Thank you for your prayers for the residents of my city, Wimberley, Texas, which was hit by catastrophic flooding and made the front page of the mainstream news all around the world.
The storms have stopped, the flood is over, the rain has gone, and people are rebuilding.
While people are still in shock, they are also moving onwards.
You can’t stop the human spirit.
When I asked you to hold benevolent intentions in my recent blog post, I also invited you to use The Secret Prayer, which is recorded by me and available to hear for free at The Secret Prayer website.
Today I’m excited to announce the release of my latest book, The Secret Prayer.
It reveals a three step formula for attracting miracles that always works.
The book explains the secret.
It became a #1 bestseller in three categories the day it was released on Amazon.
You can go get it for your Kindle reader, as a paperback, or on audio at
Here’s what some early readers are saying —
“Joe did it again!! I love his new book…. It’s inspiring, filled with practical wisdom and massive insight!” ~ Janet Bray Attwood, NY Times Bestselling Author The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches
“An absolute delight to read— The Secret Prayer is mind expanding, heart opening, and overflowing with love.” ~ Marci Shimoff #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul |
“Joe Vitale has done it again! What an awesome compilation of the best and most powerful prayers from different disciplines! I love how Joe shares the most effective processes and how to get the most out of the wonderful discipline of prayer. I constantly pray — I pray in the most curious ways at times — and my life is filled with love, miracles, prosperity and contribution to others… Thank YOU, Joe, for your wisdom, commitment and your love of people! ~Dame DC Cordova CEO, Excellerated Business School® for Entrepreneurs / Money & You® |
“The blockbuster movie The Secret awakened the world to the mystical power within each person to manifest what they desired. But it raised more questions than it answered. Joe Vitale, one of the stars of The Secret, has finally answered all those questions in this long-awaited and historically-significant newest book, The Secret Prayer.” ~Raymond Aaron NY Times Bestselling Author |
“Joe Vitale’s book is stimulating you to pray again with gratitude for who you are and what you have. In his own unique style, he gives you new tools to revise and deepen your connection with the Universe. This book touched me deeply.” ~Marie Diamond Global Transformational Leader, Speaker and Author, Star in The Secret |
“Few people truly ‘get it.’ Joe gets it, he got it right in The Secret, and he totally nails it in the The Secret Prayer. This is the book that will lift people out of misunderstanding prayer, invites them to take responsibility for their divine inheritance, and thereby unleash their unimaginable power over all things. A book that can put any life on a fast track to greater happiness and fulfilment.” ~Mike Dooley NY Times Bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and Leveraging the Universe |
“The Secret Prayer holds the key to fulfilling your heartfelt dreams, goals, and desires. I love this book. Read it and use it. It will change your life!” ~Dr. Susan Shumsky |
The Secret Prayer contains short chapters, deep insights, fascinating stories, and more.
I believe this is what we need today, for ourselves, family and friends, and planet.
Please get copies for yourself and people you care about.
After all, what if it really works?
The book for your Kindle reader is here:
The audio of the book, read by me, is here:
Ao Akua,
PS — Here’s an excerpt from the introduction to The Secret Prayer:
According to The Psychology of Prayer, 97% of all Americans pray at least once a week. Even atheists admit that they sometimes pray.
But as we all know, it doesn’t always seem to work.
Why not?
What’s the secret to having a prayer deliver?
That’s what you’ll discover in The Secret Prayer, where I reveal the three-step formula for attracting miracles through this particular prayer. And I’m talking about anything and everything you could name as a “miracle.”
When you think about it, what is impossible?
Since we’re talking about enlisting the help of “Something” greater than you, what could be impossible to attract?
Unless you’re trying to bend or break the laws of physics, or have an unreal fantasy such as riding a unicorn around the sun, can’t you have, do, or be anything you can imagine? Aren’t the only limits the ones you believe in? Aren’t your beliefs open to inspection and change?
I also want to face reality here. Many “new agey” people claim, “It’s all good.” While everything is all good from a Divine perspective, from a physical perspective, we have work to do.
There are plenty of problems in the world. There are people suffering and starving. You may know some of them. You may be one of them. Dismissing the problems and challenges of life is a form of denial and self-sabotage. You have to be honest and note the issues before us.
And you want to look beyond the issues to Source. When you focus on the peace behind the problem, you begin to clean up the perceptions creating and attracting the problem.
This is why The Secret Prayer is so helpful. It assists you in reconnecting with the essence of life, the Divinity of life, the Source of life. The more you can allow prayer to bring you home, the faster you will nullify the causes of the separation. And then you can see the miracle of right now.
It’s worth revealing how I came across The Secret Prayer. You may know me from my books, audios, and movie appearances. You may consider me an inspiration, since I write self-help books, or a huckster, since I sell self-help books. You may like my methods or think they are simply mental diversions from living a life of hard work and struggle.
What you may not know is that I am a seeker like you, and have been since the 1960s, when I was a teenager. Others looked for outside thrills; I looked for inside awakenings. I wanted to know how the world worked, and I wanted to teach it to others. As I discovered new things—such as Ho’oponopono—I would share them in books, such as Zero Limits and At Zero. I simply regarded myself as a scout looking for gold. Whenever I found it, I shared it. I still do that today.
A decade or so ago, I earned one of my doctorates by completing a dissertation on New Thought healers and how they use prayer and “mind treatment” to help people. I found it fascinating but didn’t do anything with it.
Then, after the movie The Secret made the Law of Attraction mainstream, and made me internationally famous, I wondered how the law blended with prayer. Others wondered, too. People would ask me if I believed in God, or if the Law of Attraction replaced God, and so forth. It made me curious about how we use prayer—if we used it all—to align ourselves with God—or whatever we call The Great Something—to have, do, or be whatever we imagine.
Was that even possible?
As usual, I continued my research and meditating. I was led to rereading the books of Emmet Fox, an author I’ve always loved. His “mental equivalent” went a long way in helping me realize that everything begins with vivid thought.
Rereading Wallace Wattles’s famous book, Financial Success through Creative Thought, or, as it is better known by its subtitle, The Science of Getting Rich, reminded me that everything comes out of some great energy vortex, and we call it forth with thought and action.
Reading the letters of Brother Lawrence, the beloved monk of the 1600s who taught us to “practice the presence of God,” meaning to spend every moment looking for, feeling, and loving the Source, helped me realize the power behind all manifestation was this Divine “Something.”
And then one day I had an “aha!” experience.
In some of my books, such as The Awakening Course, I explain that we can have peeks into All That Is, and those glimpses are called satori experiences in some cultures. I had such an awakening. Somehow the blend of prayer and Law of Attraction merged together into a new formula; a synthesis of ideas that created a powerhouse new system for attracting virtually anything.
I became as excited as if I had been hit by lightning or the heavens opened and some Great Being had spoken to me directly. This new prayer was powerful. It is powerful. I put up an audio of me leading people through The Secret Prayer on Instantly, thousands of people went to it, used it, and began to rave about it.
Will it work for you, too?
How can I say that?
When you realize that you are already a manifester and are already living a miracle for which you are grateful (the first step in the formula), then you can stop there. You already attracted something incredible. But add the next two steps—detached request and inspired action—and your further results are virtually guaranteed.
I’m calling it a “secret” prayer because your prayer should be between you and your inner connection to “All That Is.” I’ve learned that sharing your prayers with others could weaken their power. Rather than invite doubt or negativity, keep your prayer to yourself. Let it be a “secret” between you and Divinity.
Go get the book The Secret Prayer for your Kindle reader at
Or go get the audio version of the book, read by me, at
Reading as much as I do, it’s hard to narrow the stacks of great books down to a handful of memorable classics. Here are the top ten books that really stood out and made a difference in my life in 2014:
Best Books 2014
You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. This may be my favorite book of the year. Yes, there are plenty of self-help books that say virtually the same thing as Sincero’s book, but almost none do it with attitude. I love the humor, honesty, intimacy, personality, and daring of the author. I love the book so much I reached out and interviewed Sincero for my podcast. She’s sincere, funny, open, and a living badass of the polite I-won’t-hurt-you but I’m-going-for-my-dreams-so-stand-back sort. Fun, wise, empowering. Read it.
Spartan Up! by Joe De Sena. This one lit a fire under my butt and made me want to get out and run up steep hills with my shoes on fire. Since I’m already working out intensely, thanks to personally training with Body-for-Life fitness legend Bill Phillips, I didn’t feel compelled to enter a Spartan endurance race. But I found this book inspiring, motivating, and heart pounding. I love his concept of “obstacle immunity,” which means hard core exercise builds inner strength to easily handle the stresses of normal life. He’s right. After intense exercise, traffic is nothing. Great book.
The Science of Living by Emmet Fox. This book clearly explains the teachings of New Thought pioneer Emmet Fox, most famous for his little books, such as The Mental Equivalent and Make Your Life Worthwhile. Though Fox taught and published in the 1930s, The Science of Living is a recent publication based on his private classes with metaphysical students. I love its clarity, plus it made me feel like I was in the room with him. This fully explains what the philosophy of Mind Science is all about. A true gem.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I’ve read this 1937 classic before, of course, but after reading a recent biography of Carnegie (Self-Help Messiah), I decided to read it again. It is a masterpiece. I am in awe of Carnegie’s conversational writing style, powerful stories, and crisp message. I wish just one of my books was this good. The message, while simple, is as relevant today as it was over the last several decades. Priceless.
Making the American Body by Jonathan Black. I found this book hypnotic. It masterfully tells the story of the men and women who shaped fitness in the United States. That may sound boring to you but believe me, the feats, feuds, and fuss of the often egomaniac men and women who urge us to get fit is an entertaining, enlightening, and even appalling read. My only disappointment is the author somehow left out Bill Phillips, who is a living legend in fitness. Otherwise, riveting.
A Moment in Time: The Steve Reeves Story by George Helmer. I’m one of the biggest Reeves collectors in the world. I have the famous body builder/movie star’s gym, car, clothes, trophies, and more. My collection is impressive enough that Lou Ferrigno (The Hulk) came to see it. This long awaited biography, by Reeves’ personal friend and executor of his estate, is mesmerizing. The hundreds of photos are worth the price of admission alone. The stories are alive. It’s a loving tribute to a legend; the definitive biography of the original Hollywood Hercules.
The Devil’s Horn by Michael Segell. As you may know, I’m now a saxophone player. (Afflatus, my baritone sax album, came out last month.) This is the hands-down best book ever written on the dramatic roller-coaster history of the sax, an instrument once considered the “devil’s horn” by some while others swooned to its cool sound. It was once the most popular instrument in the world (until the guitar got plugged in). The man who invented the sax – named (no surprise) Adolphus Sax – went through business failure, ridicule, controversy, political manipulation, envy, and even a death threat. An astonishing book.
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. Nicholas Herman, later known as Brother Lawrence, lived in France in the 1600’s as a kitchen working monk. He dedicated his life to constantly living, working, playing, and praying “as in His presence” at all times. “His” means God. If the God word pushes a button in you, exchange it for Divinity or something else. This little book of conversations with, and letters by, Brother Lawrence has been changing lives for centuries. It did mine, too, and deeply influenced the writing of my forthcoming book, The Secret Prayer. There are numerous editions of this holy work around, many published in English for the first time around 1895. Highly recommended.
Managing Thought: How Do Your Thoughts Rule Your World? by Mary J. Lore. I love the direct simplicity of this well crafted book. It helps you understand what your thoughts are doing, whether you are aware of them or not. Of course, once you are aware of your thoughts, you are now separate from them and more in control. A practical, inspiring guide.
Willpower: The Owner’s Manual by Frank Martela. This brief book surprised me with the 12 tools it describes for “doing the right thing.” I expected fluff, I got wisdom. People often resist will power, thinking it is pure ego or pure pain, when in reality will power is what you often need to align your desires, achieve your intentions, and attract what you want. Great book. Will yourself to read it.
And here’s a bonus title —
You Are the Placebo by Joe Dispenza. I’m not a fan of so-called scientifically based books describing how the world works, mostly because I can’t follow their terminology and the authors often disagree with each other, but this book is easy reading, easy to understand, and truly eye opening. Dispenza explains how it is possible to heal many “incurables” with thought alone, by detailing how the mind influences everything. In a way, this is a manual on how to create the placebo effect as needed. I read every word. Fascinating.
What about you?
What did you read this year that moved you?
Please post your comment below.
Thank you.
Ao Akua,
PS – My list of best books for 2013 is at
“Do you believe in God?”
I would get that question after people read my book, The Attractor Factor, or read (or saw the movie) The Secret.
They somehow assumed that the Law of Attraction replaced God.
They somehow assumed that people who practice the Law of Attraction are playing God.
That confused me.
“God gave you the Law of Attraction,” I would explain. “Just as God — or the Divine, Universe, or Nature — gave you gravity. It’s a tool you can use, but it doesn’t replace the person who gave it to you.”
I’d go on to explain that I absolutely believe in God, but usually call that “ultimate force of life” the Divine, to neutralize any emotional buttons people have when they hear the word “God.”
But this unseen force is not only giving us life, It is nudging us in a certain direction, too.
In a way, the force is “pruning” us.
As you go about your life, you get bumped and rocked by events as a way for Life (God, Divine, etc) to direct you where IT wants you to go.
The more you follow the nudges, the easier life gets.
This blog post is an example.
I was sitting, eating dinner with Nerissa, when the idea for this post entered my mind.
I wasn’t looking for an idea.
I was enjoying my dinner.
But I’ve learned to obey the Divine’s inspirations.
So I turned to Nerissa and said, “You know how I get ideas at odd moments?”
She looked at me and said, “See you later.”
She understood.
Here’s another example:
I was in New York City on business and decided to visit Rudy’s Music Store in SoHo.
I knew it was famous, that Rudy Pensa is a renown collector of rare instruments, and I suspected it’d be worth the trip to see it.
Not God either but Gordon French at Rudy's showing me a Versoul electric guitar (made by Kari Nieminen in Finland)
It was.
The beautiful store is two stories of new and old guitars, acoustic and electric, some highly collectible, all stunning.
I was in awe of the place.
In a display case was a 1938 D’Angelico New Yorker archtop guitar.
If you know guitars, you just fainted.
The late John D’Angelico is considered the Michelangelo of guitar makers.
His instruments are sought after by collectors, musicians, museums, and fans.
Books have been written about his style and his guitars.
Even Rudy, the owner of the shop, created a mammoth coffee table book (Archtop Guitars) with some of D’Angelico’s guitars described inside, knew D’Angelico, and owns a few of his works.
Stunning book of archtop guitars made by D'Angelico, D'Aquisto, and Monteleone, compiled by Rudy Pensa
D’Angelico made 1,164 guitars in his life. (He died in 1964).
He didn’t hand carve all those guitars for fame or fortune.
He said, “Big money? Big title? For what? I want to build guitars under my own name, for my own customers, the way I do it! For me that’s a good life!”
And there I was, staring at one of them.
Gordon, the shop keeper, pulled the 1938 masterpiece out of the case and handed it to me.
“I can play it?” I asked.
“Yes, of course,” he said. “We want you to experience any guitar you see here.”
I held the archtop as if it was out of a museum.
I strummed it and heard the sound of angels.
I looked it over and saw God’s handiwork in a guitar.
I could tell the guitar was well played, well loved, and still in flawless shape.
“Everything on it is original except the covering on the pick guard,” Gordon said. “We even have the original case.”
Later, Rudy showed me the ledger in his book revealing the serial number for the guitar, year made, and who it was made for, all in D’Angelico’s handwriting.
This is where I felt the inner tug at my heart that I think is the Divine calling me.
I’ve learned to follow those tugs.
After Rudy told me the price, and I gasped, I asked if there was a discount for a guitar lover who would probably buy other guitars from him.
He laughed, ran some numbers, and gave me a slight break.
I bought it.
What does this have to do with God?
Look behind the scenes…
I only felt directed to go to one store in all of New York City.
I could have gone anywhere.
And while there, the D’Angelico seemed to call out my name.
I could have ignored it.
I believe all of this was Divinity aiming my direction.
Later, after I left the store and decided to walk two miles back to my hotel, I wondered what would come of my buying an investment grade work of playable art.
Then another inspiration hit me.
(Where do these inspirations come from?)
I realized that my forthcoming book, The Secret Prayer, could be enriched with the story of how I was led to the guitar.
You see, I had said a prayer before I left that morning, asking to be led to the right place and to experience a joyful event.
As I’ve written before, “Prayer is a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.”
I said my prayer in a state of gratitude, made a request for an exciting day, and took action by following my hunch to go to Rudy’s.
From there, I simply allowed the miracle.
And it happened.
In other words, God is directing me (and you, too, of course), and we can attract (or allow) miracles when we act on the signs and opportunities we are given.
But we have to participate.
I could have said “I”ll skip Rudy’s and go to Starbucks.”
I could have said, “Nah, that D’Angelico is too expensive.”
I could have said, “No, I’d rather finish dinner than write this post.”
But when you say YES to the inspirations, and take action, you are following Divinity’s plan for you.
When you follow inspiration – whether to build a guitar of the caliber of a D’Angelico, or to buy one – you are following the Divine’s path for you.
But you may need a razor sharp sensitivity to hear the whisper, and total faith to take action on the prompting.
Werner Erhard (founder of est) used to say, “If you knew what God wanted you to do, you’d do it and be happy. Well, what you are doing right now is what God wants you to do.”
So the next time you feel stuck or stopped, ask if Divinity is trying to redirect your path or your process.
Or the next time you receive a nudge to leave dinner early, or buy a guitar, ask if you are ready to step out in faith.
Where is God?
Right here.
Ao Akua,
PS – Rudy’s Music Store in New York City is right here.
PPS – Yes, I was also practicing “prosperous purchasing” by getting the 1938 D’Angelico New Yorker, a concept I explain in my free book, Attract Money Now.
Later this year I’ll be releasing a new book titled, The Secret Prayer.
It will reveal a three-step formula for attracting miracles through right prayer.
Prayer is a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.
In researching, I’m reading really old books, such as Prayer: The Forgotten Secret, from 1906, and really new books, such as Healing Words by Larry Dossey and Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson.
From what I can see, prayer has been around since the beginning of time.
But as we all know, they don’t always seem to work.
So what’s the secret to having a prayer deliver?
Let’s look at incorrect prayer first:
First, I don’t think most people actually believe their prayers. They pray without any real belief that anyone is listening or anything will happen. They simply “toss” one to the sky, like a stranded person on an island throwing a note in a bottle into the ocean. They hope someone picks it up. Then they hope someone acts on their plea.
Second, desperation is the other problem. Most prayers are just begging. People pray for help, solutions, miracles, healing, money and more. But when they pray, it’s often because they don’t see a way out and are pleading for intervention.
Third, most people don’t take action. This is a common thing in the world of metaphysics. People think their praying is action, when it’s really an action, but not the entire blueprint to results.
Again, prayer is a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.
So what’s the right way to pray?
“When you put yourself into the state of the wish fulfilled and think from it, you are praying, and in a way your reasoning mind does not know, your wish will become a fact in your world. You can be the man or woman you want to be, when you know how to pray.” – Neville, The Right Way to Pray, 1967 lecture,
First, begin with a spirit of gratitude.
To me, this is the core issue. If we all felt more gratitude for what we have, even the things we complain about, we’d shift our focus, our mind, our thoughts, our energies, our spirit, our direction, our action, and more. Gratitude for the now is the number one way to begin any prayer. When you sincerely do it and feel it, you can stop with this step, too. It’s that powerful.
Second, requesting rather than begging is wiser.
After all, we don’t know the big picture or the whole story. Begging for a certain outcome is an ego trip; it’s pretending we know it all. We don’t. We barely know a tiny percentage of what is happening in our personal world at any one time. A wiser approach is to make a request but acknowledge that something better may be more appropriate. End requests with the phrase, “This or something better.” This step requires faith.
Third, acting on the insights, inspiration, intuition.
We co-create results. The Higher Power (God, Divine, Universe, etc) works through you, not for you. When you see an opportunity, seize it. When you receive an inspiration, act on it. You are the missing ingredient in most results from prayer. The famous joke about the man who prayed to win the lottery but was reminded to buy a ticket, is good to remember.
“Prayer is the effort to bring the human soul into tune with the Infinite.” – W. J. Dawson, Prayer: The Forgotten Secret
My book will explore all this and more when it comes out later in the year. For now, I wanted to give you a crash course in prayer.
If you really want your prayers answered, then follow a proven formula:
1. Be grateful.
2. Detached request.
3. Inspired Action.
Try it today and note the difference.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – If you have other pointers or stories about prayers that work, please let me know with a comment below. Thank you.
PPS – If you want to explore prayers and music, be sure to check out my latest album