“Joe, did you make a deal with the devil?”
“Excuse me?”
“I heard you just recorded a track of saxophone music with Mathew Dixon and then you went and played sax on an album with Ruthie Foster and Daniel Barrett but you’ve only been playing the sax a few months.”
“And that means I made a deal with the devil?”
“You also came out with nine albums in just over three years. How else can you explain such rapid accomplishment?”
“Well, you could credit it to hard work.”
“Come on, what’s your real secret?”
“Truth is, I make deals with angels.”
“Yes, angels. Most angels are unemployed, you know. Most people don’t ask them to do anything.”
“How does that work?”
“Why would I want to make a deal with the devil when my angels are floating around waiting for me to make a few requests? I keep them busy. I ask for help and guidance for whatever I am doing, like learning how to play the sax.”
“And they help you?”
“You tell me. I just recorded a saxophone track and I’m beginning an entire album of sax music.”
“You are amazing!”
“Not really. I just enlist support from the angels and they come and help.”
“It’s that easy?”
“I’m sure it could be harder if I requested it.”
“Come on, there must be more to your method!”
“Well, okay, here’s what I do to learn anything: I get inspired and I set an intention, I read everything I can find, I listen to everything I can find, I get coaching, and I practice and persist.”
“That sounds like a lot of work!”
“It’s only work if you don’t really want to do it.”
“You want to do all that?”
“Yes, or I wouldn’t do it. We all do what we want.”
“But you really believe in angels?”
“Do you really believe in a devil?”
“I think so.”
“Then read Napoleon Hill’s book, Outwitting the Devil.”
Ao Akua,
PS — Angels come in all forms. Look for them in my Miracles Coaching program, too.
“Do you believe in God?”
I would get that question after people read my book, The Attractor Factor, or read (or saw the movie) The Secret.
They somehow assumed that the Law of Attraction replaced God.
They somehow assumed that people who practice the Law of Attraction are playing God.
That confused me.
“God gave you the Law of Attraction,” I would explain. “Just as God — or the Divine, Universe, or Nature — gave you gravity. It’s a tool you can use, but it doesn’t replace the person who gave it to you.”
I’d go on to explain that I absolutely believe in God, but usually call that “ultimate force of life” the Divine, to neutralize any emotional buttons people have when they hear the word “God.”
But this unseen force is not only giving us life, It is nudging us in a certain direction, too.
In a way, the force is “pruning” us.
As you go about your life, you get bumped and rocked by events as a way for Life (God, Divine, etc) to direct you where IT wants you to go.
The more you follow the nudges, the easier life gets.
This blog post is an example.
I was sitting, eating dinner with Nerissa, when the idea for this post entered my mind.
I wasn’t looking for an idea.
I was enjoying my dinner.
But I’ve learned to obey the Divine’s inspirations.
So I turned to Nerissa and said, “You know how I get ideas at odd moments?”
She looked at me and said, “See you later.”
She understood.
Here’s another example:
I was in New York City on business and decided to visit Rudy’s Music Store in SoHo.
I knew it was famous, that Rudy Pensa is a renown collector of rare instruments, and I suspected it’d be worth the trip to see it.
Not God either but Gordon French at Rudy's showing me a Versoul electric guitar (made by Kari Nieminen in Finland)
It was.
The beautiful store is two stories of new and old guitars, acoustic and electric, some highly collectible, all stunning.
I was in awe of the place.
In a display case was a 1938 D’Angelico New Yorker archtop guitar.
If you know guitars, you just fainted.
The late John D’Angelico is considered the Michelangelo of guitar makers.
His instruments are sought after by collectors, musicians, museums, and fans.
Books have been written about his style and his guitars.
Even Rudy, the owner of the shop, created a mammoth coffee table book (Archtop Guitars) with some of D’Angelico’s guitars described inside, knew D’Angelico, and owns a few of his works.
Stunning book of archtop guitars made by D'Angelico, D'Aquisto, and Monteleone, compiled by Rudy Pensa
D’Angelico made 1,164 guitars in his life. (He died in 1964).
He didn’t hand carve all those guitars for fame or fortune.
He said, “Big money? Big title? For what? I want to build guitars under my own name, for my own customers, the way I do it! For me that’s a good life!”
And there I was, staring at one of them.
Gordon, the shop keeper, pulled the 1938 masterpiece out of the case and handed it to me.
“I can play it?” I asked.
“Yes, of course,” he said. “We want you to experience any guitar you see here.”
I held the archtop as if it was out of a museum.
I strummed it and heard the sound of angels.
I looked it over and saw God’s handiwork in a guitar.
I could tell the guitar was well played, well loved, and still in flawless shape.
“Everything on it is original except the covering on the pick guard,” Gordon said. “We even have the original case.”
Later, Rudy showed me the ledger in his book revealing the serial number for the guitar, year made, and who it was made for, all in D’Angelico’s handwriting.
This is where I felt the inner tug at my heart that I think is the Divine calling me.
I’ve learned to follow those tugs.
After Rudy told me the price, and I gasped, I asked if there was a discount for a guitar lover who would probably buy other guitars from him.
He laughed, ran some numbers, and gave me a slight break.
I bought it.
What does this have to do with God?
Look behind the scenes…
I only felt directed to go to one store in all of New York City.
I could have gone anywhere.
And while there, the D’Angelico seemed to call out my name.
I could have ignored it.
I believe all of this was Divinity aiming my direction.
Later, after I left the store and decided to walk two miles back to my hotel, I wondered what would come of my buying an investment grade work of playable art.
Then another inspiration hit me.
(Where do these inspirations come from?)
I realized that my forthcoming book, The Secret Prayer, could be enriched with the story of how I was led to the guitar.
You see, I had said a prayer before I left that morning, asking to be led to the right place and to experience a joyful event.
As I’ve written before, “Prayer is a way to activate the Law of Attraction by requesting an intention and inviting inspiration.”
I said my prayer in a state of gratitude, made a request for an exciting day, and took action by following my hunch to go to Rudy’s.
From there, I simply allowed the miracle.
And it happened.
In other words, God is directing me (and you, too, of course), and we can attract (or allow) miracles when we act on the signs and opportunities we are given.
But we have to participate.
I could have said “I”ll skip Rudy’s and go to Starbucks.”
I could have said, “Nah, that D’Angelico is too expensive.”
I could have said, “No, I’d rather finish dinner than write this post.”
But when you say YES to the inspirations, and take action, you are following Divinity’s plan for you.
When you follow inspiration – whether to build a guitar of the caliber of a D’Angelico, or to buy one – you are following the Divine’s path for you.
But you may need a razor sharp sensitivity to hear the whisper, and total faith to take action on the prompting.
Werner Erhard (founder of est) used to say, “If you knew what God wanted you to do, you’d do it and be happy. Well, what you are doing right now is what God wants you to do.”
So the next time you feel stuck or stopped, ask if Divinity is trying to redirect your path or your process.
Or the next time you receive a nudge to leave dinner early, or buy a guitar, ask if you are ready to step out in faith.
Where is God?
Right here.
Ao Akua,
PS – Rudy’s Music Store in New York City is right here.
PPS – Yes, I was also practicing “prosperous purchasing” by getting the 1938 D’Angelico New Yorker, a concept I explain in my free book, Attract Money Now.