Tag: Forum


Attracting Melissa Etheridge

Here’s a deeper insight into how the Law of Attraction actually works:

I’ve noticed that as soon as I sign up for a seminar or workshop, changes begin.

It may be just the decision that triggers change, or it may be something more esoteric.

Let me tell you a true a story about how this works…

A few weeks ago I decided to go back into the studio with my band and record my sixth singer-songwriter album.

As soon as I decided to do this, song ideas and new opportunities came to me.

For example, one day I looked in Facebook and there was a notice that rock legend Melissa Etheridge was doing a crowdfunding campaign for her new album.

As you’ll see in a minute, I’m a huge fan of hers.

I scanned her offerings and there was one for a two-hour, in-person, songwriting lesson with Melissa herself.

That excited me.

It also made me nervous.

After all, I’m a newbie as a singer-songwriter and Melissa is a goddess at it.

But as I say, “A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.”

I decided to go for it.

Within 24 hours, new energy for music hit me like waves of hot electricity.

I started writing new songs almost instantly.

Yet I haven’t had my session with Melissa yet!

As I mentioned, I’m a huge fan of Melissa Etheridge. Have been almost twenty years.

I fell in a hypnotic trance when I saw her on TV around 1995, scorching the screen with just her voice and acoustic guitar on an episode of Unplugged.

I've had this photo of Melissa Etheridge 20 years

I’ve had this photo of Melissa Etheridge over 20 years

I mentioned her in my book on P.T. Barnum, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.

I’ve seen her perform live numerous times.

I was a card carrying member of her fan club for years.

I bought a guitar signed by her.

I bought and read her autobiography.

I bought her song books to learn how she wrote her hits.

I tried to meet her, too.

She was going to be in the same organization I’m a member of (Transformational Leadership Council) and I thought I’d see her at one of our retreats.

I still haven’t met her.

But I will, when I have my private songwriting lesson with her.

And knowing I will, and knowing I will discuss my singer-songwriter passions with her soon, has turned on some “music production” switch inside me.

Just this morning, as I was working out, I received an entire song.

It just sort of “appeared” in my head.

I knew it was good because I couldn’t stop humming it.

I jumped off the treadmill and wrote the words down.

It was a complete song.

Everything was there.

I was amazed and delighted that it came with no effort and came by inspiration.

But it came AFTER I booked my lesson with Melissa and BEFORE I’ve had it!

Throughout my life I’ve noticed that when anyone makes a decision to attend an event designed to improve them, changes begin.

I saw it when I signed up to do a fire walk decades ago.

I saw it when I registered to experience The Forum seminar long ago.

I saw it when I signed up for Bill Phillip’s Body-For-Life challenge ten years ago, and more recently when I registered for his Transformation Camp and personally trained with him.

I saw it when I booked a saxophone lesson with Grammy nominated sax player Mindi Abair.

Grammy nominated sax sensation Mindi Abair and me

Grammy nominated sax sensation Mindi Abair and me

And I see it almost daily when people join my Miracles Coaching program.

As soon as they sign on the dotted line, and know they are committing to change, the change begins.



I’m convinced it’s the decision to change that does it.

The decision sends a solid message to all parts of you that you are going in a new direction.

Suddenly your mind has a new target; a new goal.

Instantly your brain goes on “alert” for anything to help you with the upcoming changes.

There may be a more esoteric reason for it, too.

When you declare you are going to do something new, the Universe takes note, applauds you, and sends you support.

As Goethe put it –

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back — concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.

Decision is the key.

It’s like turning the ignition switch on to engage the Law of Attraction.

Decide and things happen.

So, if there is something big you are considering doing, I say DO IT.

Just Do It!

Show your support for your desired change by signing up for it.

Make the decision.

It’s a concrete way to tell yourself and the world that you are doing something new, and you and the world respond by beginning the change that very day.

And yes, I am VERY excited to meet and learn from the rock icon herself – Melissa Etheridge!

Ao Akua,


PS – Learn more about Miracles Coaching.


Non-Guru Tony Robbins

Three times.

That’s how many times I’ve watched the Netflix documentary, Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru, which was released on July 15, only days ago.

I’m in the movie The Secret and I haven’t watched that film three times in ten years.

Watch Tony Robbins Film

Watch spellbinding Tony Robbins Film

So why am I so captivated with this film about Tony?

It’s raw but real.

Hard-hitting but healing.

Profane but profound.

I found myself crying throughout it.

I found myself having internal breakthroughs just watching it.

I found myself relating to Tony’s inspired approach to change.

The film captures Tony’s closed-door week-long event called Date with Destiny.

In some ways the event reminded me of the old Werner Erhard est program, and to today’s Landmark Forum.

This film puts you in Tony’s secret space, much like Luke Rhinehart’s The Book of est puts you in an est event.

In both cases, you can safely observe the sometimes rollicking emotions people experience.

And in both cases, you can experience transformation just by going for the ride.

All you have to do is pay attention and feel.

Oh, there are holes in the movie.

Tony says change happens in a moment.

Yet later in the film, when he’s asked how he changed, he says there was no one moment.

Tony comes across as the trigger for change and not any method or principle.

Yet if Tony is needed for change, then methods don’t exist; there is no method. It’s him.

But I’m not a critic of the film; I’m a fan.

That’s why I’ve seen it three times – so far.

I let any holes or inconsistencies slide by as I focus on the good in the movie, the breakthroughs, the insights, the energy, the sharing – all of which act as a catalyst to awaken viewers who aren’t even physically in the seminar room with the giant king gorilla.

This makes the film itself a tool for transformation.

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore told Joe Berlinger (the director of this film on Tony), “I believe it will actually save lives.”

I believe it, too.

A few more reasons why I love the film –

Tony goes past the little problems people offer and goes deeper, to the operating system under what they present.

When a 19 year old says her problem is her diet, Tony digs deeper to discover her issue is with her father, not her diet.

The movie helps prove why we all need coaching; without a trained person’s objective feedback, we will continue to blame our problems on others or on little things and entirely miss the big hidden operating system below our conscious awareness.

And I love statements such as, “You know what your biggest problem is? Thinking you shouldn’t have any.”

Tony goes on to explain that problems are gifts.

I don’t know Tony personally — we spoke at the same event in Chicago years ago, but hours apart, so we have yet to meet* — and I get nothing for endorsing this film from him or the director or anyone else.

But I urge you to watch it and let it stir your soul.

See https://www.netflix.com/title/80102204

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – My own television show, all fourteen episodes, is edited and in the hands of Amazon. Stay tuned for details. Meanwhile, go watch the film about Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru. It’s stirring, soulful and spellbinding.

* You can read about the event where I spoke on the same stage as Tony, Trump, and others at http://blog.mrfire.com/a-tony-robbins-first/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


The GreatEST Self-Help Book EVER

The book I regard as the greatest self-help book ever — and the most hypnotically written one — is now available as an e-book for only $7.99 — but only for the next few days. Go here to get it:  http://www.thebookofest.com

Here’s why you need to go get it right now–

There are only a handful of books that have dramatically influenced my life.

There’s The Magic of Believing and The Robert Collier Letter Book.

But number one on the list is one you may never have heard of before:  The Book of est.

Here are two reasons why I love the book:

GreatEST Book EVER

GreatEST Book EVER


First —

The book is the famous “est” experience in written form.  est, or Erhard Seminar Training, was the controversial self-help movement of the 1970s.

It was intense.

Anyone who withstood the heat of the weekends was never the same again. Lives were transformed forever. You faced yourself and your story in a way that was confrontational and oh so real.

I never got to do est. I was a skeptic and a hold out. I made fun of it when I saw all the articles about it.

Truth is, I was afraid of it.

I was young and in college and unsure of everything, including myself. By the time I got around to wanting to experience est, it was gone and reincarnated into something called The Forum. I did the Forum and endorse it today. But it’s no est.

The Book of est puts you into the seminar room and gets you to feel the intensity.

You  experience est.

And it’s hot.

When my late wife began to type up the book in 2004 to be republished by me and a friend, she had to keep stopping.

She said it was intense and dramatic. She died during the transcription process. But that had nothing to do with the book. It had more to do with her choices and what the book urged her to face.

Obviously, a book isn’t a drill sergeant self-help instructor yelling in your face about what isn’t working in your life.

But The Book of est comes close.

It’s safe.

It’s easy reading.

But it’s still real.

Oh so very real.

Just reading it can cause you to awaken to your own patterns. And once you see them, you can let them go.

Or not.

After all, what you get from the book is what you get.


But that’s only the first reason I love The Book of est.

Second —

The other reason I love this book is because the writing is, well, hypnotic.

It’s riveting.

Luke Rhinehart has the gift of writing dialogue and description that puts you in the seminar room with the characters experiencing est.

You FEEL it.

You are THERE.

In many ways, this was one of the first examples I ever found of what I eventually labeled as Hypnotic Writing.

While I later wrote a book called Hypnotic Writing, it was Luke Rhinehart who paved the way for me to know what it was when a true master was at work.

For me, this is one of the best written books of all time.


The author wrote some other cult classics, too. The Dice Man is a masterpiece. It’s well written, engaging, humorous, and in some ways dangerous. Just like The Book of est. But where The Dice Man is alive and well in print, The Book of est has been gone for decades.

Search on eBay or Amazon and you might find original hardcover copies going for one hundred dollars on up to a thousand dollars. I’ve paid that much for first editions, too. I collect them.

The Book of est is one of the rare life changing gems that I can’t get enough of or read enough times.

Sometimes I give the book away. Usually I don’t. I just keep it for myself, as one of the most powerful books of all time kept hidden in my own secret vault of wisdom.

The good news for you is this: Luke is now a friend of mine. We’ve corresponded, shared books, and decided to join a partnership. With the help of a mutual friend, the most powerful self-help book of all time — and the most hypnotically written one — is now available to you.

And right now, the investment to get the e-book version has been cut to only $7.99 — but only for the next few days.

All you have to do is go here right now to grab it as an instant downloadable e-book  — http://www.thebookofest.com

Go get it.

I dare you.

Ao Akua,


PS – est was all about being real. The Book of est will challenge you as never before. How? And why is  it the greatest self-help book of all time? How is it hypnotically written? Go see for yourself at — http://www.thebookofest.com

Note: If you prefer a printed copy of the book, we also made it available in paperback. Just go to Amazon to order it.

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013