Motivational songs?
Because everything programs you.
You don’t have to be consciously focused on conversations around you, or the media blaring news over TVs in a bar or restaurant, or billboards in your field of vision as you drive, or even the music playing in the background as you work, walk, rest, exercise or lounge.
It’s still all programming you.
Your mind is picking up around 40,000,000 bits of information in every second.
Even right now, as you read these words.
You’re not aware of it all, thank goodness, because another part of your mind is filtering it.
That other part lets you become aware of only what is necessary to your goals and survival.
But that other part is also receiving all that other programming.
When it comes to attracting more of what you want using the Law of Attraction, you need to become aware of this hidden programming, and consciously surround yourself with what supports you.
And that’s where I want to talk about motivational songs.
Music can program you for lack and limitation.
I’ve written about this many times, explaining if you can’t seem to get what you want today, it could very well be due to the Rolling Stones singing “You can’t always get what you want” into your brain since the 1960s.
Great song.
Lousy affirmation.
What we need to do today is carefully choose what we allow into our heads.
We have choice.
You can still listen to the Rolling Stones, or any other band you love, just with an awareness of the lyrics and the consciousness to prevent any limited thinking programming.
You can also search for more upbeat, positive music.
For example, more and more music is being called “healing music” and “self help” music. It’s music intentionally created to motivate you, inspire you, or even enlighten you.
A quick search brought up these top motivational songs:
You can of course create your own playlist of self-help or motivational songs.
Meanwhile, let me share some of my own adventures in making motivational music:
Back in 2011, when I began recording my first album, I consciously decided to make it a “meditation meets the blues” recording.
I brought in my muse and support at the time, Sarah McSweeney, and together with producer Daniel Barrett, we created Blue Healer.
We also recorded it in record time (no pun intended), so I could be on the cover of Austin All Natural magazine announcing my first ever music album.
We succeeded, too.
My next album in 2012, was my first singer-songwriter one.
I knew I wanted to create songs that helped me feel inspired and motivated. The album title track, Strut!, was a rally call for people to “strut around” when they felt down.
It’s the positive psychology principle that just smiling, even when you don’t feel like it, will change your internal state.
Fake a smile to feel a smile.
Strut to feel like strutting.
My first major music video from the Strut! album became, over the years, my all-time most watched video. You can still see “Everybody’s Going Through Something” at
At this point I’ve recorded five singer-songwriter albums.
I’m going to record album six in January, after my private songwriting lesson with the legendary Melissa Etheridge next week. (!)
I’ll again attract my all-star band back into the studio:
Together we’ll make more motivational songs.
But I’m not the only one creating music to help people.
Free book at
In the last few years of making music, I’ve met many other artists creating their own forms of motivational songs, or healing music, and self help music.
For example –
I could go on.
Obviously, you have choice in what you listen to.
The Jive Aces, a really cool swing-jump-jazz dance band from the UK, has a video that makes me smile whenever I watch it. Over 2,000,000 have seen it. It’s “Bring Me Sunshine” and you can watch it here
The point of this post is to help you remember to consciously guard the roads into your mind.
Whether it’s audio or visual, you want to feed your brain what will nourish and support you.
Listening to the right music is one key way to do it.
Meanwhile, dance, sing and strut your stuff!
Ao Akua
PS- A list of my singer-songwriter albums is here at CDBaby and almost all of my albums so far are listed at
Well, I did it again.
I wrote about attracting Grammy nominated saxophone sensation Mindi Abair last November.
I attracted her again the other night.
While Mindi performs with the legends – from Aerosmith to Bruce Springsteen – and is a legend herself, she rarely if ever performs private acoustic house concerts.
She’s done it twice now for me and my friends.
And we all love her.
I can’t say enough good things about Mindi.
Not only is she beautiful and mega talented, but a warm, loving, fun, generous person, as well.
Her seventh solo CD, Wild Heart, debuted at #1 on the Billboard Jazz chart and was nominated for a Grammy in the Best Contemporary Instrumental Album category. Featuring special guests such as Gregg Allman, Joe Perry, Max Weinberg, Booker T. Jones and Waddy Wachtel, Wild Heart is my favorite of all her albums (so far).
She played tracks from the recent album: raw, acoustic, and steaming with emotion. And she and her keyboard player, Dave Yaden, a Grammy winning songwriter, hung with us for almost six hours.
They didn’t have to.
They wanted to.
And everyone was amazed, happy and grateful.
A highlight for me was having Mindi teach me how to control my breathing for better saxophone playing.
The basic idea is to make a slip of paper stay stuck to a wall by focusing your breath a few inches away and keeping the air flow out steady, so the paper doesn’t fall. (You can watch that lesson at
Another highlight was Mindi sitting on my lap, swooning to the thought of my own saxophone album, Afflatus.
And both Mindi and Dave answered our questions, which was remarkable and educational, as they openly discussed music, improvisation, and breathing, to where to get hot pants and sexy boots. We also learned about hack-sawing a mouthpiece to get it in tune, the musician’s crush, and more.
As in the last private concert, Mindi introduced each song with a story behind it, which brought the songs to life in a more intimate way.
A poignant story was about Mindi’s sax, which was stolen last January.
She had a custom made alto saxophone which was her baby, her pride and joy, and her workhorse. She took it everywhere, used it daily, and relied on it for her income.
It was stolen out of her car.
While she was devastated, it turned into something great, as she attracted a new Yamaha Custom Z alto sax and her own signature Theo Wanne mouthpiece.
While the theft was not perceived as good at the time, she later saw it as the Universe kicking her into her next growth spurt.
As she put it, she was an instant Buddhist – learning non-attachment on the spot.
I love this woman.
To nourish us all, Nerissa made pizza and brownies from the grain-free, gluten-free, all natural recipes in her bestselling cookbook, Bread-Free Bread.
All in all, another unforgettable evening with the astonishing Mindi Abair.
Please go get her albums and enjoy this terrific woman’s gifts.
Her site is right here.
Ao Akua,
PS – You can see the first private house concert with Mindi Abair (and guitarist Randy Jacobs) online at:
NOTE: Just a friendly reminder: you can still pre-order my fifth singer-songwriter album — the one where the songs are like 3-minute self-help books — and with Grammy nominated singer Ruthie Foster on one steamy track — at a dramatic discount at One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song. This will be a limited edition collectible booklet and CD package. You’ll want it. I’m no Mindi Abair, but I also play sax on the album.
A secret to using the Law of Attraction to accelerate your results is to feel what you want to have, do, or be as already done.
Instead of seeing it off in the future, you feel it in your life right now.
In my books, such as The Attractor Factor, I called this technique a way to “Nevillize” your goal.
I coined the term (with the help of famed copywriter David Garfinkel) more than a decade ago, as a respectful nod to Neville Goddard, the mystical author of numerous books, about his innovative way to manifest.
I love Neville. I have all of his books, and all of his audios. I have many autographed copies of his rare early editions. I have the original private lessons to a course he taught. I have all of his lectures transcribed in a twelve volume set of books.
I’ve written about him and talked about him, in public as well as private, on radio shows and at dinner parties.
And I even republished his first book, At Your Command, back in 2005, way before the movie The Secret.
Obviously, I love the work of Neville Goddard. 🙂
It has greatly influenced me personally and professionally.
But here’s the best news of all —
I recently wrote a hypnotic song to communicate Neville’s core message.
It’s called “Feel It Real” and it will be on my forthcoming fifth singer-songwriter album, One More Day: Life Lessons in Hypnotic Song.
The song is designed to teach you the Neville method – how to Nevillize – in about three minutes.
And to make the song as wonderful as I could, I brought in some of the best musicians on the planet, from Rock and Hall of Fame drummer Joe Vitale (yes, he has the same name as me), to bass man Glenn Fukunaga, to Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon, and producer Daniel Barrett.
AND I brought in Grammy nominated singer Ruthie Foster to add her soaring vocals.
The result is a song that is a joy to hear over and over again, that teaches you the Neville method, and that raises your vibration so you really can “Nevillize” your desires.
I’m proud and jubilant to bring you this new Hypnotic Song.
The song is loving homage to Neville, who (in 1969) said –
“Feel in depth, for what you feel deeply is more vital than what you think. Every day you can think about how wonderful it would be if – and never act. But if every day you would feel how wonderful it is now, it will become true.” – Neville
And –
“You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire.” – Neville
My song “Feel It Real” reminds you of Neville’s message with these lyrics –
...the secret to life
is to feel it real
no need to wonder or worry
no need to visualize or delay
just feel what you want real
and feel it done today…
“Feel It Real,” along with nine other tracks, will be on the new album. I’m putting together a collectible, limited edition package, complete with audio CD containing all ten tracks, lyrics book with photos, which you can pr-eorder at an impressive discount right now by clicking right here.
Meanwhile, think of what you want, embody it as already completed, and “Feel It Real.”
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – Excerpts from the following books by Neville can be read online:
Awakened Imagination
Feeling is the Secret
People usually marvel at the speed at which I get things done –
I personally don’t think it’s such a big deal. It’s simply what I do.
But I’ve noticed that when people get close to me, they also begin to get things done faster than ever before.
How is this possible?
Why do some people never start a project, others take forever to complete them, and others never finish them – yet I and those close to me start and complete at warp speed?
For example, my wife, Nerissa, just completed her first book, a cookbook titled Bread-Free Bread. It consists of almost 80 recipes, all of them created from scratch. They reveal how to make “breads” out of vegetables, seeds and nuts. The book is already a bestseller.
But here’s the interesting part: she landed a publishing deal and began the book project before signing it, worked night and day for two months to create, develop, test and retest the recipes, as well as take color photos of each dish.
And she did it while having two surgeries, selling rental property of 17 years, buying a new home for her mother, having bathroom remodeling and construction workers interrupting her, losing our beloved cat of 15 years, and maintaining her activities in local politics.
Pretty impressive.
But how was this possible?
She’s not alone.
Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon is my partner on several music projects, such as Aligning to Zero.
When I told him I had an idea for more original healing music, created with my baritone clearing electric guitar, and with prayers read by me, we took action and broke the speed of sound.
We created all tracks, from zero, in about four weeks.
A few weeks later, we were selling the album.
It’s called Invoking Divinity.
Some musicians take years to get their first album done.
Some never do it at all.
How did we do it so fast?
These stories of time distortion and instant results don’t stop there.
As you may already know from a previous blog post, I heard a baritone saxophone for the first time in January of 2014.
I loved it.
I bought a vintage bari sax in February.
In March I started playing, improvising, and learning.
Thanks to my music producer’s belief in me – Daniel Barrett said I have a supernatural connection to the sax – I was in the studio recording an all sax album in October.
In November – yes, this month – barely ten months from first hearing the bari sax – I completed it.
It’s called Afflatus, which means “divine inspiration.”
And by the way, that’s my tenth album — in just over three years.
How is this possible?
What’s my secret to instant productivity?
It’s this –
I move as if I am on fire.
I treat ideas as gifts from the universe.
When they arrive, I do my best to act fast, if not instantly.
I also watch my mind for any excuses or doubts, and remove them at once.
The more I am clear, the faster I can create.
That’s worth repeating —
“The more I am clear (of limiting beliefs about what is possible), the faster I can create.”
And I surround myself with people who encourage and believe in me.
The result is a win-win.
I get projects done, and others around me are inspired to get things done, too.
Inspiration is contagious.
It ignites fire in others too.
I’ve often said, “Money likes speed.”
Well, the Universe likes it, too.
Take action.
The faster you do, the faster everyone benefits.
And lest you think I am producing mediocre work by moving so quickly, keep in mind that several of my songs have been nominated for the Posi Award (considered the Grammy’s of positive music), my music video called “Be Kind” has been seen (at recent count) over 90,000 times, my albums with Mathew are all best-sellers for us, and the team that helps me create my singer-songwriter music are celebrity musicians, award winning musicians, and even one musician in the legendary Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I’ve even had three Grammy winners involved in one album.
And my books – such as The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits – are bestsellers around the world.
I am producing top quality at top speed.
You can do this, too.
One more example:
A few years ago I was invited to be on the cover of Austin All Natural magazine. I decided I would create my first album in three months, and feature it as the cover story. It would announce my debut as a musician.
But I also went to Mathew Dixon, and to singer Sarah Marie, and told them if they, too, completed new albums within three months, I’d see that they were included in the magazine.
We could support each other.
It’d be a win-win-win.
We all went to work.
Remember, we each started from nothing.
And we each had the same three months to get our albums done.
We did it, too.
We completed our albums and were featured in the issue.
Again, inspiration is contagious.
This is the secret of great productivity:
Light a fire in your heart and let the flames of passion drive you to completion.
Knowing that others have done this helps you erase any mental limitations that may have been slowing or stopping you.
Doing it with others, or with others who believe in you, also collapses time, excuses, and perceived limits.
Truth is, I don’t know that we have any real limitations.
But what fun it is to test the limits.
Light a fire and burn.
Ao Akua,
PS — If you want help in achieving and attracting your desires, check out Miracles Coaching.
With all the music I’ve been creating — album number five comes out this month and album six is in production right now — you’d think I wouldn’t have any time to write more books. Not so. Here are some new ones being released the first part of this year:
As I mentioned above, I have new music coming out, too. Album number five — my third singer-songwriting collection — will be released this month:
I’ll let you know when the above books and music becomes available. Or you can be one of the first to know by subscribing to my email list over at
My intent in sharing all this with you is to inspire you to take action and go for your dreams, as well.
What are you creating for 2013?
Ao Akua,
PS – You can pre-order my next book, Faith, online right now at