Whenever I want to improve in any area, I get a coach.
I know this to be so powerful, that it’s the reason I created my own Miracles Coaching program almost a decade ago. I had learned that whenever I got a coach, my skills accelerated.
For example:
When I wanted to get healthier, I went and studied directly with Bill Phillips, the legendary fitness guru behind the Body-for-Life movement. I received five honorable mentions for my success way back in 2004-2005. I received three medals for my transformation a few years ago, too, one of them presented to me by Bill Phillips himself. (!)
When I wanted to learn how to play the saxophone, I studied with Grammy nominated legend Mindi Abair. We turned my fanship into a friendship. And I went on to play sax on several of my songs, and even created an entire album of my own baritone saxophone music. (!)
When I was interested in bodybuilding, I went and studied in person with a great winner, Frank Zane. While that was more than ten years ago, I still call up in memory what I learned in person from Frank and apply it today – over 10 years later. (!)
When I wanted to dramatically improve my skills as a musician, I went and studied in the home of rock legend Melissa Etheridge. That coaching experience transformed my life. I began to apply what I learned directly from Melissa to my songwriting. My new album, to be recorded in January, will be dedicated to her for all her influence. I’m even drafting a song about her called (of course) “Melissa.” (!)
Why is it so important to get coaching?
Because I know I don’t know it all.
Because I know learning on my own takes time.
Because I know the best can show me shortcuts.
Because I know this is an investment in my growth.
Because I know once I delete limiting beliefs, I accelerate my success.
Because I know it’s the number one way to transform my life forever.
In every case when I sought out coaching, my skills made a quantum leap forward.
And this is why you need to consider my Miracles Coaching program.
The evidence is overwhelming that it works.
It doesn’t matter what you are trying to attract or achieve.
What matters is that you “get clear” of any limiting beliefs in the way of what you desire.
Coaching can help you clear your path.
With every person mentioned above, I found limiting beliefs in myself that I had to change.
I still remember Melissa Etheridge pointing out a belief she heard me say that I didn’t hear. A coach can be a mirror and relay back to you what you aren’t even aware you are saying.
I still remember working out with Frank Zane and him saying he listens to what people say as they exercise. Their self-talk, spoken out loud, reveals their limitations.
Again, coaching is powerful.
To get more information about my Miracles Coaching program, and to arrange for a complimentary consultation to see if it’s right for you, just go see http://www.MiraclesCoaching.
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – I wrote about my coaching experience with singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge right here on my blog. Get a sense of the power of it. Go see https://www.mrfire.com/law-of-
PPS – If you want coaching with *me* personally, consider a private mastermind. Details at http://www.MiraclesMastermind.
Back on September 1st I wrote about how I used the Law of Attraction and the Law of Right Action to attract legendary singer-songwriter-guitarist Melissa Etheridge.
At that time I hadn’t met her yet or had my songwriting lesson with her.
Well, now I have.
As I write this in Los Angeles, I had my session with her yesterday, at her home.
She met me outside her door, hugged me, gave me that Melissa million dollar smile, and said, “I didn’t know you were a fan.”
A “fan” is an understatement.
I’m a fan-atic.
I’ve been in awe of her performing and her music since around 1995.
To be standing with her was surreal.
As it turns out, Melissa is a fan of my work, as well as the work of the rest of the teachers from the movie The Secret. She’s personal friends with Tony Robbins. (Tony introduced ho’oponopono to her and her sweet spouse.)
She reads all the deep-end metaphysical books. She says she began around 2003 by picking up Ken Wilber’s The Theory of Everything, which is like learning how to swim by being dropped in the Atlantic ocean.
Her spirituality and understanding of manifestation has helped her awaken and achieve even greater levels of success in more recent years.
She told me that laying on her back, with cancer, and watching the movie The Secret, forced her to think about what she wanted in her life.
“If I am this powerful being who gave myself cancer and can create whatever I want, then I want healed, I want to make more music, and I want to win an Oscar.”
Of course, she went on and did all of that.
My time with Melissa was about songwriting, but she began it by asking about my life in music, my books, and then showing me her guitar collection.
Her favorite guitars are in the trailer that goes on the road with her. But she has a guitar room with them lining the walls like playable art.
And she has a studio with old and new and prototype guitars. (Ovation is releasing a ME electric in January). She also has more guitars in storage.
Of course, I related, understood, and told her of my own collection, which she says she wants to see one day.
We went in her home studio to focus on my actual lesson.
We each had a guitar. I had my songbook, where I jot ideas and snippets and songs. She said the songbook is sacred. (Later, I had her sign mine, making it even more priceless to me.)
From there she had me pick a song idea. She wanted to know the why for writing a song.
“What’s important to say in the song? Why do you want to write it? What’s the intention for it?”
She told me how she wrote some of her own songs, first thinking about why she wanted to write them.
She explained that for her song, Pulse, she wanted people to know that the person who went into a nightclub and shot dozens of people did so because he was in pain.
She also explained that for the Al Gore slide show about global warning, she wanted people to know that “I have to change,” not anyone else.
I found her to be a deep thinker, cutting to the core with her messages.
I told her about wanting to tell people how they could be happy now, and manifest their lives using the Law of Attraction, and more.
She nodded, accepting my reasons.
From there, for Melissa, it all begins with what I call a brain dump.
“Just write words,” she said. “Let it be okay whatever comes.”
She also advised to “fall in love with words.”
She uses a paperback thesaurus to look up other words, so she isn’t using too common or too cliche of words.
While I had been using Masterwriter, a popular software for songwriters, I found using a printed thesaurus slower but more enlightening.
The time spent looking up a word gave my mind time to think, and the alternate words were often surprising and triggered other thoughts.
We began with me wanting to write a song about Miracles, since my new book is titled The Miracle.
But within minutes the song became about The Great Something, a concept I write about in my book The Secret Prayer.
Instead of saying God, or Divine, or Universe, I refer to the super power behind all of life as “The Great Something.”
Melissa loved “The Great Something”‘ because it made you want to know more.
In a song, it would make you want to listen.
I got excited watching the song unfold with Melissa’s help.
Melissa often writes pages of words and phrases, knowing that later she will edit them.
“Editing is the fun part,” she told me.
She pointed to the back cover of my album, One More Day, to the line, “Self-help messages in 3 minutes or so.”
“That’s the challenge,” she said, smiling bright. “To condense pages of ideas into a three minute song.”
“That’s why I’m here,” I said. 🙂
Her songwriting template, more often than not, is to write a verse, then go right to the chorus, then to a versus, chorus, bridge, and chorus again.
“It’s stating the problem in the verse, and often a solution in the chorus,” she explained. “The next verse might spell out the problem more, and the chorus will again offer the upbeat solution.”
One of the biggest insights for me was the idea of writing in the first person.
Melissa says that first person songs are more personal and hit home with people.
Second person, or ‘you’ oriented songs, are one step removed from the listener and have less impact.
More often than not, she writes in the first person.
Melissa showing me her all-time favorite guitar, a Fender Telecaster. “If there’s a fire and I can only grab one guitar, it’s this one.”
I started to play with the idea of writing The Great Something song in the first person. I instantly felt more connected to the song, and felt more power in the message.
I also saw myself get more excited and inspired.
“Always write from inspiration,” she had told me earlier.
“Get to that place where you have tingles of excitement for whatever you are about to write,”she added. “Never write without the tingles.”
She doesn’t meditate but often walks in nature, looks at trees and flowers, reads some poetry, reviews songs from people she admires, from Bruce Springsteen to Neil Diamond, all to ignite her inspiration.
I told her I smoke cigars.
She didn’t seem to relate to that.
Of course, she lives in a state where cannabis is legal.
Later she asked me to sing for her.
Now try to imagine that.
I’m a star-struck beginner at singing, sitting in the home studio of a rock and roll legend who has the most soaring voice of all time, and she says, “Sing for me.”
That’s like having Elvis ask you to sing.
Well, I did.
Melissa showing me her rare Rickenbacker “Cadillac”, an electric 12-string that can be turned into a 6-string with an awkward device
I played a snippet of my song One More Day, off my One More Day album, and a snippet of my song Today’s the Day, off my Strut album.
I also played a little instrumental, to give her a sense of what Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and I create.
I was off key, out of step, and out of tune, but I did it anyway.
Melissa smiled big and said she bets the recorded versions with the band are stellar.
I then asked about singing advice.
Melissa took a breath and gave me a long, wise, hypnotic answer about watching the Ed Sullivan Show on TV and being influenced by Tom Jones, Janis Joplin, Robert Plant and others.
She noticed their joy in singing was what was so captivating.
She went on to say she wanted her music to be ballsy, not girlie.
She didn’t want to sing head voice, though she could.
She wanted something deeper and harder.
I related and told her I often felt more comfortable singing with a baritone guitar, which lowered my voice into my chest.
“That’s a good place for your voice,” she said. “It’s at home there.”
She also gave advice on performing.
“Never perform sitting down,” she said. “It cuts off your breathing.”
“And always eat, be hydrated, and get plenty of rest, so you can deliver your performance with full power.”
I’ll be processing my time with Melissa Etheridge for the rest of my life.
I found her open, loving, generous, spiritual, fearless, talented, present, friendly and wise.
She even invited me to speak on her next cruise ship concert. (!)
I was a fan (fanatic) before meeting her in person.
Today I’m in love.
Hey Melissa, I want to come over – again!
Ao Akua,
PS – Please note that whenever you have an expert coach you, your experience and expertise leap in incalculable measures. Melissa Etheridge heard a limiting belief come out of my mouth that I didn’t hear and I was the one who said it. We all need a coach. Consider Miracles Coaching.
Motivational songs?
Because everything programs you.
You don’t have to be consciously focused on conversations around you, or the media blaring news over TVs in a bar or restaurant, or billboards in your field of vision as you drive, or even the music playing in the background as you work, walk, rest, exercise or lounge.
It’s still all programming you.
Your mind is picking up around 40,000,000 bits of information in every second.
Even right now, as you read these words.
You’re not aware of it all, thank goodness, because another part of your mind is filtering it.
That other part lets you become aware of only what is necessary to your goals and survival.
But that other part is also receiving all that other programming.
When it comes to attracting more of what you want using the Law of Attraction, you need to become aware of this hidden programming, and consciously surround yourself with what supports you.
And that’s where I want to talk about motivational songs.
Music can program you for lack and limitation.
I’ve written about this many times, explaining if you can’t seem to get what you want today, it could very well be due to the Rolling Stones singing “You can’t always get what you want” into your brain since the 1960s.
Great song.
Lousy affirmation.
What we need to do today is carefully choose what we allow into our heads.
We have choice.
You can still listen to the Rolling Stones, or any other band you love, just with an awareness of the lyrics and the consciousness to prevent any limited thinking programming.
You can also search for more upbeat, positive music.
For example, more and more music is being called “healing music” and “self help” music. It’s music intentionally created to motivate you, inspire you, or even enlighten you.
A quick search brought up these top motivational songs:
You can of course create your own playlist of self-help or motivational songs.
Meanwhile, let me share some of my own adventures in making motivational music:
Back in 2011, when I began recording my first album, I consciously decided to make it a “meditation meets the blues” recording.
I brought in my muse and support at the time, Sarah McSweeney, and together with producer Daniel Barrett, we created Blue Healer.
We also recorded it in record time (no pun intended), so I could be on the cover of Austin All Natural magazine announcing my first ever music album.
We succeeded, too.
My next album in 2012, was my first singer-songwriter one.
I knew I wanted to create songs that helped me feel inspired and motivated. The album title track, Strut!, was a rally call for people to “strut around” when they felt down.
It’s the positive psychology principle that just smiling, even when you don’t feel like it, will change your internal state.
Fake a smile to feel a smile.
Strut to feel like strutting.
My first major music video from the Strut! album became, over the years, my all-time most watched video. You can still see “Everybody’s Going Through Something” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzT_yljj-SU
At this point I’ve recorded five singer-songwriter albums.
I’m going to record album six in January, after my private songwriting lesson with the legendary Melissa Etheridge next week. (!)
I’ll again attract my all-star band back into the studio:
Together we’ll make more motivational songs.
But I’m not the only one creating music to help people.
Free book at http://www.healingmusicbook.com
In the last few years of making music, I’ve met many other artists creating their own forms of motivational songs, or healing music, and self help music.
For example –
I could go on.
Obviously, you have choice in what you listen to.
The Jive Aces, a really cool swing-jump-jazz dance band from the UK, has a video that makes me smile whenever I watch it. Over 2,000,000 have seen it. It’s “Bring Me Sunshine” and you can watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXvJ8UquYoo
The point of this post is to help you remember to consciously guard the roads into your mind.
Whether it’s audio or visual, you want to feed your brain what will nourish and support you.
Listening to the right music is one key way to do it.
Meanwhile, dance, sing and strut your stuff!
Ao Akua
PS- A list of my singer-songwriter albums is here at CDBaby and almost all of my albums so far are listed at http://www.allhealingmusic.com
Your mind is incredible.
It can lead you to happy thoughts and right actions….
…or it can lead you to dark thoughts and actions you may regret.
I call it “Mind Dancing” because that’s what it does: dance around like a monkey chasing a fly in a forest.
Obviously, you need to have better control of your mind in order to attract and achieve your goals and dreams.
You need to learn how to “lead” the mind dance.
But how?
I’ve had customers tell me the single most powerful course I’ve ever made is called “The Awakening Course.”
Go through it and you’ll have a better handle on the Mind Dance and you’ll discover methods to help you awaken from the trance of scarcity, lack, and limitation.
This course is deep but easy to understand, and it takes you from beginning to advanced in spiritual development.
Here’s just a sample of what you will discover in “The Awakening Course“…
And much more, of course.
I truly believe the time is right for you to go check this out today.
You’ll love the stories, processes, insights, tools and more.
“The Awakening Course” is available in a variety of formats for you to choose from —
As a set of audio CDs delivered to your door: http://www.theawakeningcourse.com/
As an immediate audio download of the entire course: http://www.awakeningdownload.com/
As a printed book or as an e-book for your Kindle reader: https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Course-Secret-Solving-Problems/dp/1118148274
Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
PS – Skeptical? I don’t blame you. But don’t let your “Mind Dancing” talk you out of your own good. Take charge of your mind and direct it to your next step in awakening. Consider —
Some famous spiritual leaders said (about the book version of The Awakening Course) —
“This exciting and empowering book guides one and all through the exhilarating process of awakening. Not to be missed.” — Sonia Choquette, New York Times bestselling author of The Answer Is Simple
“I love how Joe easily explains the stages of awakening and offers practical ways to experience them. This is an enlightening book.” — John Gray, author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
“I know Joe Vitale and love this book. It provides solutions to our problems by awakening to the stage above them. He’s brilliant!” — the late Debbie Ford, author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
Remember, “The Awakening Course” is available in a variety of formats —
As a set of audio CDs delivered to your door: http://www.theawakeningcourse.com/
As an immediate audio download of the entire course: http://www.awakeningdownload.com/
As a printed book or as an e-book for your Kindle reader: https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Course-Secret-Solving-Problems/dp/1118148274
The other day I went to a local Sprint phone store to get a newer modem.
As it turned out, a miracle happened.
Since I’ve been a Sprint customer for more than ten years, I have a collection of modems that are now prehistoric. I once took a few of them to the store and the clerks took pictures of them. They had never seen the old models. They were like dinosaurs to them.
So I picked up a new and improved whiz-bang latest greatest modem and drove off.
At home, I realized that the modem didn’t have a power cord.
Apparently I had left it at the store.
Dismayed, I called the store and asked for the clerk who waited on me.
“This is Angie,” she said, brightly.
“Angie, I think I left –”
“You left the power cord here!” she interrupted, remembering me. “I forgot to put it in the box.”
I started to complain about how this would require me leaving my home again and making another drive back to the city. I wasn’t looking forward to it, as the store isn’t right around the corner. I live in the Hill Country, not the city. Plus I keep a busy schedule.
But before I could say much of anything, Angie interrupted me.
“I’ll bring it to you,” she said.
I was stunned.
I was speechless.
I was quiet for a moment while I replayed what I heard in my mind, not believing it.
“You’ll bring it to me?” I asked. “I don’t live near you, you know.”
“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s my fault and I’d be glad to drive it to you right after I get off work today.”
She did, too.
She was all smiles as she handed me the cord at my house.
“Do you live out here someplace?” I asked.
“No, but don’t think anything of it,” she said. “It was my choice.”
Angie’s astonishing customer service and upbeat attitude got me thinking about a book one of my nephews told me about.
Extreme Ownership is a New York Times bestseller by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.
It explains the leadership skills of the U.S. Navy Seals. It’s a well written book, with stories from the military as well as business, with principles they teach to get stellar results.
What interested me was the idea of full – or extreme – responsibility.
In my books, Zero Limits and AT Zero, I talk about total responsibility as a principle of ho’oponopono.
But Extreme Ownership strips away the spirituality and explains “extreme responsibility” as a practical tool in business and life.
I have no idea if Angie read Extreme Ownership, but her instant willingness to satisfy her customer reflected an attitude of total responsibility.
She didn’t pass the buck.
She didn’t tell me to drive back in.
She didn’t complain or blame or refrain.
She took responsibility.
She took extreme ownership.
And she has a friend, a fan, and a fanatic customer for life.
How does this apply to you?
Whenever you are about to complain that someone didn’t do something you asked for, turn it around and claim “extreme ownership” for the problem.
Look in the mirror and accept responsibility for your own lack of communicating how important the job was.
Look to yourself for your lack of leadership skills.
And then do something to correct it.
The other night I watched a brief biography of President John F. Kennedy.
When the Bay of Pigs was a disaster in 1961, and soldiers lost their lives, Kennedy went on national television and accepted total responsibility for the tragedy.
You may not be president, but you ask people to do things and they often don’t do them.
Are you going to blame them or find a way to resolve the issue?
Extreme ownership – whether taught by the U.S. Navy Seals or the practiciners of ho’oponopono – is about taking full responsibility and fixing the problem from within you.
Of course, at a certain point, you may decide to remove the people who aren’t doing what they promise, no matter how many times you explain it or in so many different ways.
That’s when you need to pull a Donald Trump and say, “You’re fired!”
But that decision only comes after exhausting your alternatives and taking extreme responsibility for the results – or lack of them.
As my new motto states, “It is what you accept.”
What are you accepting?
Ao Akua,
PS – Have you read my new book?