Sci-fi writer Ray Bradbury (The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, etc) has been another one of my inspirations. I met him decades ago. His 1992 book, Zen in the Art of Writing, inspired me as a writer. Lately I’ve been attracting signed copies of his books to add to my collection. I love the man’s zest for life, which is what he says is a secret to great writing.
As I’ve been reacquainting myself with Bradbury, I went to his official site and watched some of the recent videos of him. One showed his library in his basement. It reminded me of my own vault of books. There were first editions of many authors who had influenced him.
It got me thinking. Just as Jules Verne influenced Bradbury, and Bradbury influenced me, virtually every successful person has been inspired/influenced by someone before them.
It’s another way to get coaching. I’m a firm believer that without coaching, you don’t grow very fast or go very far. Oh, you can still succeed, but it’s tougher. I think you need to find a role model in your field and aspire to their greatness.
Gene Landrum, one of my favorite psychological business writers (The Superman Syndrome, Power and Paronoia, etc), says all the greats do this. He points out that Oprah pretended to be Barbara Walters. In the beginning, I pretended to be Jack London, or Rod Serling, or Robert Collier, or William Saroyan, or Ray Bradbury. This psychological technique helped tease out my latent talents. As they grew, I integrated them all and became the author you read today.
If you want to attract success and break through your barriers and blocks, get a coach and get a hero.
Ray Bradbury is one of mine.
Ao Akua,
PS — You can still read my latest book, Attract Money Now, online for free by clicking the below banner:
When ABC News interviewed me for their upcoming show on the pros and cons of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction, one of their questions was, “Why are there so many self-help books?”
Apparently a published skeptic felt that if self-help books really worked, we wouldn’t need so many of them.
Does that make sense to you?
Consider —
With all the cookbooks in the world, there will always be more published, guaranteed. With all the books on psychology, or sales, or aviation, or pottery, or martial arts, or law, or religion, or marketing, or sports, or politics, or parenting, or skepticism, or – well, name any category – there will always be more books.
That doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the books already published. It doesn’t mean there’s a problem with the fields themselves, either. It means people are still growing and learning, discovering and sharing.
But somehow with self-help, it’s not accepted.
I find that odd.
I’ve spent most of the day reading Richard Wiseman’s book, 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot. It’s mis-titled, as you can’t read much of it in 59 seconds. Still, it’s an excellent book. It’s research-based self-help. It’s packed with study after study proving or disproving concepts taught in the self-help movement. You should read it.
Side note: It’s interesting that scientific studies in the filed of psychology don’t usually come to any definitive conclusions. In other words, the studies indicate results may “suggest” a particular pattern or insight, but they don’t guarantee it. Even the so-called Law of Reciprocity can’t be guaranteed to work all the time. When you give something to someone, it’s no guarantee they’ll give you anything in return. Still, authors call it a “law” when they don’t allow any leeway for the Law of Attraction. In short, read the psychological studies as entertainment but test their conclusions in your own life. After all, a different study done with a different audience may indicate a different result. Or so it appears to suggest.
But isn’t 59 Seconds yet another self-help book?
Since it has the blessing of science behind it, it tends to be “allowed” as a self-help book, even by the skeptics.
Do you see the illogical nature of this?
I love self-help and success literature. If it weren’t for those books, and my taking action on what I read, I’d still be unknown, unpublished and unhappy.
One night I watched a documentary on happiness. An author being interviewed (I don’t recall his name) said over 70% of the people who change on their own, without therapy or a coach, do so because of a self-help book.
When celebrity fitness model Jennifer Nicole Lee visited me for the Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind (which ABC News filmed) she asked me, “How did you get into self-help?”
I replied, “Because I needed help.”
I told ABC News that neither I nor any self-help author I know set out to write more than one book on self-help. It’s the readers who ask for them. It’s the market that demands more. We simply supply what they request.
When I wrote The Attractor Factor, I never considered I’d write The Key or Zero Limits after it. Neither was in my mind.
And lord knows I never intended to write my recent book, Attract Money Now. That came as a result of my seeing so many people struggling. I even decided to give the digital version of the book away, for free, to help them.
I’m proud to be a self-help author. I don’t plan to write any more books, but I never thought I’d be the author of fifty books, either. (Yes, fifty.)
The point: When you need help, consider books. Yes, there are plenty to choose from. But that’s why restaurants have more than one special. Each person is different. Each desires and feels best with a particular approach.
Books that have helped me include —
The Magic of Believing
Think and Grow Rich
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Why Is This Happening to Me…Again?
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
What self-help books have made a difference in your life?
Leave a comment and let me know.
Ao Akua,
PS – Studies suggest that if you read my new book, Attract Money Now, you’ll learn how to use the Law of Attraction to attract something you might need in your life: money.
I received this email and liked it so much I asked permission to share it with you. It helps answer how to use the law of attraction to get what you want while still finding a way to let go and be detached of the outcome. Note: The program he refers to in his email is my audioprogram called The Missing Secret.
In the book I coauthored with Dr. Hew Len (pictured below with me), Zero Limits, we explain that your unconscious mind is a database that needs to be cleaned of programming. It’s what causing you to attract what you have in your life. We also say that Ho’oponopono, the Hawaiian healing method described in the book, is a great way to do that cleaning.
Recently I’ve been reading books in the filed of neuropsychology and modern brain science. They prove that our unconscious mind is running the show. The conscious mind, the part you think is the driver in the game of life, is oblivious to all that is happening. In many ways, due to the programming in our unconscious, we’re robots. We rationalize our decisions and behavior, but where they originated was below conscious awareness.
For example, in hypnosis a person can be given the command to open a window. Later, after they’re out of the trance state and given the signal to trigger the command, they’ll get up and open a window. When you ask them why they opened the window, they”ll rationalize the action with statements such as, “I needed some air” or “I smelled smoke.” They will never explain that the behavior stemmed from a command in their unconscious.
Ken Eisold’s book, What You Don’t Know You Know, is all about our hidden motives in life, business and everything else. Those hidden motives are hidden from even us. They are in our unconscious. We, as conscious beings, simply act on what the unconscious prompts us to do.
Shankar Vedantam’s book, The Hidden Brain, explains how our unconscious minds elect presidents, control markets, wage wars, and save our lives. Again, it proves that the motor driving us through life is in the unconscious, not conscious, mind.
Since we are so unconsciously driven, does that mean we aren’t really responsible for what we say or do?
According to Vedantam, “We have responsibility for not only our conscious minds, but our unconscious minds as well.”
Back to Zero Limits. In our book, Dr. Hew Len and I explain that you are 100% responsible for your life. No if, ands or buts. No loopholes. No exceptions. It doesn’t matter where you think your motivation came from — unconscious or conscious — if it’s in your life, you are responsible for it. Note that you aren’t to blame, but you are responsible.
Given that our unconscious is hidden, powerful, deep and running the show, how in the world do we clean it up so we stop attracting messes?
Psychotherapy, popularized by Freud, is one way. But according to Dr. Eisold, “Today, there are over four hundred distinct psychotherapies.”
Four hundred!?
According to Vedantam, “Making the unconscious conscious is difficult because the central obstacle lies within ourselves.”
Well, what are we to do?
How are we going to clear the unconscious?
Here are some suggestions:
1. Miracles Coaching. When you have a skilled coach listen to your story and repeat it back to you, focusing on what you may not be hearing, you have the opportunity to make the unconscious conscious. Nothing works faster in getting results than having a Miracles Coach and taking right action.
2. The Missing Secret. This bestselling audio CD program offers step-by-step help in getting clear. There are several methods taught, and you can do them as you relax and listen.
3. Finally, in Zero Limits, we explain that the way out is the way in. The best clearing method I know is the one explained in the book: just silently in your mind say non-stop, “I Love You, Please forgive me, Thank you, and I’m sorry.” And if you want the shortest mantra of all, just say “I love you.”
“I love you” is the fast-track to Zero – that ultimate state of purity. But Zero is contaminated with programming. To get back to Zero, we need to get clear.
I’ll continue to report on other ways to clean the unconscious mind of its negative data, but for now, what could be easier than saying “I love you”?
Ao Akua,
PS – Pat O’Bryan and I created a new clearing audio you will enjoy. It combines an Alien Guitar, Sanskrit chanting, and binaural beats to create a deep and powerful cleansing sweep of your unconscious. It’s a stick of dynamite to your brain, designed to chase down and chase out all the negative programming hiding in your mind. Get details by clicking right here.
PPS – Picture above shows my crown chakra opening up. Or maybe a candle burning right behind my head. I’m not sure.
Last Thursday ABC News sent journalist Dan Harris to my home to interview me about everything from the movie The Secret to the Law of Attraction to James Ray to the entire self-help movement. Along the way we took a ride in my Rolls-Royce Phantom and talked about masterminding, attracting money now, and more. It was quite “the day.”
This was ABC News’ second visit. They were here in January to film the entire Rolls-Royce Phantom Mastermind with fitness celebrity Jennifer Nicole Lee.
Being filmed in a Rolls-Royce with a gorgeous fitness model at your side is a lot different than being interviewed by a sharp mainstream TV news reporter. TV journalists can be pushy and confrontational, and you never know what they’ll ask, all while a video camera is recording your every word and expression. These interviews are often called “firing lines” for a good reason.
Dan Harris is an exception. Oh, he asked the tough questions and he kept firing questions at me, but I could see he’s a caring man with a sincere curiosity about life and people. And I had of course Googled him before he arrived and knew he is passionate about indy music as well as journalism. I saw that he is an exceptional man with an amazing ability to ask questions under pressure. I liked him. Still do.
Still, most of his questions came from a basic belief that money is bad. “You actually charge $5,000 for your Rolls-Royce Mastermind?” Yes, and I’ll be raising the price in March. “You sleep at night selling self-help books?” Of course. I’m helping people and offering solutions to their woes. “You help people to attract millions of dollars?” Actually, I help them to attract money now. “You’re OK marketing all the time?” I’m not marketing, I’m offering.
And so it went. It occurred to me later that I should have asked if ABC News charged their advertisers, and if they slept well knowing they were selling questionable drugs (with side effects such as possible death), etc. I also wondered if the interviewer got paid for sitting around and asking me questions. And doesn’t ABC News promote/market their upcoming TV shows all day long?
It’s so easy to be a critic.
The interview was from a Stage One perspective, as explained in The Awakening Course. It was all about “Who’s the victim?” and “Who’s to blame?” The other three stages of awakening, and certainly Zero Limits, could never be understood on this first level, where the interview took place.
The ABC News TV show will air in May, if not sooner. It’ll be an hour long special on positive thinking. They’ll have people against it (believe it or not) and they’ll have people for it (like me). They’re also interviewing Rev. Michael Beckwidth and Bob Proctor. On the nay side, they’ll talk with Bright-Sided author Barbara Ehremreich and Sham! author Steve Salerno.
You and I will have to wait to see how ABC edits the show. Meanwhile, I wanted to mention a brief moment Dan Harris and I had after the interview in my office.
Since Dan is deep into music (he’s also a drummer), I told him about my Alien Guitar. He asked to see some of the videos Nerissa and I created where I reveal the alien guitar to the person on camera but not to the camera/viewer. He laughed as he watched one of the clips. I offered to show the alien guitar to him while we filmed the moment but he said it might look like he was promoting it.
I then told him that my master strategy was to get a buzz going and then go on David Letterman to show and play the Alien Guitar. I told him I wanted to wait and get people really talking first.
“I wouldn’t wait,” Dan said. “I’d contact Letterman right now.”
“You would?”
“Sure. His show needs so much content that they’ll latch onto this right away.”
I paused as I considered his advice. Then something dawned on me.
I looked at Dan and said, “You know what you just did with me?”
Dan looked at me and asked, “Encourage you?”
“Yep. That’s what we do in the self-help movement.”
Dan nodded, letting it seep in.
“We listen for the latent desire already in a person and then encourage them to take action to make it real,” I explained. “Just like you did with me.”
I wish that moment had been filmed. It demonstrated what self-help and coaching is really all about.
Again, we won’t know what the entire ABC News show will be like until they edit it and air it in May. (Nerissa filmed the entire interview on her flip cam, so we can match their editing with what was actually recorded.) I think the show will be great. After all, I’m thinking positive.
As for now, I’m grateful to have met Dan Harris and attracted ABC News here. It could mean an appearance on David Letterman, with my alien guitar, will happen soon.
Ao Akua,
PS — Learn all about self-help, Law of Attraction, The Secret and much more in my Miracles Coaching program. Just click right here.