I didn’t write the bulk of this blog post.
I asked ChatGPT to tell me how to attract money.
Before I show you what it “wrote,” let ChatGPT tell you what it is:
ChatGPT is a computer program that can talk to people like a human. It can understand what you say and respond to you in a helpful way. It has been trained on lots of information from the internet and can answer questions, provide information, and even make small talk. It’s like having a really smart friend you can talk to anytime!
I’m not so sure I agree with that, but since ChatGPT is the raging trend right now, let’s play along.
I asked it to tell me how to attract money.
Here’s what it wrote:
Attracting money involves a combination of mindset, action, and opportunity. Here are some tips to help you attract money:
- Develop a positive money mindset: The way you think about money can impact your ability to attract it. If you have negative thoughts and beliefs about money, it can be difficult to attract more of it. Try to focus on abundance and believe that there is plenty of money to go around.
- Take action: Attracting money isn’t just about thinking positively, it’s also about taking action. Consider ways to increase your income, whether it’s through a side hustle, a new job, or investing. Take steps to improve your financial situation.
- Be open to opportunities: Opportunities to make money can come from unexpected places. Be open to new opportunities and don’t be afraid to take risks.
- Manage your money wisely: Attracting money isn’t just about making more of it, it’s also about managing it wisely. Make a budget, save money, and invest in yourself and your future.
- Give back: Giving back can be a powerful way to attract more money into your life. When you give, you create a positive energy that can attract more abundance into your life.
Remember that attracting money takes time and effort. It’s not a quick fix, but by taking the right steps and developing a positive mindset, you can increase your chances of attracting more money into your life.
Long ago a poet walked the hills.
He wrote poetry without words.
He spoke poetry without sounds.
He lived poetry with his walk, his gait, his awareness, his mind.
Others looked at him in wonder.
“Why doesn’t he speak?” they asked each other.
“Why doesn’t he write?” many wondered.
“Where is he going anyway?” a few asked. “We keep seeing him so he must be walking in circles.”
The poet spoke to no one but smiled at all.
His poetry was his presence.
His poem was his life.
With every step he took, with every breath he gave, he shared the essence of his message.
His greatest poem was silence.
Whatever you heard, or saw, or thought, was inside you.
All the poet did was walk.
Ao Akua,
Note: Other Imaginotions by Dr. Joe Vitale
https://www.mrfire.com/books/imaginotions-part-seven/Imaginotions: Part EightImaginotions: Part Nine
There are 15 little known principles for making the Law of Attraction and The Secret work for you.
These are not known by most people, not even most Law of Attraction self-help authors.
I “downloaded” them from The Divine and explain them in my new program, The Mental Time Travel System.
But to help you right now, here are the 15 Principles:
And so you can read them easily and clearly, here they are again:
For explanations and details please go see https://www.mentaltimetravelsystem.com
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – Be sure to watch or listen to my weekly e-TV show, Zero Limits Living. You can now find it on more than 1,000 platforms, from Roku to Amazon Fire to Apple TV to YouTube and more. Or just go here.
H.G. Wells suggested it in the 1800s.
Einstein declared it in the 1900s.
I’m taking people on “Mental Time Travel” excursions to their past, and into their future, today.
When we go into the past, we can rewrite the perceptions we made, freeing us to experience Zero Limits Living today.
And once we are free of past limits, we are empowered to create a future we love.
Join me.
Go see my brand new Mental Time Travel System.
And – Expect Miracles.
Ao Akua,
Dr Joe
PS – Be sure to watch my weekly e-TV show, now seen or heard on more than 1,000 platforms, from Roku to Amazon Fire to Apple TV. I’m putting all the episodes in one place: right here.
For example –