Isn’t that what life is all about? Isn’t that healing music? Be happy now. Smile! Dance! Love!

“Expectations” is a hypnotic intermission where I played a special double-neck guitar, where the top is a regular guitar and the bottom is a baritone guitar. With the professionals behind me on this one, the result is something I could listen to all day long. When I first heard it in the studio, I said, “Call this one Expectations, because it suggests something is about to happen, but you don’t know what.” You are free to expect whatever you want, positive or negative, and this music helps you feel the moment. Talk about healing!

Click image to order album

Click image to order album

“My Electric Car” is about my relationship to my electric car (which I’ve written about on this blog before). I love this song because of the lyrics and the blues rock music the band came up with. I really believe this one could become a gas guzzler’s anthem. You gotta hear it. There are moments in this track that send shivers of joy up my spine. It’s an example of how music becomes magic. Whew!

“Train of Women” is a rock ballad about a man who faces his fears and falls in love. It’s about one hundred and fifty women, all wearing bikinis, who come to see him. He is at first afraid, asking for everything from a crocodile to a body guard to being taken to Area 51, but by the end he falls in love. The old saying is true, what looks like your demon is really your angel in disguise. This song is fun, fast, funny and more. Call it a Rorschach test song. Whatever you get from it, is what you get from it. It’s a mirror. It’s “Healing Music” at it’s best. Rock on!

“Isaac the Psychic” is my attempt to create a Shel Silverstein – Johnny Cash “Boy Named Sue” kind of song. I came up with a character, and a story, and a funny chorus, and weaved it into a song. My band — the experts that they are — created a Reggae upbeat rhythm and the whole thing came together. It’s funny and memorable. You’ll smile listening to it. After all, I’m so psychic, I know you’re reading this.  🙂

“Super Heroes” came to me after my guitar teacher, Mathew Dixon, taught me a new chord progression. I wrote words to that progression.  Since I had just met actor/bodybuilder/Hulk Lou Ferrigno, and actor/Superman Dean Cain, I turned the song into messages from their characters. This is another feel good, relaxing song. It could be the theme to a television show. It’s about you being the new super hero. Don’t wait for a hero. Be one now.

“Ti Amo” was written for my love, Nerissa. I felt the urge to write a love song and thought, what better way to do it than to think of who I love and just write a song for her. I did. I believe anyone can feel the love in this one. Nerissa says she does. Love heals.

All of the above is a reminder that miracles are possible for all of us.

Yes, even you.

I created this fifth album of healing songs by declaring an intention. I didn’t have any reason or motivation or evidence that I could write ten new (and good, IMHO) songs in two months. But declaring an intention “called forth” all this music.

You can do this, too.

What do you want to attract?

What do you want to “call forth”?

What miracle would be cool to experience?

Declare it.

Ao Akua


PS – You can order “Sun Will Rise” at http://www.healingrockmusic.com. My previous Healing Music albums are at —

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013