What would you love to see occur in 2013?
What would be cool for you to attract?
What do you really want?
Here’s your chance to help it happen.
Setting a goal “calls forth” virtually everything you need to achieve and attract that goal.
Just a few months ago I felt dead when it came to music. After recording four albums, one of them a hands down bestseller, all of them seen in Rolling Stone magazine, I didn’t feel connected to any more music. I wanted to quit.
Yet after I set a new goal, with the help of Daniel Barrett and his Rubicon artist program, new songs came forth.
A dozen of them.
Good ones.
Great ones.
Surprising ones.
Where were they before the goal?
The goal triggered the songs. The goal “called forth” the songs.
I then went into the studio — with drummer Joe Vitale, bass player Glenn Fukunaga, guitar player and producer Daniel Barrett — and created ten amazing tracks. I’m in awe of what we recorded. The soft songs were kissed by angels. The rockers raised the dead.
Yet there were no songs before the goal!
I recall having dinner with Rhonda Byrne, the person behind the hit movie The Secret. I asked her if she felt she created or attracted the movie idea. She thought for a long time and said, “I called it forth.”
“Calling forth” your outcome is what happens when you set a clear goal and have no attachment to how or when it arrives.
Today is your chance to “call forth” what you want for 2013.
It all begins with a clear goal.
Goals that are without desperation are easier to attract. Desperation is the energy of a negative belief pushing the goal away. You want a goal that delights you, even if you have no idea how you will attract it, or when.
Goals are how you start a fire within yourself. You might be feeling “blah” and have no desire for much of anything but living in the moment and vegging. But let an inspired idea become a goal and suddenly you ignite the pilot light in your soul. Now you have direction, purpose, and energy. The goal triggers the release of new powers, and even begins to attract opportunities and more to bring the goal into reality.
Ask, “What would be really cool to attract in this new year?’
Forget why or how. Let your unconscious mind work with “all that is” to arrange it to happen.
All you need to do today is choose your goal.
What’s yours?
Ao Akua,
PS — Happy New Year!
Recently I interviewed Steve G. Jones, celebrity hypnotherapist and my partner on several projects, such as Wealth Trigger I and II, and the Law of Attraction Practitioner Certification course. I found him fascinating and insightful. One key principle from our interview is worth sharing with you here.
Steve pointed out that your subconscious mind looks for and offers you proof for your thoughts. That may or may not be news to you. But let’s look at it in real life terms, and see how it ties in to what you attract into your life.
When a person says, “It’s not possible for me to attract love into my life because all the good ones are taken,” their subconscious mind begins to look around for evidence to support that belief.
They may then find themselves attracted to a person, only to get more information and discover the person is not ideal for one reason or another. Then the person with the belief “all the good ones are taken” announces, “See! All the good ones are taken!”
Of course, that’s not true. Not in objective reality terms. After all, there are seven billion people on the planet. Surely there’s a match for the person seeking love.
But let’s dial in on this and take a closer look.
When you say, “I can’t attract more money” — or anything along the lines of “It won’t happen for me” — then you are simply delivering a belief to your subconscious. Your inner mind will then do what it is designed to do: prove your belief is true.
But is the belief true?
Do you see how important this is?
It means you have to become very sensitive to how you think. When I — or anyone — suggests you can have, do, or be more, what is your first thought? If it’s anything like, “Hogwash! You are just selling hope and it will never happen!,” then you are of course commanding your own mind to prove your own limiting belief to you.
But it’s not objective reality.
These days I sometimes do consulting with people. I constantly hear them voice beliefs they don’t realize are beliefs. They think their statements are clear observations of reality. They think their observations of reality are reality. But that isn’t always so.
This is why a coach is so crucial. You need someone to hear your statements and point them out to you, help you question them, and then release them or replace them.
My interview with Steve really made me aware that none of us listen to our language closely enough. I sometimes catch myself complaining or stating a limiting belief. I have to pause and ask myself, “Is the belief true in objective reality?”
In other words, is it a fact we can all agree on and even measure?
More often than not, it isn’t.
Years ago, when I trained with famed bodybuilder and Olympia winner Frank Zane, I was urged to watch my mouth. Frank would tell me, “I pay attention to how people speak. Your statements are usually empowering, but when you got under the squat rack, you started to say you couldn’t do it.”
He was right.
Frank wanted me to learn that my thoughts were leading me to create my own limitations. My statements about what was possible were in fact programming me to expect the very thing I declared. I was programming a robot: me.
I’m inviting you to monitor your thoughts and your language. What you say is programming you. As Steve pointed out in our in-depth interview, your words are speaking reality into being. But the reality you speak is one fabricated because of what you speak.
Here’s what Steve suggests you do right now to remedy this:
As you review this post, what comes to mind?
What are your thoughts right now?
Do you believe you can reprogram your mind?
Do you believe you can have, do, or be virtually anything?
This is all part of the process of deprogramming the robot of you. It’s about freeing yourself of limitations. How you answer reveals your beliefs, not objective reality. You can remain programmed by circumstances and upbringing and past beliefs; or you can begin the process to take control right now and reprogram yourself for what you want.
Remember, your subconscious mind will look for evidence to prove what you believe and expect.
So, what would be really good for you to believe right now?
Ao Akua,
PS – NEWS FLASH: Steve and I will be teaching “Wealth Trigger Live!” in Austin, Texas February 15-17, 2013. Mark your calendar. Meanwhile, my interview with Steve G. Jones will be mailed to Hypnotic Gold subscribers this month. If you want to get it — and get access to about 80 a-maz-ing interviews from the last 7 years — subscribe at — Hypnotic Gold.
Mathew Dixon just released an amazing new e-book, titled Attracting for Others. It’s free. And fun. And eye-opening. I wish I had thought of it. Meanwhile, here’s my introduction to his book, which explains why you should go get it right now:
When you want to attract something, what do you typically do?
If you are like most people, you sit and visualize what you want, write affirmations about it, set an intention for it, and hope for the best. If you’re smart, you might even take action on the ideas and opportunities that come to you. That’s the basic mechanics of the Law of Attraction.
Sometimes you actually attract what you want that way.
Sometimes you don’t.
Why not?
Why doesn’t it always work?
Why can’t you always attract what you declare you want?
I’ve been teaching for years, through my books and audios, that there is a “missing secret” to the Law of Attraction. Basically, you’ll have a tough time attracting what you want if you have counter-intentions in your unconscious mind.
For example, if you say you want to attract money, yet at the same time think money is bad or evil, you will cancel out your own intention.
Why would you attract something you felt was evil?
If you say you want a relationship, but deep down don’t believe you are worthy of one, you won’t attract your dream person.
Why would you attract someone new if you felt you didn’t deserve someone new?
You can see the problem.
What you believe unconsciously is more important than what you believe consciously.
So, what can you do about this snag in the Law of Attraction process?
Well, you can work on your unconscious beliefs, enter my Miracles Coaching program, or do any number of things to get clear of your inner blocks. All of that would be wise. All of it would work. I’m in favor of it.
But Mathew Dixon rides to our rescue with an entirely new method. I think it’s a little “twisted,” but I also know you’ll love it.
While everyone else is scrambling to find new ways to attract more for themselves, Mathew quietly created a way to do just that, but with a twist: he found that the more you attract for others, the more you actually attract for yourself.
In other words, while the average manifestation junkie is sitting in a chair, meditating on the new car or sexy partner they want, Mathew is sitting in a chair imagining you already have that new car or sexy partner.
He’s focused on your end result, not his.
He’s using the Law of Attraction for you.
Why is this important?
His state of mind is at a higher frequency because his intentions are pure and his interference is low.
He can attract what you want faster than you can because he’s not emotionally tied up in your end result.
He simply and innocently wants you to have what you desire.
He doesn’t have your baggage, or limited belief system.
He doesn’t have any stake in you getting what you want, and as a result, he can more clearly, powerfully and effectively make the request for you.
That’s why his approach is “twisted.”
The “Twist” is he is focused on attracting for others, while most people are only focused on attracting for themselves.
Big difference in perspective, right?
And the grand insight is this: you can attract faster when you do it for others.
You also learn more about the inner dynamics of manifestation when you first do it for others.
You also earn what I call “Good Karma Points” by focusing on others before yourself.
And the more his book spreads around the world, and the more people learn how to attract for others, the more people will be attracting for you, too.
Besides, everyone you see is really a mirror reflection of your inner being, anyway. So when you attract for others, you’re really just attracting for the reflected versions of yourself. The cosmic joke is you are attracting for yourself when you “attract for others.” The other is you.
But don’t worry your mind over that. You don’t need to understand it or accept it to make the concept in his book work.
This book is evidence that Mathew’s technique is powerful. His stories are riveting and true. I know because a couple of them are about me or people I know. I’ve seen him create the method, try it, and secretly do it to help people. I also watched him write this book, which he decided to give away.
Again, he’s helping you.
The point of his book isn’t to make Mathew the “go to” guy when you want to attract something. Don’t write him and say, “Attract for ME, Mathew!” That’s an easy trap. That’s again giving away your power to another.
Rather, the point of this book is for you to start “ATTRACTING FOR OTHERS.”
The more you do it, the better you’ll feel, the more “in the flow” you’ll be, and the higher your level of energy and happiness. You’ll love it.
Simply read his wonderful, breezy little book, and follow Mathew’s guidelines. They are easy. And fun.
And as you use them, you will learn how to attract more for yourself – by first learning how to attract for others.
Go get his e-book — it’s entirely free — over at Attracting For Others.
Ao Akua,
PS — Mathew’s name should be familiar to you. We created the bestselling healing music album titled Aligning to Zero. The incredible music we were inspired to record helps open and align your chakras and is (if I say so myself) divinely beautiful. Hear samples at the site: http://www.aligningtozero.info
About four months ago I had breakfast with the incredible “Hulk,” actor Lou Ferrigno. We hit it off so well that we kept in touch, and had a three hour dinner when he returned to my area. That was the other night. And I’m still so excited and inspired that I still can’t sleep.
Lou is an inspiration. He looks better now at 61 years old than he did earlier in his life, when he was a three hundred pound bodybuilding giant who won awards and inspired millions. Today he is fit, healthy, and as gentle and loving as a kitten.
Posing holding the Steve Reeves Mr. Universe trophy of 1948, the very trophy that had inspired Lou as a teenager
But don’t let that warm smile fool you. He’s iron willed, focused, dedicated and moving forward like a Mack truck stuck in high gear. He’s a force of nature.
Still, he took great interest in my life and work. He wanted to know about my current projects. I told him about my two books coming out in early 2013, my four music albums with two more on the way, the Wealth Trigger Live seminar planned for February in Austin, and my idea to end homelessness.
In my gym with the rare Animal Trainer machine that Steve Reeves used to overcome a shoulder injury. (Lou's friend Brad Taylor standing behind machine.)
He loved it all, was impressed, and congratulated me.
Of course, he’s not sitting around. He’s been on 45 planes in three weeks. He’s traveling, speaking, meeting the fans, working on a new movie and possible television series, has his active website and fitness consulting going on, and plans a huge Ferrigno Fit movement he’ll be announcing in 2013.
Lou met me due to our mutual admiration for legendary bodybuilder and first action movie figure, Steve Reeves. So he came to my home to see my private gym, my Reeves collection, and more. He loved it all, but I think he was most impressed with my office and all the books and guitars. He sat in my office chair and surveyed the area. He looked right at home.
Lou asked surprisingly in-depth questions, such as, “What is your greatest fear?’
I spent so much time thinking about my answer that he nudged me by saying, “You know what it is.”
After I told him about fear of failure, he confessed he doesn’t know how to swim. He fears going down in a plane over water.
He also asked, “What’s your biggest dream?”
I told him about Operation YES, my idea to end homelessness, and the book on it coming out in a few weeks. I thought he would ridicule it, but instead he said, “That’s beautiful!”
He was very supportive of my health and fitness dreams, and said I was doing the right things. He watched what I ate and drank and complimented me on my choices. His references to my living past 100 years old made me feel I could live that long, or longer. When I told him about the five fitness contests I had been in, and showed him the certificates I got for each, he was as proud as me. He knows all so well what it takes to discipline yourself to win.
He asked me about my collections (guitars, books, Reeves, and more) and said he buys two of everything he loves as he fears losing one of them. And when he buys something, he buys the best.
This amazing man still works out several days a week, an hour a pop, and prefers lifting iron to anything else. He loves fitness equipment, though, and collects it. He had never seen The Burn Machine before, an exercise tool I love so much I bought several for myself and more to give as gifts to friends. He wants to buy one — probably two — for himself.
Lou with "The Wall," the actual chalk board with the fitness routine Steve Reeves used when he was a teenager
I’ve been around a lot of celebrities and movie stars, but have rarely met one so at ease with himself. He said he likes me because I “don’t have an ego.” Well, everyone does, but some of us keep it in check. Lou does.
Nerissa was a bit star struck to be with him. She’s met several celebrities, too, but Lou is so present with people, that you can feel him paying attention to you. She asked him for exercise advice. He said to take it easy and do what you enjoy. He got up and walked across the room, moving fast, with a determined stride, to demonstrate what he meant. She promised him to start walking more every day.
Lou with the 13 children of the Collie family, and parents Bruce and Holly, in Vitale Cigar Room, where we had a three hour dinner
A truly emotional moment was when Bruce Collie – former NFL Super Bowl football star, father of 13 beautiful children, owner of Brewster’s Pizza and the Vitale Cigar Room where we met – met Lou and told him how the great actor had changed his life when he was young and troubled.
I can’t say enough great things about Lou Ferrigno. When you get a chance to meet him, you’ll know what I mean.
His website is right here.
Ao Akua,
PS — My breakfast with Lou Ferrigno was posted here on my blog on June 27th. You can read it at: http://blog.mrfire.com/breakfast-with-lou-ferrigno/
Get any of my published books listed below as an e-book for only $3.99 (or less) each, thru November 2012. You can now read these books on your Kindle, iPad, or any other device or computer for e-books. Please check these out, grab the books you want, and share this post with your friends. Enjoy! Love, Joe
“The Attractor Factor”
“The Awakening Course”
“Zero Limits”
“Buying Trances”
“Hypnotic Writing”
“Your Internet Cash Machine”
“Life’s Missing Instruction Manual”
“Meet and Grow Rich”
“There’s A Customer Born Every Minute”
“The E-Code”
“Inspired Marketing”
“The Seven Lost Secrets of Success”
"Attract Money Now" US: http://www.amazon.com/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G France: http://www.amazon.fr/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G Germany: http://www.amazon.de/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G Spain: http://www.amazon.es/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G Italy: http://www.amazon.it/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G
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I love you