Back in 2001 I released my magnum opus when it comes to marketing.
Titled Hypnotic Marketing, it was an e-book revealing my three-step formula for attracting more business.
It was packed with juicy stories and funny case histories, from flying midgets to burning bras, to stupid websites to outrageous ideas that worked, and more.
I just updated and released the book as a printed paperback, now more than 400 pages long, and containing zippy and zany articles as bonuses, and revealing a fourth step to the famous marketing formula.
There’s everything in this mega-book, including —
Chapter 2: How to Hypnotize the Masses with “PO” Ideas
Chapter 3: Flying Midgets and the PR Folk Hero
Chapter 4: Eight Proven Rules for Getting Publicity
Chapter 5: Pitching a Heavyweight Boxing Champion and His Sausage
Chapter 6: Show Your Bra!
Chapter 7: 21 Ways to Identify Story Ideas About You or Your Business
Chapter 8: Running Water
Chapter 9: Selling Bloody Games
Chapter 10: One of the Easiest Ways in the World to Get Publicity
Chapter 11: How to Install a “Success Wish” in Your Mind
Chapter 12: The Top Three Ways Guaranteed to ALWAYS Hypnotize the Media
Chapter 13: 10 Tips on Becoming Newsworthy from a Media Tigress
Chapter 14: The Seven Laws of Baseball’s Greatest Publicist
Chapter 15: The Psychology of Hypnotic Publicity
Chapter 16: Edgy Top Secret Ways to Absolutely Nail Media Attention
Chapter 17: How to Get Rich With P.T. Barnum’s Secret
Chapter 18: The Amazing Breakthrough Formula Called “E-DR Publicity”
Chapter 19: A New Way to Get 30 times More Replies from the Media!
Chapter 20: 14 Instant Ways to Send Out Your News
Chapter 21: Two Words that Can Get You on Virtually Any Radio or TV show
And it doesn’t stop there —
Chapter 22: Your Keys to Hypnotic Websites
Chapter 23: A Master Copywriter Reveals His Inner Secrets
Chapter 24: A Forbidden Persuasion Master Reveals His Secrets
Chapter 25: A Practical Mystic Reveals His Website Secrets
Chapter 26: Declan Dunn Shocks Me with His Website Secrets
Chapter 27: What Are the Hardest-Hitting Direct-Selling Websites Online?
Chapter 28: Some Sexy Advice from the World’s Greatest Hypnotist
Chapter 29: How to Transform a So-So Website into a Truly Hypnotic Website
Chapter 30: How An “Inspirational Folk Musician” Can Create a Hypnotic Website
Chapter 31: What You Can Learn from This Really Stupid Website
And wait! There’s more –
Chapter 32: The Secret Nobody Wants You to Know About Making Money Online
Chapter 33: How a Famous Street Magician Can Help You Create Hypnotic E-mails
Chapter 34: How to Create E-mails that Secretly Seduce Your Readers
Chapter 35: The Five Best Ways to Create Hypnotic Email Openers
Chapter 36: “How Can the Right Question Bring in 317% More Orders?”
Chapter 37: E-mail Sales Letter Samples that are Making Me Rich
Chapter 38: A Little Known Secret for Doubling Responses to Your E-Offers
Chapter 39: How to Make Even More Money With This Unusual E-mail Secret
Chapter 40: What are Five Ways to Get People to Open Your E-mail?
Chapter 41: A Truly “Killer” Hypnotic Sales Letter Used Online AND Off
Chapter 42: The World’s Most Unusual Way to Strengthen Your Hypnotic Writing
And it doesn’t even stop there, as the rest of the book is packed with info on social media marketing to “dangerous selling” to the best books on marketing, and more.
The famous three-step formula now contains a fourth step, on social media marketing.
I just read my own book as a printed paperback and loved it. 🙂
I’m not the only one to love it, of course:
“It’s Like Selling Fort Knox At A Discount”
“Joe, you’ve written a masterpiece. Condensing the formula for getting rich in only 79 days into three simple steps anyone can follow is brilliant! As with everything you write, ‘Hypnotic Marketing’ is crammed full of true-to-life, straight forward ways to start a welcome flow of cash into anyone’s bank account.
We all thank you for making this gem available. But, come on, Joe…that price. You’ve got to be kidding! Why would you give away so much for so little? It’s like selling Fort Knox at a discount!”
— Dr. Paul Hartunian, Author, How to Get a Million Dollars in Publicity FREE!,
“I Learned Something New On Every Page” “Joe Vitale hypnotized me today! He did it with ‘Hypnotic Marketing,’ which I found impossible to stop reading. I learned something new on every page, and I’ve been learning about marketing since l958. Now, I can only shudder for those poor souls who haven’t yet learned what Joe has to teach. Not only does he enlighten, but he does it in such a warm and engaging way, that you cannot help but complete his book with a smile in your heart and dollar signs on your mind. Thank you, Joe, for a mighty contribution to the world of marketing.” — the late Jay Conrad Levinson, Author, Guerrilla Marketing series, |
If you are at all interested in marketing, online or off, publicity, websites that sell, hypnotic writing and the like, you must have this book.
It’s at Amazon as a printed book at
It’s online as an e-book at
Go get it.
Ao Akua,
PS – Long before I became a Law of Attraction teacher and author of such self-help spiritual books as The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits, I was known as a hypnotic writer (I wrote Hypnotic Writing, Buying Trances, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute, and many more books) and marketing specialist (having clients like The Red Cross to small and large companies to hundreds of authors and speakers). The best of that side of me is in my famous book, Hypnotic Marketing. I’m proud of that book and urge you to check it out. It’s at Amazon as a printed book at It’s still online as an e-book at
“I want to attend your event but I’m broke”
Some people say they can’t afford the Attract Money Now Live event I’m hosting in November in Austin, Texas because they don’t have the money.
If you feel that way, please continue reading.
I’ll be blunt –
The truth is, everybody has money. You have money, too. You may not have as much as you would like right now, but you have *some* money.
The thing is, you’re choosing to spend your money in ways that may or may not be helping you attract more money.
You know what I’m talking about.
I’m asking you to take a cold, hard look at your relationship with money.
Are you leveraging it to attract more money?
Probably not.
Most people spend their money to survive, not to grow and prosper.
And that’s why they struggle.
I learned a long time ago that one of the best ways to attract more money is to invest your existing funds in ways to bring in even more funds.
This isn’t as hard as it may sound.
I’m talking about changing your mindset.
I’m talking about investing in you.
For example, if you could invest $595 and instantly get $12,000 in value, wouldn’t it be smart to do so?
Of course it would.
When you register for the Attract Money Now Live event, you are instantly given access to online videos worth $12,000 that will begin to transform your consciousness around money.
The videos are called Awakened Millionaire Secrets, and they will stir your mind into expanded thinking that you probably can’t even imagine right now.
I know you may feel broke right now, but I also know if you make a daring decision, you could change your life — and your bank account — forever.
Plus the speakers at my event are off-the-charts incredible.
I’m talking about a fitness legend, a famous movie star, and others — including me — who will be there to transform you at the core so you can have, do, or be whatever you can imagine.
Get full details about the event and the speakers and the “$12,000 for $595” offer at
Go for it.
Ao Akua,
PS – Remember, it’s not about the money. I’m doing my best to help you with free gifts like my ebook Attract Money Now at and the free ebook The Miracles Manual at Have you read them? Have you acted on the ideas in them? It’s ultimately up to you to take action and free yourself to express the Divinity within. With more money, you can do a lot of good in the world. Are you ready? Go here now
Recently four people won flights to Texas to have personal consultations with me.
They were a diverse group, all seeking help with key goals and stubborn blocks, and wanting my assistance in using the Law of Attraction to achieve success.
I was excited to meet each of them as this was my first public chance to prove — on film — a new mind technology I developed would work for anyone, anywhere, on anything.
My new method combines the best of what I already know and teach, but with a new element, and put together in such a breakthrough way that the ending result is almost magical.
I call it The Mirror Technique.™
Last September, I wrote a post here about how you can use a mirror to psych yourself to accomplish something. That’s an old, reliable, proven method to coach yourself for success. (See
But I wanted to go beyond that to create a measurable breakthrough in your life.
In fact, I wanted this new method to create breakthroughs for anyone.
Each of the four people who met with me in private got to experience The Mirror Technique™. It was astonishing to see.
I saw people start with a problem that seemed insurmountable, and leave thirty minutes later with it resolved.
Thirty minutes!
All of this was filmed, so the before and after of each person is clearly documented for all to see.
In a couple months, you’ll get to hear all about The Secret Mirror, a product based on the new mind technology I developed for instant manifestation.
I’m proud of it, as it builds on and combines more than thirty years of research and experience. It goes beyond hypnosis (which I’ve practiced since the late 1960s) and beyond language gymnastics (beyond even my own Hypnotic Writing book), and beyond my own work in the four stages of awakening and consciousness.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
You’ll hear about all of this in the coming months.
I’m just sharing my excitement with you here.
Stay tuned!
Ao Akua,
PS – Here’s a stimulating (and challenging) recent conversation with me on radio about the world as a mirror of your consciousness:
Get any of my published books listed below as an e-book for only $3.99 (or less) each, thru November 2012. You can now read these books on your Kindle, iPad, or any other device or computer for e-books. Please check these out, grab the books you want, and share this post with your friends. Enjoy! Love, Joe
“The Attractor Factor”
“The Awakening Course”
“Zero Limits”
“Buying Trances”
“Hypnotic Writing”
“Your Internet Cash Machine”
“Life’s Missing Instruction Manual”
“Meet and Grow Rich”
“There’s A Customer Born Every Minute”
“The E-Code”
“Inspired Marketing”
“The Seven Lost Secrets of Success”
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