Last month I gave a secret presentation on Zero Limits, Dr. Hew Len, and ho’oponopono to my peers. It’s a nice representation of my latest thinking on hooponopono, spiritual healing, and living a life at zero limit. You can see the entire show in six parts by clicking each of the below. Enjoy.
For more information on hooponopono, spiritual healing, and living a life at zero limit, just click here: Zero Limits.
I’ve been working on a follow-up book to Zero Limits (ho’oponopono) for over six months. It’s titled Beyond Zero Limits. While it’s not ready for you to see yet, I want to invite you to contribute to it.
The book will reveal the never-before revealed secret clearing and cleaning methods Dr. Hew Len taught me in person and in private.
These go way beyond the simple method revealed in our book, Zero Limits. These are more powerful than I can describe in this post, and not ones I want to share willy-nilly with just anybody.
Since I signed a non-disclosure agreement when I attended the ho’oponopono classes (which everyone does, as I explained in Zero Limits), I can’t reveal those methods. No one can. But the ones taught to me in private, and others I have been inspired to test, will be in the new book.
I never planned to reveal these advanced ho’oponopono methods until I began to see people promoting false and misleading information and saying it was ho’oponopono.
People are getting stuck and need freed.
If you want to go to the next level, and learn the most empowering and enlightening methods of Hawaiian mysticism ever revealed, you’ll want to read my new book when it comes out.
Meanwhile, I want you to share your own experiences with ho’oponopono and any methods or refinements you have learned.
Did you have a miracle from the method?
Did you create or discover a refinement to it?
Did you receive inspiration about the Divine?
Just write your story or lesson in about 500 words, clean on it so it is the best you can do, and then submit it at or just click right here.
If your contribution is selected for the new book, you’ll be able to get your website listed, and you’ll be helping thousands of people, and you will receive an autographed copy of the published book.
I’m very excited about “Beyond Zero Limits” because it will help explain what people have been confused about from the first book, and it will offer secret methods for clearing that can only be called advanced (though they are easy to do).
Please don’t be taken by all the people who claim to know or teach ho’oponopono. Dr. Hew Len warned me about them and sure enough, they’re out there. Stick with the original source of the Zero Limits message.
Please also know that I am not targeting any person or organization. There are many good teachers out there. Mark Ryan and I have several wonderful DVDs in our Subliminal Manifestation series. Mabel Katz has great books and more. There are many doing good work, sharing the good message.
All I’m asking is for you to check in with yourself before buying what someone might claim to be ho’oponopono. No one owns Source, including me, or Dr. Hew Len.
Maybe one litmus test is to see if the person or organization selling ho’oponopono practices unconditional love and 100% responsibility. If they (or their followers) spend time criticizing others or blaming others, it may not be the place to shop.
Just a word to the wise.
As a reminder, if you want to experience Zero Limits “in person,” from Dr. Hew Len and myself, just go to or click right here.
Thank you.
I’m sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you haven’t read Zero Limits yet, the first book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len about ho’oponopono, it is available everywhere books are sold, online and off. It’s in paperback, and hardcover, and on audio, and even as a downloadable Kindle book (which you can also read on your ipad). Or just go see – or click right here.
In the book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len (pictured below with me), Zero Limits, we explain that your unconscious mind is a database that needs to be cleaned of programming. It’s what causing you to attract what you have in your life. We also say that Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian healing method described in the book, is a great way to do that cleaning.
Recently I’ve been reading books in the filed of neuropsychology and modern brain science. They prove that our unconscious mind is running the show. The conscious mind, the part you think is the driver in the game of life, is oblivious to all that is happening. In many ways, due to the programming in our unconscious, we’re robots. We rationalize our decisions and behavior, but where they originated was below conscious awareness.
For example, in hypnosis a person can be given the command to open a window. Later, after they’re out of the trance state and given the signal to trigger the command, they’ll get up and open a window. When you ask them why they opened the window, they”ll rationalize the action with statements such as, “I needed some air” or “I smelled smoke.” They will never explain that the behavior stemmed from a command in their unconscious.
Ken Eisold’s book, What You Don’t Know You Know, is all about our hidden motives in life, business and everything else. Those hidden motives are hidden from even us. They are in our unconscious. We, as conscious beings, simply act on what the unconscious prompts us to do.
Shankar Vedantam’s book, The Hidden Brain, explains how our unconscious minds elect presidents, control markets, wage wars, and save our lives. Again, it proves that the motor driving us through life is in the unconscious, not conscious, mind.
Since we are so unconsciously driven, does that mean we aren’t really responsible for what we say or do?
According to Vedantam, “We have responsibility for not only our conscious minds, but our unconscious minds as well.”
Back to Zero Limits. In our book, Dr. Hew Len and I explain that you are 100% responsible for your life. No if, ands or buts. No loopholes. No exceptions. It doesn’t matter where you think your motivation came from — unconscious or conscious — if it’s in your life, you are responsible for it. Note that you aren’t to blame, but you are responsible.
Given that our unconscious is hidden, powerful, deep and running the show, how in the world do we clean it up so we stop attracting messes?
Psychotherapy, popularized by Freud, is one way. But according to Dr. Eisold, “Today, there are over four hundred distinct psychotherapies.”
Four hundred!?
According to Vedantam, “Making the unconscious conscious is difficult because the central obstacle lies within ourselves.”
Well, what are we to do?
How are we going to clear the unconscious?
Here are some suggestions:
1. Miracles Coaching. When you have a skilled coach listen to your story and repeat it back to you, focusing on what you may not be hearing, you have the opportunity to make the unconscious conscious. Nothing works faster in getting results than having a Miracles Coach and taking right action.
2. The Missing Secret. This bestselling audio CD program offers step-by-step help in getting clear. There are several methods taught, and you can do them as you relax and listen.
3. Finally, in Zero Limits, we explain that the way out is the way in. The best clearing method I know is the one explained in the book: just silently in your mind say non-stop, “I Love You, Please forgive me, Thank you, and I’m sorry.” And if you want the shortest mantra of all, just say “I love you.”
“I love you” is the fast-track to Zero – that ultimate state of purity. But Zero is contaminated with programming. To get back to Zero, we need to get clear.
I’ll continue to report on other ways to clean the unconscious mind of its negative data, but for now, what could be easier than saying “I love you”?
Ao Akua,
PS – Pat O’Bryan and I created a new clearing audio you will enjoy. It combines an Alien Guitar, Sanskrit chanting, and binaural beats to create a deep and powerful cleansing sweep of your unconscious. It’s a stick of dynamite to your brain, designed to chase down and chase out all the negative programming hiding in your mind. Get details by clicking right here.
PPS – Picture above shows my crown chakra opening up. Or maybe a candle burning right behind my head. I’m not sure.
Years ago I wrote a dissertation for my Doctorate in Metaphysical Science called “Got Spirit”? It was an in-depth study of the most popular metaphysical, new thought and new age movements and the marketing practices their founders used to establish them.
I wrote it because so many people seem to have a negative attitude toward money and marketing that I wanted to see for myself how the biggest and most famous spiritual movements got that way.
I suspected the greatest meta-physicians — from Jesus to Phineas Parker Quimby to Mary Baker Eddy to Ernest Holmes to Mother Teresa — were all comfortable with money and either did marketing or had someone do it for them.
It was an illuminating study. Turns out every one of these spiritual teachers and their movements knew the value of money and marketing. Each did everything from writing, speaking and advertising to publicity events to get attention and attract followers.
If that’s the case, then why do most metaphysical practitioners today — most people, period — dislike marketing and money?
The most obvious answer is they believe, “God will provide.”
That reminds me of the story of the man with a beautiful garden in his backyard. One day a man walked by, saw it, and stopped to admire it.
“You have an amazing garden here,” the stranger said.
“Thank you,” said the owner.
“It’s really God’s garden, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is,” replied the owner. “But you should have seen it when God had it all by Himself.”
The point is, God (or the Divine or Nature) provides us with the basics, and we have to do something with what we’ve been given. If we just allow things to grow in the backyard, we’ll have a jungle, not a garden. Someone has to tend to the earth. Even if we’ve been given (or learned) the talent to heal, we have to let people know we have it for us to be able to use it. In other words, we have to spread the word.
That’s marketing.
It’s no different than what Jesus, Phineas Parker Quimby (pictured above), Mary Baker Eddy, or even Mother Teresa did. If someone hadn’t helped them spread the word, we wouldn’t know of them today.
The success of Unity Church is a case in point. Charles and Myrtle Fillmore managed to raise all the money they needed to build and expand their business. It wasn’t until 1942 that the real secret of their financial support was revealed. The Fillmores had created a now famous “Dedication and Covenant” on December 7, 1892, that read:
“We, Charles Fillmore and Myrtle Fillmore, husband and wife, hereby dedicate our selves, our time, our money, all we have and all we expect to have, to the Spirit of Truth, and through it, to the Society of Silent Unity.
“It being understood and agreed that the said Spirit of Truth shall render unto us an equivalent for this dedication, in peace of mind, health of body, wisdom, understanding, love, life and an abundant supply of all things necessary to meet every want without our making any of these things the object of our existence.
“In the presence of the Conscious Mind of Christ Jesus, this 7th day of December, 1892 A.D.”
Please note that while the Fillmores signed an agreement with Spirit, they also wrote, published and distributed materials to market their message and their offerings. In short, they had to do both: Implement marketing and work with Spirit. I call it the phrase I coined: Spiritual Marketing. It could have easily been called Spiritual Money.
The point here is that money and marketing are not separate from Spirit at all. They are in fact Spirit.
When someone says, “I don’t care about money, I just want to follow Spirit,” they are revealing their own limitations about the reality of the world.
Money is Spirit.
Saying you aren’t interested in money, or marketing, is a form of self-delusion. You don’t need to be in love with money to appreciate it and attract it. When you realize it’s a tool of Spirit, you are in a position to create miracles.
Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor for the book Zero Limits, is clear that money is of Spirit. He uses the ho’oponopono practice to clean on everything, including any negativity around money. As a result, our book is a bestseller and I send him huge checks for half of everything that I ever receive from anything related to Zero Limits products. He simply receives.
When you have Spirit, you can have money.
They aren’t separate.
Got Spirit?
Ao Akua,
PS — Miracles Coaching can help you with all of this. Click here for more information.
Will Bowen’s new book is coming out soon. It’s called Complaint Free Relationships. Will wrote the international bestseller, A Complaint Free World, in 2007, and I called it the best book of 2008. I think his new one will become the best book of 2010.
The premise of Will’s work is that complaining is a habit you can change. Why would you want to change it? Because complaining is causing (or attracting) the very thing you are complaining about. Complaining begets complaining.
Depending on what level of awakening you’re on, you’ll either think Will is a sad dreamer or you’ll think he’s an optimistic visionary. I consider him the latter. I love his message so much that I’m a volunteer adviser on the Board of Directors for A Complaint Free World.
Will’s new book focuses on relationships because that’s what virtually all the complaining is about. Think about it. Probably in every situation you can name, the complaint is about another person. And your complaining isn’t helping them, or you.
I just started reading Will’s new book — it’s not out yet, so I’m looking at a pre-pub galley proof — and I’m in awe at his insights and suggestions. He’s making me aware of how I think about other people. Will points out that your thinking leads to your speaking, and your speaking reveals what you’re going to attract into your life. In other words, short circuit the thinking, change the speaking, and you’ll attract a different result.
In terms of my book The Attractor Factor, Will is covering the first two steps in my five step formula: stop before you openly declare what you don’t want (the complaint) and instead speak what you do want (the intention).
In terms of the book I wrote with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits, Will is revealing how you are causing your relationships to work, or not. He’s also showing you what to do next.
This isn’t easy. The habit of complaining is so ingrained and so second nature that it feels natural to us. But it’s not natural; it’s just learned. It’s a bad habit that isn’t serving us. It’s time for a change.
As with Will’s earlier work, he challenges us to stop complaining altogether. He asks us to wear a purple band on the wrist and, when we catch ourselves voicing a complaint, change the band to the other arm. The goal is to go thirty days without speaking a complaint or moving that bracelet.
For most people, it takes about six months to go thirty days complaint free. Why? Because it’s that hard to stop complaining. You’ll start each day with the thirty day goal in mind but before long you’ll speak a complaint and need to start over. If you don’t believe me, try it.
Will’s new book is backed with current scientific research. For those who think complaining feels good and gets them results, the documented research proves it doesn’t help at all. It’s a form of self-deception to think complaining changes anyone. It not only hurts others, it also hurts the complainer. It simply doesn’t work.
You’ll be able to get Will’s new book at book stores and of course online on December 29th (my birthday). If I were you, I’d go pre-order a copy right now. And since the holidays are upon us, get several copies for family and friends.
I’m pretty sure they won’t complain about the gift.
At least not after reading Will’s new book.
Ao Akua,
PS — Will’s main site is A Complaint Free World.
PPS – Baby picture above is of me at eight months old. I look complaint free, don’t I?