Tag: Divine


The Forbidden Formula

My focus these days is doing my best to explain what I believe is the forbidden formula for manifesting what you want. In short, it looks like this:

1. Be here now. The greatest spiritual teachers pointed to this moment as being “it.” Ain’t nowhere else to go. The past is gone. The future isn’t here. All you really have is now.

That’s true.


2. Future birth. What you do in this moment creates your next moments. In other words, you can sit and “be here now” and feel great. But unless you take action out of this moment, you may become a happy beggar. All your stuff will be taken. You may not care, as you’ll be happy in the moment, but you will be of little service to humankind.

What we need is what I once called a “mystic in the marketplace.” That’s where you realize the magic, mystery and miracle of this moment, and you work in the world doing what you love to make a difference for the rest of us.

It takes both, a type of enlightened action.

Not taking action is probably the number one thing Law of Attraction practitioners do wrong. They tend to believe sitting and visualizing is enough. While sometimes things can fall into your lap, more often than not you need to move your lap to a place to better receive what you want. That means get up and move. Do something.

Again, I’m advocating being in the moment and being in movement.

I’m calling this the forbidden formula because either people don’t know it, don’t do it, or don’t share it. In order to be happy now while being productive in the world, you need to do and be both: enlightened and productive.

My completely recreating myself as a musician is an example of what I mean. Last year I wasn’t a musician. This year I’ll have three music CDs out.

I could have sat back and rested on my book royalties and done little more but sit in the moment and enjoy the sun and stars. But something within inspired me to pursue music.

Creating music out of the moment

Creating music out of the moment

I’ve learned to say “YES!” to the nudges; they lead to miracles. As a result of happily pursuing my new direction, I’m creating a new genre of music to help and heal the world.

There’s nothing wrong with pursuing enlightenment through sitting or walking meditation. But it seems a bit self-centered. Once you’ve tasted the miracle of the moment, get up and create from it.

Take the bliss to the street.

As a spiritual teacher once told me, “It’s easy to meditate in the mountains. Try doing it in business!”

Of course, you’re free to do whatever you like.

I’m just sayin’.

Ao Akua,


PS — Breaking News: Nightingale-Conant just released The Ultimate Law of Attraction Library. This is hands-down the definitive guide to finally understanding and using the Law of Attraction (LOA).  There’s nothing else like it anywhere.  It’s THE complete course in LOA.  It’s an unprecedented 12-CD, 20-session historic collection. It takes you from novice to expert, and covers everything from spirituality to attracting money, to getting clear and much, much more. Go see http://www.nightingale.com/Auth_About~Author~Joe_Vitale.aspx

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Napoleon Hill Outwits the Devil

I’ve been struggling for months with writing this post about Napoleon Hill and his disturbing book about the devil, forbidden to be published by Hill or his family for generations.

It’s been years since I read a book that made me as uncomfortable as Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. I thought it was just me until I talked to a friend who said she was having trouble completing the book. It was stirring up too much energy within her. We both agreed to finish reading it to find out what secret it held for us.

"Outwitting the Devil"

"Outwitting the Devil"

Napoleon Hill wrote Outwitting the Devil in 1938, just after publication of his all-time bestseller, Think and Grow Rich. This powerful tale has never been published before, considered too controversial by his family and friends. I can see why.

The book is Hill’s interview with the devil. And the devil admits to controlling people through everything from culture and education to religion.

The devil comes across as the most powerful persuasion expert of all time. He/she/it is working within the very medium that we’ve grown to respect as good. As a result, the devil programs us to believe in lack, limitation, scarcity and victimhood. Since we don’t see the devil’s hand at work in these mediums, we rarely question what we’re taught.

I found the book unnerving. The devil is working within religion to keep us controlled? I suspect it made all my childhood programming about the “bogeyman of spirituality” come to life.

It’s unsettling to realize people are programmed to feel they are victims by the culture itself, yet the culture is being programmed to think it’s in charge by this force Hill calls the devil.  It’s an entire cycle of vicious victimhood programming. And I didn’t like it.

I still haven’t finished the book.  It would be a disservice to you not to tell you about it, though. When so many people are struggling, and don’t know why, considering the limiting programming coming from the very culture we live in can help us break free.

Whether that programming is actually from a “devil” or not is something I’m not going to debate. But I do strongly believe that we are being brainwashed to think negative and expect the worst by a system that is already entranced in that mindset.

In Zero Limits terms, you can call the devil a “program.” A program is a kind of virus of the mind; a limiting belief that attracts matches to the program.

Devil or not, program or not, it’s not helping you.

It’s time to awaken and break free.

Ao Akua,


PS – Read Outwitting the Devil for the challenge, but balance it by reading The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and of course Attract Money Now. And be sure to soothe your body and mind during or after reading those books with some healing music over at Blue Healer. For my next CD, called Strut!, I wrote a song about choice. You always have it. You can listen to the “devil” or you can listen to Spirit. Choose wisely.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


"Beyond Man": Texas Wildfires Update

Here’s an update on the Texas Wildfires situation that I asked you to help resolve in my last post:

The last I heard, the largest fires are mostly contained or stopped. The people I personally know in the Austin or Houston area have all returned home. And rain is expected by mid-next week.

All of your praying, meditating, visualizing and more, have all helped.

But we can’t stop now.

There are at least 1,500 people who lost their homes.

All of the fires are not out yet.

And we need more than a little rain.

To get an idea of the size of the fires, one fireman told a reporter that the fires are “beyond man.”

He was explaining that firefighters on the ground aren’t going to be able to stamp out or hose down fires so big that I could see them from the air on my plane ride home.

What do you do with fires this large?

Besides whatever the firefighters can think up, you also pray, visualize, intend and anything else you can do internally to bring peace to yourself and to the planet.

And to be clear, when I suggest that our inner world is creating our outer world, I’m asking you to look within and see where you may have “fires” burning within you.

Where have you maintained anger and/or a lack of forgiveness?

Even if you don’t think your inner state helps create the outer experience, wouldn’t you agree that finding inner peace would be good for you?

Again, please find love and peace within yourself, and release all anger and forgiveness issues.

When you hold on to anger and resentment, the energy system you burn up is your own.

It would be healthy for you to let the issues go, and it just might assist the planet in healing, too.

As I mentioned in my last post, do whatever meditation or technique you know to reach that inner place of serenity. Use ho’oponopono/Zero Limits or Tapping/EFT, or anything else you know of or can think of.

Meanwhile, we also still need to help others. Here are a few places to donate:

American Red Cross of Central Texas

Austin Pets Alive

Capital Area Food Bank

Austin Disaster Relief Network

Catholic Diocese of Austin

I’m not affiliated with any of the above, and they are Austin, Texas based as that is near where I live. You can do your own Google search to find other places to help or donate.

Again, what we need is inner peace, especially in times of high stress.

The outer dangers and scares aren’t a call to fall into fear, but a door to experience faith.

Thank you for your help.

Ao Akua,


PS – What’s more important than serenity while taking action?

I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


A Texas Wildfires Solution

A few days ago I sent an email to my mailing list requesting people hold the vision of safety for all those affected by the Texas wildfires. I pointed out that more than two dozen scientific studies proved when a group holds an intention in meditation, that intention tends to come to pass.

People from all over the world sat and prayed, or visualized, or intended and requested that the fires diminish.

What happened?

Almost instantly a friend who had been evacuated from his home due to the fires wrote to me saying the smokes seemed to clear, the power came back on, and he was told he could return home safely.

Friends of mine who were preparing to evacuate were told they were safe.

Then I looked at the news and saw that while the fires were still burning and there was no rain in sight, most of the larger fires around my area of Austin, Texas were either contained, put out, or greatly improved in containment.

That’s progress, but we’re not done.

At last count, there were 180 wildfires in Texas. The smoke from them could be seen from space.

This is a very real emergency, with over 1,400 people having lost their homes in my area alone, so I am sincerely asking you to help right now.

How can you help?

Two ways:

1. Go here and offer whatever you can:


2. Send love to the fires and see them burn out:

I know it seems bizarre, but we are at a point where trying the bizarre might be the wisest next step.

Send love to the fires…Visualize a steady rain coming down for several days in Texas…Pray and request help from your connection to All…

Most of all, be at peace.

These fires probably represent our own inner anger.

Life is an out-picturing of our internal state.

Your inner sense of well being will contribute to the well being and peace of the planet.

Do whatever meditation or technique you know to reach that inner place of serenity. Use ho’oponopono/Zero Limits or Tapping/EFT, or anything else you know of or can think of.

Inner peace is the answer to outer peace.

Here’s one way to achieve that inner state of serenity:

I love Neville (who I wrote about in my book, The Attractor Factor). You can “Nevillize” the end of the fires by going to the end result of rain falling and fires out.

Imagine that it’s now next week and you are telling a friend how the fires in Texas were really scary until the sky opened and the rains fell and the fires went out…

Really see the future right now.

Nevillize the end result of what you want.

Make that future vision so real that it feels like it already came to past.

Or, as Neville signed a book I own of his, “Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled.”

As Neville said, “Think of the world as a sounding box, echoing and reflecting what you have assumed.”

In other words, assume the reality that the fires are over.

Please do that right now.

Thank you.

Ao Akua,


PS — Please share this message as you see fit. Post it on Facebook, or Twitter, or elsewhere. As a group, we can make a difference. Let’s do this.

I love you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011


My Lunch With God

Last Wednesday I had lunch with God.

I didn’t know he was God at first. He appeared in the form of a man, dressed business casual, and acting like a wealth adviser. He wanted to meet to discuss some financial planning strategies and potential investments.

Sitting with him, he looked like anyone else at Central Market in South Austin. He was a gentle soul enjoying a smoothie. But what he said startled me.

“I have access to hundreds of millions of dollars,” he began. “The people who have this money want to invest in huge projects that require three million dollars or more.”

"Luxury is my comfort zone"

"Luxury is my comfort zone"

I listened. I had heard this kind of talk before. But I was about to hear a twist to it that made me feel goose bumps up and down my spine.

“These wealth angels want a project that makes a difference in people’s lives,” the man continued. “If you can put people to work, turn water into fuel, or anything else that’s considered humanitarian on a grand scale, they can make it happen.”

My mind recalled all the wild ideas I’ve ever had. I ran one or two by my lunch partner.

“That’s not big enough,” he said. “What do you believe in so strongly that you would give your life for it?”

Consider that: What do you believe in so strongly you would give your life for it?

I finally began to grasp what he was urging me to do: Think bigger than I’ve ever thought before.

I advise people to “Dare Something Worthy” and to imagine life with no restrictions. But I was apparently sitting with God, and He wanted me to think even bigger than that.

“If you’ve ever heard that money is no object,” he went on, “Now is the time to know it as reality. Money truly is no object.

I let that sink in.

Money is no object.

Consider: What would you do if money were truly no object?

As I played with the possibilities arising in my mind, I remembered a blog post I wrote where I complained about the mainstream media. I said it was a negative programming machine and it caused most of the problems in the world. People watch it, absorb the distorted news angles, think the world is a mess, and then proceed to attract the very thing they fear through their fear.

Sitting on giant crystal maybe attracted God

Sitting on giant crystal maybe attracted God

For years people have wanted me to have my own television show. While that’s a great idea, I wondered what would be even better than that?

So I suggested someone create an Abundance Television Network as an alternative. Not just one show, but an entire network of uplifting programming.

It would air 24 hour news stories, reporting the facts, but framing it all in the positive. It would report on people doing heroic things. It would cover stories of inspiration. It would be the opposite of a catastrophe network: it would be a benestrophe network. “Benestrophe” meaning lots of good things happening at once.

So I told God about it.

“That’s a brilliant idea!” he said. “That’s the kind of visionary project my angels can get behind.”

God went on to advise me, “Don’t cut corners or settle for less than what you truly want. Create your vision and find out what you need to bring it into reality. Money is no object. There are no limitations. Miracles are possible. Anything goes. Get it clear in your mind. Then tell me.”

Miracles are possible.”

Whew. I left that lunch inspired with a grand vision.

I also began to take action. I have a few contacts in the television industry. I had been on Larry King Live and met the cofounder of CNN. I knew TV reporters, producers, and personalities. I reached out to them.

God advised me to write out my vision. I began it. The seeds of The Abundance TV Network have been planted and the vision is taking form.

I have no idea what I’m doing. But that’s what I once said when I got the idea to start Operation YES, a movement to end homelessness. By not worrying about “the how,” and by taking inspired action, and trusting the process, the pieces began to fall into place.

Besides, Mark Twain said ignorance plus confidence equals success. I figure I have those qualifications. I can do this.

What about you?

If God met with you for lunch today, and told you his angels had millions of dollars to invest in a vision of yours that could help others, but that it needed to be huge and noble and something you would die for, what would you describe?

Remember, money is no object.

No dream is too big.

Miracles are real.

God’s listening.

Ao Akua,


PS – What would you do if you had lunch with God and was told money is no object and no vision is too big? You never know, your idea could get aired on The Abundance Television Network – or something even better.

Member BBB 2003 - 2011

Member BBB 2003 - 2011